The Herald-Palladium from Benton Harbor, Michigan (2024)

A A A A A A A A A A A TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1965 THE NEWS PALLADIUM, BENTON HARBOR, MICH. PAGE FIVE Mercy Hospital ADMISSIONS Patients admitted to Mercy hospital during the past 24 hours were: Benton Harbor--Eddie Amos, route 1, box 159; Howard Shindeldecker, 1063 Superior; David Cheshier, 2305 Butler; Robert Putman, 1988 Orchard; Everett Madison, 954 Columbus; Oberle, 1385 Bishop; Ulyesses Walker, 717 West Madison; Cleophas Brown, Robert Austin, 417 Vinasadena; Bangor Mrs. Matilda Pfiugradt, post office box 135. Claire Mrs. Loren Swisher, route 1, box 136; Mrs.

George Pope, box 146. Watervliet Mrs. William Kraklau, 317 South Pleasant. DISCHARGED Benton Harbor Mrs. Robert Carter, route 4, box 434; Troy Glaspy, Chestnut; Robert Gettig, 256 Bellview; Magneline Gunn, 1024 Blossomlane; Anthony Harden, 1689 Highland; Thomas Kelly, 156 Oden; Charles Larro, 1340 Hurd; Kenneth Meek, 769 Pipestone; Mrs.

Winnifred Merwin, 764 Columbus; Greg Platts, 338 Colby; Archie Thompson, 919 Wauceda; Rosemary Velasquez, 560 Rembert; Mrs. James Vermillion, 2117 Lawrence; James Watson, 275 Walnut. Eau Calire Mrs. Hulon McAfree, route 1, box 68. Watervliet Phoebe Knox, Camp-4 Fun, box 4020.

Announce Wedding BUCHANAN-Rebecca Dawn English became the bride of Frederick Francis Hiatt on July 30, in the parsonage of General Baptist church, Dowagiac. The double-ring service was read by the Rev. Floyd Wheetley. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Hubert W. Engand the bridegroom the son lish, 508 South Portage, street, of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hiatt, 160 Ullery road, Niles. A floor -length gown of dulcet satin was worn by the bride.

The fitted bodice was fashioned with a scopp neckline and long sleeves and the controlled skirt, accented by back fullness, flowed into a brush train. A crown of lace and pearls held her shoulder-length veil of illusion. She carried a cascade bouquet of orange and green carnations. Mrs. Larry Walstrom, of Buchanan, sister of the bride, as matron of honor, wore an off-white gown and emerald green accessories.

"A headdress of matching velvet bows held her veil. Her corsage was of orange and green carnations. Chris Schau, of Dayton, was man, A reception for more than 100 guests was held in Buchanan hall. township, bride was graduated from Buchanan high school in June. Mr.

Hiatt attended Galien high school and is employed by Clark Equipment Company. The young couple is residing at 508 South Portage street, Buchanan. Clinic To Be Thursday An orthopedic clinic is scheduled Thursday at Memorial hospital, St. Joseph, at 8 a.m. All patients must have authorization papers from the Michigan Crippled Children's commission.

Dr. Dean Hudnutt will be the attending physician. JACOBY ON BRIDGE By JACOBY SON 1965 Vanderbilt Winners. Newspaper Enterprise In team of four board a match duplicate play you are interested only in how your partners score on the hand since you compete' directly against only one team on each board. One South player reached three no-trump on the bidding shown in the box.

He was very upset when a diamond was led but managed to make four notrump by holding off until the third diamond and finding East the ace of hearts and no fourth diamond to lead. At first glance, the score didn't look because apparently five spades would be NORTH 10 4 10 8 9765 A85 WEST EAST 4 765 94 AJ432 031076 K94 J843 10 5 2 SOUTH (D) AAKJ32 4K96 Both vulnerable South West North East 3 1 Pass Pass Pass 3 N.T. Pass Pass Pass Opening lead- Q. laydown but when it was noted that West would have a likely lead of his singleton heart against four spades whereupon the defense would take three tricks it was East and West decided they were "fixed." They would have been fixed badly in a pair game. Practically every South pair landed in four spades made exactly that after West opened his singleton ten of hearts.

Nevertheless at this table the North-South pair was fixed. It seems that the bidding went the same at the other table up to South's three club call, but at that point North decided to bid three East was on lead and no opened his fourth best heart whereupon there was no way to keep North from making 11 tricks and winning the board for his side. Card Sense Card Sense Q- The bidding has been: West North East South 1 Pass Pass 2 3 3 Pass You, South, hold: Q87651 3 4 Q86 32. What do you do? A- This depends on just how much strength your partner will credit to your two-spade call. If he is likely to play you for a very good hand you should pass; Otherwise, you should bid four spades.

TODAY'S QUESTION Instead of bidding three spades your partner has gone to three diamonds over the three-club bid. What do you do now? Answer Tomorrow Is Marquette Home Of Newlyweds BUCHANAN The Dayton Community church was the scene of the wedding of Miss Diane Linjala and Robert Schau at 4 o'clock, Saturday afternoon. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Linjala, of Rock, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Creevy, of Dayton. The bride, wore a streetlength sheath gown of cream puff crepe fashioned with a pleated overblouse and a draped neckline. Her shoulderlength veil of illusion was held by a. crown of organza rose petals.

She carried a cascade bouquet of pink and white roses. Miss Diane White, of South Bend, attended the bride. She wore a two-piece sheath dress of pink crepe and blusher veil of illusion. She carried a bouquet of red and white roses. Chris Schau, of Dayton, brother of the bridegroom, was best man.

A reception for one-hundred fifty guests was held in the Dayton Community clubhouse. The bride was graduated from Rock high school and her husband was graduated from Galien high school. Both are juniors at Northern Michigan university, Marquette. He is employed the university campus and Mrs. Schau is a laboratory technician at St.

Mary's Hospital in Marquette. After a wedding trip through Northern Michigan they will reside in 1 Marquette. Brevities Visits Dells--Members of the local Double Four Social club returned Sunday evening from three at The spending, The group attended shows including the Tommy Bartlett water show at Lake Delton, the Indiana Ceremonial on Stand took the boat trips up the scenic Wisconsin river to view the lower and upper dells. Those going were Mrs. Margaret Cutler, Mrs.

Anne Bayman, Mrs. Nora Mock, Mrs. Dell Coupal, Mrs. Esther Shand, Mrs. Aleatha Herman and two guests, Mrs.

Hattie Tucker and Mrs. Clifford Mock. Visitors Here Bridget and Colleen Bowen, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C.B.

Bowen of Lansing, are visiting Mrs. William Golden at 307 Wayne street, St. Joseph. Party Given Grandmother 81 Years Old BRIDGMAN Mrs. Norman Thompson and Mrs.

Kenneth Hora entertained recently at a party in the latter's home in Buchanan GirlIs Given Jayshees Scholarship BUCHANAN Judy lin, a 1965 graduate of Buchanan high school, has been announced as the recipient of $100 scholarship awarded the the, Buchanan Jayshees this summer. The award for which there were applicants, was announced four, the president, Mrs. Keith Welsh, at Thursday's meeting in the home of Mrs. David Reitz. Mrs.

Lucy Utrup, special education teacher at Moccasin eleschool, guest speaker, mentary, informative talk on "Mental Retardation." The hostess was assisted by Mrs. James Smith and Mrs. Joseph Letcher. LOOK! SMITH SMITHALSOP 4 IN HOUSE PAINT HOUSE PAINT OUTSIDE WHITE WHITE ONLY SMITH AI SOP Time is growing short for outside house painting. Protect your house er.

May be used for now against coming winter purposes. Take advantage other of outdoor weath- this $3 )98 special offer now. REGULAR $5.45 GAL. -KLINE'SPAINT WALLPAPER 169 PIPESTONE ST. PHONE HARBOR Handy WA 6-6874 Promise Surprises To Auction Patrons Lady Bird Sends Gift To Church Mrs.

Lyndon B. Johnson is among the famous persons who sent items to be sold at a parcel post auction scheduled for Friday evening by the Progressive class, of the Joseph. First EUB church Others who responded to requests for sale items include Steve Allen, Danny Kaye, Bing Crosby, Shelley Berman, Bob Hope, Art Linkletter, Lawrence Welk, Tony Bennett, and Gypsy Rose Lee. The items will be gift -wrapped and sold without the contents being disclosed with the tion of a white, beaded formal, donated by Miss Patrice Gaunder, of Lakeshore, who is America's Miss Junior Miss. The gown, worn only once, was made in New York city expressly for Miss Gaunder.

The auction will be held at the church social hall, 610 Main street, St. Joseph, from 7 to 8 p.m. simultaneously with an ice cream social. Mrs. Harry DaLeure of St.

Joseph is chairman. Her cochairman is Charles Merril of Coloma. Also on the committee are Mrs. Don Eppley of St. Joseph and Mrs.

Freeman Stice, Benton Harbor. Mr. Eppley is ticket chairman. Proceeds from the social and auction will be used to purchase needed equipment for the church. Homemade pie, coffee and ice cream will be 50 cents a plate.

PATRICE'S GOWN; Miss Cindy Shaffer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shaffer, 1301 Pearl street, Benton Harbor, models the gown donated by Patrice Gaunder, America's Junior Miss, to the Progressive class of St. Joseph's First Evangelical United Brethren church for its parcel post auction Friday. Ends Tour With Musicians A former Benton Harbor and Coloma girl, Miss Denien Umphrey, daughter of the Virgil Umphreys, currently of Spring Lake, just recently returned from a tour of Europe with a group of 110 United States student musicians.

At each of its many stops abroad, the group gave a concert. Miss Umphrey plays the clarinet. She was asked to apply for the overseas tour because of her participation in the AllState Band at the Interlochen National Music Camp in 1 Mich- Bridgman in honor of their grandmother, Mrs. Lillian Houseworth. The occasion was Mrs.

Houseworths' 81st birthday. Winners at games were Mrs. Herbert Neidlinger, Mrs. Richard Neidlinger, Mrs. Sue Prenkert, Mrs.

Alice Shuler, Mrs. Thomas Saunders, Mrs. Irene Hora and Miss Judy Neidlinger. igan last year. The students were chosen from hundreds, of applicants from nation.

They represented 17 states. They left New York City on June 12 for London and from there went to Paris; Lucerne, Switzerland; Venice, Florence, Rome and Rimini, Italy; Vienna Austria; Gmundeh, and Heidelberg, Germany; and Brussells, Belgium. On their return to New York they took in the World's Fair where they gave their last concert. The trip overseas both ways was by air. For the bus travel abroad they were accompanied by five guides, two Germans and three Austrians.

Denien is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Umphrey and and Mrs. Raymond Becht, all of Coloma. She received her early schooling in Sodus.

This coming year she will be a senior in the Spring Lake high school. Buleva exemplar of excellence In watchmaking BULOVA In the world of timekeeping, the name Bulova is synonymous with superiority. Accurate, dependable, durable, these finer watches are also semarkable for styling. Williams Company. JEWELERS DOWNTOWN BENTON HARBOR OPEN FRI.

'TIL 9 P.M. JEWELRY FREE CLOSED SAT. AT 12:30 P.M. OF EXCISE TAX Family Reunions Are In The News One hundred and two members of the TILLMAN family gathered at the annual reunion Saturday at Berrien Springs park. Following a pienic, supper a business meeting held with the following 1966 officers elected: Libby Maier, president; dent; secretaryHerbert vice-presitreasurer.

A program entertained group consisting of songs, the Pray family; piano solos, Jeffrey Thorns; talk on Japan, Kathy Stinson; quartette, Sam, Rein, George Tillman and Herb Achterberg. Movies were shown Charles McDannel and slides by Dorothy Stinson. Community singing was led by Bob Deam with Alice Achterberg at the piano. Prizes at contests were won by Jerry Knuth and George Tillman. The 42nd Annual reunion of the THEODORE PRILLWITZ JR.

was held on Saturday, at the cafeteria and grounds of the St. Joseph high school. Registrations numbered 214 with represenatives from several different states. The family enjoyed games, swimming, and ball game between the Prillwitz related men and the men who married into the family. The former won the game.

A special feature of the day was the various exhibts displayed by different family members. These included collections and hobbies of individuals. During the program special music was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Don Brink of Holland, Ray Prillwitz of Sodus, and a men's quartet: John Prillwitz Berrien Springs, Darrell Piedt of Benton Harbor, Willis Prill.

witz of Dowagiac and Wesley Prillwitz of Eau Claire. Willis Prillwitz, the clan's vice ident, was emcee. Don Glaske, president, presided over the business session. Other officers serving at the reunion included Joanne Timmreck of Berrien Center, secretary-treasurer, Sue Benson of Berrien Center, activities chairman, Mrs. Andrews Devries of St.

Franklin Joseph, Prill- food chairman, and witz of Eau Claire, properties chairman. Franklin Prillwitz who came to the reunion in a 1922 Model received the prize for arriving in the oldest car. Roy Peachey of Eau Claire resecond place for coming ceived, model car. Mrs. Emma Prillwitz, 89, of Benton Harbor was recognized as the oldest You can create pretty epergne to use a table centerpiece by placing compotes of different sizes on top of one another.

For summer with fresh fruit using clusters of seedless grapes and cherries as: the "garnish." Tuck fresh green leaves from the garden among the fruit. present. Bradley Prillperson, month old son Mr. and Mrs. Larry Prillwitz of Eau Claire was the youngest present.

Special prizes were won by James DeVries of Cincinnati, Ohio and Mrs. Olive Bartz, of St. Joseph as well George Kleinheksel of Holland. The MIARS MYERS 41st annual reunion was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Arden Brenner, Berrien Center. Forty three members attended. The following received gifts; oldest man, Clarence Shafer, Berrien Center; oldest woman, Mrs. Mena Frisbe, Baroda; youngest, Karen Thumm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Jimmie Thumm, St. Joseph; greatest distance, Mr. and Mrs. Walter, Frisbie, South Bend, Ind. Officers elected for 1966 were Jimmie Thumm, president; John LaPlante, vice-president; Mrs.

Dorothy LaPlante, secretary-treasurer. Committee for next year's reunion is Mrs. Nelson Thumm and Mrs. Roberts. Officers in charge Eleanor, of this reunion were Walter Frisbie, president; Rodney Brenner, vice president; Mrs.

Arden Brenner, secretary-treasurer. Bass Island Park, Pipestone Lake, was the scene of the 14th annual SKIBBE family reunion presentinday with 90 members Officers are: Alex Rogel, Mrs. Margaret Rogel, secretary-treasurer and Mrs. Fred Schmidt, historian. Awards went to Matilda Hafer, 82, as the oldest member Dean Sweet, eightpresentia son of Mr.

and Mrs. Ronald Sweet, youngest present; Teresa Weckwerth, grandmother with most grandchildren present; Mrs. Kenneth Skibbe, mother of the most children present; Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Mathews, of Janesville, travelling the greatest distance, and Aldrich Skibbe, special prize.

Mrs. Donald and Janet Skibbe were in charge of the Ray, adult and children's games respectively. SAWYER The families of the late HERMAN AND EDA ZELMER held their annual family reunion Sunday at the home of Bert Zelmer in Baroda, with 40 members attending. The following officers were elected for the coming year: Herman Gnodtke, president; Bert Zelmer, vice president; Albert and Joyce Zelmer, secretary and treasurer. The 1966 reunion will be held on the first Sunday in August at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Zelmer in Benton Harbor. The oldest man, present was Herman Gnodtke and the oldest woman was Eva Gnodtke. MISS UMPHREY AUGUST TAG SALE AUGUST TAG SALE PreSeason Coat Sale Save 20.00 Cash! Until Labor Day Selected Magnificent Mink and Fox Trimmed Better Coats Regularly 99.95 and up. Look For The Sale Tags.

Use Our Layaway Plan. Shop Early and Save! helaine's 2 Stores For Fashion Downtown Benton Harbor South, Fairplain Plaza.

The Herald-Palladium from Benton Harbor, Michigan (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.