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titphone REpublie 1234 :18 LOUELLA PARSONS 'THE THEATER Vidor to Do Life of Nijinsky I £uxan Ball saiiNi the NEIGHBORHOOD MOVIES WINELAND THEATERS Eugene Ormaridy I Miicif Tiirpntnr jit 7 0512 Opwll nt JCOVW Open 1 BEST THEATERS THE BEST! Ry Sam and Bella Spewack DILEMMA' MEL LESLIE WNBW COLUMBIA 2 I WIDE MM METROPOLITAN AMBASSADOR! SILVER SPRING? mac awihua eivo at earn et Lillie MAIL OSDHS 'ACCEPTED Living Desert" Wednesday after a ROBERT TAYLOR AVA GARDNER MEL ERRER TUESDAY SHOWTIMES MtAIOG'S SAEATH TAKING BEST SELLER pie take back to their native countries I still been able to describe Cinerama suc cessfully to people who seen it Most of them think a raving lunatic (They may be right of course) Eves 8:30 Matt Wed Sat 2:30 Direct from a Season in Neu York The Jog book in the lobby of the Warner theater where Is is the magnet at tests to the international flavor of Washington orty six countries are repre sented by patrons who have en tered their names to it ranging from the expected like rance Italy England Ger many Scandinavia and South to countries like Ara bia Java Israel Pago Pago Jordan and rench Equatorial Africa It would be Interesting to know what sort of description of the big screen marvel these peo aH INCREDIBLE CHOICE IUT8 MJUUILB OB AU HIOtMANCU hijinks and a case of mistaken identity PEOPLES PLAYHOUSE 1 :00 TUESDAY STANLEY WARNER THEATERS The whole thing is explained not only the identity of the murderer but where Richardson spent the missing in due time tho you may be let down by the ending It might have been better if Richardson had not undertaken to direct the picture too a prac tice that never seems to work out properly but he does do a com mendable acting job and gets excellent support from Miss Leighton as his wife and Haw kins who plays the family doc tor and close friend ENDS TODAY ONTARIO ITI eOLUMIIA MQMM HOLLYWOOD SNAPSHOTS: Kay Marx ex and comedian Lennie Sherman plan to marry in New York in three weeks Looks like a romance with Teresa Wright and Don Taylor She went to Phoenix especially to see him in "Mister Roberts" at the Sombrero theatre There's a plan to put Man Richard famous radio show on TV Rich had many awards for his expose of the commies via radio That Red Skelton! What he do next! Rounding a corner in New York Tie ran straight into Greta Garbo Yelled Red at the startled Garbo want to be No wonder she broke into a run! The script of "Mister slonal polish either in the or chestra nor in the soloists but the group is professedly ama teur and the standards are high With the special problems of adequate rehearsal which plague such a group there is cause for rejoicing in the kind of concerts they deliver several times a sea son has been put into the capable handS'of John Patrick author of Hasty and "Tea house of The August Merle Oberon and'the Charles eldmans were the weekend guests of Jennifer and David Selznlck In Palm Springs Wonder why Sally orrest was so nervous at She was with a good looker name( James Parker and seemed to be expect ing someone she want to sie Sophlq and AdamOimbel were the weekend guests of the Jules Steins Disney's yields on fine ten week run at the Play house to Carol new thrill er Man with James Mason and Claire Bloom Special showings on Tuesday night will enable those who come between 4:55 and 8:15 to see both pictures (Before 5 you beat the change to evening prices "The Man will be shown at 6:05 and 9:30 "The Living at 8:15 Don King re opens his Branch Drive In for the season on riday night and promises valuable gifts to those who come out dur ing the first four evenings (thru Monday) The Rockville Little theater Invites interested amateurs to tryouts on Wednesday night at 8 for its next production "The Man Who Came to The group is meeting at the home of its director Mrs Harriet Thom as 405 West Montgomery av The Georgetown theater now offers a bonus ticket good for any Monday night (except holi days) to patrons brave enough to come out in stormy feather JAMESSlBWIRr fn? JUNEAllYSON GLENN Miller story BYRD CINEMA Rhonnln Crate Only Art Cary Grant Ann Sheridan WAS A MALE WAR 9:16 ALtC GUINNESS HEARTS AND CORONETS' iuLsaAAaAms Tadd THE SEVENTH VEIL" TIMES WASHINGTON MARCH 9 1954 "dtin MiHeTs music ddsts fintbitqrafyiHM lAHtf KKlKA TtMfl MIA Magnificent 1 Lucy book As Colonel Colin Black the insolent marine officer he would be ideal He's reading the book now but as yet no decision Lana Turner as a hostess In her own home ably assisted by Lex Barker has dignity and charm Lana and Lex enter tained for the Irving Manhelm ers the red Sammis and Ann Nlggenbotham Photoplay magazine a C' "How do you like my laughed Lana liked you better as a I told her I put light streaks in front just for she said And she does look well Lex who goes to Universal International on a contract had many of the I people while Lana was staunchly surrounded by Later we went on from' the Barkers td La Rue for dinner and then to see Dick Contino at Mocambo Sure Way to Make Concrete Impression Doris Day Inad vertly had a footprint immortal ized in cement on the Warner Bros' lot 'last Just like the movie stars do at Chinesetheater The actress was performing a musical number for "Lucky on the streets of the studio back lot where part of the atmosphere goings on was the cementing of a hunk of sidewalk Miss left foot slipped into the fresh cement and as far as Warners is concerned the imprint will stay there Indefinitely ARLINGTON ALLS CHURCH (VA THEATERS Information Phon JA 7 4266 JE3 1M5 ANACOSTIA Gordon MacR Jan Powell GenNeb Technicolor at 1:00 3:05 5:10 7:15 9:20 music Director 8:30 PM Soloist: RUDOL IRKUSNY Pianist CONSTITUTION HALL BOX OICE 7:30 PM SNOW CONCERT BUREAU 'STARTS TRANS LUX TOMORROW Open 10:45 AM 14th at NW LAST TIMES HERE TO ETERNITY" the Messrs SHUBIR1 4 "MY 3 Having talked with Romola Nijinsky so many times about her husband Vaslav Nijinsky' the greatest dancer I was greatly in terested to hear that she has sold her book "The Life of to Charles Vidor At the time Romola wrote'it 20 years ago she was loathe to sell it her husband whose mind was clouded was In an asylum in Switzerland She always hoped he might get back his sanity He was only 26 when he went mad In her book Romola blamed: his teach er Serge Draghileff of the Rus sian royal ballet who had a Svengali influence on him and who tried to break up their mar riage Charlie tells me he will seek the greatest ballet danc er to portray Nijinsky one who can dance prob ably greatest ballet One thing for sure Clark Gable has no intention of form ing an independent company as rumored Clark is more inter ested in stories submitted him from the major studios Now one that Clark would be so perfect for You've Seen thiOthirs NOW See the tail ctNttNA Cornelia Comes A Cropper Abroad New or some odd reason the London critics took off with their hardest punches At Cornelia Otis Skin ner and her show "Paris which was a success here and looked to be a sure shot for London and Europe Said Paul Holt of the Daily Her ald: "Each time she changedto be somebody else a bit more of herself showed thru irst Cornelia then Otis then iwDougtas mny Robin R0OUCB AC ANATOLE Litvak REE MOVIES ondpi There was a world of disap pointment in Gene voice when she told me over the phone: "Aly has been delayed in Paris' and be here until next By that time Gene will be starting "The and be able to be with' her favorite boy friend every minute as she could have been before the camerasstarted at 20th Walt Disney who branched out from cartoons to find instant success in his colorful movies nature and wildlife has lots of new plans in the works Disney is launching a new fac tual series with an anthropolog ical slant It will be called "Peo ple and The series will "accurately trace ancient cus toms and folk ways forward into the present life and manners of a But never with heavy sociolog ical intent The purpose will be to entertain Siam is first on the agenda Disney has several new True Life Adventures coming up in cluding Vanishing Elephant and Northern Dorothy Kilgallen NEW During the past few days President Eisen hower has definitely decided to seek a second term The tipoff will come frhen he announces plans to cam paign for Re st puuiiuauo kun ning for Con gress In critical or doubtful states Stewart Granger and Jean 'Simmons have reached the Talking It Over stage Rita Hayworth has been ailing in her hotel apartment A 1 1 the Duke of Windsor repeatedly has turned down bids for the movie rights one major studio Is optimistic' about land ing the biografy The duch*ess is said to feel that her story could be done with no breach of dignity provided she has absolute final say on the script and actors MADAME LIPESCU the still attractive widow of ex king Carol of Romania is giving Lisbon so ciety plenty to chatter about: her favorite and most constant date is Calouste Sarkis Gulben kian usually billed as rich est man in the One of the great heir esses is showing such signs of queerness and instability that friends fear just a matter of time until she is committed to i an institution Van recent dizzy spells are a source of concern to his chums Miguel Dominguin the handsome Spanish bullfighter has a reservation at Carlton House for the end of this month (Coming over here with or A va?) Ronald Alexander of "Time Out for treks to the altar with Mary Hartig DICK HAYMES may wind up doing KP at Chambord The fashionable restaurant is about to sue him for a 14 month old tab When Eva Gabor exited fronr the upcoming farce De the producers went into conference and decided to try to land Suzan Ball for the role which is that of a mermaid If she can accept it it would be a wonderful break for the coura geous girl who has taken so much bad luck so gallantly The big nightmare for TV di rectors these days is the flashing temperament of the Hollywood who come east to reap the welcome video dramatic fees They like the money but they resent taking orders from tele youthful directors and been showing it by stomp ing off the sets Six marquee names tore up their scripts and exited storming in just the past couple of weeks Three additional private eyes were hired to guard Sonja furs and mag nets for robbers in the past during her Las Vegas engage ment IN TOWN: Nat King dreamy disc "Answer Me My Love" Joey fun making at the Copacabana Bouillabaisse at the Elizabeth Norman The gay antics of Judy and Peter in Should Never Happen to at Loew State (and no wonder) The Three revival of the pretty oldie One More Chance ROBERTA HAYNES has an aching heart because the love 'she met in Korea wears a wed ding ring A cake mix company is dan gling a $250000 a year contract in front of Adlai for a once a week TV show East Harlemites are forming vigilante colnmittees to foil Puerto Rican Nationalist plots in their neighborhood The gamblers have established the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Milwaukee Braves as co favorites for the National league pennant at 7 5 The American league fa vorite is of course the Yankees at even money At the invitation of David Selz nick and his Jennifer Jones Harold Arlen and Truman Ca pote will finish their forthcom ing musical of at the Selznick manor in Palm Springs THE Is My album is a click so set other romantic poems to music and wax them for tire turntables of lonely ladies Kirk Douglas and Valerie' Rynd of the Westhampton set are get ting sunburned together in Nassau SENATOR Dorothy Malone SLAOK Bette Davie Sterling Hayden WASHlNGfON OetMCST THE ATt IIP" I lit! ItM PALACE 'The Conquest Everest pr nt a TECHNICOLOR4 VI VAN 104 Rhode Aee NW N0 Keree Don Taylor GIRLS ROM PLEASURE (Tch YORK 8MRAa Lamaa Arleen Dahl Clooney Lanrtta MeL STARS ABE SINGING" (Tech) Starts Thura: irst Uptown Showmr THE tn Cinemascope Technicolor Stereophonic Sound 1GHLAND 8833 7 Joan ontaine Edmond Ida Lupino hi "THE BIGAMIST 'af I 8: 00 Ray Middletown in ON PARADE" Color at 6:30 8:35 LAUREL Joan ontaine 'Edmund Ida Lupino in at 8:00 9:50 Agriculture Symphony In Concert The Agriculture symphony or chestra under the direction of Dr rederick all presented an Interesting list of selections in its winter concert on Monday night 1 Two soloists were featured bn the program Raymond Montoni took the solo part InTPaul Hinde "Mourning for vi ola solo and string orchestra dis charging his chores with ease and grace What seemed like a small tone from the solo Instrument was really due to a somewhat heavy accompaniment from his col leagues Pianist Pliys Concerto The second of the soloists was pianist Charlotte Ehler in the Beethoven Major concerto Her rendition was careful somewhat percussive in style but very suc cessful in the rondo ith which the work concludes One might have asked for alittlbT more brightness thruout The post intey mission portion of the program ranged thru two of the Debussy poctures for or chestra the pavane from suite and the Hungarian march1 from of The overture to Bedrich opera began the eve ning Dr all maintained control of his somewhat straggling forces very well thruout the evening An amateur orchestra of 80 players poses special problems in conducting a program of such length and fullness Programming Error The evening was a long one starting late and ending late It was an error of programming to set the piano concerto before in stead of after the intermission for countless minutes went by while the piano was trundled on stage The Intermission too con sumed nearly 25 minutes But the audience showed a becoming loyalty and the house remained full It was not a concert of profes rAPVC 1IOS Nlehob Are 8X VAIXVCn hnn LIi 434M Under New obert Taylor Elizabeth Taylor "IVAN HOE" Color: also Irene Dunne "NEVER A DULL MOMENT" All Children Uudw IS Yean 20c STAGE ARENA and Smoke Dorothea Jackaon and Georae Grlx zard In the Tennneaaea Williams drama At Dark My 3 Anele Walter Slaaak aa a Illand convict with a heart of gold At 8:30 SCREEN ABC DRTVE The Bad arid the Beautiful 6:30 10:05 Gold 9 AIRPORT DRIVE The Story of Three Lovea 7:05 10:30 Deaperate Search 8:35 New ricea Broadway mualcal revue in Cinemascope with Eartha Kitt 1:15 3:30 6:35 730 9:35 BELTSVILLE DRIVE Quo Vadla 6:30 3:10 Knight of the Round Table Robert Taylor and Cinemascope at the court of Kinc Arthur 11 1:10 3:30 5:30 7:40 9:60 The Long Long Trailer Lucille Ball and Deai Arna honey mooning on wheela 11:40 1:40 3:45 5:45 7:45 9:50 ullua Caesar James Mason and Marlon Brando In the Shake spearean chronicle 10:30 13 45 3 5:15 7:30 9:45 HILLSIDE DRIVE Quo Vadl 6:30 9:40 The Glenn Miller Story James Stewart as the memorable dance band leader 11:15 1:30 3:50 7:50 10 The Opera Laurenc Olivier (Reissue) 6:10 8 9:50 MACARTHUR Murder on Monday Ralph Richardson and Jack Hawkins in an English suspense dram 6:30 8:10 9:53 METROPOLITAN New aces (See Ambassador) 11:15 1:30 4:25 5:36 7:40 9:50 MT VERNON OPEN Lone Star 6:40 9:60 Holiday for Sinner 8:35 Little ugitive Richie An drusco In the wonderland of Coney Island 1:40 3:40 6:40 7:40 9:35 Act of latve Kirk Dougla In a romantic Interlude of wer 10 4v 13:55 3 10 6:20 7:36 9:50 In the Hay 1:35 6:367: 9:30 rench Canino liollieaJ 4:36 :30 10:80 PLAYHOUSE The Lhln Denert 11:35 1:20 8:05 4:55 8:15 Preview of Man at 9:30 PLAZA Tho Conqoent of Everest Documentary of the historic climb If 12:85 2:15 8:50 5:30 7:05 10:25 SILVER SPRING The Seventh Veil 5:108:30 Kind Hearts and Coronet I 9:30 TRANS Here to Eternity Montgomery Clift and Burt Lancaster in the army saga 1:15 3:20 6:30 7:35 0:45 WARNER This le Cinerama Trip the world via the bis screen At 8:40 only a GAU IN SOX OffKt YOU SON OHN 10 Hits tUIHU CAPITOL WALTER SLEZAK NOW SHOWING! MAGIC CinemaScoPe GIVES YOU A WONT NOW SUT AT OUIAR PRICIS TO THAT AIUIOUS 40 MUSICAL RIVUt leonard SBIman's In lnwt (OIW fcikwwtail SHffOMO WWO WITH ALL ITS STARS SONGS DANCES run In her Screen Debut anna KITT 1 (STANLtY WAAMtrsl 2 WKS SEATS MAR 15 I NOW Huron imI MARCHAND a MGM I UMTS WHIIAM IHAKWUU'S JULIUS CAESAR Ninth until unis uiu lint tiatm uni until uinii s'lritN tiEii Hit MfNiOob COMTIHUOUS SMOWINCS POPULAR MlCtS OUPOnf CONNAVLDU 7n00 1 AMfil CV Ave A Cnlv Lane 1 LALiULCl font 1 11 HK 4 A70A Ida Lupino Joan ontaine Edmundk Gwenn in at 1:20 3:00 4:40 6:20 8:00 JindJO PM MacARTHUR The International Cinema ON new British thriller starrinr Ralph Rich ardson Jack Hiwkins Marg aret Leirh ton at 6:30 810 and 9:55 PM NAVI AD Alabama Ava 8E NA I LUK tv ree Parklnr 6:30 PJM Continuous! Jane Powell Gor don MacRae in SAILORS AND A GIRL? (Technicolor) at 7:10 9:35 PM Short Subjects at 6:30 8:50 PM (On Our Giant Screen!) i SIDNEY LUST THEATERS On of the iReuon'i most sure handed thrillers!" TIME Mo Ralph Richardsoni rf' Jack I0NI6HT at 5180 SiJOiqnd 52:80 TAX INCLUDED I (HO MATWa TODAY) ROW (pe IMS Hgg HMutnee CinmSpE 'Kniqhfs THS Round I Warmer Uth4EUNW I Phene MEtrepelHan 8 442S 4 ALL OMONC PROGRAM 1 a loup I 'TH! B1AUTIUI and "CARMI The Kon Tiki of the Mountains innAHT Arlington AIRPORT or Moo "STORY THREJf Kirk DonrlM 7:05 nd 10:30: plu "DESPERATE Howard Keel at 9:20 Cartoon Located in Af'Jjjy'JP on Route 1 Just over tho 14th St 1 Bridge BRANCH DRIVE IN OUR WONMWUL WRING OPENING RIDAY aift to Every Patron Eri Sat sun i And on oSr Brind New Silver Screen: ri and Sat! Bob Hone Jne Ruuell in WXW pin andtheleopard woman mTloew open air MT VERNON Av Gardner Clark Gable 0 nil "HOLIDAY OR Gig 8:35 Color Cartoon I Kiddle ROCKVILLE DRIVE IN ROCKVILLE MD Open March 181 Montgomery County I irt Drive In Theater 1 CIIMCET Lewburg Pike Ronte SUNbCl at Bailey' Rod4 Open lor the Seaton PridayMarchL SUPER CHIE DRIVE IN Open ri Sat Sun Only TIME GIVEN IN ADS IB STARTING TIME EATURE ATTRACTION AMBASSADOR kw cofs' saok Leonard in Cinemascope Eartha Kitt 1:15 3:30 9:35 ON OUR NEW GIANT CURVED SCREEN WITH STEREOPHONIC SOUND Admisaion Prices: Adults Mat 80c: Eves $120 Children 35c at all times A VAI niU WoT 6 2600 AVALvlv Jadle Robert Taylor Deborah Kerr Open at PM eature showings at 5:45 PM and 9 PM No advance in prices AVE GRAND James Stewart 6:15 9:35 of Jeff Chandler 7:50 RCVCDIVree Parking LT DpVcKLY 8 3300 Blaa Ma Lupino 6 :15 VMJT Tre Parking WO AL Mil 334ff Jamea Cagney 6:40 9:45 Edward Robinson 8:10 STARTING THURSDAY: to Marry a in Cinemascope CENTRAL Kathryn Grayson 11 2:20 5:40 9 Jeff Chandler 3' 1 05 4:25 7:43 VCKTMCnV A 0600 MT 0 KCnncUY Bigamist Joan Ton talne 6:15 7:559:40 DPNN ree Parking LI 7 52OG rCnls Joan on taine 1:35 3:35 9:30 CAVnV 5 4968 As dAVVT Bichard Todd 6:15 9:45 Bad and the peantU Lana Turner 7:50 SHERIDAN Taiie Powell Gordon MacRae 6:15 8 9:45 STARTING THURSDAY: to Marry a in Cinemascope QI! VCD ree Parking HL 9 5500 nlLVEK Rlgmlat Jous ontaine Ida Luiino 1 :30 3 :35 5:33 7:35 9:40 TAVfiMA ree Parking RA IAMJV1A 31312 Taylor Deborah Kerr 8 9:10 TIVAI CO 5 1800 Sailors land a Jane Powell Gordon MacRae 2 3:55 5:60 7:45 9:45 I IPTOWN 6 5400 Ur I UTT 11 Sailors and a Gordon MacRae Jane Powell 2 3:55 5:50 7:45 9:40 STARTING THURS DAY: to Marry a Cozy Mystery Talcfrom England Stars Sir Ralph Richardson 8 BY ERNIE SCHIER A TOP NOTCH CAST adorns On a sudden arrival at the MacArthur to make this story Z7V of a mild Englishman caught in a web of circum stantial evidence an intriguing snkpfuse yarn The actors are Jack Hawkins Ralph Richardson and Margaret Leigh ton They are all people Avho know their way around the staae and before the camera Impor tant here that they do because I On will strike those who like 1 their murders with plenty of action (and prefer their heroes to be invincible) is a bit on the talky side In fact it comes very close to being a filmed version of a stage play On is or was a stage play better known as At a popular hit by Sherriff and one that still pods up frequently in the aters and on the summer circuit The movie starts off on a provocative note Richardson arrives home one eve ning promptly at 7 as usual after his day work to find his wife somewhat dis traught It seems mislaid a day He protests 7 o'clock it? Yes says his wife but 7 tomorrow Where weie you yesterday? Cx for if ien'f cnrinne mflvolv a diffViL kV QX XU XOXX LjkyX 1 87 41XV4 V4J W4 4Q4U LEIUH I ON case Of amnesia But ominous little bits begin to crop up Some money is missing from the club of which Richardson is treasurer An employe he is known to dislike is fpund murdered The unbrthoddx note here is that Richardson helps the cops and vice versa to build a circum stantial case against himselt I Call NOrth 1 I DISTRICT THEATERS HOWARD l(5o PM' Victor Mature "VEILS BAGDAD i plua Joel MpCreaeronka Lake "BAM ti Tr AI ISIS Street NW LINCOLN Door Open 12:30 PM On Our Giant Super Panoramic Screen "MAN IN THB ATTIC" with Jack Pal anee Conetance Smjth REPUBLIC DMiiSOwnmSOM No Increaae In Prices On Our Wlde Vlston Screen "KNIGHTS THE ROUND TABLE" in CINEMASCOPE with Sound and in rtorions color starring Robert Taylor Ara Gardner and Cast ot Thousands DnOVCD KM Street NW DUvKEK I Door Open 12:30 PM Two Daring Dramas for Adults Only I and I XNPQTfiN 3sth Benning NE LANU3IUIN Doars Open 3 :46 PM On Big Wide Yl ion ROM HERE TO with Burt Lan caster Montgomery Clift Deborah Kerr and rank Sinatra Starting Thursday: Bettr Grable Marilyn Monroe Lauren Bacall in "HOW TO MARRY A MILLION in CINEMASCOPE Tl Nichole Ave Atlantic ATLAN I IL Street JO SOOO 2 Reissue Hits! James Cagney In "PIB LIC at 8:35 0:43 Edward Robinson in CAESAR" at 8 6 niTAI Capitol Heights Md LAPIIUL RE 8 824 8 Rita Havworth Jose etrer Aldo Bay in "MISS SADIE Technicolor at 6:20 9:40 Kirk Douglas in "BIG CABXIVAL" at 7:50 CONGRESS Joan ontalne Edmund O'Brien Ida Lupino in BIGAMIST" at 6:40 Ray Middleton in ON Color at 7:55 nDXI 4703 Marlboro Pike Mi VUKAL JO 8 5151 ree Parking Gordon MacRae Jane Powell Gene Nel son in SAIL0B8 AND A Technicolor at 6:15 8:00 8:45 Starting Thursday: Bettr Grable Marilyn Monroe Lauren Bacall in TO MARRY A MILLION AIRE" In CINEMASCOPE CHON MCM slu*tfitl ACADEMY William Holden Eleanor Parker CAPE ROM ORT Color Glenn ord Anne Vernon ON A ATI AC 1331 St NB A 1 LOO 11 gBOO Kirk Douglas Eleanor Parker William Bendix Leo Geun Don Taylor PLEAS URE (Tech THEATERS ArCA Phone WO 6 4600 1:00 PM Cont IdaXjipfro Joan on taine Edmund Gwenn ml B1GA4 at 1:15 2:55 0:15 7:55 9 :35 PM AMV BA 8 2200 Georjla Ave VULUHl end Perrarwi Street NW Robert Donal Madeleine Carroll in Alfred rreatest 39 at 6:45 8:20 9:55 PM Shorts at 6:30 8:00 9:30 PM CI AUCD 0725 lower Ave JU rLUWEK ree Parkinc Jeff Chandler Maureen O'Hara in WAW' (Technicolor Wide Screen) at :30 8:05 and 9:45 PJJ CHARMING Paris in RICHARD HEARNE HERMIONE GINGOLD "THE BUTLER'S WNBW A Channel "41 NBC in Washington I ARLINGTON I or Information Phone KL 9 9000 nr'Cn 1723 kina St Phono KI 9J4l5 KEED ree Parkina John Carroll Mala Powere VIRGINIA CinemaScope Stereophonic Sound! Rob ert Warner Terry Moore THE 12 MILE Color by Techni color: Adminaiona Thia Enrarement: Adulta 74c Children 25o ederal Tax Included DimMAKin17 Kink St OV 9825 KlwItnUllD conthnaone Mett nee Cesar Romero Kay Kendall EMTDC alrilwrtnn TE 6 1009 vtH I KC ree Parkin Edmond Joan ontaino SHIRLINGTON Michael Redrrave Joan Greenwood IMPORTANCE BEING i INDEPENDENT THEATERS I sToAHKnnakvenu UllxULC REpnhlle 7 O1R4 Two fine pictures with Spanish dialorut LOS with Tin Tan Mar Mo at 6:35 9:50 DEL with Pedro Armendaria and Letcia Palma at 7:55 AIRAX Alan Ladd In Tech GEORGETOWN Repertory An Exclusive Limited Enrsrement of Ona of Enrland'e ineat ilms! The Brilliant British Satire on Army Life BLIMP with an All Star Cast Headed by DEBORAH KERR ROGER LIVE8EY ANTON WALBROOK ROLAND CUL VER Doors Open 5:45 eature at 6:01 7:58 9:55 PM REE PARKING HISER BETHESDA Robert Taylor 5:45 and 8:55 only At regular prices DADI 13th 5 Savannah Streets 81 rAKIk JO 2 2233 ree Parkin International Cinema Time Outatandinr rench Creation Darin rank Shockin! (Adults Only) THE 8lN NERAM 6:35 9:40 Vittorio Goman THE 8:18 Start riday: "THB BOBE BERNHEIMER THEATERS TILLAGE307 Khnu NB Ginrer Rorers William at 6:00 7 47 034 VERNON Ki 2424 Jane Powell Gordon MacRae SAILORS AND A (Technicolor) at Art Jeanne Crain Madeleine Carroll George Sanden Richard Greene Based on 'Oscar Wilde's AN'! at 6 :20 8:00 040 NEWTON iretr? Joan ontalni Ida Lnytnn at 6:14 7:57 :40 DRIVE IH THEATERS £0'tol ree! Lana Turner SJn SGOLD BUCKINGHAM Glebe Rd Pershing Arlene Dahl ernando Lamas DIAMOND io Color ARLINGTON pk William Holden Ginger Rogen Pl CDC 2130 Glebe ULrDC JA Parkins EDDIE CANTOR Keefe Brassell Color by Technicolor JEERSON Rd! 4Knn2 80l0 Robert Wagner Terry Moore Gilbert Roland THE 12 MILE Cinemascope Color by Technicolor Starting Thursday March 11: TO MARRY A CINEMASCOPE STEREOPHONIC SOUND (Technicolor) at the follow ing Sidney Lust Theaters: ALLEN Takotna Park: BETHESDA: CHEV ERLY: HYATTSVILLE: KAYWOOD Mt Raimer VIERS MILL HILLSIDE DRIVE IN JO 8 7979 1 ML from Line CHILDREN REE I Open 6:15 Starts 6:30 Robert Taylor Deborah Kerr Technicolor at 6:30 At Regular Prices! BELTSVILLE DRIVE IN Ki? WE 5 3800 I Open 6:15 Robert Tartar Deborah Kerr I A Technicolor 6:30 0:40 At Regular Prices 111 CN Jane Powell Gordon ALLtlY Rae 8AJL0RS AND A Technicolor at 7 0:15 BETHESDA Charles Chaplin "LIBJELIGHrV at 6:40 9:20 rMCVEDI Edmond Joan vIlDVEKLT ontaine Ida 'Lupine at 6:30 8 9:40 HYATTSVILLE Gordon MacRae "THREE SAILORS 'AND A GIBL" (Technicolor) 7:10 0:30 I4VUnnn Id Lupino Joan Ton IxAIWIrllli tame Edmond O'Brien at 6:308 9:40 VIERS MILL Ho bd at 7:20 0:35 MILO DOUBLE EATURE! Robert Preston COMES TO YELLOW at 7:15 8:46: and James Mason a 8 9:20 CTATC Kree Parking 3 1 A I at: nnn Alan Ladd Color by Technicolor Wil CAN Colonial Village WlLdUn Phnne? 4A 7 1489 Alan Ladd Color by Technicolor Starts Tomorrow! Nominated for ME 81r'6 Two Academy Awards! 9IH STRUT I I NOW OHfl W1DUVHI0N Jl 7 I Il its audience to a state of excitement and suspense just short of frenzy WorU Ttl "You are ever in suspense always fascinated' NrPou o1 1:15 (SS km IAMES MASON CUIRE BIOOM WHERE IT STARTS TOMORROW 15th 4 NW ST MMQ OPEN 10 30 i Min i in 1 1 pEaar fg i a i 1 1 i 1 a Biff fi fiffLJffitf fll 1 i i fi rciJ iAV a I st: i llgf llfc Ik i PALACE COLUMBIA I'A'N WIDE AMBASSADOR METROPOLITAN "MY 3 ONTARIO inn oeoLUMHA Raut TEC.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.