The Best Sugar Cookie Icing Recipe (No Corn Syrup) | Wholefully (2024)

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This is the perfect icing recipe for decorating cookies. It ends up drying hard enough to pack the cookies in a tin, but is still soft enough to bite into without chipping a tooth. And it shines so bright and glossy in the light. It makes for some obnoxiously pretty cookies.

The Best Sugar Cookie Icing Recipe (No Corn Syrup) | Wholefully (1)

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What’s the best icing for iced sugar cookies?

There are really three kinds of sugar cookie icing you’ll see out there in the baking world. All three have their benefits:

  • Royal icing: This is the hard icing that you see people using to make intricate decorations on cookies (or gingerbread houses). While this icing makes for beautiful cookies, I honestly find the flavor to be…not great. So I tend to not use royal icing for my Christmas cookies (or cookies for any occasion, really).
  • Buttercream frosting: You’ll see this kind of fluffy, thick, buttery frosting more frequently on soft-baked Lofthouse style sugar cookies. It’s delicious on these cookies, but it does tend to be tricky to stack on a cookie tray or pack in a gift tin.
  • Powdered sugar glaze: The sugar cookie icing we’re showing here and the one I use most frequently is a simple powdered sugar glaze. The resulting iced sugar cookies dry solid enough to stack on a cookie tray, but soft enough to bite into without chipping a tooth (I’m looking at you, royal icing). It’s easy to color, easy to flavor, and easy to work with. This sugar cookie icing will harden in 2-3 hours at room temperature (or even faster if you chill the cookies).

Wholefully Protip

For sugar cookie icing without corn syrup, replace the corn syrup with honey. The decorated cookies will not be stackable, but the iced cookies will be delicious and corn syrup-free!

The Best Sugar Cookie Icing Recipe (No Corn Syrup) | Wholefully (2)

How thick should sugar cookie icing be?

Many pro cookie decorators will make two thicknesses of icing—one thicker icing for outlining the outside of shapes, and one thinner one for “flooding” inside the outline. We don’t think it has to be that complicated at home!

The right consistency is the icing that is easy to work with for you, depending on your icing method. It might take a bit of trial and error, but once you get the exact right tablespoons of milk, you’ll always know it for future cookie batches. You can always add more milk to make it thinner or more powdered sugar to thicken it back up.

Here are some tips depending on your icing method:

  • If you’re piping the icing on: Piping bags tend to warm up in your hand pretty quickly, so we recommend erring on the side of thicker icing—knowing it’ll thin out as it warms.
  • If you’re using a squeeze bottle (our favorite way to decorate cookies with kids!): Go for a frosting that is just thin enough to easily go through the nozzle without free-flowing.
  • If you are spreading the icing on the cookies: You’ll want a pretty thick icing for spreading.
  • If you are dipping the cookies: You’ll want a thinner icing that easily coats the cookies.

What flavor does this icing have?

The classic sugar cookie icing has a sweet vanilla flavor. But if you want to mix things up, all you have to do is swap out the vanilla extract! I’ve used almond extract, coconut extract, and peppermint extract, all with great results.

What’s the difference between powdered sugar and confectioners’ sugar?

Nothing! Powdered sugar, confectioners’ sugar, and icing sugar are all the same thing.

What’s the best way to ice sugar cookies?

There are some absolutely exquisite iced sugar cookies out there, and I don’t even pretend that I can compete in that category. My cookie decorating skills tap out at spreading some frosting. I typically just spread icing on my sugar cookies using a popsicle stick (since I’m an adult now, I really should invest in a proper icing spatula). You could most definitely pipe this frosting on if that’s your (piping) bag, but I’ll stick to my lazy girl popsicle stick method for now, thank you very much.

I normally make my frosting thick enough that it will stay on top of the cookie, but still thin enough that it will self-settle and dry with a smooth, bump-free top. It’s really the fool-proof way to frost cookies. If you’re decorating with kids (or, ahem, inebriated adults—it makes a fun holiday party activity), squeeze bottles are the way to go!

You can also dip your sugar cookies in the icing. Just make the icing thin enough to be dippable, then grab a cookie and barely dip the top in a bowl of the icing. Make sure to do this over parchment paper or wax paper—it gets messy!

The Best Sugar Cookie Icing Recipe (No Corn Syrup) | Wholefully (3)

What’s the best way to color this icing?

On its own, this is a clean white icing. It makes a beautiful surface for all sorts of sprinkles and decorations. But if you want to add some color to the frosting itself, both liquid and gel food coloring work well in this sugar cookie icing. Gel food coloring will give your icing more vibrant and bold colors, but it does stain. If you’re decorating with kids, we recommend sticking with liquid food coloring. If you want multiple different colors of icing, divide the batch into smaller bowls to be colored.

Can I make sugar cookie icing without corn syrup?

You can make this same sugar cookie icing with honey, but it does not dry to the same soft-but-stackable texture—it stays pretty soft. I keep a bottle of corn syrup in my pantry for this recipe and this recipe alone!

How do you store iced sugar cookies?

Once the frosting has hardened, I stack them between layers of parchment paper in a glass food storage, airtight container and leave them on the counter for up to a week.

Why can’t you freeze iced sugar cookies?

I’ve tried it before, and while the taste is fine, this particular icing recipe tends to crack and lose its luster in the freezer. Our sugar cookie icing recipe is so easy to mix up, it will take you no time to frost the cookies once they are out of the freezer!

The Best Sugar Cookie Icing Recipe (No Corn Syrup) | Wholefully (4)

Cassie’s protips for PERFECT cut-out iced sugar cookies:

  • Sugar cookies are done when they are just BARELY brown and set up. You’re not looking for “golden brown” here. You’re looking for very slight color along the edges.
  • Let the cookies cool completely before icing. If not, the icing will run everywhere.
  • Thicker icing is easier to work with. Start with thicker icing at first, and then thin it out if needed.
The Best Sugar Cookie Icing Recipe (No Corn Syrup) | Wholefully (5)

Easy Sugar Cookie Icing Recipe

Yield: Enough for 6-7 dozen cookies (depending on cookie cutter size)

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 8 minutes

Additional Time: 2 hours

Total Time: 2 hours 18 minutes

This is the best icing recipe for decorating sugar cookies. It’s easy to make, and dries into a nice and smooth finish. Plus, there's an option without corn syrup!

(This is our favorite sugar cookie recipe!)


  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 2-4 tablespoons milk
  • 1 tablespoon light corn syrup or honey (see notes)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla, almond, peppermint, or coconut extract
  • Food coloring


  1. Combine powdered sugar, two tablespoons milk, corn syrup or honey, and vanilla extract, adding more milk until icing reaches desired consistency. For piping and spreading, you're looking for a thicker icing. For dipping cookies, you'll want something a little bit thinner.
  2. Pipe, spread, ordipontobaked cookies. If you'd like to usesprinkles, apply them before the icing dries.


  • Using corn syrup in the cookie icing recipe will result in an icing that dries soft, but stackable. Using honey will result in a softer icing that should not be stacked.
  • Make sure the cookies are completely cooled before frosting.
  • Looking for a sugar cookie recipe to use this icing on? This recipe is our go-to, fan-favorite recipe.

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Nutrition Information:

Yield: 72Serving Size: 1 cookie
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 20Total Fat: 0gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 4mgCarbohydrates: 4gFiber: 0gSugar: 4gProtein: 0g

At Wholefully, we believe that good nutrition is about much more than just the numbers on the nutrition facts panel. Please use the above information as only a small part of what helps you decide what foods are nourishing for you.

The Best Sugar Cookie Icing Recipe (No Corn Syrup) | Wholefully (2024)


What can you use instead of corn syrup for icing? ›

Popular substitutes for corn syrup include maple syrup, honey, and molasses, among others. You may need to adjust the amount with some substitutes. Corn syrup is a common ingredient used to make everything from candies and caramel to frosting, baked goods, jams, and jellies.

What is the purpose of corn syrup in icing? ›

If you've struggled with dull royal icing in the past, adding a small amount of corn syrup will help to keep the icing shiny (even when dry).

How do you make royal icing not so sweet? ›

Using salt and acid (cream of tartar) balances the sugary sweetness. Silver rum adds a subtle flavor, without darkening the icing like vanilla.

How do you get powdered sugar to stick to cookies? ›

The trick to the stick (ha!) is to roll them twice. Give the cookies their first coating when they are slightly warm. As the cookies cool, the confectioners' sugar will melt into them.

How do you substitute corn syrup for sugar? ›

If one wants to substitute another liquid sweetener, such as corn syrup, honey, or golden syrup, for granulated sugar, what proportion can one use? In general, liquid sweeteners should be used in a 3/4s proportion to granulated sugar if substituting.

Does icing sugar need cornstarch? ›

Like powdered sugar, confectioners' sugar is made of finely ground granulated sugar. However, the key difference is the addition of cornstarch. Adding cornstarch to powdered sugar serves to prevent the sugar from caking up and getting clumpy over time.

What makes sugar cookies rise? ›

Mixing Butter & Sugar

Creaming is the act of mixing butter and sugar to incorporate air bubbles into the butter, creating a light and fluffy cookie.

What does cream of tartar do in royal icing? ›

On the other hand, cream of tartar on its own is often included in royal icing recipes, as one of its key functions is to stabilize whipped egg whites. (It's also used to stabilize whipped cream and to prevent sugar syrups from crystallizing.)

Do you have to use corn syrup? ›

Alternatives to corn syrup

The advantage corn syrup has is its neutral flavor, but it's not the only invert sugar you can use. Honey, maple syrup, and molasses can stand in for corn syrup, with slight adjustments up or down for their sweetness levels.

What makes icing sugar soft? ›

Soft icing sugar is another name for icing sugar mixture which is blended with cornflour to stop lumps. Soft icing sugar shoudn't be used for decorations as the cornflour holds moisture which can cause mould.

Why is my icing sugar so hard? ›

You will find that if you store pure icing sugar for extended periods or if you don't store it in a well-sealed container, you can expect it to become hard and develop large lumps, which can be really tricky to sift.

What thickens icing sugar? ›

Most frostings are made with powdered sugar (otherwise known as confectioners' sugar or icing sugar), which contains cornstarch to prevent it from caking. Adding more powdered sugar can be an effective way and the easiest way of absorbing too much liquid to achieve thicker frosting.

Why does my powdered sugar icing taste weird? ›

The starch added to most powdered sugar can make frosting taste slightly metallic. Here's how to fix that: Melt the butter and mix it with the powdered sugar, salt, and milk in a stainless steel bowl. Set the bowl in a wide skillet of barely simmering water for 5 minutes, stirring from time to time.

Is it better to use powdered sugar or granulated sugar in sugar cookies? ›

All levels of powdered sugar grind can be used interchangeably with each other in cookie recipes. But take note: powdered sugar is not to be substituted for granulated sugar or brown sugar, since the added cornstarch in powdered sugar changes cookie chemistry and texture.

How do you keep sugar on top of sugar cookies? ›

Decorate After Baking

In order to add colored sugar to baked cookies, the sugar needs something to adhere to. Icing is the perfect choice. Bake and cool the cookies as directed by the recipe. Ice the very cool cookies with your favorite icing and top with your choice of colored sugar.

What ingredient can replace icing sugar? ›

If you have run out of icing sugar or can't find any to buy, you can make your own by whizzing granulated or caster sugar in a food processor, powerful blender, standard blender, coffee or spice grinder, or more laboriously, in a mortar and pestle.

Can you use cornstarch instead of corn syrup? ›

No! Corn syrup is a sweet, thick syrup that is used as a sweetener. Corn starch is a powder, almost tasteless and certainly not sweet, that is used as a thickener, as are many other starches.

Can I replace icing sugar with cornstarch? ›

The answer is YES! To make homemade powdered sugar, you'll need two ingredients: granulated sugar and cornstarch. The magic ratio is 1 cup granulated sugar to 1 tablespoon cornstarch.

How do you thicken icing without cornstarch or sugar? ›

Use flour for cooked frostings.

If you are making warm frosting on your stovetop, you can try thickening a runny frosting with a bit of flour. Sprinkle 1 tsp to 1 Tbsp (5 ml to 15 ml) of flour into the frosting and stir over low heat on the stove until it begins to thicken.


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