Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Washington, District of Columbia

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Telephone REpailic 1234 I ME ER ALD ASWGTON WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 31 1951' quickly continued: Is also alleged that my hus band indulged in these practices with Janet Ertel on March 2 7 12 J3 20 27 and 30 of this year and April 3 and 10 of this And among a score of items about which she wants to ques tion Archie Kitty listed: on June 12 1950 defend ant boasted to me that a married government bonds before they carted a year ago TheV married April 8 1939 Arcme saia nis counter sun lor separation is based on charges of "cruel and Inhuman conduct in woman Janet Ertel of resh Meadow Queens was allegedly In love with the defend Sets Salary at $125000 Kitty who said Archie now draws $125000 a year from CHS and Godfrey denied his charges that she removed and hid various assets of his including $12000 in eluding acts of Infidelity on her' He asserted her complaint was "replete with unfounded a cusatlons and that if he left her it was to my KITTY SUERS Reel Two of Battle of franchot Tone GOT THE TONE 4 OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 9:30 AM TO 5:30 PM Weather and handsome tool Best's alpaca fleecelined Cotton Gabardine Coat Just what he wants when the temperature drops our popular double breasted coat with wool ptle'collar wariri cotton inner wristlets Brown green gray in even sizes 10 to 20 2895 i BEST 8 CO Tt 'A An Offer of Research acilities re The Sinclair Plan is opening up the Company's great laboratories to every American who has an idea for a better petroleum product I t) BEDROOMSUITES from ppoiite Ardfrrj Bldf 7 A dkV modern? fyj viib yea vtrt 4 WoaJwfW daaert XI TUTINGINU which run continually for months at a time are just part of the great facilities that will be made avail able to tyork on the promising ideas of independent inventors 807 Pirfna Ays NW NAtional 5529 faithful to him while he was in prison and bore another man's child a few weeks after his return Sobbed 32 year old Mrs Yinger: kill myself if you leave me Please leave She has 20 days to file an an swer to his suit Ski cap in taupe navy red Sizes 6 to 7 19S DONHAxmn expert! me drum comt cud 3 for 1 rtmaov ia tlficlicoat ia eijbt tea or fbeae DOM MARTINI 802 ilk SI MW EL 4444 $124 (ms An IE 1555 4433 Connecticut Avnu I fffleMAN 7700 2 4 IUSIS STOP AT THI DOOR Unusual Selection of Midirn and Traditional HELD IN EMBEZZLEMENT Grafton Va Oct 30 (AD Jo seph Rouihv 29 year old former ticket agent was neia iof grana jruy today on a charge of embattling 19229 from the Baltimore and Ohio sallroad SPECIAL TONITE DANCE PRIZES WAYSIDE INN KU bet CTIntoe A TB Mdt (It ML DC linet eut Branch At Mucic by Slim Mormon Hr hit TennuaM Country Boyt the available capacity of these great laboratories is being turned over HEADS WINCHESTER ETE WINCHESTER Oet Dr William McGuire city council man today wai named chairman of the vWincheater bi eentennlal commit lion planning the 1959 celebration SAVE 507 ON PANCE LESSONS New York Oct 30 (N News) Archie Bleyer the durable band leader who gets ribbed plenty by Arthur Godfrey on radio and TV was blitzed in earnest today by his wife The little woman ac cused Archie of staging torrid trysts with Janet Ertel a pretty and documented it with dates and details Mrs Kitty herself ac cused by Archie of infidelity voiced her charges during a court bid for permission to examine musical anchor man be fore trial of a suit to recover $41 000 she said she had spent for various between Oc tober 1950 and last May The suit over the "necessar which she get around to specifying is Incidental to another court battle in which it was revealed1 both1 Kitty and Archie are demanding a separation A ictitious Halo" husband attempts to deny all guilt and to surround himself with a fictitious halo of inno said Kitty my affida vit for temporary alimony I al lege he picked up Janet Ertel in his car and drove her to a deserted lane In resh Meadow Queens and indulged in kissing necking caressing and sexual re lations with Janet Ertel for two hours and mliiutes until 11:15 pm She say' what Hight but Li Mould Yinger century twins had Just been bom one in 1949 and the other min utes later in 19597 Pictures of their twin daugh ters Donnie Gene and Pattie Jean were In the newspapers The couple was offered radio con tracts They appeared on tele vision Then the downhill road began Authorities spotted pic ture as a parole violator from Missouri who had served part of a bad check term and left the State without nermission Yinger 25 was taken back to Missouri to prison for 17 months While he was there his wife and family were forced on relief She scrimped to save funds to make up her husband's bad checks to hasten his release He came home last June 9 In papers served on his wife yester day he charged she had been un lorabe! Tells About pmOLIUM RISIARCH requires much expensive equipment this apparatus to test tube oiL The Sinclair Plan opens up such facilities for the first time to outsiders protected in your own interest by a patent application or a patent The Idea remains his own property If the laboratories select your idea for development they will make in most cases a very simple arrange ment with you: In return for the investment of time facilities money and personnel Sinclair will receive the privilege of using the ideafor its own companies free from royalties This in(i no way hinders the inventor from selling his idea developed under the Sinclair' Plan to any of the hundreds of other oil companies for whatever he can get Sinclair has no control over the sale of his idea to others and has no participation in any of the profits through such deal 7 ings In the oil business the new products adopted by one company are usually adopted oy me waaie industry Therefore his agreement with Sinclair should open up to the inventor commercial oppor tunities which might otherwise be hard to findA How to proceed: Instructions on how to Submit ideas under the Sinclair Plan are con IN 1 17 AllkANDtR GRAHAM BILL had nothing but an idea a few dollars worth of materials and an attic workshop Yet he built and proved the first telephone Today however great laboratories are needed to prove a new idea in facilities that are unavailable to most independent inventors PAIR WANTED JN KIDNAPING COP SEIZED SINCLAIR A Great Name Mil tnventive Americans are often at a loss today' 1 Not because of any lack of ideas but because of a need for large and expensive facilities to find out if and how their ideas work This was no obstacle in our earlier days The Wright Brothers designed their first airplane with the help of a foot square homemade the plane flew In contrast the man with a new idea in air plane design today often needs a supersonic wind tunnel costing millions 1 In short science and invention have become so complex that a man with an idea often needs the assistance of many specialists and millions worth of equipment to prove his idea has value Within the petroleum field the Sinclair Plan now offers to provide that assistance Under this Plan Sinclair is opening up its greats research laboratories at Harvey Illinois to inde pendent inventors who have sufficiently good ideas for better petroleum products or for new applications of petroleum products If you have an idea of this kind you are invited to submit it to the Sinclair Research Laboratoriesf with the provision that each idcajnust first be backed alpaca fleece lining A in body and sleeves knit To Inventive Americans Who Need Them i 'I IN 1793 III WHITNEY built hii cotton ein in a with his own hands and homemade and it worked or then technology was simple and a man could prove out his invention on his own In contrast the recent development of nylon took 10 years of research time and 70 millions of dollars I Nitery Battle By LORABEL MUIR Hollywood Oct 30 (NC ranchot Tone walked Into court today and pleaded guilty to having spat in my fad last night That surprised me So did his request for a Jury trial which was set for Dec 11 Tone had freely admitted at the sherifs office" where he was jailed for six hours this morning that he spat In my face at The Over When we met again in Beverly Hills court Tone seemed to have lost all his pugnacious spirit He made no effort to accost me or pursue the one round one slap (mine) battle That surprise me Nor did the fact that he wouldn't look me Ih the eye today Up to now he has given me no of his strange conduct at the club He kicked at my shins He called me a vile name andswore at me The entire argument consisted Oi whether or not I had a wedding certificate When I produce it he acted like a house 'detective 1 After Judge Henry Draeger set i the trial date Tone was released in $500 ball He walked out of the courtroom Raying to reporters I found myself in a strange post tlon playing the dual role of re porter and complaining witness As a reporter I felt I should ask him to give me a statement but as the gal who had had him arrested I care whether he said any thlngornot So I am in no position to report whether he is flying back east to be best man Thursday at the Dan bury (Conn) wedding of Jean Dal rymple the Broadway producer to Col Philip Gulden Tone's wife Barbara was slated to attend Miss Dalrymple He Wasn't Drunk 4' Because of ramHing con versation with me at I was 1 convinced he was not in possession of his normal senses but a medical report indicated he was neither intoxicated nof under the influence of narcotics i But to get back to what happend It Sat a little after mid night 1 Shortly after Tone came in withhis bride Barbara Payton and an elderly womaxvhe approached my table He stuck out his hand in jreeting While holding my hand he kick ed viciously at my ankles I wasn't quite sure what he was trying to do But I moved my ankles out of the way Tone turned to my husband Denny Morrison and asked: this? The I said: is my husband he answered "So married? Have you got your wed ding certificate with I told him we ordinarily carry it around with us and he replied: you don't have to be mar ried to sleep Had Strange Look All the time he was holding my hand and glaring at me with a strange dazed look in his eyes He repeated the question about my wedding certificate and I told him send him a photostatic copy of it if he was interested could not be more disinter ested" he replied calling me a foul name He kept staring at me intently and holding my hand 1 act as if you were mad I said "I am 1 he answered Goddam mad I'm so mad going to spit in your Still holding my hand he leaned eloser and did spit In my face Involuntarily I jerked my hand away and Jumped to my feet andWfr him in th face Then my husband got in the act and landed one blow But TVin Avatier the assistant maitre jumped between them and begged my husband not to lose his head "Please said Don fight in Don then led Tone back to his table He asked Tone what he meant doing a thing like Tone answer him Tone seem to be under the Influence of liquor but he cer tainly conducting himself like a man in possession of his normal senses Not knowing what he might do next I decided to ask that he be taken into custody I went to the Hollywood police station and signed a complaint against him At the office Tone ad mitted spitting at me and he said he did it because of thing mounting on the 1 He was taken to Angelus emer gency hospital I have known Tone for a long' time and have never seen him act like this before Perhaps his fight with Tom Neal which landed him tn the hospital for a couple of weeks and the attendant publicity has affected his Judgment Perhaps he is annoyed with me because I refused to treat his love battle with Neal seriously To me it was a silly exhibition which re flected no glory on him or the girl be married WRITERPOINTS TO WHICH SHIN Mail and phone orders filled Postage prepaid everywhere in the Day Of Joy Leads To Downfall I1 ilmland columnist lorabel Muir (right) is shown complaining to a Hollywood deputy sherif as she makes out a complaint charging ranchot Tone had repeatedly kicked her in shins and spat in her fact famous night spot of the film stars Tone lost his 'last Hollywood brawl but won himself a bride a SINCLAIR RUSARCH nine buildings con in petroleum Under the Sinclair Plan tainift thft mmt modem testing enuinment have I contributed many of today's most important deveioptneod to work on the best new ideas of outside inventors Smart sophisticated and as mAiftrn ac frnmnrrnu anrl vet $1 ft00 retains the grace charm and I elegance Open Stock available Jr tn most cases Girl 13 ound With Two in Auto Poughkeepsie Oct 13 Two men sought in 13 States since the kidnaping of a Windsor Locks (Conn) police man Tvere seized in a wild auto chase early today In their car police found a small arsenal and a 13 year old Chi cago girl Suspects Identified Police identified the men as Paul itzgerald 23 a laborer of Hartford Conn and Charles Timms" 19 a short order cook from Oakville Conn In the back seat of the auto with Timms whenu they were captured was the girl She said she is Dorothy Mezel of Chicago itzgerald police said told them he and Timms picked up the Mezel girl and Marian Smith 14 also ot Chicago in Chicago on Oct IB He said they drove to Nashua and left the Smith girl there after giving her $50 and a rail ticket home 5 Patrolman Seized itzgerald and Timms are Wanted in connection with the kidnaping of provisionary patrol man Anthony Padelskas The latter was held prisoner for several hours by an armed man who held him up as he investigated a sus picious car Police said Timms made a state ment saying it was he who kid naped the policeman driving him to Middletown Conn before leasing him BOM CASE ALLEN ARCHIE tained in an Booklet available on request Write to: lowers Executive Vice President Sinclair Research Laboratories Inc 630 ifth Avenue New York 20 Please do not in any ideas until yoii have sent for anJ received the Instructions New York Oct 30 A happy New Year back in 1950 set off a series of events that sent Ronald Yinger to prison and which today was splitting up his family suing his wife Mary Vir ginia for divorce Back on Jan 1 1950 they were one of the happiest couples in New York it seemed Their mid S' S' Kv iW' i 1 iKnBBW I 5 1 1 yy I IO i iiii kok I a ba i BBMMI rent YUcer 7 tr bi? Bl 4 IMlHBBiHi it 'lhm ffBi A7'" I II J( KjO ISRmbIII KMHIssmoI IK' I a a I 4 jl I I.

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Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.