What Makes a Great Boss in Nursing? | IntelyCare (2024)

What Makes a Great Boss in Nursing? | IntelyCare (1)

Strong nursing leadership is essential to organizational success. Managers who are able to motivate, inspire, and celebrate the successes of their clinical employees cultivate better patient outcomes, higher job satisfaction, and greater financial wellness. You might be wondering — What makes a great boss and why should facilities focus on developing leadership skills in their nursing managers?

In this article we explain the importance of strong leadership in healthcare and list 10 essential qualities of a good nurse leader. By considering these key traits, healthcare administrators can train passionate, effective nursing leaders with the power to drive positive change efforts in their organization.

Why Is Strong Leadership in Healthcare Important?

Healthcare managers play a key role in providing high-quality patient care. They set the tone for workplace culture and uphold the mission, vision, and values of the organization they work for.

How can an effective nursing boss contribute to organizational success? The following table highlights the impacts of strong leadership on healthcare businesses, nursing professionals, and patients.

Healthcare BusinessesNursing ProfessionalsPatients
Improved financial stability

Stronger patient loyalty

Lower staff turnover

Better regulatory compliance

Higher job satisfaction

Improved resilience

Greater professional development

Stronger interpersonal relationships

Reduced medical errors

Fewer adverse events

Lower patient mortality

Fewer Infections

5 Bad Qualities of a Boss In Healthcare

Before listing qualities of a great nurse leader, it can be helpful to point out some leadership behaviors that could be detrimental to your team’s success. Here are five concerning qualities in a manager that should be avoided or addressed immediately:

  1. Poor listening and communication skills
  2. Defensiveness
  3. Low emotional intelligence
  4. Unable to see the “big picture”
  5. Lack of honesty or integrity

Identifying the leadership traits that could have a negative impact on your organizational quality is the first step toward improving collaboration, optimizing resilience, and reducing burnout in your nursing team.

Now that you’re aware of the traits to watch out for, what kinds of leadership skills should you be encouraging and celebrating in your bosses and executives? Next, we’ll review what makes a great boss in nursing by listing the key qualities of these healthcare leaders.

Top 10 Qualities of a Good Boss

When exploring what makes a great boss, it’s best to start out by identifying broad character traits that can be helpful when managing a team of employees. Words to describe a good boss in any industry include:

  • Organization
  • Honesty
  • Passion
  • Trustworthiness
  • Inclusivity
  • Self-awareness
  • Inspiration

These qualities are highly valued in the healthcare industry. However, when determining what makes a good boss in nursing, it’s essential to hone in on more specialized leadership traits. So, what qualities of a nurse leader are most appreciated by clinical staff? Here are the top 10 qualities you should look for.

1. Provides Clear and Consistent Communication

Clear communication is one of the most important qualities of a great boss. Transparency is key when talking with patients and staff members, so it’s essential for clinical leaders to be honest and consistent with messaging.

2. Prioritizes Mentorship

When describing good qualities of a nurse leader, mentorship should be mentioned at the top of the list. Working in healthcare can be stressful, and burnout rates are high. Checking in with clinical staff, encouraging them to climb the clinical ladder, and supporting them through career challenges can help improve retention and keep nurses excited to come to work.

3. Encourages Professional Development

It’s important for managers to show their employees that they care about their future career growth just as much as they care about their ability to fulfill current role responsibilities. Knowing the strengths of each staff member and understanding how to help them succeed is what makes a great boss. Examples of ways to promote professional development include:

  • Budgeting appropriately to help a shared governance committee attend a nursing conference.
  • Educating staff members about available tuition assistance benefits.
  • Providing paid educational time to study for certification exams.

4. Understands the Impacts of Unconscious Bias

Unconscious bias can hinder any team’s effectiveness, whether it’s in healthcare executive offices or on patient care units. Taking the time to understand the effects of one’s own natural biases can help a leader demonstrate impartiality and equality. It also develops trust among team members, which can improve comradery and clinical effectiveness.

5. Isn’t Swayed By Favoritism

While it’s important to be appreciated and liked by your clinicians, forming close friendships with some employees and excluding others is a form of workplace bullying. Unfair or preferential treatment shouldn’t be tolerated or allowed, nor should any form of hostility, workplace violence, or discrimination.

6. Considers all Stakeholders During Decision Making

Many nurses don’t appreciate it when their leaders make decisions without involving them in the process. Top-down leadership limits employee autonomy and contributes to feelings of powerlessness. Bosses who include their staff in decisions such as unit redesign, patient meal offerings, technology upgrades, and schedule changes show that they respect the voices of their employees and value their input.

7. Leads by Example

“Practice what you preach” is easier said than done. Managers who demonstrate strong work ethic, reliability, timeliness, and attention to detail encourage the same behaviors in their employees.

8. Emphasizes Progress Over Punishment

Healthcare employees should be encouraged to submit safety events and identify their own “near misses.” Show employees that you prioritize patient safety and aren’t looking to punish or reprimand them for making mistakes.

This not only can help you improve job satisfaction, but can also make a positive impact on patient health outcomes. Being able to remove fear from the workplace is what makes a great boss stand out from the rest.

9. Promotes a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Great managers encourage their staff to use vacation time, enjoy meal breaks, and take mental health days when needed. They know that by helping their employees balance their priorities, they’ll build a more satisfied and productive team.

10. Celebrates Employee Success

Whether it’s congratulating a CNA for graduating nursing school, celebrating an employee’s birthday, or awarding a nurse for their research, good bosses are sure to celebrate their team’s wins. Nursing can be a stressful job — it’s important to help your employees have a bit of fun when they can.

Find Additional Strategies to Help Your Team Thrive

Now that you know more about what makes a great boss in the workplace, you can find new ways to encourage the development of positive behavioral traits in your nursing managers. Creating strong nursing leaders is only the first step. Our newsletter provides even more evidence-based strategies and insights to help improve employee satisfaction, boost wellness, and maintain regulatory compliance in your organization.

What Makes a Great Boss in Nursing? | IntelyCare (2024)


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