Mac & Cheese in a Bundt Pan Recipe on Food52 (2024)

Make Ahead

by: lapadia



1 Ratings

  • Serves 10-12 Delicious slices, depending on the size cut

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Author Notes

A visual feast, a delicious twist on Mac & Cheese with a beautiful cheesy glaze for its crowning touch; after all, we eat with our eyes first!

Sometimes we need to forget about calories and splurge, this recipe easily helps us fall into that way of thinking because it’s ingredients are lightened up in comparison to many Mac recipes, but, you will find it is still screams "creamy, cheesy comfort food!"

I was inspired by my Bundt pan obsession, and I am seriously, serious about that; I love trying everything in a Bundt and when a prior significant food event was calling on me, Mac & Cheese became the newest idea…to success!

After raiding my pantry, finding macaroni, checking for other ingredients - eggs, fresh bread for fresh crumbs, and finally dashing to the deli for needed cheese and buttermilk I found this recipe relatively inexpensive, and easy to put together as well.

A Mac Bundt will appeal to the taste buds of many, really, who doesn't love cheesy goodness? Slice like you would a cake and serve at room temperature or cold; makes a great portable side for potlucks, picnics or special occasions. Enjoy!

What You'll Need

  • 1 cup sharp or extra sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
  • 4 tablespoons salted butter - melted
  • 2/3 cup fresh bread crumbs - divided in half (panko works nicely if you have it on hand)
  • 1/4 teaspoon red pepper, or to taste
  • 1/2 tablespoon dry mustard
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika - preferred but optional
  • 2 cups buttermilk
  • 1/2 cup half & half or milk at the least 2%
  • 4 egg whites, lightly beaten
  • 1 cup of a Mexican cheese mixture
  • 2 cups (8 ounces) shredded American cheese (I buy block from the deli)
  • NOTE: feel free to choose cheese of your choice, but keep the cheddar on top, it creates a beautiful glaze after the Bundt is inverted.
  • 4 cups cooked, still hot, elbow macaroni (equals 8 oz dry)
  • 10 or 12 inch Bundt pan (the cooking time is written for a 10 inch)
  1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
  2. Spray Bundt pan with nonstick cooking spray.
  3. Add 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese to the bottom of the bundt pan.
  4. In a large bowl mix melted butter, 1/3 cup bread crumbs, red pepper, mustard and paprika together. Whisk in the buttermilk, cream and eggs, whisk to incorporate.
  5. Add in the remaining cheeses, stir to incorporate. Don't worry about any clumping, the hot macaroni will help to melt and incorporate.
  6. Fold in the cooked macaroni while it is still hot; the heat will help to melt and incorporate the mixture.
  7. Pour into prepared Bundt pan.
  8. Bake in preheated oven for 55 minutes, take out and sprinkle with the last 1/3 cup of breadcrumbs. Bake 10 more minutes. Cool for 20-30 minutes. Invert Bundt onto a platter.
  9. Serve with an array of beautiful fresh cut vegetables.


  • Pasta
  • American
  • Mustard
  • Paprika
  • Cheese
  • Buttermilk
  • Milk/Cream
  • Make Ahead
  • Serves a Crowd
  • One-Pot Wonders
  • Memorial Day
  • Father's Day
Contest Entries
  • Your Best Cheap Feast
  • Your Best Portable Side

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  • Julia Myers

  • krusher

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34 Reviews

Jacooper525 May 5, 2019

This sounds delicious and my son was asking for a Mac and cheese cake for his b-day. Mom win!

lapadia May 6, 2019

"Yay, Mom!" ;) Hope the B-day party is a grand occasion, Enjoy.

Julia M. October 7, 2018

I made this today for my partners birthday and it was incredible!! I’m a subpar cook, and this was super easy, and turned out fabulous! I did sub a smoked Gouda for the American cheese and used a regular queso fresco for the Mexican cheese. I also added a bit of minced garlic for an extra kick. Thanks for the recipe!!

lapadia October 7, 2018

Hi Julia,
I am thrilled to get your feedback, love your cheese and garlic additions, will have to try them; my motto = recipes are made for tweaking!
Happy Sunday to you!

krusher June 1, 2013

This is amazing in concept and flavor. Only a gorging, out-of-control person with psychological issues would eat such a quantity that it would clog one's arteries. We don't do that with pâtés, cakes, desserts. Moderation in all things provides balance in one's life. If individuals are struggling with self-control issues, they would do well to read any number of books on the French approach to eating and portion control and adopt their strategies. A long happy gastronomic life will no doubt follow. Bon appetit!

lapadia June 1, 2013


boulangere June 1, 2013

I completely agree, krusher. I forwarded the recipe to my soon-to-be daughter-in-law, who loves to cook, as well as to my daughter who could live on mac and cheese. They love it! No, no one can eat like this, obviously on a constant basis, but as comfort food sign us all up!

lapadia June 1, 2013

OH!!! Amen to you, too, Cynthia! Note how the serving size for this Bundt goodness states 10-12 delicious slices.

Vicky K. June 1, 2013

4 Cups of cheese, 1/2 stick butter, 1/2 cup half and half...
Heart attack in a bundt pan!

lapadia June 1, 2013

Hi VK! Life itself is the proper binge; a party w/o a cake is really just a meeting, everything in moderation…Bon Appetit ~Julia Child

TheWimpyVegetarian March 7, 2013

What a fabulous idea, Linda! I love this!!! My grandchildren would go nuts over it.

lapadia March 7, 2013

Hi Susan! Thanks so much for checking out my recipe and for your comment, too. Yes, this is a fun recipe, your grandkids should like it, use their favorite cheese if/when you make it. :)

What a great idea Linda!!! Next time I make sweet or savory Lokshen Kugel, it will go right to the Bundt cake form.

lapadia March 6, 2013

Sounds like a great plan, Anna! Thanks for checking out my recipe :)

sexyLAMBCHOPx March 7, 2013

Kukla, do you have a savory Lokshen Kugel recipe to share?

Kukla March 7, 2013

I just posted one of my old recipes:Savory Lokshen Kugel (Noodle Pudding)

Bevi March 6, 2013

This is freaking fantastic! I am going to push aside whatever I had planned to make for the full moon winter walk party and insert this.

lapadia March 6, 2013

"By the Light of the Silvery Moon!" :)

sexyLAMBCHOPx March 6, 2013

can a recipe be called cute? if so, this is it!

lapadia March 6, 2013

Ha! Thanks for checking out my recipe, SLC!

savorthis March 6, 2013

I am totally making this for my husband's birthday...with candles! He could never eat enough mac 'n' cheese and this looks awesome.

lapadia March 6, 2013

Oooohhh, now that sounds like fun, and be sure to use all his favorite cheeses - with the cheddar on top or should I say placed on the bottom of the bundt :)

aargersi March 6, 2013

Mac-N-Cheese bundt = complete happiness

lapadia March 6, 2013

Nothing like cheesy happiness!

healthierkitchen March 6, 2013

A bundt! this definitely takes the mac n cheese to "feast" level! What fun! Do you play with muffin tins too? My mom had a thing about trying everything in a mini muffin tin.

lapadia March 6, 2013

Thanks HK! Hmmm, love the muffin tin idea, thanks for sharing it :)

hardlikearmour March 6, 2013

Whoa! I'd love to see/hear about your other bundt pan experiments!

lapadia March 6, 2013

Stay tuned for my other bundt pan experiments, HLA :) !!

lapadia March 6, 2013

LOL! I forgot about that, I've done it, not recently though. But it works and I'm sure you can think up some nice glazes! I did a Picadillo meat bundt a while back, loved the flavors.

LeBec F. March 6, 2013

I was thinking- wouldn't it be fun to put a layer of bechamel or mornay sauce in between a bottom and top layer of noodles?!then, when you slice it, you'd get some creamy cheese sauce with it.
For balance with that version, it prob would be better to remove a bit of the cheese from the noodle mixture..... Ah, inspiration!

lapadia March 6, 2013

Yes, an inspired thought, LBF, would love your feedback if you try it! I played with the idea of an optional cheese sauce on the side but stayed within my budget, this time around :)

lapadia March 6, 2013

What I like is by putting the sharp cheddar on the very bottom of the bundt pan first, adding the macaroni, baking and after it is inverted the cheddar creates a nice cheddar glaze over the top. Drizzles of bechamel will definitely "kick it up."

boulangere March 5, 2013

Brilliant! I freaking love this!

lapadia March 6, 2013

Thanks! Your words are uplifting, B!

Mac & Cheese in a Bundt Pan Recipe on Food52 (2024)


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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.