The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

16 TTTK BOSTON QLOBB-FRIDAY. MAY 2. 1013. THE MOST DELIGHTFUL WAY TO SMOKE! 7fte iifea tviisrev for tito CHURCH CLUBS TO MEET IN BOSTON HAYNEP BOTTLED-IN-BOND WHISKEY NEARLY 8000 IN THE PARADE May Day Celebration by the Socialists. Laymen Coming for National Session.

IT greatest value offered anywhere America rich, pure, delicious guaranteed to please or your money back. Exceed rr. gly clever PERFECTION anstst KJn Bottled-in-Bond tee. particular in vour selwti Aft atrmd Will Bo Guests of Episcopalian Club of Massachusetts, Addresses by Mayor Lunn and Prof Hayes at Meetings. Many Women Participate in the Observance.

Call At Our Store-Get a quart bottle of this good old Hayner Private Stock Bottled-in-Bond Whiskey take it home try it and if you don't find it all we claim bring it back and we will return your money without a word. Telephone Orders Promptly Filled If it is not convenient for you to call at our store drop us a line or telephone us and the goods will be delivered to any part of the city and you can pay the driver when he calls. Singing by Ohoir of 400 in Symphony Hall. blends and compounds and remember there is only one way you can be SURE of getting absolutely pure, straight whis- That'. What We Offer You Hayner fine, old Private Stock Bottled-in-Uond Whiskey delivered to any part of the city, in plain sealed package and all it costs you is 80c for a full quart bottle.

1 There It No Question about a whiskey like this you KNOW it is good and pure the U. S. Government's official Green Stamp over the cork is your assurance that it is bottled-in-bond, fully aged, full 100 proof and full measure. Nowhere Ele Can You Do So Well Blends and compounds can be had anywhere and at any price but when it comes to BOTTLED-IN-BOND Hayner Whiskey has no equal. How Can We Do It? We sell our entire product direct from Distillery to Consumer thus saving you all the profit of the middleman and dealer and giving you this fine old whiskey at HAYNEP PRIVATE STOCK WHISKEY BOTTLED IN BOND The 21tt annual National conference of the Church Club of the United States will be held In this city and In Cambridge from Thursday.

May 32. to Sunday May 26 inclusive. More than 30 laymen's clubs In various diocese of the Protestant Episcopal Church will be represented at this conference and the general subject of all addresses at the different meetings is to be "Christian Unity." HAYNER WSTWJNG COMrWtY a cm 1 I Out -of -Town Patrons Four $020 Express Quarts Paid Send us your order for FOUR quarts of this fine old Hayner Private Stock Bottled-in-Bond Whiskey on our guarantee that the goods will be found exactly as represented and pleasing to you in every way or you may return them at our expense and your $3.20 will be promptly refunded. Out-of-town orders must call for FOUR QUARTS or more. Yesterday being May Day, and the "Socialists' New Year," the customary parade and mass meetings took place in the evening and the red flag, which its admirers call the "emblem of the brotherhood of man," was flaunted conspicuously, many observers thought for the last time, before it comes under the prohibition of the law.

One of the biggest and handsomest red Rags exhibited belonged to the Socialist Club of Harvard University. There were red flags in line altogether several of them made of silk and handsomely decorated with gold, and when they were aken into Tremont temple and up the center aisle to the platform, after the meeting was under way, there was long-continued applause of tremendous volume, and the entire audience of 3000 men and women stood up as they were carried past. To be sure, ttrere were three American flags in the cluster, but it was plain enough that the red one, "the surrise of Socialism," as one speaker called it, was the special object of homage. Moreover, each of the paraders, estimated at from 5000 to 8000, carried a small red pennant on a cane, and an astonishingly large percentage of the young women in line, of whom there were thousands, wore red hats which were strikingly picturesque. uic maimer price.

Addrtss or Pliant your order to THE HAYNER DISTILLING 92 Phone: Main 2838 51-53 Hiffh BOSTON. MASS CM MAY DAY CEREMONY AT LASELL Miss Catherine Carter Crowned as Queen and Seniors Plant Ivy Near the "Crow's Nest." rll! ABFTTF MflliFiPATF FflPM flF IKIUfZ A PATrA. Many Women in Parade. The procession formed in Park sq ton. the utmost quiet and order prevailing in HOLDS POP CONCERT.

WILL NOT GIVE marshaling: the various organisations that came from different parts of the city and the suburbs, and commendable the delegates and those accompanying them to the conference will take automobiles for Concord, following the Paul Revere route. Tea will be served at St Andrew's School. The delegates and friends are Invited to attend the festival of tha Choir Guild of Massachusetts in Trinity Church at 7:30 Saturday evening. On the final day of the conference. Sunday.

May 25, upon "Christuiti Unity" will be delivered by several delegates at various churches In and to relate in connection with such a large affair, it started on time, at 7:15, and after going through Eliot, Washington and Hanover sts, Scollay sq and Excellent Muaic Heard by SLAYER'S NAME More Than 800. GuiM of th i.r DunbarQuestioiiedby ROBERT A. WOOD8. Tremont st. arrived at Tremont Tern pie and Ford Hall, where the meetings were held, very shortly alter tne nour The conference will open Thursday.

May 22. at 6:30 m. when a reception set for beginning the speeches. The tarment workers, who. on ac near this city.

The delegates and their friends are especially Invited by the i bishop of Massachusetts to attend and dinner will be tendered to the dele count of their recent strike victory, had the head of the line, were made up to New Record in Success. Maine Authorities. gates at the Hotel Somerset by the a considerable extent of young women. While many of 'the men marcher Episcopalian lub ot Massachusetts. The program for Friday.

Mar 23, opens with the celebration of the Holy Communion in Trinity Church at afore han dropped out of lin at Tremont Temple to Join the meeting there, the women continued up Park st to Ford Hall, wiiich was crowded, while a great a m. ronowed Dy a oreaKrast to the Sticks to First Accnt tf pop concert under the delegates at the Hotel Brunswick bv crowd went down into Pemberton sq the Men's Club of Trinity Church at and heard speeches for an hour or a m. Guild of the Infant Savior at the Hotel Somerset last nlghL making It the most successful affair of tho kind the guild has bald. Haekett morning service in the Cathedral Church of 8t Paul as guests of the Cathedral Chapter. The final session of the conference, which is public, will be bald at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon in Symphony Hall, where a vested choir of men and boys will sing and addresses by three laymen of different churches are to be delivered.

Admission will be by ticket. The officers of the National Conference comprise I-awrence B. Kvans of Cambridge, president: W. II. Singleton of Washington, first vice president.

William R. Butler of Mauch Chunk. P. an. second vice president: Jarkson w.

Sparrow of Cincinnati, thir vice president; Charlea p. Chase of New Britain. Conn, secretary-treasurer. Irving P. Fox of Boston, assistant secretary.

The DUbiietl commit I nt the IMtm. more in the open air. The procession contained five fine hras3 baifVs, all of which practically confined themselves to playing "The Marseillaise" alons the whole rout, as persistently as though they knew no other selection. The line contained a An excellent onisseaj rendered try 17 me sabers of tbe number of placards bearing mottoes like One Possible Clew Leads to Manhattan. Gustave lt rube.

Rev Dr Jam Jk, 9mp-He. spiritual director of the guild, had "Pof.ce Among nations ana our BloM fc Red: What Color is Yours?" Renersl chares of the The main theme of the speaking was was aaststari Or the IDs. solemn denunciation of repression of free sneech In nubile places In the T'nit- Mary A. r-a Han Club of Massachusetts, which ed States, which, speakers declared, is the provrain the eoofer- nee inciuue Inruisj P. Fs.

Mr JUrt Sir's the tendency today, while they depiorfa that it should be so "in a land boasting for 100 years of its devotion to Tartar Jf I as. 2 n. u. iiumpnrey. i

If and Rev Kdward Sullivan. M. Mr, Ja OTar Mr equal rights and rr-e speecn. At the biggest meeting, in Tremont aire TSST. imiiit at aa Temple, variety was given the proceedings by the playing of the organ and an iTU of nui n.

v.t. jl Ass IT ttSX. i ns mn to rnnmrn 1 and rlrus their hair. Am excellent orcnestra. ry aamirame vionn solos played by a young genius named Vitali Podolsky, recitations in Russian GALVESTON GIRL WINS.

Sara H. Llttlajohn Wins Conservatory Prlzs in Fourth Competition in Piano Playing. Miss Sara II. UtUejohn of Galveston. ay ties ton.

Csauur. Aileea awejDsrta, Jmmmmm I aTisTTa Tr aj and Knglish by Mme Fannie Bash- rositjr kirtzeva and songs by Mrs Clara FltSMtrsr. tSi tr a Tex. yesterday afternoon won the Mason A Hamlin prise, a grand puno lianiwo. AtK Martha Locu.

i UUt7 ItMSa ISM 4S1 tuad t44 a ertne Morton. Frances JaVtjaau. valued at llJ in the fourth annual 5T- rs7J2TJe 7-. competition by seniors in the pano- loite department in the NV- Conservatory Music. Achievements of Socialists.

Sylvester McBride was chairman and the speakers were Miss Ellen Hayes of Wellesley College and Mayor George Lunn of Schenectady, Y. who was recently arrested several times for open air speaking to the strikers at Herkimer, fs Y. Miss Hayes, after enumerating with satisfaction the achievements of the Socialists during the year, Including the ROBERT H. UAHIMVKU. t': On aulas The first regular session of tha tb srers Mrs Jam.

sstssanpr ference will take place in Jacob Slecpsr Hall. Boston l'rrrerslty, at 10:30 a m. when the president m.ih mi, J. Colter. Dr Edsrard a LI" Kupple.

Mr and Mrs lsssss a MoT. rtson. JSr and Mr. TasT Mr entitled "What Is Christian BY VOTE OF 13 TO 6. will be delivered by Prof Lawrence B.

Evans of the EolscooMlinn c-i it. nt Massachusetts. Mrs Dan! Clara. Mr and Mr tt Wmm ssg r'n nd Urm A- Martartr JnUa iTssidsiasat. Mr and II.

CrssstKina sd Guests of Cambridge Parishes. This will be followed by add A-sues by Ouoniar Mr and Mrs John tMsnWSjhTr ana Mr Mnn. r.uMi as. srasisiT wmm Rathbone Gardner of Providence on "The Fundamentals of Christian Unity' Mrs rtlsgsisla. Mr and Mr r.

Drlnonll. Mr and Mr sMsrard and by George Zabriskle of New York han DrwssMSt i. Br a nss ii la A eah. tnt --rl3iS Acg tha I Ii anskng ani t-tta Hvmtrn imm aPSSSV Abu i ansa PMhnsi nr frrasttssf ta. ma i -isi few hac tatai it iNstsar sn I rl 3 JlAyUitf t.l on ine nurcn.

tne arlous Conceptions of Its Nature and casting or w.wo votes in the last election, mentioned 67 large strikes in the Nation during the same period, and said that in every case the Government assumed that the strikers were In the wrong and proceeded accordingly. She said that the victory of the VO.000 strikers in Belgium, in getting plural voting by the rich abolished, will have a great influence throughout the world in showing the working class what they can do If they will vote together. Mayor Lunn devoted a great deal of time to telling of the alleged brutality of the police toward strikers at Herkimer, and said that he himself was arrested for quoting words of Abraham Lincoln. He expressed surprise that so manv Americans rest quiescent under the ''tendency among village and town authorities toward the repression of fme speech in cases of strikes." He declared that human liberty is dead when free speech is denied and that "the ruling class in official life do the will of the capitalists, who influence the courts to a shameful degree." He said that the right to strike and the right to citizenship during the strike must be maintained, and ho denounced the practice of sending KYVTON. May 1 Beautiful weutheY favored the Laiiell Seminary students today, when the entire student body joined in crowning their May Queen.

The fete took place on the seminary campus near the famous "Crow's Nest." The Kills were handsomely arrayed in IlKht gOWM of pretty colors. The three lower OJassSB were all at sea as to who would have the honor of ing the "Queen." and the announcement that Miss Catherine Carter of Washington, was selected was received with a rousing cheer. Miss Iba-bella Collins of Bainbridge, was chosen the maid of honor and Miss Muriorie Wlnslow, of Dr Guy M. wtnslow, principal of the school, lit the mascot. Shortly ufter 4:30 the si-nlor class, in caps and gowns, marched to the campus.

Their arrival was received with cheers. Next to arrive on the grounds wi re the Juniors, who came from their dot mltory like a band of gypsies. The school wagon was covered by the girls and placed into commission, and this was loaded with students while many walked beside it. (range ami black, the class colors of the sophom*ores, made known the appearance of this class. Each member wore a large orange hat, trimmed with Muck and curried a bouquet of flowers.

The freshmen wore pink and white Minbonncts. The special students also took part Mr and Mrs Ifarrr Nasrr Mr and htrs John Crnw-Wv. Dr and Mr tt' 1 ') ludsc and Mrs Is 'u nr-Mr and Mr JaBw pttetan sfcl Ito fl Jasne IttcsntrvA Mr and Mr (Vorse Haurr.nn Mr mm Mr thark QuirV Mr atad Jur. I- Hennessey. Or snd Mr llr.

iie CiSS -i- a son. it -no Mrs otm Alter tne appointment of committee, this session will adjourn at 1 m. when the delegates and women accompanying them are to be taken by automobile to the Parish House of hrlst Church. Cambridge, where they will ov the luncheon guests of the Cambridge parishes. The session of Friday opens in Paine Hall, Episcopal Theological School Cambridge, at 2:30 m.

with the reort of the committee on credentials. At 2:16 Samuel B. Capen of Boston will discuss "Christian Cnity and Missions. This session is to be followed hv Wt; liarvnasj j41 sis annu I lie t'wA-f-! Hi-. garden party, where the delegates and those accompanying them will be the aid.

Mr and Mm John Koor. Mr O'Conirell Mr 41 nd Mr ntmua Mrrnaei O'Rlcioan. Mr and Mrs Rich-fu rifU. Mr and Mr vi.r,i Hi han Mr and Mr wmsrn Taylor Mr and Mrs Daniel Kilrv. Dr and Mrs P.

J. Fsr.nasnn. Mr and Mr iMsnavsl Hi. trick. IU Xawn.

Mrs T- mtvey Ir and Mrs Henry Bomtm. Mr and Mrs John Dyer. Mr and Mrs Walsh. Mr and Mrs Kranria A- Camp ML Wsrard P. Graham.

Mr and John A. Sullivan. Mr and Mr 1.. 1 t.ocan Mr and Mr lame OBrlm Mr snd Mr Frankim Stuart. Mass Marr lowing students participated in the rumcemen at once to an indus trial concern the moment a strike is declared, without regard to whether MIS8 CAR A II UTTLBhMl.s.

Winner of Aoasal Coeipetilios asd Prias Is In the affair. Their special delegate, Miss Olive Smith, riding horseback, with a green banner flying, paid the tribute from the "specials" to the May Queen. With the arrival of the classes, the seniors started the festivities going with the singing of the class song. At the conclusion of this, Miss Elizabeth I.rsJi of Brookline, vice president of thsVlassi performed the duties of di dance: Helen Stockwell, Genevieve Bettcher, Irene Bollman, Dorothy Bushnell, Alice Wordman, Margaret Livermore, Mabel Jones, Ruth Davis, Kuth McCracken, Myra Eby, Esther Beidelrnan, Leilia Hudson. Ruth Perrv, Una Wise, Marola Fogg and Ruth Knickerbocker.

After the coronation the seniors per- I'isno Flarlnc at I lie Xei rralorjr. guests or tne aean and raeultv of the Episcopal Theological School. "Evening prayer will be held in St John's Memorial Chapel at 5:30 and at 6:13 the delegates will be the guests of the dean and faculty of the Theological School in the refectory. A third session will be held In Paine Hall at 8 o'clock that evening, when Mornay Williams of New York will discuss "Fellowship in Christian Work as a Means of Attaining Fnity" and Robert II. Gardiner of Gardiner.

Mo, will speak on "The World's Conference on Faith and Order." lormea tne annual ceremony of plant rector in place or the president. Miss ing the ivy near the Nest BOY'S HAIR FELL there is disorder or not. and asserted that most of the trouble that takes place is due to that practice and would never occur but for that. He raised a great laugh by savii.g that as Mayor himself, if a strike is declared ir- his city, he will send out the police with orders to see that nobody molests the strikers' pickets engaged in "lersuading nonstrikers to stop work. He said that public parks are the only property that most workingmen hae any ownership In.

and that for the police to prevent hundreds of workers from voicing their protests there against unjust conditions is "a tyrannv that no man with red blood will ever submit to RESiNOL RELIEVED ITCHING AT ONCE nirr joan nnnor Mr asd Mr II Ross. Ml Btancbe Bahan. Dr and Mr Franc! Barn-. Mr and Mr Henrr Ha. San.

Mr and Mr John Murnhy. Mr and Mr. Galvin. Mr snd Mr a me Mssvrts and Mr snd Mrs Tlmotb alh. I 'van Wallace Ooodrich.

In announc-ing tlie judges' decltuon. said that Miss Gladys A. Cooper of Boton had played so well that the cnol'-e was exceedingly difhcult. Mfss Uittlejohn is the daurhter of E. G.

l.ittlejohu. author of several Southern historical works. Bht entered the conservatory three years ago and has appeared in numerous concerts snd recitals. She Is a nupll of Geonre Proc-tir of the pianoforte faculty ueorgriana rannnoner, wno is in, and The fust spade of dirt was put about proceeded to one corner of the court the roots by Miss Elizabeth Linn, after and escorted ttie "May Queen" to the i which each member did her share and throne, amid much enthusiasm. the spade was given over to Miss Dora The new queen on being crowned I Ooodwillie of president of the thanked the members of the senior I Junior class, who will conduct a like class for the high honor which they ceremony next year.

The exercises bestowed upon her, utter which the Mme to a dose with a refection aid Maypole Dance was started. The fol- sapper in the dining hall of the school. BUNCHES OUT IIX At trm Brooklyn. Xov I. I.

tile red spots re TRIAL LASTS SEVEN DAYS. Brigga and Marrow Held for Grand Jury on Charge Stealing Fowl at Brockton. RROCKTOV. May r-llaynocd Briass sed ol of tSAUd Ceteay mm. ether ontestants were Mliwea Ftorswos M.

Bishop of Wheelir-K. Va Ella C. N'ord of Jamtatown. V. Max.

i IS. ulter of Marlboro and Joseph O. 1-errlck of Kach candidate was required o'ajr ch-tions from Bath. Bnthcvtn tnd hop'n. with the ontJor of one addl-IloiUU sele-tlon of personal choice.

Started to Get Sores All Over Head. Began as Rash, Spread on Face. Had to Tie Hands to Keep from Scratching. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment Cured. tins largrr rtrry day Tb me so much that I until I Wed There ne-rr tti I Mood up all night and I wan troethled about thrt AID HOME FOR AGED WOMEN.

Hundreds Attend Annual May Festival at Institution in Charles-town. The annual May Day festival at the Winchester Home for Aged Women on heavyweight WitUnm -Shine- Marrow, aed S6. of 31 Otis t. were held in IMfts each for the Grind Jury this afternoon by Judge the tax system was by the imposition of an income tax. He said the tax laws of this State were such that a man was taxed one-third of his income on intangible nrop-erty and that it was absolutely impossible, to collect such a tax.

He thought that the citizens of the State would not evade an income tax and would readily disclose their real incomes. Mr Ordway further asked the Speaker what he thought would be the fate of woman suffrage in future Legislatures. "When you can persuade the majority of the women of this State that they want the ballot, they will get it," declared Mr Gushing. "Woman suffrage I think is sure to come." anally. I thonght of GUILTY OF RACING TO FIRE.

McPherson Fined, Capt Barrow V. f. Kins wnc round pronatssr nur In two charae of hrsakhnt and an Eden st. Charlestown. lasting from 10 i a to 10 yesterday, drew hundred of visitors.

Many gifts in money were I and Heat not atari I applied Rasitt H) Walnut Waterhury, Conn. "My little boy was about, four months old when he atarled to get sores all er his head. It terinc and larrenv Of bens Jerrt Walton, aaed of 3 Old Col DEFENDS THE LEGISLATURE. Speaker dishing Addresses the Club at the Central Congregational Church in Jamaica Plain. "The Massachusetts Legislature Is acting In a sanely progressive way, and I decline to think that the time will ever come when it will be unresponsive to the will of the people." said Speaker Grafton D.

dishing before a crowded meeting of the Central Club at the Central Congregational Church, Jamaica I'lain. last evening. "The man who stands up against a legislative body Is upheld by the public and Is regarded as a hero, and Legislatures are considered corrupt. Distrust of Legislatures Is widely prevalent and ony u. also colored, waa held In for the Grand Jury on charge of he meat I felt moeh relief Altar It a frnr tltrssa, I ootsred the pott akysrly radios iv, SI aboot a mtMith I sms carad rosnj ly Adolph made to help meet the home's expenses.

There are 39 Inmates, some of whom have lived in Charlestown from 10 to 50 years. Articles made by women of the home brought good prices. Mrs Cora Roberts, the matron, had charge and presided over the home table. Mrs M. H.

Howland was in charge of the lemonade table. Mrs Jen Shlpberd A ADDED ATTRACTIONS. The soot bins, hnslhig hal begun as a rash and started to spread on his face. It was very itchy bo that I had to tie hi hands down to keep him from scratching. Whoro be would scratch some more cores would break out.

He would cry and could not sleep at night. mic -if. aces asurv after the tart Eleven hens and one roost cvu.sU-luted the loot from the two hencoops, one brlonsins to Isaac MUier of I Water at and tne other to John Warner 73 Bay The aJu of I h-rowl i about all have been rammed to the owner. The ra rnnsnmed seven day, tn trial the Oays oeina scattered over a parted of neariv two months. Criggs and Marrots attempted to ee taWish allbla but had as rlte a.lnt them altan.

who Brat gsi Reprimanded for Collision in Cam-bridge Engineer Was Hurt. Driver John K. MrPherson of ladder 1 I of Cambridge was found guilty yesrter-' day of violating- the department rules by Commissioner of Public Safety Henry J. Cunningham. Chars' ea were preferred by Chief N.

W. Bunker of "racing" to McPherson sg mi. dered fined ls days' pay, the period he was suspended. Capt William H. Barrow of the same company waa found sruilty of vtoUUng the rules by sTlowlns MrPtieraon to rtrs to the flrr.

and was ordered I-er-e'raie ever) Uay clrartng It of all Several for Today's Performance of "The Magic Rose." There will be several added attractions in this afternoon's production by ajr partly well founded, but in the main i Legislature Is a the Massachusetts mighty good body. --nneren Company of corporations has Susan Thayer Bowker's poetic Kegulutlon or ratr? already gone far and win extend still i play, "The Magic at the Plym- -r Ha nie feoper afforded amusem*nt as a palmist. The Charlestown table committee comprised Mrs Nelson W. Wood, chairman. Mrs Howard Small.

Mrs Ezra R. Fisher. Mrs K. L. Brooks.

Miss Kate Brooks. Mrs Gardner Bates. Mrs Frank Dow. Miss E. W.

Adama. Miss Helen Tufts, Mrs Julia Torrey. Mrs J. P. Hall.

Mrs further. It will no loiiKer be Possible OUtn theatre-. This Is the second and SAM -EL B. CAI'EN. had Lnowledap tnat tte rtoleq.

althonsrr aM Brtens and Mai row asst tn possgnla. PicTited hr phyau id ysstrs- har fraa aassqsina BdSs2ai Feb a. when Lddr I and Krurlne I. Brat alann. Saturday.

Maj-j4. the third day of the which are in the same bulldinjr at conference will open with a session in wre "vsiondinr to an i Jacob Sleeper Hall at 9 a when the lne truck hose ann tui individuals to SURAS the enormous fortunes, which were not creditable to the country. There is something lr the distribution of wealth when such fortunes exist. In this State, corporations have been regulated so btrictly that these enormous fortunes were never possible. Frank Reed.

Mrs T. W. Bryant. Mrs tp a r. it.

v. 1 1 i i a i IKdlesCiWSStSnP xgnrn ggsTgl'sU tertng. but tater srtthdrew the order asst inirt.i ciiuuiiniiur or rnis cehsiittul play. Miss npna Marie Gtorse, an accomplished daicer, will be seen in her or iginal creation of "The Blue Bird Another feature will be Mrs Robert Beokley and Miss Alice Jordan in "The Mysterious Man," in eccentric dancing There will be one ohnnge from the original cast of last Tuesdav. Edwiri McDonnell will essay the part of the cast.

o. t-. anu snimv juiiii winning. r.nnrrfl of rh TVi, Qhi sssasi i rrpuiiH ui ine various commlrtu. ran Into the engtne.

seriously Injuring Engineer John H. McIermott He be received, the election of Cancer Tumor confined at the Cambridge Hospital several week a "The sradual raising of wages, which Shoo and Laathsr Class Omnar. i Hli hair fell out In bunches. He was a sight to look at. "I had him treatd and used some ointments which did not it ofsord.

I thought i would try Cuticura Soap and Ointment, got a cake of Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment and first washed his head with the Cuticura Soap, then put the Cuticura Ointment on night and morning. I used them for about two mouths steady and ail the sores disappeared and he was completely cured (Signed) Mrs. James Tadnelli. Apr. 18J3.

A single rake of Cuticura Soap (25c.) and tos of Cuticura Ointment (SOc.) are often sufficient when all else has failed. Moid throughout the world. Hainplo or each mailed free, with 32-p. Hkin Book. Address is taklnir place throughout the country The she and Cttred by Absorpthta anid Sa1 place of lhe next inference selected.

At 10 a rn Robert A. Woods of Boston will deliver an address on "Christian Unity and Social Reform." followed Sn hour later by Henry Levrett Chase of Lout, on "Obstacles to Christian nity. Boston Contlnoatton Srhoi rej its British Charitable Dinnsr. Forty members attended tha St the same time decreases the prolits of employers and tends to equalize the dlstj-ibution of wealth. Some of tho tendencies of the times se-m to me to be harmful, for instance the minimum first annual dinnsr at the QiilSMg No Pain.

InBisW. NbUH Will Have June Outing. The Merchant Tailors' Exchange of Boston held Its monthly meeting and of the following: Mrs Frances Chapln, Mrs Henry C. Graves. Mrs William -P.

Hart; Mrs A. R. Robertson, Miss Edith Wellington. Mrs F. B.

Knowles, Mrs A. J. Fernald, Mrs Olive oilman. Mrs A. S.

Morse. Mrs John Gibbs and Mrs I HoVey. The candy table committee was as follows: Miss Evelyn Harding. Mrs E. Allen Mrs Margaret Chaffln and Mrs Lillian Crawford.

The cafe committee consisted of Mrs Harriet Monroe. Mrs Margaret Chaplin. Mrs Leslie Lanirill. Miss n'lniim. Hu Inst night Wage, which on the whole will I think meeting and dinner of the season of the British Charitable Society at the Westminster last event na Tha fol- and speaker, (rwen if a hsasy or f-en tm.

-m iljnnan ul the OlllnPV loo. u. of tb nrhool icdward 11 of the hurt the more than it will help him." Bishop Lawrence to Speak. Pres James Meagher presided and about rssnanv. wuitam ftWS In answer to a '1'iesuon oy Charles 50 members were present.

Ten new ess tVMjsti A matrons and Ciii1IUi Crw al aSw Mssss.e. Herrte email Ordwuv. as to the present Leg- members were admitted. A committee leather sh*ture thropn out four bills to, on membership, one on revision of by- The delegates will be the e8u of Z. 77 introauci the Episcopalian Cub of M-ssach'utu.

aSMg1 at luncheon in the Hotel Brunswick at "ton. Alfred E. I-onjc. John liurle n. m.

when Bishop Lawrence will Monnd plr She tinner, asst at tna I mf ifcrm Hi. tax ifsiem, millions laws una constitution and another to in Miss Julia Winning. Mrs Howard Small -vi i ns ikoso clas ogle a H.Mrt HasasIL I arc untaxed in Uip State, Mr Cushingj arrange for the June outing were ap post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T. uosion as Men who shave and shampoo with Ct Mcura Soap will And I Uest tor skdaaad scalp 1 4- W.

Adams, Were ejected prsatdent; nly way to remedy pointed. replied mat tne Maes 4 Oa. UM a a arrest rMsney. gacr i the recent inivicuan ot i nentley i.

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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