The Rock Island Argus from Rock Island, Illinois (2024)

FRIDAY THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS 1IAY 22, 1023. if i "i i I Her are: EiwtrJ TT. i 4 iM; no P7T7 7 tit cf wy Sf Personal I i'liLLd T7C73 Y7TLLTH 5 i Uli I.e sr. i i.v-Y i ft 41 im ESLiAUTO '-ft I fc-a hj us GIVEN 375 Hi; GOUilTYFOaSG YEARS, PASSES nit! ir) AL 0 0 I I 5 3 I LIU 11IIU UU-wl Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Eeal and family, 1531 Thirtieth street, lelt this morning for Manitou Beach, Miclu, where they will visit for about two "weeks. Anna Johnson, Glenham, South Dakota, her son. Harry W. Johnson, Selbyr S. and her daughter, Mrs.

Carl Monken, Mo-bridge, S. are the guesu of Mr. and Mrs. W. L.

Frank, 1605 Twenty-ninth street. Rock Island. They came to Rock Island to attend the funeral of C. D. who Rock IUnd.

and Perry Pettlt i Darenrort. Sirp-ctiU Jrea are: --Jamia W. Pet tit of Seattle. Harry Pettit cf Chicago. Mrs, Fra-nie Giles of Rock Iiia-l, Mrs.

Graham of Chicajro and Hr. Ctlla Cain of Okeana. Ohio. Mrs. Pettit was a member et the First Baptist church, attending regularly throagh the long period of her infirmity, rearing her family ia the same consistent manner, an 3 devoting her life to those about her.

Funeral arrangements have-not been completed. CONCERT BAI7D OF HIGH SCHOOL GIVT3 SPECIAL PROCrRAII ji'tf PoIIars Cct Oft of Penalty Ca food Behavior; I'onr Uonnd Orer in DaTenport. IliroIJ Htllerstraass. Tord of the death today of Harold Kelierstrass 27, ia hla hom at Kansas City, was received ia tl0 fcy bi grandmother, irs.v.llhelmlaa Kelierstrass, 2261 Thirteenth street. Mr.

Kelierstrass was the son of Mr. and Mrs. t-rneEt Kelierstrass, formerly resident of Rock Island. The deceased was a World war veteran and visited ia this city at the close of the war. He ia survived by his wife and two children at home, his parents, also of Kansas City; his grandmother, Mrs.

Kelierstrass, and his aunt, Miss Boris Kelierstrass. both of Rock Island. Fun I Dies at Ilome ef ner Baaghtfr Ux Reck Island After Twt Weeks Illness. nnisdale Tosu 2Taa Serioasly In-- jored TTbea Machine Is Wrecked 'en Hard Road. Goes to 81 at! 2:33 O'clock This Afternoon, Exceeding All Records JTp to May 22.

Heat records of 10 years were died at Mobridge, S. D-, the services Broken today when the tempera- taking place at the Franks home Two hundred fifty bottles of homs trew beer reduced the cash assets cf otto" "Mills, Mala street. Pares port, to the extent of $75 uhea he was arraigned in Daveu- yesterday. Mrs. Anna Johnson, the widow of the deceased, is the Mrs.

William B. PetUt. CS. resident of Rock Island county 65 years, died at :15 o'clock this morning in the home ot hT daughter, Mrs. Arthur c*nther, 1S2I Thirty-second street.

Rock Island. She had been only ill two weeks but had been an invalid much of the time during the last five years. firah FL Ward was born in Steu aervices hav nnt Ko ar- port police court this morning and I 1 fined 1100 and costs by Magistrate I rangKL eral (Special to The Argus.) Hillsdale, May 22. Carl Ropp, 22. young farmer of near Hillsdale, was seriously Injured at shortly before 1 o'clock this morning when' he fell asleep while returning in his car from Rock Island, and the machine crashed Into the end of a' cement culvert, on the har road six miles southwest ot Hillsdale.

Harold meicaii. lie escapea further nancial loss because SSO of the fine and cost were suspended npon good behavior as usual. tare soared to 94 degrees above lero, the hottest of 1925 and of all days this early la Rock Island people, who thought the heat had abated for a few days whea the air suddenly cooled off yesterday evening, were sweltering uader a broiling sun whiciL produced August temperatures "throughout this territory this afternoon. The reading of 94, made by the United States weather bureau at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, is three points above the previous high mark for the month, prior to May 22, 91 an May 13, 915. Mrs.

Minnie Jean Walker of Little Rock. Ark prominent society and club woman, has been awarded $100,000 on a contested will of an eccentric elderly woman who bequeathed her the money for "her loving kindness and care during illness. ben county. New Yerk. July 12.

18-She was XZ years of age when the family came to Rock Island county and located on a farm near Coal viiv. Later she resided lri a The machine was wrecked In the Members of the Rock Island high school's concert band will make their first public appearance at the school auditorium at 8 o'clock tonight in a program constating of band numbers, readings and vocal selections. The proceeds of the entertainment are to be devoted to the purchase of uniforms for the band members. The program of tonight is to be under the direction ef Albert H. Hoelscher.

The high school orchestra will assist, and patron a are promised a profitable musical hour. farmhouse at what now is Eigh mother of Mrs, Franks. Mayor W. A. Rosenfield left last night for a business trip to Chicago.

Mlas Mildred Crandell of Oak Park, I1L, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. TV. K. Crandell, 1043 Fourteenth-and-a-half streets Mr.

and Mrs. A. W. Ehleb, 1523 Twenty-fifth street, are the parents of a son born Tuesday morning St the Moline Lutheran hospital. Mrs.

Edward Johnson and her son Franklin Charles of Des Iowa, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mc-Caw, 1220 Fourteenth-and-a-half street.

Mrs. Glen W. Jenks, 1513 Forty-third street, left yesterday morning for New. York, planning to sail to Sweden on Saturday. Altaougn auis was ame 10 pay the fine he let loose of his cash grudgingly.

lie was arrested last uigbt after Federal Prohibition; OScer Roy E. Mahs and Detective jack Kinney raided his hom*o and fojnd the beer. He wa3 charged 4 with operating a disorderly house. accident, and young Ropp sustained a broken collar bone and several cuts and bruises about the face and teenth avenue and 'Thirty-third street, about a block from the place of her oassfng. Ropp was driving, was badly damaged.

The machine hit the culvert. He had attended a play at the Her marriage to William B. Pet-tit took place Sept, 10. 1878. He died nine years ago.

Surviving are head-on, the impact driving the engine clear hack under the seat of Foor Arraigned la Court. Four persons charged with viola-tons of the prohibition law and all arrested at Clinton, Iowa, for operations in that city, were ar four children and nve step-children. the -coupe. MEDICAL FILM AT 1 SPENCER THEATRE WORTHY OF PRAISE Hillsdale high school, and had taken a friend to Rock Island, and was returning home vrhen the accident happened. He was found by Leslie Kempster of Hillsdale, who brought him to his home; Dr.

C. S. Jfoung of Geneseo was called to attend him. Today his condition, though serious, was regarded as being favorable, In the collision with the con crete, culvert the Ford coupe, which ONE OF SAFETY PINS STILL IN CHICAGO YOUTH raigned in Davenport this morning In the court of United States Commissioner A. G.

Dush. Frank and Edmond Ludwls of Clinton were released on a joiat bond of $1,000 after they had been bound "over to the federal grand jury on charges of illegal possession and transportation. They had 158 gallons of alcohol ia. their intoraobile when arrested. They not guilty.

Only one of the four, Bito Xor-jngello. also of Clinton, went to lail. He was arrested with Mrs. liuis Morbito at Clinton and both irere charged with unlawful possession and transportation after 75 gallons of alcohol were disc-jvered In their car. The woman furnished $1,000 bail for her release but -Coringello went to the Sott county 1 How About Yb Mot Weather Comfort? Step in tomorrow and let us fit you out in something cool.

Mrs. Mary Welvaert. Mai3r Welvaert, 6, of aiilaa. died last night in the Mollne city hospital following an illnesa of several weeks resulting from a stroke with which she was stricken six weeks ago. She had formerly been a resident of Moline for 18 years.

Mrs, Welvaert was born ia Belgium oa Aug. 15, 186S, her maldea name being Mary Vuysen. She came to America la 1901, directly to Moline-where she married Edward Welvaert ia 190S. They lived la Moline until sir years ago when they took up, farming near Milan. She was a member of Sacred Heart church.

Survivors are the widower, three bobs. R. F. Anthony, East Moline, Anthony, Mollne, and Frank Welvaert, Moline; five daughters, Mrs. Crlel DeWendt, Chicago, Mrs.

Louis Miller, Nauvoo, 111., Mrs. Alvtn Meigan, Moliae, and Miss Anna Anthony and Miss Lillian Welvaert, Mollne, one brother, Clement Engela, Rock Island, one sister. Mrs. August Vincent. Rock Island and two sisters la Belgium.

Lars Larson. Lars Larson, 63. JL858 Third street, Mollne, died, in the 'Moline city hospital at 2:45 o'clock this morning, death resulting from an operation he underwent He was in Chris-tfania Norway, on Dec. 1861, the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Lars Christiansen, borh of whom preceded him in death. He came to America directly to, Moline at the age of 29. Before his retirement four years' ago, he had been employed at the R. V. plant.

Mr. Larson married Emilie Caspersen in Norway on June 3, 1880. Five of nine children born to this union preceded him in death. Survivors aro the widow, three daughters, Mrs. Mary Rueta, Rock Island; Ward Teller and Mrs, Francis Mehuya, and five grandchildren, all cf Three brothers and three sisters In Norway also survive him.

Funeral ser Rich. Richard George Andersov or Chicago Sub. mlts to Second Examination One Safety la Eemoved. In addition, to the regular program featuring Pauline Starke In "The Devil's a special film eatitled. "Working Jor Dear is being1; shown at the Spencer Square theatre.

The film, which is exhibited through the courtesy; of Dr. H. J. Friedman of Rock Island, has to do. with the needs of every person for a yearly physical examination, and will be shown at tonight's and all of i tomorrow's per-formances.

The medical fllmT which was viewed recently at a meeting of the Rock Island County Medical society, tells the story of a man who took good care of his automobile but forgot to take care of himself. It graphically depicts how he suddenly realizes that the human machine seeds Inspection, and he goes about getting his own body in good running order. The movie concerns every human being, and local physicians declare that it will add years to your life. The picture was produced, by the Metropolitan Life Insurance company. Says: $1.50 to $5.00 $12.50 to $25.00 $1.50 to $7.50 25c to 75c Straw Hals Athletic Unionsuits Hot Weather Shirts Hot Weather Suits Hot Weather Trousers Light Weight Hose jail when be fallen to raise a use mount.

ciiigagPnly bidder for '26 CLUB MEETING The condition of George Anderson. 25, of Chicago, who swallowed two open safety pins Wednesday nisht after arriving ia Rock Island in search of employment, was unchanged and physicians wejre attempting to determine the exact position of one of the pins in the youth's intestines before pin has been removed by use of Anderson was in the X-ray room of St. Anthony's hospital at 2:45 o'clock this afternoon, where Dr. Dan Paul was making an examination to learn how to reach the pin which had lodged in the See the new Van Husen Collars 35c MAN is what he eW What hi pocketbook is depends upon whether he devour daily the matter presented in The Argus A-B-C Classified Columns Read them today! TWO LAWYERS AT FREIGHT HEARING FOR ALL CARRIERS Or 3 for $1.00 Jttrs. Palmer Airaln President-Elect Mrs.

Blssell Delegate to General Federation. .4 styles. With Walter McDonald, counsel PICK DELEGATES FOB CONVENTION OF WAR VETERANS vices will be, held at 2:30 o'clock for the Burlington railroad, and E. KA. Smith, counsel for the Illinois Sunday afternoon la the residence.

Decatur, I1U; May A.F.) A The Illinois Federation of Women' L1858 Third street. Interment will Clubs closed its 4-day convention yilemeyer, tHej'Glothier be In the family lot In Riverside cemetery. Mrs. Kjersti Astrom. -Mrs.

Kjersti Astrom, 86, wife of John Aetrom, 1222 Sixth aveaue. here totlay. Selection of the-next convention city was referred to the board of directors. Chicago extended the only invitation for the 1926 meeting. 1724 Second Ave.

Mrs. George Thomas Palmer of Mollne, died In her home yester-fDrinefield was reelected president i day afternoon following an illnesa Copyright, 1925. By Basil I. Smith. Central, present as representatives of all of the railroads of Illinois, the-coal fight rate hearing occasioned by the' complaint of quad-city buyers and dealers began this afternoon In Moline.

The complaining companies, who seek a reduction of the charge for-coal transportation to the trl-cKles, are represented by A. Schaeffer and George M. Cummins. G. G.

Zorn. assistant transportation rate expert of the Illinois commerce is taking' the evidence. Both sides hoped to finish the hearing tomorrow, and that a decision from the commission might be had ot the Ilinois federation during the of two Weeks, caused by the infirmr A meeting of members of Siboney Bay comp-, No. 8, United Spanish War Veterans, "was held last evening in Memorial hall when" delegates to attend the state department convention to be held at Decatur June 11, 12 "and 13, were chosen. The delegates are A.

W. Sherman, William Hurst, Percy H. Winans, Joseph Norton, Frank H. Anthony and Noah Gilbert. The alternates chosen are Carl H.

Schmacht, Harry S. Blackmail, T. S. Towns-ley, Christer A. "Carlson, Alfred Bear and Joseph Stauber.

ities of old age, Mrs. trom was election held Thursday, and announced from the platform of the convention this Other officers elected are: First vice president Mrs. J. JIarc. Fowler, Chicago.

Recording secretary Mrs. John S. Maurey, Chicago. Treasurer Mrs. Charles J.

Un about one month. Trainor, Chicago. Parliamentarian Mrs. W. NEW 'POTATOES 7 1b.

for bora In VJelkinge Kirstlanstad Lan, Sweden, on Aug. 26. 1838. her maiden name being Kjersti Okeaoa. She came to Moline la' 1870, where she married Joha Astroav seven years later.

Mrs. Astrom had been a member of the First Lutheran church since! 1870. Surviving her are the widower one daughter, Elsie, and one stepdaughter. Jennie, all of Moliae, and one brother. Swan Okesoa, Water-towa, Miaa.

Mnlllgaa Funeral, Funeral services for Thomas Mulligan of the Soldiers home at father of Frank Mulligan, 402 Railroad avenue. be held at 8:30 o'clock tomorrow morning in Esterdahl's chapel and at 9 o'clock In St. Mary's charch. Rev Ralph Lane will officiate. Interment will be In Calvary cemetery, Rock Island.

Funeral of D. 'Johnson. The funeral of the late D. Johnson, father, of Mrs. W.

L. Franks. 1605 Twenty-ninth street. Rock Island, look place yesterday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. Franks.

Rev. C' W. Olander of Grace Lutheran church. Fancy, large, red OLD POTATOES, Northern, bu. baaket 29c ifei BsB Dfe 1 s' i i ia EC as CD tfe Plummer, Chicago.

The only contest was over the election of the parliamentarian, and Mrs. Plummer received 271 votes while her opponent, Mrs. Joha H. Chadwick of Tuscola, ia the Nineteenth district, received 210. The hold-over officers are: Second vice president, Mrs.

N. C. McLean, East St. Louis, and corresponding secretary, Mrs. J.

R. Leib, Delegate s-at-large, elected to the general federation meeting in West Baden, in June, are: 31rs. Bissell Eleeted. Mrs. Mary E.

Wall, 25th district; Mrs. Mary E. Williams, 12th district; Mrs. N. C.

McLean. 22nd district; Mrs. C. D. Babb, 19th district; Mrs.

C. B. Scott, 16th district; Mrs. Joseph J. Worker, 1st district; Mrs.

George W. ttise, 11th district; Mrs. J. Marc I'owler, 6th district; Mrs. Guy Patterson, ISth district; Mrs.

David McLean, 2nd district; W. A. BalL 9th district: Mrs. F. W.

Rock Island, officiated. Two selections were sung by Mrs Olan der, "Gone Home," by Harold now-den. and "We Shall Sleep But Not TT II i inn Forever. by S. J.

Vaile. The in nome ormaevenmncit Strawberries Peaches Illinois Klondacks or Apricots '2bo-35c 5- SI c'-'' PURE QUILL soc Plrn GOLDEN ROD Milk arr-giac SUGAR I NAVY BEANS Fine Granulated -Rice, Fancy Blue Rose 15 foSl 5 for 39c ElockL 10th district: Mra. CTj-es- Watson, 13th district; Mrs. A.

M. Howell, 21st district; Mrs. W. H. i Bissell, 14th district; Mrs.

William SeYerin, 9th The women adopted In the clo-? session a resolution favoring mm terment was at Chippiannock in the Franks family lot. Mr. Join-son died at his home in Mobridge, S. DalC Fnneral of Mrs. Feeley.

i Funeral services for Mrs. Ann Feeley. 94, widow of the late Patrick Feeley, one of Rock Island's first policeman- and a member of the police department of the city for 25 years, who died Thursday morning In Peoria, will be held at 9 o'clock Saturday morning at St. Joseph's Catholic church here. Dean P.

H. Durkin wIl officiate and interment will be la Calvary cemetery. y-- I In -'Philadelptna; Is tEc? jfjjTnbol of American JVeedonL I ButrJa'scnWr of the millions ofj tomes' irrcvery 'part of thiscountry' tEvcry family has it5wn "Independence Hall-Ju own home! home the kind of place that'you woultT 'like'it to be-lhe kind of place to which you turajwithj a feeling of satisfaction and independence every timej "a proposed eight and one-nan ifcear law for women, protested ft gainst. a cut in the -state appro LOOK THROUGH CLASSIFICATIONS' 77. 80.

84. AND 87 '-NOW! t- priation to the University of Illinois ad favored children's playgrounds ia all cities. JL resolution for approval of the world court and the "trance of the United States lato it. was tabled. Rev.

Elmer Lyna Williams of Chicago was one cf the speakers at the closing session, telling of his xperiences in fighting liquor, you sian Li If it isn't andf if "you w-ant to Ke7 whlT littleofl radditional TxpenWyou'll find that theHapnyJ CANE, 100 lbs. Ylft $6.59 Homes Season in theJalEsUte- Columns our 'A-B-C Classified Section offersjustjhesrtofjoppor Pile Sufferers Don't becom despondent try Bem-roid. No rroy no cnttinc. A nrmlea reaxKlr tht STroted to ouickly banish mil mi err or cort cothlnr-iH crl K. SchMcel or any good drucrist for Dr.

Iieonhardt Hemroid- tAdrertiao-ment. iunUiesyouxeJhoping for.T DEFEAT PEERESS BILL. London. May 22. The, house of lords defeated the bill to give the ote to peeresses, but favorable ac-uoa later was predicted.

'Houses'that'yducan'rent orBuv reasonahlyi Or powdered Raisins 19c homes, homes in town! Attractive apart ments andhuilding Every-thing forlevery typeof.home-seekerL 1 Ai for sugar iou t.miss me gqou reai estate news every oay i unn WA 10 -35c OVim 10- 59c mm ATTENTION Members R. I. Post No. 200, American Legion, to be present at Legion Hall Sunday, May 24, at 1 0 oVlock, wth or without uniforms, to attend memorial services at Broadway Presbyterian- church. MONT CHAMBERS, Commander.

liJIO 'Hi Bargairi Grocery 1507 2nd Ave. Phone R.I. 988.

The Rock Island Argus from Rock Island, Illinois (2024)


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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.