The Daily Iberian and Jeanerette Enterprise from New Iberia, Louisiana (2024)

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The Daily Iberian and Jeanerette Enterprisei

New Iberia, Louisiana

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Friday August 14 Riga 7 The Dally Ibcrlan-Jainaratta Enterprise New Iberia Louisiana CONTRACT BRIDGE By Jay Becker fft RacewWoldgr In Matters' Individual Championship Flay) QUIZ between Dallas and Ft Worth Band In Box 12-piece band right in this big box" Nelson said pointing to a giant Wurl-itzer Band Organ built in 1916 got a xylophone triangle bass snare drum casti-nets pipe chimes and a piano a pretty And loud too Even without electrical amplification the 12-piece band organ put out a melody that could be beard blocks away Nelson says he has never tried to play all 45 machines at once The Band Organ and other music machines are Tnttar in principle to the player piano only more complex Typically a roll of heavy paper with holes punched in it travels across a pneumatic reader which picks out the holes and operates the various instruments via electric relays in accordance with the code punched in the roll a fellow in North Tonawanda who still makes these Band Organ music rolls and you can buy the latest Nelson said Finds Other Collectors It has taken Nelson about 20 years to build up his collection started collecting these thinking I was the only nut in Ton are South neither side yubierabl The bidding has been: North East South West 14 Pass sa Pass 6 Pass What would you bid now with each of the following four hands? 1 J5 93 A84 4JCJ9762 2 A82 6 963 AKQJ53 3 7 K5 AJ75 KQ9743 4 9863 KJ7 6 AK852 Four spade The jump in spades practically guarantees a six-card suit and this J-6 shquid therefore he regarded as ode quate trump support A rebid of three notrump without a heart stopper would he highly dangerous The only other possible hid four club Is not desirable either sines North might have to raise to five dub having run out of spade bids A ten-trick contract at apadea is obviously more desirable than an eleven-trick contract at dubs 2 Four notrump It Is certain! reasonable to assume that there are no apade losers und tha question of bow many tricks can be made therefore depends on tha number of aces partner ha If North responds with five heart showing two ace grand slam in apadea eaa be undertaken If North's response is five diamond showing one ace tha best rebid is tlx spade Twelve tricks will be mada very high percentage of the1 time The only trick likely to be lost Is to the missing ace 3 Four diamond There Is probably slam hers also sines partner's values are dearly in excess of a minimum opening bid and our hand Is not to be sneered at either The problem is to find place to play the hand The four diamond bid warns partner of possible shortage in spades and asks him to support dubs or diamonds If possibl If response is five dub we will have reason to fed confident about making at lsast a small Slam in dub 4 Five spade This Is net a good type of hand on whfcfc to use Blackwood and double raise in spade Inviting partner to hid six is therefore best OOr spado support is shaky since we lack high trump honor and It is chiefly for this reason that we do not bid bIx spades directly which would be at least mildly Invitational to seven Partner la not required to hid over five spade but seldom in practice will he pass with hand that will make twelva trick Our values are well la excess of minimum two dub bid and tho best wey of showing particularly tha spade is to double raise la spade nard Emile Vuillamot Jr Lenet St Martin Dr Isadora Gaan Rodolph Frick Robert Flandry Pictured are (kneeling from loft) Louie Berges Wilton Sandoz and Law renca (Plot) Marine Standing are: Valery Durand John Coleman Charles Coleman Dr Gab AckaL Harold LeJeuno Brother Alec Paul Romero Col Leonard Barrow Jr Brother Andrew Maurice Durand Marcel (Snub) Derouen Alton (Push) Darby George (Flat) Mestayer Edward Boutte El wood Gary Leroy Derouen and Mitch Ackal prado dess W1 raunltod August A and i College The group was camp at Cypramort Point Oldnamh1 Ackal's naar Brother Andrew from fw snd Brother Aloe faJmelft JuiI VSE frm and director of DeLaSallehrrtin lbft lnd now mada tha reunlH Lafayette also Curtl Vermilion School Board Appoints 370 Teachers By ROBERT MUSEL Unied Pres International NEW YORK The day of resurrection will dawn in Germany next May and the wifi wxlk again but it wont take trumpet to return the of many high Nazis to the land of the living AN it will need is the official coming Into effect of the statute of limitations for war crimes after which no one not already under indictment can be arrested or tried for out rages conducted on behalf of Adolf relch When the graves figuratively yawn and the names on some of the phony headstones turn out to be flesh-and-blood malefactors who sat out the 20-year danger period in South America or the Middle East CBS-TV will be ready with a documentary in the Twentieth Century series titled: "Who Killed Anne the said producer Burton Benjamin 'hut the theme is really what caused the killing of 6 million He spoke in his office at the new CBS news center facing a wall almost covered with the framed awards Twentieth Century has won The program is about to enter its eighth year a record for its kind with largely the same team that has brought it international fame This is basically Benjamin at head office with Walter Cronkite as anchor man before the cameras sometimes actively covering the story sometimes merely as and choice CBS correspondents around tho world It also lucky in having tor 1964-65 the asms sponsor that has backed it from the start the world then I found out there were 500 music machine collectors ahead of he said Vermilion Post And Auxiliary Set Installation Officers of both the post and auxiliary of Vermilion Post 29 American Legion Abbeville will be installed at a banquet to he staged Sunday August 16 at 7:30 pm at the post home according to Commander Eugene Broussard Dr Holliday DeOidder state department vice commander will install the post officers It was only announced The Vermilion Parish Board has announced a total of 370 teachers who win staff 23 public schools for the 1964 65 school session However the board made town that Die list is incomplete and that changes au additions may occur prior to school commencement It is planned that the parish teachers will meet August 21 and plan the program Actual classroom instruction will begin on August 25 Certain students will be al- 0 3961 Stag Fastens flyadieat Xa towed to delay school attendance such as those students who harvest cotton crops However the provision deadline is August 31 and the days missed must be made up on Saturdays Mostly Ward 4 Vermilion students will be involved in ftii school delay The teachers appointed win staff 11 high schools 12 elementary schools in the parish Of that amount one is a colored high school and five are colored elementary schools with a total staff of 40 teachers Ten white high schools seven white elementary schools in Vermilion Parish will be staffed by a total of 321 WAFB-TV (9) FRIDAY 6:00 Channel 9 News 6:30 Donna Reed 7:00 Patty Duke 7:30 Route 66 8:30 Rebel 9:00 Adventures In Paradis 10:00 Channel 9 News 10:15 Arrest Trial DEAR ABBY by ABIGAIL VAN BUREN KLFY-TV (10) FRIDAY 6:00 Esso Reporter 6:10 The Weatherman 6:15 Sports Reel 6:30 Great Adventure 7:30 Premiere Magnifique 10:20 Nightmare 10:00 Newa that distinguished state auxiliary officer will install the officers of the local auxiliary Commander Broussard said that a banquet will be served prior to the ceremonies and asked those planning to attend to make reservations at 893-2571 893-2906 or 893-3860 betaine Saturday August 15 Post officers to be Installed are John Landry commander Carroll Benefield first vice commander Iked Strickland second vice commander Lloyd EUdridge adjutant Prejean assistant adjutant Bertrand chaplain Lovelace Broussard finance officer would Ram Barras Jr judge advo- Quick Review Of Safety Tips Aids Bike Riders KANSAS CITY MO planning to roll back to school on bicycles need to bone up on two-wheeler safety rules the word from the (VFW) here which conducts a nationwide program of bicycle safety Hera are some bike riding tips from the VFW: on the right Keep as far to the right as possible ride on the left facing traffic If riding with a group keep in single file off limited access high speed expressways These highways were designed for motor vehicles only all traffic signals and signs Bicycle riders are bound by stop signs and traffic signals just as motorists are Use Front Headlight gloomy days or night riding your bicycle should have a front headlight and a rear reflector An important supplement to this equipment is reflective tape red in hack and white in front which is applied to bicycles free by the VFW off the sidewalks with full-sized bikes the proper hand signals for turns and stops Otherwise keep both hands on the handlebars hitch onto other vehicles dangerous and against the law Two passengers axe fine on a bicycle built for two but you have a single-seaters never carry another passenger on the handlebars cross bars rear fender Sailing downhill is fun especially after a long uphill pull but watch the speed On a rough or slippery road you Big Tax Increase Is Needed For Medicare Bill WASHINGTON (UPI) A spokesman for the American Medical Association told the Senate Finance Committee today that a payroll tax increase Band Music By MAC SEBREE United Press International ATOKA Okla (UPI) The Marios Band does not play a daily concert in the bus station at Atoka Okla It just sounds like it The complete with brass woodwinds drums cymbals chimes bells and even a violin performs daily from inside a large red wooden box DEAR ABBY: Our son never was very good about writing so when he went into the service wa didn't expect too much in the way of mail from him After wa get one line from him in over six months we got in touch with the American Red Cross and they sent word to us that our son had been discharged three months ago the Army supposed to send a boy home after been discharged? I am sura they are So why they send ours home? We are worried A Mother WBRZ-TV (2) FRIDAY 6:00 Telesports Final 6:10 Weather Daily 6:15 Esso Reporter 6:30 International Show (C) 7:30 Beauty Show 8:30 Detectives 9:00 Death of Stalin Special Forces Units Of La Set For Airlift Special Forces units of the Louisians Army National Guard of New Orleans Baton Rouge and Breaux Bridge will be airlifted to Fort McClellan Ala early Sunday for annual field training Maj Gen Erbon Wise State Adjutant General said some 150 members of Company 20th Special Forces Group (Airborne) 1st Special Forces will join other units of the 20th Group located in Mississippi and Alabama for training August 16-30 High point on their schedule will come in the second week vhen the Guardsmen participate in a mass airdrop followed by a four day combat exercise in striking at the enemy from within his own territory The unorthodox combat specialists will also receive training in all manner of small weapons including bows and arrows and in such matters as demolitions emergency medicine propaganda radio jamming and self survival under extremely difficult conditions Lt Col John Boh of New Orleans commands Company the pride and joy of Bob Nelson 54 a longtime collector of nwliMilMt nuioU machines Tondjft Show which might be considered the predecessor of the juke box Nelson has 45 of the ma KATC-TV (3) be needed to finance the medicare program Dr Edward Annis of Miami immediate past president of the AMA said the actual cost of a hospitalization program far the elderly financed through Social Security is unknown "We are dealing with a program of limitless possibilities and a tax increase of major Annis said His statements came in testimony prepared for finance cate David Cole historian Claude Dufaoa service officer Joe Choate publicity chairman Murphy sergeant-at-arms William Barras Sr and Norris Ort amend color bearers Ray Broussard Francis Frederick and Boyce Frederick committeemen at-large Eugene Broussard Francis Frederick and Clifford Arable home operating committeemen Auxiliary officers to be installed are Mrs Goldman Viator president Mrs Fred Strickland vice president Mrs chines each of which operates at the drop of a nickel or a dime in his Atoka establishment He owns several others including 11 machines at Fran- FRIDAY 6:30 Destory 7:30 Law 8:30 Price Is Right 9:00 Boxing DEAR MOTHER: When a serviceman is discharged his transportation hom*o la paid but nobody him there The Army Is not responsible for a man once he Is dis charged worry A son who write home once in six months is probably In good health somewhere enjoying Mmself Hell turn 1 DEAR LOVES: If the man fishes for sport he should bo a good sport and clean them himself But no fisherman will dean fish If caught sneker DEAR ABBY: My daughter and her fiance made an appointment to have a talk with our clergyman about plans for heir forthcoming marriage When they came back they were both disgusted The first thing the clergyman asked my daughter was you She most certainly was not but even if she had been I think it would have been any of his business I thought clergymen were supposed to discuss the teachings of the Bible and the proper execution of the sacraments If this is something new maybe we should have doctors of medicine in the pulpit I would like your comments Also Disgusted DEAR ALSO: Clergymen are people even as yon and There are some bad apples in the liturgical barrel just as there are In other barrels so judge all clergymen by yours He should be reported to his immediate superior CONFIDENTIAL TO WAL LY IN HUNTSVILLE: Yon place too much emphasis on money "Money never made man happy yet nor will it There Is nothing In its nature to produce happines The more a man has the more he wants Instead of its filling vacuum It makes (Ben Franklin) tier City an Oklahoma City iirmwinwit park and one News Six Flags over Texas a park 10:25 Acadiana After Hours committee hearings into the Ray Broussard secretary-medicare program which treasurer Mrs William Barras Cctt-Phon- would provide health care for 18 million persons aged 65 and over Backers of medicare seek to attach the program as a rider eeWSea eaea a taaaaasaasaeaaaaaaR Jr chaplain Mrs Lionel Prime aux historian Mrs Lloyd Lemaire color bearer Mrs John Landry sergeant alarms Commander Broussard said the presentation of several awards will highlight the in stallation program (R B) up DEAR ABBY: Should the mini who CATCHES the fish have to clean them before bringing them home? Or should his wife clean them? Loves To Fish idthe commanders of detach- to a House-passed bill now meats at Baton Rouge and'Pfmg before the committee Breaux Bridge are Maj Henry he House bill would provide $15 billion in higher cash benefits for Social Security pensioners The committee and Congress is sharply split over the medicare issue It is uncertain how much of a fight President Johnson would make to enact a program with lawmakers pressing for adjournment Iby next Friday PACK A PICNIC PUNCH Folse and Maj Caliphor Sellers respectively Air Force troop carriers from Mobile Ala will transport the troops to Fart McClellan with pick-ups scheduled from Ryan Airport at 6:45 am Lafayette Municipal Airport at 8:00 am and the New Orleans Naval Air Station at 8:15 am Sunday Staftirtffnthar a a a a a a a a as 68randNswSongt plus your Batlesfivwam I ItilmS Itoi UNITED ARTISTS! a a a a Atiil you may have to walk youri bike down to avoid a spill Slow down at intersections and look to the right and left before proceeding Conducted With Police The nationwide program of bicycle safety is con ducted throughout the country conjunction with local police and other authorities It is aimed specifically at children in the five-to-14 age category Seventy per cent of all bicycle deaths occur in this age group Reflective tape applied by the VFW to nearly five million1 bicycles to date is visible at night from as far ai 1500 feet The VFW posts also are conducting free inspection programs checking the equipment and condition of the bike evaluating the ability and offering safety lee tures and movies wherever possible Any groups wishing to join in the bike safety program can do so by contacting their local VFW post If a city has no VFW post the program can be carried on by civic organizations PTA members or others This Funny World COLONIAL THEATRE Problems? Write to ABBY Box 69700 Los Angeles California For a personal reply self-ad- enojese a stamped Dial 369-9521 AIR CONDITIONED NOW it is unlikely that you will experience in a lifetime all that "MUMMS i lltOir PJMHffl Hate to write letters? Send one dollar to Abby Box 69700 Los Angeles Calif for Ab- booklet "HOW TO WRITE LETTERS FOR ALL TODAY SATURDAY DRIUEII1I flPCHO Talkathon May Slow Down Foreign Aid WASHINGTON (UPI)-A potential talkathon by Senate liberals was brewing today against a leadership proposal to tie the controversial issue of state legislative reapportiomnent to President "must1 foreign aid bill The liberal move couplet with similar opposition in the House posed the latest threat to Senate hopes for a final vote dressed envelope on the $33 billion foreign aid bill by tonight or Friday and to the congressional adjournment target date of Aug 22 The compromise reapportionment proposal was introduced by Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen HI Wednesday as a to the aid bill He was joined by Demo- cratic Leader Mike Mansfield' Mont The Dirksen plan would stall the Supreme Court decision or-' dering state legislatures to re apportion both their Houses strictly on a population basis Under the proposal the states' would be given a "reasonable to act It would-I prevent any interference in the i state elections of represents- fives before Jan 1 1966 The Senate was nearing the' end of work on the aid bill itself It raised the ceiling to $33 billion last night by adopting an amendment by Sens George McGovern D-S and Stuart Symington D-1M0 to add $50 million for purchase of UjS-giuwn meat for school lunch programs over- Earlier the Senate bad cut five $3467 billion total recommended by its Foreign Relations Committee to $325 billion The authorization bill which file House approved at $3515 billion still must go through a House-Senate conference committee and probably with the controversial reapportionment rider With an insulated jug full of this thirst quencher hunger chaser and taste treat earn paeans from picnicker Serve it on the patio too for a mid-afternoon or late evening refreshment Mocha Milk Shaka tablespoons Instant Maxwell House Coffee 8 tablespoons chocolate syrup 4 cups milk 1 pint vanilla coffee or chocolate ice cream Combine instant coffee chocolate syrup and part of the milk in a bowl shaker or electric blender Blend well Add remaining milk Spoon ice cream into milk mixture Beat until ice cream is melted and mixture is frothy Serve in tall glasses Makes about 5 cups or 4 serving Coat'tO'Gxut 1 I NEWSPAPERS I SELLTHEH 8-M IfeVaurM graatoaU CTra -you we'd get married The Heart of Juliet Jone By Stan Drake i I.

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The Daily Iberian and Jeanerette Enterprise from New Iberia, Louisiana (2024)


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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.