The Reporter from Lansdale, Pennsylvania (2024)

4 Wales probes HCDA funding By KEN SZYMKOWIAK Reporter Staff Writer North Wales Borough councilmen met with a county planner in the first tentative step towards obtaining federal Community Development Act funds. The councilmen were seeking advice on what programs they might consider that will most probably guarantee them funding. "It's not so much the type of projects as it is the type of neighborhood it is aimed toward," Glen Canfield of the Montgomery County Planning Commission told the councilmen. According to Ms. Canfield the act is geared toward raising the living standards of persons of low and moderate income.

She said such things as housing code enforcement have been looked on with more favor, usually, than a program to provide storm in an area that doesn't really have major problems due to flooding. Councilman Frank Hartman said the fire company is looking toward expansion of the firehouse. He received support from Councilman James Handerhan who also said the borough-funded library could use additional funds. The planner said the borough could apply for money for both projects, especially in the fire department's case, as long as other projects were occuring. The county is one of 73 in the United States whose population was over 200,000 in 1970 (it was about 625.000).

Because of that the Federal government set aside funds under the community Development Act. The funds were gathered from grants available on a separate basis before the act went into effect in 1974. In the 1974-75 funding year the county had $362,000 to distribute among 24 municipalities participating. This year 54 out of 60 municipalities in the county are joining in the program which has approximately $1.7 million to divide, according to Ms. Canfield.

She said in the 1977-78 funding year the county will have about $2.5 million available. The money sounds good but so far the county has received requests for about $7 million from the municipalities. Because of that county staffers who administrate the program will have to make priorities. Such things as code enforcement and urban renewal are likely to receive a more favorable standing because it meets more closely with the objective of the law. Ms.

Canfield told the councilmen they have until about January 1 to present an application for funds but, "you are pretty wise to begin thinking about it now." She volunteered the planning commission's help in developing the borough's program and an application for funds. Council also accepted road material bids from six Pennsylvania firms. The bids were referred to the public works committee for further consideration. Marriage Licenses Doylestown Susan M. French, Pebble Valley Doylestown.

Michael C. Florian, E. Oakland James M. Silveira, Jefferson Doylestown, and Elizabeth M. Sinon, Fair- Quakertown, and Barbara A.

less Hills. Upper Black Eddy. Ronald L. Grate, Ninth Allentown, Theodore J. Harris, Doylestown, and JoAnn Riegel, Mill Quakertown.

Rebecca H. Condict, Quakertown. Charles E. Jones, Bethlehem pike, Hat- James W. Holman, Quakertown, field, and Elise 'C.

Ferguson, same Ellen E. Kurtz, N. West End address. Quakertown. Gary E.

Draus, S. Main Quaker- Thomas J. Ryan, Kings town, and Debbie L. Tice, Quakertown. Apartments, Doylestown, and Susan Kim S.

Schneider, East Rock Hill, bins, same address. Perkasie, and Diane L. Schultz, Twin Oak Gregory M. Schrum, Quakertown, Doylestown. Judy A.

Wiediger, Jefferson Stephen C. Antoniuk, Evanston, and town. Lansdale Rotary hears report on Media school The story of the Williamson School of Medla, an endowed private vocationaltechnical school for young men was described to the members of the Lansdale Rotary club at the weekly meeting on Tuesday night at the Steakmaster. The speaker, Donald A. Day is the school's development director.

He presented the purpose, program. philosophy and history of this Delaware County institution with the help of slide pictures. The Williamson School, he said, was founded in 1888 by Isiah V. Williamson, a Philadelphia merchant and philanthropist. The school has become a leader in the field of vocational education and is known for the quality of its graduates.

Its purpose is to provide an opportunity for worthy young men to acquire trade and technical skills through a formal education program. Day sald the school offers full resident scholarship to about 200 young men. This year the school has 400 applicants for the freshman class from which 80 will be selected. No tuition is accepted from the students or their families. The essential requirements for a scholarship grant are demonstrated ability to achieve success in the school's required academic and trade work, proof of family economic limitations and wholesome attitudes toward education and community living.

Slide pictures Illustrated how the young students work on the campus as part of their education by building fire places, maintaining and altering buildings on the campus, as well as learning electric power technology by operating the turbines and generators that provide the power for the school. The speaker was Introduced by Past President Edwin R. Steel, who is a graduate of the Williamson School. President-Elect Raymond Moats, Sr. presided at the session in the absence of President Harold I.

Myers. He. told members that many of the men and their wives would be in Hershey over this' weekend attending the annual conference of Rotary District 743 which opens in the convention center on Thursday. The district governor to be elected formally at this conference will be Past President Sidney A. Neiburg, of the Lansdale club.

The district consists of 48 clubs and more than 2400 members. He will begin his term of office on July 1. Willard Krieble announced the club: members and guests will be attending a Phillies-Montreal baseball game on Tuesday, June 22. There are a limited number of tickets, available and when these are sold, he said, there will be no more available. The ticket price includes the bus trip to the stadium and return.

Visiting Rotarians were presented by Thomas Allis. They were W. Wister Wood, Philadelphia: Louis Parish, boro: Rev. Joseph Koehler, Norristown. Wayne Watson, of American Olean Tile Company and another graduate of Williamson School, was the guest of George Thorpe and Kenneth R.

Schmidt had as his guest Frederick Schmidt, tor of employe relations for the North Penn School district. Moats presented the two new members who have come into the club. They are Edward Wackowski, manager of the Lansdale office of the Bell Telephone Company, sponsored by Ernest Brenneman, and Waiter Rhoads, Norist, sponsored by Edwin R. Steel. Jr.

Veteran congressman continues to run scared (Continued from page 33) comes from special interest groups. Vigorito said he's facing his most serlous primary challenge. He campaigns on his voting record, which he said favors the consumer, environmental protection, tax reform, labor, senlor citizens, aid to cities and transportation. "The number one issue in this area is the high unemployment rate," he said via telephone. "I'm in favor of the public works bill to provide jobs." Vigorito's 24th District covers Craw.

ford, Erie and Mercer Countles. Tullio is in his third four year term as Erie's mayor and has city workers helping his campaign. Ile has attacked Vigorito as a big spender and criticized the to congressman's initial opposition revenue sharing. Vigorito said he now supports communities revenue desharing, because many pend on the funds. rundown of party races to Here's replace the six incumbents not seeking reelection: 3rd District, Philadelphia- State Rep.

Raymond Lederer Is expected replace to Green. outpoll Ave other Democrats to 10th District, Lancaster and parts of T- Commuters Save fuel, Cut Costs Start or join a car pool with a FREE Classified ad To place a notice write or call CLASSIFIED CAR POOL The Reporter 307 Derstine Ave. Lansdale, Pa. 19446 855-8440 542-9130 Include your starting point, destination, time schedule and whether you can share in driving. Also your phone number.

Your notice will appear dally until we are Informed to delete It. Car Pools RIDE NEEDED -Mon. to Fri. from Lansdale to N. Phila.

(Vic 32nd Ridge). Leave 7:45 a.m. Return 4 30 p.m. Will share driving expenses. Call 368-5740.

NEED A RIDE -From Hatfield Village to Merck, Sharp Dohme in West Point for the 7:50 shift and returning at 4.30. Will share expenses. Call 368-8616 after 6 p.m. RIDE NEEDED -From Main Susquehanna, Lansdale to Court House, Norristown, about 9 a.m. Return ride at 3 p.m.

needed. 155-5324. RIDE NEEDED -Weekdays from vicinity of North Wales Rd Main (Lansdate) to arrive at vicinity of Horsham and Old York a.m. Will share expenses. 055-4610.

RIDE SHARED -On Mon. Wed. evening in the Sellersville area, leaving between 5.15 6 p.m. to Drexel University In Phila. RIDE NEEDED -From Lansdale to Temple Phila.

campus, Wed, Thurs. Must be there by 1 30 a.m. Leave campus at 4:30 p.m. 055- 0350. RIDE NEEDED -From Telford to Montgomery County Community College.

Evenings. 723-5777. LANSDALE TO to S. Call 360-0236 after 6 p.m. WILLOW GROVE TO LANSDALE Kide to 4 from wanted for anytime Saturday.

share driving. Reply. Lansdale. Pa. 1906 or Box 216 Willow Grove.

Pa. 1010. RIDE NEEDED FROM -Pheasant Hill, Sellersville, to Dublin dally m. Returning 5:30 p.m, WiH share expenses. 257-4295.

Public Notices FICTITIOUS NAME REGISTRATION suant NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, purto the provisions of Act of 1945, Assembly, of Intention No. 200, to tile approved May 24, in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, Pennsylvanla, and in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, tificate for the conduct of a business in under Montgomery the County, Pennsyivania, assumed or fictitious name, style or designation of HUBSCHER'S place of COLLECTABLES, with Its principal business at 110 Main Souderton, Pa. 19964. sons The owning names and or addresses of all Interested in sald business are Christian E. F.

Hubscher, 464 2nd st. Apt. Souderton, Pa. 10964; William V. Coogan, 431 Three Mile Run Sellersville, Pa.

10900; Susan Souderton, Hubscher, 464 2nd St. Apt. 1431 Three Pa. Ruth Coogan, Pa. Mill Run Sellersville, 10940.

The certificate will be filed on or latter Friday the 30th day of April, 1976. Christian E. F. Hubscher Solicitor ESTATE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that, In the tate of the decedent set forth below, the Register of Wills has granted letters, testamentary or of ministration, to the persons named. All per sons having claims against said estate are requested to make known the same to them or their attorneys and all persons Indebted to said decedent are requested to make payment without delay to the executors or administrators named below.

SEWARD, GERTRUDE dec'd. Late of Borough of Lansdale. Executrix: HONOR E. CANNON 1508 E. Cardeza Street, Philadelphia, Pa.


Talbot, was filed in the above named Court, ing for decree that she may be declared and have all the rights, benefits, and privileges of temme sole trader under the Acts of Assembly in such cases made and provided, and that she may be granted 1 certificate authorizing her to so act, have the power and transact business provided for by the sald Acts of Assembly. WHEREUPON, THE Court has ed Wednesday, the 19th day of May, 1976 at 1:30 P.M. In Room as the time and place for the hearing of said petition, and that notice be given to the said David P. Talbot, by advertisem*nt once a week for two successive weeks, when and where the said David P. Talbot or any person so interested may appear and show cause, it any you or they have, why the prayer of said petitioner should not be granted.

ATTORNEY: Douglas J. Kissel, Esq. 762 E. Main Street Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 Car Pools RIDE NEEDED -From Hatfield to Cheltenham Shopping Center. Departing time 7 returning 4:30 p.m.

everyday except Fri. will share in driving Call 360-3397 after p.m. RIDE NEEDED -From corner of Kellers Creamery 4 Indian Creek In Franconia Two. to Philco Ford. Lansdale.

Working hours a.m. to 3 30 p.m. Wilt share with penses. Call after 4 p.m., 773-4145. RIDE WANTED -From vicinity of Cowpath rd.

and W. Vine st. Hatfield to Church North Wales for 3rd shift as of 10-27. Will share penses. 155-0491.

LANSDALE TO PHOENIXVILLE-Hrs. to 5. Call atter 6 m. How to Prepare and Place Your Classified Ad HOW TO WRITE HOW TO PLACE A GOOD YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CLASSIFIED WANT AD BY TELEPHONE BE CLEAR Readers respond DIAL more Quickiy and lavorably when DEADLINES given complete. of definite In SET SOLIDformation Tues through Sat.

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The answer 12 noon Mon for wed you give wall make 9000 12 noon Tues tor Thurs Classified ad 12 noon wed for Fri WANT ADS THAT FAIL tO bring m. Thurs for Sat. setist action do so. not through any 12 noon Fri for Mon. of readership, but because 3pm.

Fri tor Tues they not contain enough KILLSformation 10 get prompt action. Set solid-5 p.m day before THE GREATEST READER publication Monday through ATTENTION can De secured tor Friday. Saturosy edition your advertisem*nt by ordering deadline 12 noon Friday. consecutive insertions There are COPY CHANGESvery special rates tor mose 12 noon day betore publication who are desirous of keeping then Classified Office Hours Are name or oiler before the public Monday through Friday dav 1 to P.M WHERE SHOULD YOU PLACE YOUR ADT Listed below are the categories for classified advertising In The Reporter. In an effort to help speed up the placement of your ad you may wish to select one prior to contacting the paper.

However, we witt be happy to assist you in placing your message where it will get the best results, OBITUARY PAGE LIVESTOCK Dogs. Cars. Other Pets Card of Thanks Mores. Cattle. Other Stock in Memoriam Poultry MERCHANDISE Supple Funeral Flowers Directors Mourning GooDs 51 Articles for Sale Cemetery Lon 510 $1G.

Garage Antiques Sales PUBLIC Legal NOTICE Notice 52 Accessories AUCTIONS 524 Swimming Pools vo Public Sales Business Office ANNOUNCEMENTS SSA. Form Farm au Dairy Products Religious Personas I (Pre Social Paid) vents Good Things to Eat 10 Stroved. Lost, Found Household Construction Goods Equipment tor Sale 3. Musical Merchandise AUTOMOTIVE A Trailers Seeds. Christmas Piants.

Trees Flowers Mobile Homes Cameras Camping Wanted to Buy I Accessories 1 Auto Auto Truces for Sale Tires Par ROOMS AND BOARD Motorcycles Rooms in board Snow Rooms Without Board Equip vacation Automolive Wanted Room Goer BUSINESS SERVICE I PrePaid) re Paid! ESTATE FOR RENT 16- Business Service Offered Apartments 100 Rent Directory Business Professional 19 Commercial Plan tor Rent EMPLOYMENT industrial Land Space tor for Rets Help Main Female Gar ages tor Rent Part time Help Wanted Houses for Rent Situations Emplorment Agencies Desk Room Female I an ed Male Storage SPA I Shore. Mountain Lake 17 Child Care Rent FINANCIAL Wanted to Rent Business Opportunities For Rent waned Business Pre-Palel Opportunities REAL FOR SALE Broken Estate 40-Mortgage Money to Loan 02 Commercial Property tor INSTRUCTIONS 024 Indus for Sale 4- instruction Classes Lands tor Sale 4A HasH tor late Musical, Denting, Dramatic Lots tor Sett Snore, n.L ale for Sale Private Instruction wanted Real PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD. The Reporter lakes responsibility for incorrectness only on the first insertion, Corrections of Reporter made copy errors can be called in up until 9 a.m. the day of tion Monday through Friday and up until 12 noon Friday for Saturday's edition 855-8440 542-9130 You can use your master charge Master Charge When placing a Classified Ad. Auctions Auctions Public Sales Public Sales ABSOLUTE AUCTION 2 FAMILY DWELLING 2 STORY FRAME BARN ON 1.6 ACRES FOR: WALTER PATRICIA M.

PENNINGTON Routa 113 (Bridge Road) Skippack, Pa. Located approx. 1 ml. So. of RI.

73 TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1976 2:00 P.M. REAL ESTATE consists of story Stone Masonry Plastered 2 Family Dwelling, slate roof, alum. windows; half has carpet on 1st 2nd fir. is identical decorated, modern kitchen; floor space in each half; Fir. Kitchen, Dining Room, Living Room, bathroom; 2nd Fir 3 Bedrms closet space; 1 lg.

celled room; Full Basem*nt Bethlehem Dynatherm H.W. heating system, outside entrance, IDEAL FOR 2 FAMILIES. BARN 2 story Frame bank style Barn shake root, house attached, good condition, 1 heated workroom ideal for Antique Shop, etc. Buildings good condition. Lot Size 188 338 irreg.

sewer, Zoned Res. exception for Antique Business, Ideal Location! Inspection April 12 from 2-4 P.M. or by appt. Terms down day of sale; settlement within 45 days. Brokers Invited to Participate but must register client by April 26.

ABSOLUTE AUCTION '74 LTD Ford 2 Dr. Sedan '71 Chevy Statien Wagon '69 Buick Electra 4 Dr. San. Mimed Camper, Electric Golf Cart AT: OFFICE OF SANFORD A. ALDERFER, INC.

665 Harleysville Pike Along Rt. 113, 1 mi. So. of Franconia, Pa. WED.

APRIL 28, 1976 7:00 P.M. 1974 Ford LTD 2 dr. Sedan, blue, 52,000 miles, all power, auto. alr conditioning, 7 excellent 1 Owner Emma L. Thorn 1971 Chevrolet Kingswood Estate Station Wagon, Gold, 6 Passenger, 85,000 auto.

all power, Michelin Steel Belted Tires (like new), 1 Owner Arlen R. Nyce. 1969 Buick Electra 225 4 dr. Sedan, Green, 75,000 auto. all power, Steel Belted Tires (like new), 1 Owner Sanford A.

Alderfer. 1968 Nimrod Crown Riviera Tent Camper side room, bunks to sleep 6, stove, ice chest, lights, food clothing chests, in good condition, Owner A.R. Nyce. Victor Electric Golf Cart new Batteries, Ready to Go, Owner Alderfer. TERMS Cash AUCTION.

FOR: ESTATE OF H. PAUL FLUCK, Dec'd 171 Jenkins Avenue Lansdale, Pa. MAY 4, 1976 10:00 A.M. ANTIQUES Curly Maple School Masters Desk (dbl) 2 dr. 12 lite Bookcase (both are gems); Walnut Card Table feet; 2.

Marbletop Stands, Cherry Chest of Drawers (Hepplewhite), 6 Walnut D.R. Chairs seats; Cherry Drop Leaf Gate Leg Table, Cherry Corner Cupboard 12 lite single door; Sm. Victorian Couch (a beauty); Acron Top Poster Bed, Curly Maple Chest of Drawers sides; Ladderback Rocker, Arrowback Chairs. Wash Night Stands, Fine Walnut Frames, 1g. Oil Painting on Canvas (Dog); 2 Sewing Machine bases, Wicker Pottie Chair, Pot Belly Stove, Trivets, flat Irons, Brass Pall, Lamp bases candle holders, crocks, pie plates, Onyx Top Brass Stand, Weller Vase.

CHINA Flow Blue Plates, I.S. Pitcher, 2 Tea Pots, Lustre Creamer, Bisque Porcelain figurines. GLASSWARE Blue Milk, Colored Cobold Blue, Stemware, Cake Stand, Punch Bowl. FURNITURE French Provincial Bedroom Suite, Marble Top Stand Coffee Table, Sofa, Wingback Chair, Hi-FI Sm. Mah.

Desk, Cedar Chest, Table Floor Lamps, Dishes Kitchen Utensils, Glider, chairs, Refrigerator, Hoover Vacuum Cleaner, Bed Table Linens. AUTO 1965 Mercury Comet 2 dr. Sedan, 6 cylinder, Standard Transmission, 69,000 miles (good rubber), Step Ladder, hand garden tools. NOTE Many fine Items to sell; Please be early. CASH LUNCH Sanford A.

Real Estate Brokers Harleysville, Pa. AUCTION Saturday, April 24th, 10 A.M. 611 Auction Gallery RI. 611 Pipersville, Pa. 18947 PHONE (215) 766-8802 Earty bamboo I arrow back Settee, set at a Victorian cheirs.

Jetty cupboard, set of Hitchco*ck chairs Empire mirrors Victorian, Wicker and iron furniture. China Dynasty Vase, large bronze clocks, kerosene lamps toys china cut art Clown Mechanical bank, Collection of swords. 41 Cat. Navy revolver circa 1051, Flintlock Distal Circa indian relics, Oriental Rugs, 5 guitars piano accordian, set of early Fenton china, service tor 12 china, primitives, prints. off paintings plus 100's of more surprising and interesting lots.

Come early and plan to spend the day at Bucks County's tines! Country Auction. Auction is Action Lunch Counter Paul Derstein Public Sales Public Auction of ANTIQUES, HOUSE HOLD GOODS. TRUCK. ETC. BROWN BROS.

Auction 411 Buckingham, Pa. On SAT. APRIL 2410 at 0:30 A ANOTHER LARGE SALE with usual variety TRUCK: Ford 74.000 miles. For H. Cowers L.

eedom, retired electrician. Seis at 11. Noon. ANTIQUES: 1 chine closet. Larkin bureaus other out furniture unell items interest.

USED Huge Quantity of much loved furniture same last time around pieces. Deliveries are backed up we will both be surprised Chipo side bell claw tooted leader back chair set. USUAl Items. Two selling TERMS CasA. DROWN BROS Auctioneers Duckingham, nite A FAMILY TRADITION SINCE I91S NORTH PENN AUCTION INC.

Complete Auction Service John M. Glenn, Auctioneer 059-4709 HENRY K. FRIED Complete Auction Service Line Leringion, 000 COVALENT AUCTION REAL ESTATE SERVICE COLMAR. I WHEN YOUR SKIN TURNS Costume lewelry con turn green, Cost me article be colorless fingernail went te sell Try west Classilind Ad. CALL: 855-8440 Auctions Auctions Public Sales Public Sales ABSOLUTE AUCTION 25 Ac Farm in 3 Parcels Oliver Tractor Machinery Antiques, Household Furnishings FOR: RAYMOND SALLIE MININGER 553 Mininger Rd.

Franconia Twp. Souderton, Pa. APRIL 29, 1976 10:00 A.M. Auction will begin Farm Items Real Estate at 1 P.M. REAL ESTATE PARCEL NO.

1 18.1 acres open ground 674' fronting Mininger 587' fronting Elroy Rd. 153' fronting Beck Rd. Excellent location. PARCEL NO. 5.3 acres 670' fronting Mininger Rd.

story Frame Dwelling. 1st Fir eat-in country Kitchen, Living Room window, utility room, powder room; 2nd FIr 3 Bedrooms Bath; 3rd Fir attic; Full Basem*nt, oil H.W. heat. 2 story. Frame Barn loft (30x56), house attached.

PARCEL NO. 3 Building Site, 1.5 ac fronting Mininger nice rural area. Zoned R-130. Entire acreage has public Water. To be sold in 3 Separate Parcels.

Parcels No. 1 3 are Perc. approved for alternates systems! Inspection from 2-4 P.M. or by appt. Terms down day of sale; settlement within 60 days.

Brokers Invited to Participate but must register client by April 28. FARM ITEMS MACHINERY include "70" Oliver Tractor, 8' cultipacker, Simplicity David Bradley garden. tractors, 2 wheel trailer, express sleigh, poultry items, SET OF DRIVING HARNESS with bridle, farmers boiler, hand tools, beam scale, feed bin other misc. barn items. ANTIQUES HOUSEHOLD ITEMS include Rayo hanging lamp, parlor lamps, lamps, fruit jars, butcher kitchen items, crockery, irons, Silver Tone Victrola, oak washstand, Victorian type stand, kitchen cupboard, bow top trunk, fernery; Old Deeds from 1790 in Franconia Twp.

Include Stover, Rosenberger, Ruth, Krupp Bergey families; 7 pc. chrome kitchen set, S.S. cookware, rocker, Lindsey, water softener, metal kitchen cabinet, radio other small appliances, New Perfection oil stove other valuable items. Terms Cash Lunch AUCTION 12 Acre Farmette FOR: ROBERT ESTHER LEISTER Spinnerstown, Pa. (approx.

2 ml. NW of Quakertown Interchange of Pa. Turnpike RI. 663; 3 ml. NW of Quakertown Commercial Airport) MAY 1, 1976 10:00 A.M.

Sale will begin Farm Machinery: Real Estate at 11:00 A.M. REAL ESTATE Lg. 3 story Stone Plastered Dwelling. 1st Fri Lg. Country Kitchen Cabinets, Laundry facilities, Dining Room, Living Room, front porch enclosed side porch; 2nd Fir.

4 Bedrms Bath (not modern); 3rd FIr 2 Bedrms storage room (not heated); Full Basem*nt, oil fired H.W. heat (like new), hookup, attached 1 washhouse boiler, Frame 4 car 2 story Implement Shed, 2 story Frame Barn, lg. 2 car garage situate on 12 85 acres; Ideal for the Family interested in horses other pets; drilled well on site septic system. Inspection April 23, 1976 from 2-4 P.M. or by appt.

Terms down day of sale; settlement within 90 days. Brokers Invited to Participate but must register client by April 27. FARM MACHINERY 1948 J.D. Tractor, good running condition, 2. bottom plow, disc mower; I.H.

Manure Spreader P.T.O., 2 wheel trailer. Golden Sex link laying Hens; Wire Rabbit Pens In SHEEP 21. Ewes 1 Ram, Flock of Moyer section (Favorite Cup) Automatic wateres feeders. TRUCK 1960 G.M.C. Customer Camper, V6, 351 cu, engine.

sp. manual 2 saddle tanks. (sleeps 4), fully equipped; 2 riding rotary A lawn Phillips Intercom system, 9' Keller Kraft Camper Tractors, 6 1H.P. elec. hedge trimmer.

HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Norge Freezer Chest, spinning wheel, upright Piano, 10 pc. Dining Room Suite, gate leg dropieaf Table, linens other Items not mentioned. Terms Cash Lunch Alderfer, Inc. and Auctioneers 14 723-1171 254-8892 AUCTION GUNS TOOLS FURNISHINGS ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES AT: 4375 COUNTY LINE ROAD, COLMAR, PA. (1 mile south of Line Lexington) MAY 1, 1976 10:00 A.M.

GUNS: 38 Colt Revolver 22 Colt rev. cyl. 357 ma. rev. grip holster belt, 44 cal.

rev. caps, balls, flask holder, 32 cal. 22 cal. d.b. Derringer, 22 cal, sol.

b. Derringer, 22 cal. pellet pistol, Rem. Model 760-30-06 scope, Marlin 22 cal. Model 39A scope.

(Guns to be sold at 12:00 noon.) ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES: buckboard sleigh, sleds, milk cans. ornamental metal includes candle holder, armoured knights. flower stands, tea server and tire screen, ornamental wooden chairs, plaques. pictures, books, fodder cutter, hay forks, marble top table, washstand, clothestree, carriage steps. FURNISHINGS: pc.

magh. b.r. suite, poster bed, bureau, china closet, rd, table chairs, lounge chair, gas range, bookcase, cottee table, floor lamps, baskets. glassware, library table, metal office desks, display cases. TOOLS MISC.

ITEMS: drill, chain saw, skill saw, smi. garden troctor, metal toys, Deming $. well pump, bicycles. ski boots, Ice skates, croquet set, smi. bench saw, saddle, tool chests.

garden tools. steel fence posts, chicken crates, corr. root, cement blocks, wrenches, plus many other items by sale day. TERMS: CASH LUNCH BOB COVELENS Calmer, Pa. 822-2288 Public Sales ER HOME MOUSE.

AUCTION MONDAY NITE AT P.M. sale of my year collection. Candy small punch bowl all old Gotta charcoal car, pressed tone Iron sell your goods Note. 1.00 Coin sale place Indian cent. nickels, 1012 coins Mercury dimes; The works most complete Jajoday April E3 1976 Page Court, Moyer, and and Court Roband Allen- Chester and Lebanon counties- Eleven Republicans are vying for Eshleman's seat.

At least six have a chance of winning. 17th District, Dauphin, Lycoming, U'nion and parts of Lebanon and Northumberland- Three Republicans want to replace Schnecbell, but the race is between state Rep. H. Joseph Hepford of suburban Harrisburg and W. Crawford Murdoch, a former Dauphin County commissioner.

18th District, part of Allegheny County -Six Republicans want to be Heinz' replacement, with the favorite satus going. Robert J. Casey, Ross Township, transportation and public affairs con-1 sultant; Ted Jacob, Fox Chapel. owner of 1 an enginecring firm and an attorney: and, state Rep, James Kelly of McCandiess Township. 22nd District, Fayette, Greene, Washington and part of Allegheny-There are ho Republican candidates, but 12 Democrats are running for Morgan's seat.

The leaders are state Sen. Austin Murphy of Monongahela; Steven Stepanian, an torney from Speer's Borough, and Fret Lebder, Uniontown, chairman of the yette County Board of Commissioners. Public Sales Coopersbure in turn east onto Cherry Reed mite. A tractor manure spreader, harrow, dump rate potato waiting siows. horse mach.

corn planter, metal wagon, buggy model wheels. corn todder thresher ver biewer, tointer, table planer wood planes, tot hand tools Vis forge. Iron net hand. Buckeye Cider cutter, scoulding trough. press Complete, 4 cedar lumber, corn shelter, milk cans.

Barrel type butter churn. cream separator, butcher parlor kitchen range. washer. comb. bookcase masters desk.

night stand. chest. commode dough cone sea! beat chairs. washstand. 14 table.

varight Frigidair ret. tables beds. did HA told a bath tub Jelly cupboard milk bottles, I Blue Willow dishes Violin, Mandolin, shell loading ravip: Mauser cal. 12 dol. 71 cal.

rille repre. 45 cal. muttle loader, Troy rototiller, Poultry many other Interesting Guns Caninem Cost Jame Mote Auct Ber the Wm. Kaiser Sate May 1, A.M. On Route midway between Fer Results Use Reporter Classified Ads.

CALL 855-8440 Public Sales AUCTION HARLEYSVILLE. Men. PA. items received 4 wed, 10-1. and wed.

Thurs, evenings we will sell for you at auction Auction every Fri THE waning DARN ATTIC NEW USED SHOP 254 1295 Nursery April 20, 7.00 00 PM at O- Pa. North end of Hundreds of pines, spruce fir, trees Dimmica's Nursery James Mehr Auct. CARROLL D. HENDRICKS Harleysettle. AUCTIONEER REALTOR 154-174.

The Reporter from Lansdale, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.