Who else is on the carnivore diet? (2024)

lytleart2016 Posts: 2 Member

February 2 edited February 2 in Health and Weight Loss

My meals:
Breakfast 5 eggs 2/12 slices of bacon

Lunch 1 pound of meat with 4 shrimp

After one week I went from 237 to 229.
I drink coffee with heavy cream and water only.


  • neanderthin Posts: 9,655 Member

    February 2

    Why did you decide to go carnivore?

  • TracyL963 Posts: 22 Member

    February 2

    A 28,000 calorie deficit for the week or substantial water weight loss.

    Who else is on the carnivore diet? (4)


  • rileysowner Posts: 7,980 Member

    February 2

    I am more ketovore than carnivore although my January eating looking much more carnivore.


  • kshama2001 Posts: 27,697 Member

    February 2

    The Buff Dudes Tried Carnivore Diet for 30 Days, Here's What Happened


  • lytleart2016 Posts: 2 Member

    February 3

    neanderthin wrote: »

    Why did you decide to go carnivore?

    I did a lot of research on it. First of all I have arthritis in my hands pretty bad and acid reflux. All the YouTube videos of people that have done this diet pretty much lose arthritis pain and acid reflux. I’m overweight as well and it’s been harder to lose weight and stay on a diet. Seen a 60yr old YouTuber that is on this diet and he lost 40 pounds in two months. Soo many people are going to comment on this saying carnivore diet is bad and you need vegetables. But not everyone is the same. Whenever I eat vegetables, I bloat bad and have gas. Love broccoli and green beans but after I eat them it’s rough. I honestly feel great right now. It works for me. After I hit my goal weight, I will probably slowly and with moderation bring back some carbs and vegetables. But at this rate I should hit my goal weight in a few months or sooner. I think part of why I feel soo good is because I’ve completely took out sugar. Everything nowadays has sugar.


  • neanderthin Posts: 9,655 Member

    February 3 edited February 3

    lytleart2016 wrote: »

    neanderthin wrote: »

    Why did you decide to go carnivore?

    I did a lot of research on it. First of all I have arthritis in my hands pretty bad and acid reflux. All the YouTube videos of people that have done this diet pretty much lose arthritis pain and acid reflux. I’m overweight as well and it’s been harder to lose weight and stay on a diet. Seen a 60yr old YouTuber that is on this diet and he lost 40 pounds in two months. Soo many people are going to comment on this saying carnivore diet is bad and you need vegetables. But not everyone is the same. Whenever I eat vegetables, I bloat bad and have gas. Love broccoli and green beans but after I eat them it’s rough. I honestly feel great right now. It works for me. After I hit my goal weight, I will probably slowly and with moderation bring back some carbs and vegetables. But at this rate I should hit my goal weight in a few months or sooner. I think part of why I feel soo good is because I’ve completely took out sugar. Everything nowadays has sugar.

    Gotcha, Yeah I'm not actually carnivore but as close as you could be and my journey was also about my health. My previous diet was pretty much a standard diet with a good mix of home meals and fast food and I was a serious sugar addict, no doubt about that. The ketogenic diet pretty much got rid of my arthritic pain which was range of motion in both knees and especially in my left hand with my index finger joints basically non functional and that was constant for quite a few years, i thought it was something that i was just going to have to live with and thought it was mostly about age. Well, that disappeared with 10 days. I had IBS with lots of constipation, bloating, gas and periodic pain, well all that went away in a few days and my movements are now like clockwork, small, don't smell and no gas and I mean no gas, strange lol. I sleep much better and my energy is level all day and I've got a lot more of it as well and still do after a dozen years not to mention the mental clarity, which everyone seems to enjoy. I also had dry skin with breakouts of psoriasis on my hands, head, and legs which was really aggravating, that's gone, not to have returned. My A1C went from 5.6 to 4.5ish and my trigs dropped from just over 200 to the mid 40's and my HDL is hovering around 100 now from the 60's. I also lost just over 60 lbs over the course of about 1 year, the first year. You mentioned acid reflux, funny, never thought about that, but I haven't experienced any in years. Carnivore's a head scratcher for sure which pretty much makes most people brains fall out but it's getting more exposure, which is a good thing and glad your doing well. I will continue to eat this way until my health no longer dictates it. Who else is on the carnivore diet? (10)


  • Corina1143 Posts: 2,449 Member

    February 8

    I love meat and eggs--my favorite food group. But I just can't imagine giving up milk and cheese and some of my favorite veggies.
    I went to a healthy eating class Sunday. Our homework is to eat 0 added sugars. We can have natural sugars. My first problem was my multivitamin. My second was my beet supplement. (For high blood pressure). my low calorie bread had it, as did my lunch meat and mayo and of course, pickles.
    I quit buying spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, barbecue sauce because they're all full of sugar. I hate the taste and I don't understand why everything should taste like sugar.
    Little by little, I'm getting processed food out of my diet.
    I'm really interested in carnivore. I'm very, very slowly heading that direction. Please check in occasionally and tell us how it's going.


  • neanderthin Posts: 9,655 Member

    February 8 edited February 8

    Corina1143 wrote: »

    I love meat and eggs--my favorite food group. But I just can't imagine giving up milk and cheese and some of my favorite veggies.
    I went to a healthy eating class Sunday. Our homework is to eat 0 added sugars. We can have natural sugars. My first problem was my multivitamin. My second was my beet supplement. (For high blood pressure). my low calorie bread had it, as did my lunch meat and mayo and of course, pickles.
    I quit buying spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, barbecue sauce because they're all full of sugar. I hate the taste and I don't understand why everything should taste like sugar.
    Little by little, I'm getting processed food out of my diet.
    I'm really interested in carnivore. I'm very, very slowly heading that direction. Please check in occasionally and tell us how it's going.

    Milk and cheese is carnivore. Who else is on the carnivore diet? (13)


  • LeslieRussell7103 Posts: 1 Member

    February 8

    lytleart2016 wrote: »

    neanderthin wrote: »

    Why did you decide to go carnivore?

    I did a lot of research on it. First of all I have arthritis in my hands pretty bad and acid reflux. All the YouTube videos of people that have done this diet pretty much lose arthritis pain and acid reflux. I’m overweight as well and it’s been harder to lose weight and stay on a diet. Seen a 60yr old YouTuber that is on this diet and he lost 40 pounds in two months. Soo many people are going to comment on this saying carnivore diet is bad and you need vegetables. But not everyone is the same. Whenever I eat vegetables, I bloat bad and have gas. Love broccoli and green beans but after I eat them it’s rough. I honestly feel great right now. It works for me. After I hit my goal weight, I will probably slowly and with moderation bring back some carbs and vegetables. But at this rate I should hit my goal weight in a few months or sooner. I think part of why I feel soo good is because I’ve completely took out sugar. Everything nowadays has sugar.

    Keep an eye on your total cholesterol and ratios, this could put a strain on your heart and vascular system, even with the weightloss.

  • Corina1143 Posts: 2,449 Member

    February 8

    neanderthin wrote: »

    Corina1143 wrote: »

    I love meat and eggs--my favorite food group. But I just can't imagine giving up milk and cheese and some of my favorite veggies.
    I went to a healthy eating class Sunday. Our homework is to eat 0 added sugars. We can have natural sugars. My first problem was my multivitamin. My second was my beet supplement. (For high blood pressure). my low calorie bread had it, as did my lunch meat and mayo and of course, pickles.
    I quit buying spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, barbecue sauce because they're all full of sugar. I hate the taste and I don't understand why everything should taste like sugar.
    Little by little, I'm getting processed food out of my diet.
    I'm really interested in carnivore. I'm very, very slowly heading that direction. Please check in occasionally and tell us how it's going.

    Milk and cheese is carnivore. Who else is on the carnivore diet? (16)

    I'm closer than I thought.


  • girlsaint Posts: 203 Member

    February 8

    My January was mostly carnivore- I was eliminating everything so I could reintroduce foods little by little to try and nail down what was causing my psoriasis. Psoriasis mostly cleared up, flared, then cleared again. I kept it at 1800- 2000 cal a day. Eating window of 12pm- 8pm. Transitioning to more of a ketovore diet by adding in some salads to start. So far so good. A bit of fluid retention at the beginning of February, but having a socially acceptable plate for dinners out with friends is important to me. Steak and salad works lol. Started January at 222lb, ended it at 205.2. Three days later I had popped back up to 207, but that is coming back down now.

    Two weeks of adjustment period (make friends with the bathroom)- then that is all fine now. Uncounted hours watching Dr.Jason Fung and other videos to calm my frazzled mind because of all the "dangerous" or "this only works because of calories in/ calories out" I allowed myself the first month of the year to just try it. I will get my bloodwork done this month. This is my journey, and I appreciate the opinions of others for what it is- their opinion. I'll let my results guide me with the help of my doctor.


  • rileysowner Posts: 7,980 Member

    February 8

    LeslieRussell7103 wrote: »

    lytleart2016 wrote: »

    neanderthin wrote: »

    Why did you decide to go carnivore?

    I did a lot of research on it. First of all I have arthritis in my hands pretty bad and acid reflux. All the YouTube videos of people that have done this diet pretty much lose arthritis pain and acid reflux. I’m overweight as well and it’s been harder to lose weight and stay on a diet. Seen a 60yr old YouTuber that is on this diet and he lost 40 pounds in two months. Soo many people are going to comment on this saying carnivore diet is bad and you need vegetables. But not everyone is the same. Whenever I eat vegetables, I bloat bad and have gas. Love broccoli and green beans but after I eat them it’s rough. I honestly feel great right now. It works for me. After I hit my goal weight, I will probably slowly and with moderation bring back some carbs and vegetables. But at this rate I should hit my goal weight in a few months or sooner. I think part of why I feel soo good is because I’ve completely took out sugar. Everything nowadays has sugar.

    Keep an eye on your total cholesterol and ratios, this could put a strain on your heart and vascular system, even with the weightloss.

    I hope you are warning all the Vegans that they need to keep an eye on B-12 and protein.

  • phx92 Posts: 86 Member

    February 8

    That’s intense! I did whole30 as an elimination diet to figure out some food allergies, and the hardest thing I found was eating so much meat every day or being really low on calories. And I’m someone who likes meat and eats it most days

  • neanderthin Posts: 9,655 Member

    February 8

    phx92 wrote: »

    That’s intense! I did whole30 as an elimination diet to figure out some food allergies, and the hardest thing I found was eating so much meat every day or being really low on calories. And I’m someone who likes meat and eats it most days

    Yeah, people generally underestimate the variety of products available and cooking methods and most people get this vision that it's all bacon and butter or just red meat.

  • PAV8888 Posts: 13,042 Member

    February 8

    I think people overestimate where the calories come from unless they log for a long time and carefully. A platefull of meat and veggies can be surprisingly not that many calories. At maintenance I average more than 2800 being active. How much steak and broccoli would it take to hit 2800? Quite a bit actually.

  • foldinthecheese Posts: 6 Member

    1:37AM edited 1:41AM

    That's interesting, I've never heard of this diet. I just started paleo (real paleo, not buying "paleo bars" and such) so this is a bit intriguing to me. Not that I'd want to do carnivore because I've found some fantastic vegetables that I never knew existed (leeks anyone? - first had them 3 days ago and just got back from the store after buying a couple more), but it's interesting to see that this is possible.

    I assume you're still using herbs and the like to flavor the meat right? Otherwise I think that'd be pretty dull.

  • neanderthin Posts: 9,655 Member

    5:49AM edited 5:58AM

    foldinthecheese wrote: »

    That's interesting, I've never heard of this diet. I just started paleo (real paleo, not buying "paleo bars" and such) so this is a bit intriguing to me. Not that I'd want to do carnivore because I've found some fantastic vegetables that I never knew existed (leeks anyone? - first had them 3 days ago and just got back from the store after buying a couple more), but it's interesting to see that this is possible.

    I assume you're still using herbs and the like to flavor the meat right? Otherwise I think that'd be pretty dull.

    I'm not quite sure what "real paleo" is. People that find carnivore and eat this way, almost exclusively, do it for health reasons but you might find the odd person that eats that way because they like meat, but I suspect that reason wains pretty easily and quickly considering the tastiness of simple complimentary foods, like your herb and leek examples, fries and mashed potatoes with gravies comes to mind. I'm one of those people, as an example.

    It's generally a last resort diet from my observations and they all tell the same story, pretty much. Surprising would be an understatement that quite a few people on carnivore were vegetarian and vegan during their life and all the people are in really poor health with multiple issues where this diet delivers relief and remission and restoring their health physically and mentally, almost without exception. People on carnivore will have generally exhausted every avenue and will have used a low carb and ketogenic diet during this journey with some good results and eventually carnivore would come up in their stream and most will describe it as a low carb diet on steroids.

    It's a very satiating diet and most would find it almost impossible to gain weight on carnivore and weight loss is a bonus but it's generally low on the list of their health problems, but they knew it was going to happen most just didn't expect it to be that easy, kinda crazy what satiation really means and what it generates in the real world.

    Most people on carnivore are not zealots, or at least that demographic hasn't flourished or raised it's ugly head yet from what I can see and most will never tell another person what they're exactly eating is wrong simple because carnivore is primarily a health journey and everyone will have a different experience and the real bottom line is this is the ultimate elimination diet where everything is taken off the table and people on the carnivore diet do experience by putting things back in and spices and herbs seem to be the entry point. Some will have some fruit, some will exclude dairy, others won't but like I said most people on carnivore don't give people grief if they're not 100%.



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Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

Based on the conversation provided, it seems that the topic being discussed is the carnivore diet and its effects on health and weight loss. The individuals in the conversation are sharing their personal experiences and opinions about the diet. To provide information related to the concepts discussed, I will explain what the carnivore diet is, its potential benefits and drawbacks, and the experiences shared by individuals who have tried it.

The Carnivore Diet

The carnivore diet is a dietary approach that involves consuming only animal products and excluding all plant-based foods. It is an extreme form of a low-carbohydrate, high-fat (LCHF) diet. The main principle of the carnivore diet is to eliminate all sources of carbohydrates and rely solely on animal-based foods for nutrition.

Potential Benefits of the Carnivore Diet

Advocates of the carnivore diet claim that it can lead to various health benefits, including weight loss and improvements in certain health conditions. Some potential benefits that have been reported include:

  1. Weight Loss: Many individuals have reported significant weight loss while following the carnivore diet. This may be attributed to the elimination of carbohydrates, which can lead to reduced calorie intake and improved satiety.
  2. Reduced Inflammation: Some people with inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis, have reported a reduction in symptoms while following the carnivore diet. However, more research is needed to understand the underlying mechanisms.
  3. Improved Digestive Health: The elimination of plant-based foods may benefit individuals with digestive issues, such as bloating, gas, and acid reflux. Some people have reported improvements in these symptoms while following the carnivore diet.
  4. Simplicity and Convenience: The carnivore diet is relatively simple to follow, as it eliminates the need for meal planning and preparation of complex dishes. This can be appealing to individuals who prefer a straightforward approach to eating.

Drawbacks and Considerations

While some individuals may experience benefits from the carnivore diet, it is important to consider potential drawbacks and limitations. Here are a few points to keep in mind:

  1. Nutrient Deficiencies: By excluding plant-based foods, the carnivore diet may lead to nutrient deficiencies, particularly in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It is important to ensure adequate nutrient intake through careful food selection or supplementation.
  2. Long-Term Sustainability: The carnivore diet is highly restrictive and may be challenging to maintain in the long term. It may also limit social interactions and dining out options, which can impact overall lifestyle and enjoyment of food.
  3. Lack of Scientific Evidence: While there are anecdotal reports of benefits, there is limited scientific research on the long-term effects and safety of the carnivore diet. More studies are needed to evaluate its potential risks and benefits.
  4. Individual Variability: It is important to recognize that individuals may respond differently to the carnivore diet. What works for one person may not work for another, and it is essential to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes.

Personal Experiences

The individuals in the conversation shared their personal experiences with the carnivore diet. They mentioned improvements in arthritis pain, acid reflux, weight loss, and overall well-being. However, it is important to note that these experiences are subjective and may not be representative of everyone's experience with the carnivore diet.


The carnivore diet is a highly restrictive dietary approach that involves consuming only animal-based foods while excluding all plant-based foods. While some individuals may experience benefits such as weight loss and improvements in certain health conditions, it is important to consider potential drawbacks and limitations. The long-term effects and safety of the carnivore diet are still not well understood, and it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes.

Who else is on the carnivore diet? (2024)


Who is the leading expert on the carnivore diet? ›

Shawn has gained notoriety as a leading proponent of the carnivore diet—where participants get nutrition from animal-sourced foods and severely limit or eliminate all plants from their diet. Read ahead for our full interview with Dr. Shawn Baker's dietary experiences and his unique take on nutrition.

Are any celebrities on the carnivore diet? ›

Joe Rogan: The podcast host has publicized his experience with the carnivore diet, reporting positive changes in his health, including improved energy levels and weight loss. Jordan Peterson & Mikhaila Peterson: Psychologist Jordan Peterson and his daughter Mikhaila are perhaps the most vocal proponents.

What is the downfall of carnivore diet? ›

Saturated fats can cause inflammation. Additionally, a high-protein diet (such as the carnivore diet) can be harmful to the kidneys—and can even promote gout and kidney stones.

What are the negatives of the carnivore diet? ›

The carnivore diet eliminates all foods except meat and animal products. Thus, it's low in vitamin c, folate, has no fiber, and is difficult to maintain. You should follow a well-rounded diet instead.

What do doctors think of the carnivore diet? ›

Beyond anecdotal evidence of miraculous effects of an all-meat diet, science does not back up the other claims of the Carnivore Diet, and most doctors recommend avoiding it. While a diet that induces ketosis may be beneficial for some people, changing the way the body burns fuel is not the only factor in a diet.

Has Joe Rogan done the carnivore diet? ›

Joe Rogan's daily intake, while on the Carnivore Diet, primarily consisted of meat. He often mentioned consuming elk, bison, and other game meats, along with more traditional meats like beef. Organ meats, particularly liver, were also a part of his diet.

Why did Paul Saladino quit carnivore? ›

But in a recent interview with podcaster Thomas DeLauer, Saladino said that after five years on the carnivore diet his testosterone levels tanked. He also believes the diet is the cause of his sleep issues and joint and muscle pain.

Is carnivore diet bad for kidneys? ›

Other longer-term concerns about keto diets, especially the carnivore diet, include the increased risk of kidney stones, gout, and osteoporosis. Also, the very high protein intake associated with the carnivore diet can lead to impaired kidney function.

Can you drink coffee on a carnivore diet? ›

Ideally, it is best to stick to black coffee as it contains zero calories and carbohydrates, making it suitable for a low-carb diet like carnivore. Adding cream or other additives can increase the calorie and carbohydrate content of the coffee, which may not align with the principles of this diet.

Who should avoid the carnivore diet? ›

The carnivore diet can be risky, especially for people with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and a history of heart disease. The lack of fiber can also cause constipation and poor gut health. Consult a healthcare provider, such as a registered dietitian, before starting a carnivore diet.

Why do I feel so bad on the carnivore diet? ›

Low-carb flu, characterized by symptoms like headaches, fatigue, nausea, confusion, and irritability, is a common side effect during the first week or two of a carnivore diet. These symptoms usually resolve within a few days to a couple of weeks.

What is the best cheese for carnivore diet? ›

The Best Cheese for Carnivore Diet List: Cottage Cheese, Goat Cheese, Cream Cheese, and More. Cheese, with its vast variety, can be a great way to add flavor and nutrition to your carnivore diet.

Who is the father of the carnivore diet? ›

In 2018, the carnivore diet was promoted on social media by former orthopaedic surgeon Shawn Baker, who wrote the book The Carnivore Diet.

Are there any scientific studies on the carnivore diet? ›

Not a single long-term clinical trial appears to have been conducted on the carnivore diet, so there's no conclusive evidence it's safe; in fact, many have proclaimed it decidedly unsafe.

What is the success rate for the carnivore diet? ›

Harvard Carnivore Study

The researchers concluded, “Contrary to common expectations, adults consuming a carnivore diet experienced few adverse effects and instead reported health benefits and high satisfaction.” The positive health benefits including: 93% improved or resolved obesity and excess weight.

Who is the advocate of the carnivore diet? ›

In the 1880s, James H Salisbury advocated a meat diet consisting of two to four pounds of lean beef and three to five pints of hot water a day. It became known as the meat and hot water diet, or Salisbury diet. More recently, the orthopaedic surgeon and influencer Shawn Baker published The Carnivore Diet book in 2018.


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