Emily Boyd, BSN, RN on LinkedIn: Career Goals and Objectives Below are the Student Learning Outcomes… (2024)

Emily Boyd, BSN, RN

ICU Nurse

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Career Goals and ObjectivesBelow are the Student Learning Outcomes outlined by Texas A&M School of Nursing:1. Provide Care:Over the course of my time at Texas A&M School of Nursing, I have had many opportunities to attend clinicals in a variety of hospital systems while caring for patients that span across multiple populations. In each clinical, I had the privilege of providing hands-on care and creating care plans for each patient, which consider the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health of the patient. Furthermore, each intervention that was implemented was within the current standards of care.2. Manage Care:During my clinical experiences, I adhered to appropriate safety principles that prioritizes the patient’s safety. Also, precautionary measures were taken-- when indicated-- to protect the patient, the nurses, and other patients on the unit. Lastly, I gained proficiency in both Meditech and EPIC charting systems to chart and review each patients’ statuses. 3. Participate as a Member of the Profession:I experienced many opportunities that allowed me to work within a healthcare team that comprised of many different disciplines—such as medicine, pharmacy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and others. Through collaboration with these disciplines, I was able to gain proficiency in effective communication, teamwork, delegation, and leadership. Additionally, I was able to witness and play a part in patient advocacy that allowed for the highest quality of care for each patient. While being a student nurse, I assumed responsibility for every action of mine, but I also was open to constructive feedback that helped me reach my highest potential to provide the best care to others.Being in the nursing profession means being dedicated to lifelong learning. Currently, I am in many organizations that provide leadership, service, and educational opportunities to gain further knowledge and skills to better care for our patients. Following graduation, I will be dedicating myself to professional nursing organizations that provide the same opportunities. I understand that I will never know it all, but that is the beauty of nursing. I am eager to be committed to lifelong learning to further develop my skill set.

  • Emily Boyd, BSN, RN on LinkedIn: Career Goals and ObjectivesBelow are the Student Learning Outcomes… (2)


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Televero Health


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Impressive journey! It's refreshing to see how comprehensively Texas A&M School of Nursing prepares students to consider all aspects of health, especially the inclusion of mental and emotional wellbeing in patient care plans. Lifelong learning in nursing truly can make a significant impact on holistic care. #BehavioralHealth #NursingEducation

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  • Christian Sanchez

    Student at Texas A&M University

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    Career Goals (cont.):Although I have not yet had the opportunity to participate in nursing specific conferences or workshops, I have recently been invited to join the nursing honor society Sigma Theta Tau. In this role, I hope to be able to attend nursing conferences to expand my understanding of my career. I believe that continuous learning is vital to not only my nursing practice, but to nursing in general. Progress cannot be made if we remain content with what we already know. There is always room for improvement and I wholeheartedly believe that every nurse must remain dedicated to always learning and improving their craft. Without learning what I know now, I would not be able to be the budding nurse I am. I am hopeful that I can continue to learn new things each and every day that I can use to make me a better nurse. Baccalaureate Nursing Competencies:The baccalaureate nursing competencies are listed below: 1. Patient-Centered Care2. Quality Improvement3. Safety4. Teamwork and Collaboration5. Informatics6. Evidence-Based Practice7. LeadershipIn each clinical experience I have had, I have been able to practice safe patient-centered care. I take pride on being able to empathize with my patients and their families. I work diligently to respect each individual's choices regarding their care and I work hard to provide care that is culturally competent and enriching. Nursing, as a profession, is able to succeed when nurses, their patients, and other members of the healthcare team are able to connect and work towards goals together. To this end, I have worked to always be a team player and to collaborate closely with other members of the healthcare team. In courses such as evidence-based practice, nursing informatics, and case studies, I have gained knowledge on the importance of exploring the nursing practice. Nursing is never perfect and it is our responsibility to be constantly working to improve the practice. I have had the opportunity to work on quality improvement projects firsthand as a student nurse extern at Houston Methodists. For example, I was able to participate in observing a newly designed "hat" that was designed to reduce heat loss during surgery. Although information on the outcomes of that program are not yet available, I am still grateful for the opportunity to participate in research that could potentially benefit patients.


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    The Deterioration of the Nursing Profession:A Call for Reform in Nursing EducationThe nursing profession is facing a critical decline, and at the heart of this issue lies the inadequate nurturing of nursing students in colleges in Bangladesh. This decline is multifaceted, stemming from several key deficiencies within the educational system.Lack of Laboratory FacilitiesHands-on practice is essential for nursing students to gain the skills needed for their future careers. Unfortunately, many nursing colleges lack adequate laboratory facilities. This deficiency leaves students unprepared for real-world clinical situations, compromising patient care quality and safety.Outdated Knowledge of TeachersAnother pressing issue is the outdated knowledge of nursing educators. Without continuous professional development, teachers fail to provide students with the latest advancements in medical science and nursing practices. This gap in knowledge transfer prevents students from staying current with evolving healthcare standards and technologies.Absence of Training in Evidence-Based PracticeEvidence-based practice (EBP) is crucial in modern healthcare, ensuring that clinical decisions are based on the best available evidence. However, many nursing teachers are not trained in EBP, resulting in a curriculum that neglects this critical aspect. As a consequence, students graduate without the skills necessary to apply research findings to clinical practice, hindering their ability to deliver high-quality care.Lack of Professional Manner EducationProfessionalism is a cornerstone of nursing, encompassing ethics, communication, and conduct. Yet, nursing colleges often fail to instill these values in their students. Without proper education in professional manners, new nurses may struggle with interpersonal skills and ethical dilemmas, impacting their effectiveness and the trust patients place in them.No Career Long-Term Vision by TeachersA long-term vision is essential for career development. Nursing educators should guide students not only academically but also in planning their career trajectories. Unfortunately, many teachers do not emphasize career planning, leaving students without a clear path for advancement. This lack of guidance can lead to job dissatisfaction and high turnover rates among nurses.By nurturing nursing students appropriately, we can rebuild the foundation of the nursing profession, ensuring a future where nurses are well-prepared, knowledgeable, and professional, ready to meet the challenges of the healthcare environment.

    • Emily Boyd, BSN, RN on LinkedIn: Career Goals and ObjectivesBelow are the Student Learning Outcomes… (8)


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  • pramita nandy


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    Opportunities Threats Continuing education in nursing field for achieving higher degree and knowledge can provide me the opportunity to become much efficient in patient care and clinical service.By leveraging networks through building connections with experienced nurses, doctors, mentors and healthcare professionals can help me to enhance my knowledge and understanding about the nursing profession, activities, values and policies better.Participating in professional development programs and events such as workshops, seminars and conferences about nursing can help to enrich nursing abilities, skill set and expertise (Loke, Guo & Molassiotis, 2021). Nursing candidates with higher degree, knowledge and professional experiences can be significant threat to my career.Burnout is a significant concern in nursing profession (Dall’Ora et al., 2020). Sometimes over workload and its demand of excessive mental and physical pressure can create burnout and impact work responsibilities negatively.Due to the aging population and rising needs of healthcare services patients’ conditions are becoming much complex and demanding. Such demanding situations Table 1: Personal SWOT Analysis(Created by the Learner)Part 2: Skill AnalysisAssessment of 2/3 strengths with Leading Yourself, Leading Others, Leading Organizations Skill of passion for helping others in leading self- As a nursing student, my passion for helping others can lead me as a profound anchor towards professional responsibilities and growth. The passion ignites a sense of purpose within me to take actions directly for ensuring health wellbeing for those in need. The drive for helping others motivates to strive for continuous excellence of own skills and knowledge for excellent nursing and care service (Orukwowu, 2022). Therefore, the passion of helping other works as a significant driver behind my goals and pushes me overcome obstacles and stay focused at my professional journey. Besides, the strength of passion within me for helping others fosters a strong empathy within me along with self-awareness. Through continuously being engaged with the needs and emotions of patients, I get a deeper understanding of human experiences, allowing myself to navigate my own emotions, motivation and different shortcomings. However, in the demanding field of nursing I require to balance between emotions and professional responsibilities. In the time of facing setbacks or pressuring situations the self awareness can help me to guide towards my responsibilities over emotions and do the right for patient care. Regarding this, continuous learning from practical hands-on experiences can help better to enable me utilising myself awareness and the passion for helping other in an effective way.

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  • ijtsrd.com International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development


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    Background For the professional growth of nursing students as well as their responsibilities as practitioners and educators, it is crucial to provide current knowledge and training in basic life support procedures. Objectives The purpose of the study was to examine the effectiveness of basic life support training on knowledge among nursing students. Methods A non randomized quasi experimental design One group pre test post test was used in this study. The investigation was carried out in a lab at a college for nursing students. The sample consisted of a convenience sample of 3rd semester students enrolled in the undergraduate nursing class. The study sample consisted of 70 nursing students. Basic life support training included both theoretical and practical components. The students knowledge were assessed before basic life support training. Data were collected using the knowledge assessment questionnaire. The pre and post assessment knowledge scores were compared. Results After basic life support training, level of knowledge scores were higher as compared to pre training scores t= 11.06, p=0.000 . Conclusion The study showed that basic life support training improved knowledge and skills related to basic life support practices in nursing students. Periodic basic life support training is very important for competency in this area among nursing students. by Pooja Godiyal | Poonam Negi | Jyoti Tiwari "Effectiveness of Basic Life Support Training on Knowledge among Nursing Students" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-7 | Issue-4, August 2023, URL: https://lnkd.in/dpmGhFpD Paper Url:https://lnkd.in/d9YMbqpj

    Effectiveness of Basic Life Support Training on Knowledge among Nursing students ijtsrd.com
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  • Kim Meeker R.N., M.B.A.

    Healthcare Administration Leader | Board President

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    Nursing education must continue to evolve to ensure that graduates are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary for success in clinical practice. As the Chief Nursing Officer of HFWH and President of MONL I am committed to fostering innovation and advancement in nursing education to support a seamless transition from academia to the workforce. Here are some areas of innovation that will play a crucial role in preparing nurses for the challenges and of practice:Harnessing the power of simulation, including high-fidelity mannequins and virtual reality, to provide students with realistic, hands-on experiences that mirror the complexities of clinical practice. Immersive simulation allows students to practice critical skills, manage complex patient scenarios, and make clinical decisions in a safe and supportive environment, thereby enhancing their confidence and competence upon entering the workforce.Integrating interprofessional education into nursing curricula to prepare students for collaborative practice in today's team-based environment. By engaging with students from other healthcare disciplines, such as medicine, nursing students gain a deeper understanding of the responsibilities of other members of the healthcare team, develop communication and teamwork skills, and learn to provide patient-centered care within a multidisciplinary context.Strengthening mentorship and preceptorship programs to provide new graduates with the support and guidance they need during the transition to practice. By pairing students with experienced nurses who serve as mentors and preceptors, nursing education programs can facilitate the transfer of knowledge, promote professional growth and development, and help ease the transition from student to practitioner.Incorporating digital health tools into nursing education to prepare students for the increasingly technology-driven nature of modern healthcare delivery. From EHR’s and telehealth platforms to mobile health apps and remote monitoring devices, nurses must be adept at leveraging technology to optimize patient care, improve clinical workflows, and enhance communication and collaboration with other members of the healthcare team.Cultivating a culture of lifelong learning among nursing students, and practicing nurses alike. By fostering a culture of lifelong learning, nursing education programs can empower nurses to stay abreast of emerging trends, evidence-based practices, and innovations in healthcare delivery, thereby ensuring the highest quality of care for patients.I am dedicated to championing these advancements and ensuring that nursing education remains at the forefront of excellence and innovation for the betterment of our profession and the patients we serve. Together, let us pave the way for the future of nursing education and empower the next generation of nurses to thrive in an ever-changing healthcare landscape.


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  • Gicar Magbanua

    CEO and Founder: Mind Web Academy

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    Thank you American Nurses Credentialing Center And ATI for this timely and insightful seminar.Topic: Beyond Content: Factors ThatPowerfully_ Impact Nursing StudentsEngagement and Learning.Beyond the content itself, several factors significantly impact nursing students' engagement and learning. These factors are crucial in shaping the overall educational experience and preparing future nurses effectively. Some of the key factors include:1. Teaching Methods:The way material is presented can greatly influence students' engagement and learning. Interactive and hands-on teaching methods, such as simulations, case studies, and group activities, can enhance understanding and retention of complex nursing concepts.2. Clinical Experience: Hands-on clinical practice is essential for nursing students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings. Quality clinical placements with supportive preceptors can significantly impact a student's learning and readiness for the nursing profession.3. Support and Feedback: Providing students with adequate support and constructive feedback is crucial for their development. Encouraging a culture of open communication and mentorship can boost engagement and help students overcome challenges.4. Technology Integration:Incorporating technology into nursing education can enhance learning experiences. Virtual simulations, online resources, and educational apps can provide interactive and engaging ways for students to learn and practice nursing skills.5. Wellness and Self-Care:Nursing education can be demanding, both academically and emotionally. Promoting wellness initiatives and teaching self-care strategies can help prevent burnout and support students' overall well-being, leading to better engagement and learning outcomes.6. Diversity and Inclusion:Creating a diverse and inclusive learning environment is essential for fostering student engagement and learning. Embracing different perspectives and experiences can enrich classroom discussions and help students develop cultural competence, a crucial skill in nursing practice.7. Professional Development Opportunities:Offering opportunities for students to engage in research, attend conferences, or participate in professional organizations can enhance their learning and motivation. These experiences can broaden students' understanding of the nursing profession and inspire them to excel in their studies.By considering and addressing these factors beyond content, nursing educators can create a more engaging and effective learning environment that empowers students to succeed in their academic endeavors and future nursing careers.#WorkingInTwoTimeZones

    • Emily Boyd, BSN, RN on LinkedIn: Career Goals and ObjectivesBelow are the Student Learning Outcomes… (19)
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  • Ibilola Okunola

    RN🇳🇬 🇦🇺 | Are you a nurse looking for a more fulfilling career path in nursing? Send a DM

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    Embarking on the journey of becoming a nursing student in Nigeria can be both rewarding and demanding. To ensure a successful and fulfilling nursing education experience, here are key strategies to help you survive and thrive during your time as a nursing student.Nursing programs are known for their demanding schedules. Efficient time management is crucial. Create a realistic study schedule, prioritize tasks, and allocate time for clinical rotations, lectures, and personal commitments. Stick to your schedule to stay on top of assignments and exams.Keep your study materials, notes, and clinical supplies well-organized. This will save you time and reduce stress when preparing for exams or heading to clinical placements. A well-organized approach contributes significantly to your overall success in the program.Connect with your fellow nursing students. Form study groups to share insights and provide mutual support. Having a network of peers who understand the challenges can make your journey more manageable. Share resources, study tips, and encouragement to foster a positive learning environment.Experienced nursing students can offer valuable insights into navigating the challenges specific to your program. Seek advice from seniors on effective study strategies, clinical rotations, and balancing personal life. Their experiences can provide valuable lessons and shortcuts for success.Maintaining a balance between your academic responsibilities and personal life is crucial. Allocate time for relaxation, hobbies, and self-care. A well-balanced life will contribute to your overall well-being and academic success.Nursing education requires dedication and commitment. Stay focused on your studies and be proactive in seeking help when needed. Engage with your instructors, ask questions, and actively participate in class discussions. This commitment will lay the foundation for a successful nursing career.Clinical rotations are an integral part of nursing education. Approach each rotation with enthusiasm, willingness to learn, and professionalism. Actively engage with patients, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to gain practical experience and build your clinical skills.Prioritize your mental health by managing stress, seeking support when needed, and practicing self-care. Ensure you get enough

    • Emily Boyd, BSN, RN on LinkedIn: Career Goals and ObjectivesBelow are the Student Learning Outcomes… (21)



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  • Jonathan Jenkins BSN, RN, LNC

    Legal Nurse Consultant | Husband | Dad to Toddlers | Lover of Knowledge | Philippians 4:13

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    Nursing Theories are actually very informational!!Yes, I know a lot of you are saying, “Well duh of course they are!”But when we were in nursing school the first time around, learning about nursing theory was a long and treacherous course to study, learn, apply, and test over. (Or, at least it was for me.)Recently, I had to write a paper for my MSN degree on nursing theory, and I went with Hildegard Peplau’s Theory on Interpersonal Relations. While researching her theory, I found out that it was an expansion of Harry Stack Sullivan's Theory on Interpersonal Relations; she redefined it and implemented it in nursing. Her theory lists 7 roles, The Stranger, Resource, Teaching, Counseling, Surrogate, Active Leadership, and Technical Expert. It all clicked while I was reading about the different roles and examining my everyday practices. I could see each role of her theory. Stranger – When we first meet the patient. Resource – Nurse answers questionsTeaching – Provide instruction and training.Counseling – Assists patient in understanding what is going on. Surrogate – Advocating for the patient. Active Leadership – Encourages the patient to take control of their health and meet goals. Technical Expert – Actual Care provided to the patient. Peplau had defined, literally, how we interact with every patient we ever encounter. Not my most interesting post ever, but I wanted to share anyway because I found it interesting and thought others might also. Do any of you have a theory you find interesting? Drop it in the comments, I would love to learn about it.


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  • es/iode


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    📃Scientific paper: Research article Individual innovation from the perspective of nursing students: A qualitative studyAbstract:Background One of the necessities of today’s world that prepares nursing students for their future professional roles is the concept of individual innovation.However, there is no clear definition of individual innovation in nursing.This study was designed and implemented with the aim of investigating the concept of individual innovation from the perspective of nursing students using qualitative content analysis.Methods This qualitative study was conducted from September 2020 to May 2021 on 11 nursing students of one of the nursing schools in southern Iran.The participants were selected by purposive sampling method.Data were collected through semi-structured individual interviews.Data analysis was done using conventional content analysis and MAXQDA 2018.Results Following data analysis, 662 initial codes were extracted forming 9 categories and three main themes.The themes included personal and professional dynamism, professional inventiveness, and the integration of innovation drivers.Conclusions The concept of individual innovation in the nursing student included personal and professional dynamics and professional inventiveness.Individual innovation occurred through combination of innovation drivers.Managers and policy makers of nursing education can use the results of this to get acquainted with this concept and develop policies and guidelines to develop nursing students’ individual innovation.Through getting familiar with the concept of individual i... Discover the rest of the scientific article on es/iode ➡️https://etcse.fr/FnH5

    Research article Individual innovation from the perspective of nursing students: A qualitative study ethicseido.com
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  • Laxen Matthew

    Company Owner

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    Introduction to Nursing Assignment HelpIn nursing, assignments play a crucial role in the overall learning process. These assignments help students develop a deeper understanding of nursing concepts, apply theoretical knowledge to real-life situations, and enhance critical thinking skills.

    Nursing Assignment Help: Get Expert Help Now! - MyNursingHomeworkHelp https://mynursinghomeworkhelp.com
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Emily Boyd, BSN, RN on LinkedIn: Career Goals and ObjectivesBelow are the Student Learning Outcomes… (32)

Emily Boyd, BSN, RN on LinkedIn: Career Goals and ObjectivesBelow are the Student Learning Outcomes… (33)


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Emily Boyd, BSN, RN on LinkedIn: Career Goals and Objectives

Below are the Student Learning Outcomes… (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.