Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Washington, District of Columbia

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Help TECHNICIANS ENGINEERING AtShoreham LABORATORY COUNTERMEN WANTED AT ONCE! TOP TELEVISION SERVICE MEN OR HIGH PAY JOBS AT Auction Sale Porionalo $100 re ME CAVALIER District 8484 Schooli and Instruction Legal Notice CLERK TYPIST Spacial Notlcao POSITIONS at Holp Men Pop and Pete THEY'LL DO IT EVERY TIME By Jimmy Hatlo Lest and ound GOT COMMUTE CAR WASHERS Poreenalt ALL oeeaskmal cards EuUr cardx iUtkB7 AT 6487 28 4 in Valet Shop Button Holed By Police on Gaming Charge Officer Guilty In Death brought am he Chaplain at Mt McNair To Pray for Korea GIs Czech Heroine of 1944 Arrives to Live in DRUG CLETK 3 evenings a week and part of Sun 9Oo br Concord Pharmacy 1S16 New Hampshire Ave NW 22 Leading Music House Has ine Proposition for the Right Men or Interview Telephone to I not 'Dimes' Rally To Hear Piaf 'Circus Mother1 Dies in lorida (UP) whose WELCOME MY SHE JUST POPPED IN TO SEE WHAT THE NEW PEOPLE Truck Driver On Way Home Term Served UBLPAR INC 412 SWANN AVB ALEXANDRIA VA Edlth Piaf rench linger will give a special concert for the Dis trict March of Dimes drive Jan 4 at the Shoreham hotel It will be her 1 first appearance in the United States outside of New York Edgar Morris general chair man of the drive which will open formally Jan 12 announced the large number of polio cases in the Washington area this year has created a need for a success ful drive "This he said must make the March of Dimes a march of dollars if polio patients are to get the care that they CLOGGED DRAIN riPES electrieany no ehe ROTO KOOTERS Phon HA SS88 say dayr night Ex Sen Leahy Named Rhode Island Judge WASHINGTON Dec 21 President Truman yesterday nomi nated former Sen Leahy (D) Rhode Island to be ederal dis trict judge for Rhode Island Mr Truman promoted district judge John Hartigan whom Leahy will succeed to be a district Judge in the irst district Ave NW and Ulysses Grant An drews 46 Negro of the 1500 block Kingman Pl NW were charged With operating and possession Pattano and owler were re leased in $2000 bond each John son and Andrews in $1000 bond each The raid was made by five po licemen from No 1 preclnpt Capt Covell precinct commander said a large quantity of horse bet and numbers slips was seized remember dear an office party is not the time to ask the boss why he come through with my Lt Col Winslow' chaplain at ort Lesley McNair will offer a prayer (pr UN forces fighting in Korea The offering will be made at noon Dec 31 over a National Broadcasting Co network actory Pay Average at New High The average weekly paycheck for the 13000000 manu facturing workers climbed to new heights in mld November the bureau of labor statistics reported yesterday It said the workers re ceived an average gross 'paycheck of $6206 an increase of seven cents over the previous month PAPERING SE WALLPAPER CO Bpedali 12x12 room papered labor and material $1096: flrst elass me chanic 487 Orange 8E JO 2 7493 27 Stead al! year around insurance won salary ment An expanding elec tronic research and developmentection of an organixation bav in a wide range of Interesting work has openings for labora tory technicians and model builders of electronic equip ment In addition to stimulating and diversified work of a highlykilled and technical nature we offer rood pay with time and one half for overtime beyond 40 hours per week on a 48 hour week Pleasant working condi tions rood supervision and ex cellent opportunities foy ad vancement Into engineering positions Apply in person 9 am to 3 pm or phone OV 1900 for an appointment Assigned to Tesch Here Lter he was assigned to Catho lic university here becoming at tached to the Catholic Sisters college in 1945 and serving as an instructor of religious education at CU and Trinity college ather Ryan also was a treas urer of the Canon Law society at ort Belvoir and during World War served as an auxiliary chaplain at that installation CASHIER experienced $3 loo ABBEY PERSONNEL COUNSELORS 710 14th NW Rm 302: ST OHIO NEW YORK Dec 21 (NY News) Mrs Julia Pribojova a Czechoslovakian widow cited by Gen Eisenhower for helping three American fliers escape after para chuting from their burning bomb er near her home in 1944 arrived here by air today with her daugh ter Bozena 18 Through the gratitude of the airmen she aided a home has been found for Mrs wioojova and her daughter East Sparta Ohio GENERAL CLERKS (2) Typing required Nationally known truck manufacturer ive day 40 uvur wern WHITE MOTOR CO 2765 Jefferson Davis Hwy ilft AAn A JV Television Repairman Permanent position Automobile re quired Call Mr McLeod 8H 6640 27 Little Tavern Shoppes famous roa hamburgers SARASOTA la Dec 21 Mrs Ida Ringling North seven brothers founded Greatest Show on and whose sons now rutf it died to day in this winter headquarters of the circus Mrs North 76 was to be burled at the family estate here late this afternoon if her son John president of the Ringling Bros Barnum and Bailey circus arrives time He was in Havana Cuba When she died She suffered a cerebral hemor rhage on Thanksgiving day and died in a Sarasota hospital She had made her home here since the death of her husband Henry Whitestone North in 1926 Circus workers many of whom live here when not on the road mourned the loss of the "dowager who had always taken an Interest in their lives and prob lems even though she left opera tion of the big top to the men in the family I ACCOMAC Va Dec 21 (AP) Twenty one year old Bill Erico free at last from the tolls of Vir strict highway load limit law was well on his way home to Connecticut tonight He carried with him a firm re solve to abandon long distance truck driving as a career in favor of a job that will keep him closef to his Middletown (Conn) abode is no life for a mar ried Erlco observed as the doors of Accomac jail opened for him at the termination of his 60 day sentence ine Totalled $1077 He seem resentful about his incarceration but he did figure it would be more proper if Vir ginia would hold the truck rather than the driver In such cases Erlco went to Jail Oct 23 when neither he nor his employer were able to pay a fine of $1077 levied against him as the driver of an overloaded frozen fish truck The Ericos have two small chil dren and Mrs Erico said she know what kind of a Christ mas the family would have with Bill in jail Recently she had ob tained employment in Middletown but had to pay out part of her earnings for a baby sitter How ever friends and neighbors have pitched in and the owner of the irucKing nrm ante ed up cently Phones His Home TELEVISION A competent ttf ot Electronic Engineers tor your Antenna and Service Problem! CLERK OICE Young lady experienced In reneral office duties desirable Good work Inr conditions vacations with pay rroup hospitalisation Permanent opportunity for advancement Cameo Appliance Co Ill 4th St SW DI 6093 Ambitions men who are interested in advancement Must have nett appearance and be steady workers Call or apply In person at 5100 GA AVE NW Daily except Sunday bet 11 am and 12 noon NASHVILLE Tenn Dec 21 (AP) George Armistead sr 89 editor emeritus of the Nash ville Banner died in a hospital today He had been ill for years Armistead spent 58 years as a reporter ahd editor and he was long identified with the fight for industrial development of the South He joined the Banner in 1924 as industrial editor after a career with the old Nashville American and News and after publishing the Review Appeal at nearby ranklin Tenn Armistead served as editor of the Banner for more than a dozenyears retiring as editor emeritus in 1942 His son James Ami stead is advertising director of the Newspaper Printing corpora tion agent for the two Nashville papers Armistead 89 Editor Is Dead INNSBRUCK Austria Dec 21 (AP) A 21 year old Tampa la lieutenant was sentenced today to one year at hard labor and dis missal from the Army for the negligent homicide of a black haired Viennese born actress He was Ronald Jones of Tampa a tall dark young officer who said he did not know the gun that killed his petite girl friend was loaded A seven man Army court martial found Jones guilty of negligence In handling a 32 caliber pistol he said he had bought for Beatrix Kadla a 25 year oId central Eu ropean actress the victim The sentence is subject to review by higher Army authorities After Miss Kadla died Nov 13 throat case stirred up threats of lynching among irate rench zone Austrian townspeople His trial however atracted only about 50 women and old men In cluding the black veiled mother of Auto Crashes House Sets It Afire BALTIMORE) Dec 21 A automobile set fire to a house here today Mrs John Miller told police the car smashed Into her home and the driver leaped out and ran Then the car burst itno flames and Ignited the house The building was light ly damaged but the auto a 1951 model reported was a total wreck MEJJPAR INC 452 Swann Ays Alexandria Vx WAITRESS n)Dhetr'iosramr 12 CONWAY'S Emp Serr 711 Sth NW THERE'S AT LEAST ONE IMEVERY NEIGHBORHOOD Tmnxto jra UARCMMONTyUX our men were arrested on also of the 500 block New Jersey gambling charges in a raid on tha Liberty Valet shop 1300 block St NW yesterday Charged with setting up a gam Ing table operating a lottery and possession of numbers slips were Ludovico Pattano 45 operator of the valet shop of the 900 block Perry St NE and Edgar Herbert owler 32 Negro of the 500 block New Jersey Ave NW Walter Ray Johnson 27 Negro BKPRS ACCTS BKPBS lull durse 14700 BKPR ACCOUNTANT S36OO CLERK $2400 ABBEY PERSONNEL COUNSELORS 710 14h NW Rm 302 ST 0190 The Neighbors By George Clark AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY MACHINISTS General machinists for tn ex perimental shop Experienced in small precision parte DETAIL DRATSMAN Two years mechanical driv ing required Two years ex ferlence in mechanical draft ng preferred Bring samples of work to interview STOCk CLERK Knowledge of electronic com ponents preferred Will train Permanent pnaltiens Excel lent working conditions Paid vacations Group insurance 41 hottr work week Time and a half for overtime over 40 noura Apply in person I tml or call OVerlook Cor appointment CLERK general office work experi ence In cleaning establishment ull or part time Rainbow Dyeing A Cleaning Co 732 6th St BE 24 COIaSAed GIRL wanted' froxcn cue tard place Apply after pm in per son at 701 49th St NE ENGINEER Whits under 50 years of age Must have 5th and 7tb class license fa miliar with oil burners 60 per week Unless you can furnish good references do not apply APPLY CARITZ CO 1404 8T NW OICE THE IREMEN'S IN SURANCE COMPANY WASH INGTON AND GEORGETOWN 303 Seventh Street Northwest Washington DC The stockholders of the Insurance Com pany of Washington and George town will meet al the office of ths Company on Monday January 1 1961 for the purpose of elect ing thirteen directors for ths en suing year Polls open from 11 am to 12 noon Manning Hoffman Secretary 31 Rev Ryan Dead Dean of Catholic Sisters College I uneral services for the Very Rev Gerald A Ryan 41 dean of the Catholic Sisters college of Catholic university will be held in Philadelphia next Wednesday Services for ather Ryan who died Wednesday at Providence hospital after a long lllnesj will be held at 10 am Wednesday In St church Philadel phia in which parish he once lived and taught Burial will be in Old Cathedral cemetery Bather Ryan was born In Wil mington Del receiving his pri mary education In West Chester Pa and in Philadelphia where he later became a priest of that diocese His college work and theo logical studies were taken at St Charles seminary Overbrook Pa He was ordained by Bishop Hugh Lamb in the Cathedral at Phil adelphia on May 30 1936 Served in Philadelphia rom June to September 1936ather Ryan served as assistant rector of the Cathedral of SS Peter and Paul in Philadelphia and later was assigned to a simi lar capacity at St Evangel ist church there during the sum mers of 1937 and 1938 Meanwhile the priest came to Catholic university in the fall of 1936 to do postgraduate work After a three year period of study he earned degrees as bachelor of canon law licentiate of canon law and doctor of canon law ather Ryan was a professor of English in Catholic high schools of Philadelphia from 1939 to 1941 and concurrently was attached to coiffi "Tit' that city DRIVERS WANTED or Diamond cabs New and ed cars avail Reas rental rate Must have identutcatlon card Apply Diamond lot 101 8t MB Me MELVIN HERRIMAN 81 moving service when moving day mova tha Wise man way Local and long dis tance moving SE URNITURE EXCHANGE 210 7th 8t HE AT 0586 28 MOVlSiG? Onion Storage Co fiy carw lui men Storage aep rms 2 mo 705 la Ave NW NO 0104 T1 COOK Colored short order: midnight in 8 am rest exp Emp 8erv 711 8th NW AGENCY7EX 25U8 720 Kats Bldg 711 lltli St NW i 23 MACHINIST AND TOOL MAKERS MACHINE OPERATORS METAL ABRICATORS SHEET MEDAL WORKERS Experienced in the forming of RADIO CHASSIS RACKS CAR! NET! ALSO SPRAY PAINTER Experienced In instrument painting Apply between 9 4 Monday through riday Saturday 9 1 1 at NATIONAL KLKCTRICAL MACHINE SHOPS INC 919 Jesup Blair Dr Sil Spr Md TYPIST (white) permanent pot tions experience unneceeary EX 5511 27 Telephone Operator Unusual opportnuity ideal worft ing conditions for operator experi enced on MULTIPLE PBX opera tion Large apartment development in the metropolitan area has open ing operator Call chief operator for opportunity personal interview and further details Barcroft Apartmenta1234 8 THOMAS ST ARLINGTON VA OL 4400 23 repairs all make We cut repair rortH RE 8488 2S RRWERATOR repairs AH makes Work guar Exc mecbi DE 0856 De27 Griddle or Counter Man WMte 9 boura 4 days weeknight work Apply THE SHANTY 1111 Good Hope Rd SE 22 I OPERATOR exp $2900 ABBEY PERSONNEL COUNSELORS 710 14th NW Rm 302 ST 0190 JANITOR Good pay No night work Sick and annual leave group insurance Apply In person ANDREWS AIR ORCE BARE Post Exchange Andrew ield £1 JEWEL TEA CO INC We win start two salesmen io traln Ing at ttJO per Week Our salesmen make from $75 to 8100 per week operating established grocery and houseware routes This is perma nent full time employment Must 30 45 years old married good health and can furnish small cash bond We have retirement plan hos pital vacation with pay and other benefits Apply 801 ranklin St NE Ask for Mr Munn 22 PBX telephone course Typing Incl wks 13b American BusL DSM 8ch 1319 NW NA 4141 BUS OPERATORS Age 21 fo 88 p8id while trMoler woekty salary Guarantee 5 dsy W9Ok Paid vacation boepllalisv tion pension plan All year eapkiy ftUDt Apply Wash VaAMd Coaeu Co 707 North Randolph St Ar lington Ta GL 4000 31 CAR WASHERS experienced No 17 436 St NW No 2 1950 Montana Ave NE near Bladensburg Rd and Ave No 3 1118 St SR Experienced reliable Good starting pay with opportunity for advance meat MIRACLE CAR WASH 1118 ST SE 24 CAR WASHERS Good pay steady work: weekends Only Apply 2015 St MW 23 PAUL A YEATMAN Atty 732 Munsey Bldg UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia hold ing Probate Court No 75205 At ministration THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that the Subscriber which was by the United States District Court lor the District of Columbia granted letters of administration on the estate of Mary iUpatrik sometimes known us Marie iia Patrick deceased has with the ap proval of the United States DiMnH Court for the District of Columbia holding a Probate Court 15th day of January 1951 at am as the time and said Court room as the place for making payment and dis tribution from said eptate under the direction and control when and where all creditors and persons entitled to distributive shares or legacies or the residue or parts thereof are notified to attend in person or by agent or attorney duly authorized with their claims against the estate properly vouched Given under its hand this 15th day of De cember 1050 Tbs Munsey Trust Co Ratcliffe Vice President Attest! Theodore Cogswell Register of Wills for the District of Colum bia Clerk of ths Probate Court Deo 22 29 Jan 5 JAMES DONOVAN Attorney Continental Bldg UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia hold ing Probate Court No 76695 Ad minletration This is to give notice That the subscriber of the District of Columbia has obtained from tha Probate Court of the District of Co lumbia Letters of Administration on the estate of Daniel Donovan also known as Daniel Donovan Jr late of the District of Columbia de ceased All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof legally au thenticated to the subscriber on or before the 14th day of June AD 1951 otherwise they may by Jaw be excluded from all benefit of said estate Given under my hand this 14th day of December 1950 MARY MARGARET DONOVAN 2231 Cali fornia St NW (Meal) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL Register of Wills for the District of Colum bia Clerk of the Probate Court Dec2229Jan5 AIRL1NE8 seed young men 8oo our ad under Schonlo 4 lostrnetlon Central Aehoota Airlines Division young men over 16 with bicycles for full and part time work Apply Western Union 708 14th NW 25 AUTO BODY MAN Opening for experienced man 5H day week good working conditions Good position for right man ree mr shannon ADDISON CHEVROLET 14t and lorida Are NW 22 AUTO MECHANICS $70 $100 wk ABBEY PERSONNEL COUNSELORS 710 14th NW Rm 302 ST 0190 Auto Metal Man SILK INISHER EXPERIENCED OUR LEA CLOVER CLEANERS 1144 7th St NW STENOGRAPHER colored $3600 ABBEY PERSONNEL COUNSELORS 710 14th NW Bm SOS ST 0190 As soon as Erico was out of his cell at fl phoned home Mrs Erico told him things so grim at home after all She been able to do as much as she wanted to but i mads sddw i Someone asked the obvious to be said Erico with a grin A bus north he found but would put him home early riday CASHIER White exper for restaurant alternating shift $40 8 EnW Serv 711 8th NW CflEcknoOM Good aiir meal Ruhr oo 728 13tb St NW NA 3M8 24 CAR WASHERS colored to work in auto laundry Extra men for week ends 3510 Georgia Ave NW 24 Emp Serv 711 8th NW Grill man while 845 Cook 2nd short order col $35 845 Dishwasher col 825 COOK 5 DAY $60 GENERAL EMPLOYMENT 1013 15th NW ST 4150 25 WOOL PRESSER experienced: piece work or straight salary Loop Clean ers 7840 Eastern An NW 28 Yard oreman To take care ot lumber yard Must also have knowledge of other build ing materials State fully experience and references in your letter Replies held strictly confidential Write Box 29 A Times Herald 27 $150 REWARD On platinum diamond row bracelet with 36 dia monds lost vicinity 4 2d and Mast Avs and Conn Ave and Call Mr Green NA 3575 22 BAG TOOLS lost in vic of 1600 blk of 17th 8t NW Urgently needed Reward 4314 22 CHAIR ftntiqtM invalid folding new ly covered la white muslin Row AD 2707 after 6 pm co*ckER SPANIEL black male IK yrs old lost vic Sheridan ana Ga Answers to Reward GE 5731 COLLIE brown male has tag snd collar with address 7 yrs old vic 14th snd NW Rew MI 3417 22 ENGLISH BULLDOG fawn: vic 8 Buchanan and Columbia PiKe Ari $25 REWARD for return or informa tion leading to return of this dog Call CH 4800 MR MacAEE 23mJAIH female 6 mos old vic Conn and essenden St NW Reward Children's pet OR 2248 22 instrument blaok flute or piccolo (ffi Dee 14 in vicinity of Cheverly or Md Park Reward JII 8690 23 WALLET black upper around con tains picture valuable to owner etc Keep money for reward LI 476fl 23 ACT TODAY LEAftN A GOOD TRADK TILE SETTING EECTIVE JOB SERVICE41 APPROVED Tech of Washington 1504 Brnmmt Kd NE AT 8828 In tel wl Ion 15th 4 Su BE 31 AIRLINES need young men A wom en Men needed as station agents radio operators and radio techni cal technical and non technical Ages to 3ft Girls needed as host eases communicatlonists reserva tionists Agee 18 30 unmarried hsi grads Interview by app Phone DI6408 Mr Lanpen rm 1149 Mun sey Bldg Central Schools Airline Division 23 'Shorthand or Typing Learn In 6 Weelcs Spewlwrltln Pencil Shorthind Uted tn Buetne and Civil srrlc Low Coat Enroll Any Ttnae Attend Day or Night ree Placement Speedwnting School 1406 St NW STerting 2282 LeanT $6 Month qs Beginners or Brushup Coarse Choice of Hours from 9 am 9 pm Typing School 1406 St NW Sterling 2852 MONEY TALKS $10 to $13 day lost by YOU ailure to take RE RESHER or beg course at BOYD School TYPISTS openings NOW $45 $5ft wk Steuo $58 861 wk UP Bookkeepers $55 to $70 wk Rev course 2 8 wks START to day BOYD SCHOOL 700 13th cor Na 2340 (Eel 8ft yrs) Ac credited KLCEPTIONIST PBX Courte $26 two wks: $38 four wks Students placed $45 to $50 wk Miss Page BOYD SCHOOL 70012th cor NA 2340 Now Is the lime to Learn Refrigeration Air Conditioning LIMITED ENROLLMENT OR DAY AND NIGHT CUABSEg National Institute of Commerce and Technology NEW LOCATION lit TH ST NW DI 10 1 Hilp Wanted Men CAR WASHERS Good pay steady work Apply 62 St NW 23 CAR WASHERS or fuU tims work Report to Mr Groover 8:30 am CALVERT 2 MINIT AUTOMATIC WASH 1130 EAST WEST HIGHWAY SILVER SPRING 80 ftO basis with substantial guaranteed All new equip ntce working conditions SEE MR BENSON Auto Wholesalers Inc 1731 Bhdenrturr Bd NE 28 electronics corp LI 3 7500 Commsrcial Rates Available 26 Hem laipreveniente PLUMBING and heating: 24 br serv ice hot water heaters AD 6526 ROOING WATERPROOING Plasl paint'g Nevins LI 7 8209 Moving Sterege TYPISTS CLERKS TYPIST ft $3000 PBX TYPIST $2 400 CLERK TYPIST $2B00 Minv Othrr ExrpHnl Position ABBEY PERSONNEL 710 14th NW Rm 302 ST 0190 WAITRESSES experienced Sal ary and good tips Apply In psr Casablanca Cafe 421 llfh St NW 2j rover 21 experienced Apply 1246 Pa Ave BE 23 TYPIST EXPERIENCED or suburban area Write giving full particulars age experience andalary expected to Box 30 Silver Spring Md 22 TYPIST CLERK ft day wk perm position See Mr Dixon Kilt Music Co 1330 St NW 27 AUA VETKHAN MOVING No job too small or too large CO 0944 31 ABC Reasonable rates Pickup A delivery service HO 0290 A VET Moving and gen hauling Lge or small jobs Reas AT 0094 31 BROWNER MOVER "uh or part loads Min $3 Injured LI 7 3121 27 CO OPERATIVE MOVING $450 per hour JE 3 764 26 OR EVENING STORING AN5 HAULING CALL TR 1450 2ft for thAt 6uick move CalL HO 1950 Light and heavy hauling Tf you can't Afford to move but have to call me MI 1207 Ja4 MOVING Call Leslie Lee A Son No lob loo small RA $204 Mova you any time BABY URNITURE ull size cribs ftlftft play ynids 89 9ft carriages $1295: high chairs $'08 all new We carry a complete election of toys Open Sunday ree d'iivcry LI 3 9303 Shulmans 1351 St NE 24 irlfc 26 in $1 Call VI 2970 after 7 pm 24 Continued on Nxt Page CURTAINS LAUN by hand Called for A deliv: 8 day serv LO 6 1432 28 INANT CARE in your home or mine Ref turn NO 0468 22 famous toupees wigs curls repairing cleaning 1218 Con necticut Ave NW NA 6323 24 PEHMAKNT $4 No appointments Warflynn Beauty School 1210 81 NW THIS 18 NOTICE that from this day forward I will not bo responsible for debts of my wife Evelyn Tine MATHEW TINE ROUTEMAN sxper in retail dry cleaning Guaranteed salary and com mission Apply Sun 11 to 8 or aU day next week A Cleaners 909 9th St NW 22 ROUTE SALESMEN DAIRY $75 8100 wk BAKERY (Va areal $78 8100 wk ABBEY PERSONNEL COUNSELORS 710 14th NW Rm 302 ST 0190 ROUTE SALESMAN or established dry clsadlag route Apply between 8 and 10 Progressive Cleaners 2727 Wilson Blvd Art Va CH 7373 37 Help Wanhd Wown AIRLINES need young women Seo our ad under Schools and Instruc tions Central Schools Airlines Div 26 HOSTESS CASHIER Hrs ft pm to I um Apply in peron MAYLOWER SHOP 1309 St NW 22 MANICURIST Steady job guaranteed Ideal Barber Shop 809 St NW 28 PBX Operator Typist or large nationally known truck manufacturer ive day 40 hour week Apply WHITE MOTOR CO 2766 Jefferson Davis Hwy MR ASHMAN 28 TBX REcePT train American Bch See Schools and Instructions 31 uoToc a pine retoucher" naadad Immadtetely Wrar Seldon 3 Grace St Richmond 20 Va 2 SECTS STtfNOGH tt'PiSTS Allen Prnwnnal Sarrica 710 14th XW Rm 408 RE 7280 SECRETARIES 1 LEGAL $3900 CAPITOL HILL $2800 RADIO $2700 JR STZN0OS $2400 Many Other Excellent Poilliona ABBEY PERSONNEL 71(1 14th XT Bny 392 ST 0190 STONE A CEMENT work Spacial Ising in stone retaining walls flag stone cement JERRY LU 1 4766 as Radio Television tarvloa WOMEN Good steady restaurant counter positions now available for neat appear ing women Openings in and Clarendon APPLY White Tower Office 714 18TH ST NW Xifuationa Maa COL sort worker de part lima wk altar 9 pm LU 13498 iS Batlnm Servioea A A Pipeline Cleaners for CLOGGED NEWER8 smkl Economical cient 24 hr arvlca ST 0083 31 CAMERA REPAIRS M0IKAND ALL MAKEa ULLER A INO 815 10th St BW EX 8120 31 SALESMAN Experienced ifi lumber paint hard ware plumbing electric to eel iu store References needed for this job Apply Box 40 Times Herald 22 SERVICE STATION sh*t MANAGER Local reference required Good start ing salary Apply Sinclair Service Station 10th and Su MW 24 SERVICE STATION MGR $8000ABBEY PEBSOMNKLCOUMaELORBw 710 14th NW Hn 302 ST 0190 SODA BaN No Sundays UnHorma furnished Opportunity for advance ment Service Pharmacy 17th and Eye Sts NW 22 TAXICAB DRIVERS Wa nead women taxicab dnera with or without Ment card 8aa Mr Glenn 519 Sth St SE 4 0370 lor appointment WHsT Law atudnt white to learn court record reporting Muat apaad and sconracy Hn 3:30 to 5 half day ini Good salary Phoua Na 8959 31 TIMES HERALD IV rj RIDAY DEC 97 1970 Htly SODA OUNTAIN GIRLS 8 tatter Pharmacy 1343 Bl NW Ask for Miss Burton 23 TEACHERS use Adams TsaebMV Ag'cy 204 Colorado Bldg 14th A 81 Permanent employ ment for young lady Pleasant working conditions 5 day 40 hour week vacation with pay: group health insurance benefits Apply ACCOUNTING DEPT TIMES HERALD THIRD LOOR 25 'CLERK' TYPJST Jane Burch 229 Bond Br 1404 NY 29 CLERICAL experienced in adding machines and general office work pleasant working conditions: excel opportunity for advancement Lib eral discount privilege on purchases with many store benefits Apply office The Young Shop 1319 St NW 22 MAN colored for kitchen work An ply in person Mayflower Shop 13OD St MW S3 Parking Attnds (Colored) NEW PARKING GARAGE day sod night ehifte Must be experienced and able to furnish good references Apply Personae Office CARITZ 1404 gT NW 22 PHOTOGRAPHER Growing stu dio need capabis photographer with portrait experience Wray Belden 817 Grace St Rloh mond 20 Va 26 PHOTOGRAPHIC RETOUCHER needed Immediately Wray Selden 817 Grace St Richmond 20 Va PLA8TEKERS wanted Apply Broyhill job rear of Tick Took Rlxxe Rd A Univ Lane Md 22 BOXER pup outstanding champion eired litter 4 moe old cropped and jnoculated Call Laurel 396 24 orVEilfllijR pap iemaio Exceptional markings UN 1080 24 BOXER flashy brindle Ch "Tutin 18 Vioe old Relbo Kennels Vienna 499 co*ckERS Slacit black and whits 3 moi: purebrod: teas Apply Selma Wright Burtonsville Md Ashton 2107 24 co*ckER PUP Red 7r A IC A 1224 ENGLISH bull pups real sou mugs ex bloodlines akc $100 RA 143ft 24 RENCH from kraoce worth $1SO owner will place with careful muster at half pries 8 mos old black male puppy DS Su59 ElSfAN Shepherd pups thorough bred beaut blk while silver grey Perf Xmas rift $25 up 8H OftlS GERMAN shepherd pups AKC $28 up: black and silver black and eresrn SH 0206 24 MANCHESTER TOY PUP8 pure bred 8 wks old Ideal pels 1607 Chesterfield Ave Chesterbrook Woods alls Church Va KE 3 6179 24 PEKINGESE PUP Beautiful red male JO 0 9655 25 co*cker Spanish 4 males 1 female 7 wks AKC reg Black KI 8 8981 23 A sOtrrENS pedig Wonder fnl house pete affectionate dean 828 and $35 A 1640 28 or Sih MltcellmtOMi ANTENNA TV 2U fl Jong very eas $20 JO 2 7992 23 oi)d reasonable TW 0858 2ft BABY citfB new sull In csrionl $20 TA 0879 9:30 1 Will deliver ASST CREDIT MOD $290(1 ABBEY PERSONNEL COUNSELORS 710 14th NW Rm 302 ST 0100 ATLAS NEEDS? Secys 8ierfoe Bkprs Typists Unusual Choice Select Positions ATLAS 1420 Ave NW BEAUTY operator must be experi enced all around Nice environment Ogilvie Sister Call NA 6960 23 BOOKKEEPER AUTOMOBILE DEALER A splendid opportunity for bodk keeper with a knowledge of and experience In automobile account ing Good starting aalary Penna nent position Good working condi tions See Mr Dillon between 1 and 3 pm Barry Pate Motor Co" Inc 1130 CONN AVE NW 23 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN at ap proximately 2 o'clock Dec 22 1950 a 1948 Hudson Commodore Serial No 4849U15 Motor No 165UU5 will be sold at public auction at 3610 Rhode Island Ave Mt Rainier Md to satisfy hen held by General Acceptance Corp Mt Rainier Md 22 Blds and Proposals WASHINGTON SUBURBAN 3ANL tary Commission Contract No 9UV 3 Sewer Sealed proposals lor cuua rucl inr 995 leet of a inch plain concrete or vilriried' pipe sewets to serve Suitland High School Prince Georges county fa be received the' Washington Suburban Sanitary Com mission Hamilton Street Hyatta vilie Maryland until hednesday December 27 I960 at 2UU pm Eastern Standard Time at which place and time they wul be publicly opened and read Plane and spccili cations may be obtained irmu the ollicf of the Ctnel Engineer of the Commission Hyattsville Maryland deposit of J5UU which uepugit will be returned to bidders or Co those returning plans and speciiications in goo I condition DWIGHT GALT WARREN BROWNING LELAND WORTHINGTON Commissioners PeclH22 WASHINGTON SUBURBAN SANL tary Commission Contract No bU8 Was Water Malo and Sewer Con struetion healed proposals lor con structing iu Weatridge Road West haven Subdivision Montgomery County approximately 75u leet of 4 iuch and iueh water mains 13U feet of UducU U8U feet of luch plain cuucretti or vitnlied pipe sew ers and ftuu lect of inch aewer bouse connections will be received at ins oliict of the Washington Su burban Sanitary Commission Ham ilton Street Hyattsville Maryland until Wednesday December 27 195u at 3:90 pm Eastern Standard Time at whicu place and time they will be publicly opened and read Plans and speciiications may be obtained from the oiike of the Chief Engi neer oi tbs Commission Hyattsville Maryland upon deposit of S5UU which deposit will be returned to bidders or to those returning plans LELAND WOHTH GTON Commissioners DeclUZJ sure you WYOUR AMILY WILL JUST LOVE THE NEIGHBORHOOD'" SO CONVENIENT TO S4EHA5NT MISSEDA TRKX HER MEAD IS ON A SWIVEL SO NICE of you to WELCOME US' YES IT IS GRAND YES HE DOES SHE DIDN'T IND OUT WHAT THE OLD MAN WORKS AT YET BUT GIVE HER TIME 1 Ten TO ONE bHE' CALLED THE REALESTATE MAN TO IND OUT HOW AlUCH WE HOUSE SOLD OR I I I o'' rwl pt ii NL ijr Al I AV IT sssgii Wl jjTi is IJ9UI i.

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Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.