Easy Vegan Chili - Vegan Family Recipes (2024)

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I know we all want spring weather but the reality is it's still pretty darn cold. I just checked the weather and my sister in Boston is getting snow again! So, this easy vegan chili recipe is for all those still in the miserable cold :)

As much as I would like to add another spring-like recipe, I've really been meaning to put this chili recipe up for quite some time. Over a month ago I posted a picture of this chili on my Instagram. People loved it and I felt stupid for not actually taking the time to take proper pictures and posting the recipes.

So, here it is!

My stupidly easy vegan chili!

Don't look at the ingredient list and think, "I can't, too much!" It's really not that many ingredients and you don't have to do anything fancy with them. You seriously just throw them all in a pot and let it cook. Sound too hard? Maybe just look at the pictures then and ask someone else to make it :D

Easy Vegan Chili - Vegan Family Recipes (3)

Easy Vegan Chili - Vegan Family Recipes (4)

Please note that in the recipe below it says that the avocado and cilantro are optional. I had to do that for all the avocado haters in the world. There aren't many but I'm looking out for them. However...even if you like avocado just a little bit, be sure to pile the avocado on your vegan chili like there will be no avocados for the next 50 years.

With all that avocado, no one will ever be like, "Hey, Where's my vegan sour cream?". Sure, sometimes I like vegan sour cream on my chili but if I have avocados at home, it's not even debatable which will make it on my chili.

Easy Vegan Chili - Vegan Family Recipes (5)

PS: This chili is perfect for kids! 100% kid and toddler-approved. Make sure to add some extra cayenne pepper or fresh chili peppers to this chili, if kids aren't an issue :)

Easy Vegan Chili - Vegan Family Recipes (6)

5 from 4 votes


Easy Vegan Chili

A healthy vegetable loaded, easy vegan chili recipe. Hearty and filling,

CourseGluten free, Vegan

Prep Time 20 minutes

Cook Time 45 minutes

Total Time 1 hour 5 minutes

Makes 14 .5 cups

Author Vanessa @ VeganFamilyRecipes.com


  • 3tablespoonOlive Oil
  • 1largeOnionbrown, diced
  • 4Garlic Clovesminced
  • 1large Zucchinisliced, then quartered
  • 4celery stalkssliced
  • 6medium-sized Tomatoesdiced
  • 3Bell Peppers1 green, 2 yellow,red, or orange
  • 3tablespoonfavorite Chili Powderstorebought or homemade
  • 1tablespoonCumin
  • 2tablespoonPaprika
  • 1teaspoonSmoked Paprika
  • 4 ½cupsTomato Puree900ml
  • 4cupsWater800ml
  • 3cupsBeans of choice - KidneyBlack, Pinto etc. (soaked and cooked, or canned)
  • 2cupsCorn
  • Salt and Pepper
  • 1Avocado - optionaldiced
  • handful of fresh Cilantrooptional


  1. Heat olive oil in a large stock pot over medium heat.

  2. Fry onions in oil for 3 - 4 minutes. Add garlic and fry for an additional 1 - 2 minutes until garlic becomes fragrant.

  3. Add zucchini, celery, tomatoes, bell peppers, and spices to the pot and cook for 10 minutes over low-medium heat.

  4. Stir in tomato puree and water into the pot. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for at least 30 minutes. The longer the chili is allowed to simmer the better.

  5. Add beans and corn and allow chili to simmer for an additional 10 minutes before serving.

  6. Add salt and pepper to taste.

  7. Serve chili hot with avocado and fresh cilantro.

Recipe Notes

1) This is a very kid-friendly chili recipe. Feel free to add additional spices such as cayenne pepper or add adobe, jalapeno, or habaneros to give this chili some grown-up heat.

Look through some of my other chilis and soups on my site!

  • Cauliflower Kale soup
  • Moroccan Harira Soup
  • Red Lentil Carrot Soup
  • Easy Thai Carrot Soup

More Vegan Soup Recipes

  • Easy Roasted Butternut Squash Soup
  • Creamy Almond Soup

Easy Vegan Chili - Vegan Family Recipes (15)

Easy Vegan Chili - Vegan Family Recipes (16)

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Reader Interactions


  1. Farrah says

    Avocado haters!?!? ;_; I probably wouldn't get along with them. (If I could have it my way, I'd have a forest of avocado trees in my future backyard.)

    This chili looks all sorts of delicious! <3


  2. Ceara @ Ceara's Kitchen says

    I want a bowl of this comforting chili right now, Vanessa! I love how this is a "throw everything in the pot" kind of meal aka my favorite kind of dinner!! And those avocados + all that cilantro - you seriously just KNOW my taste buds!! Love this, Vanessa!!


  3. Harriet Emily says

    This looks unbelievable, and I love how easy the recipe is! Nothing beats a good vegetable chilli, so I will definitely have to make this for dinner! :)


  4. Levan @ MyWifeMakes.com says

    Vanessa! Your blog has been on FIRE lately with awesome recipe after recipe after recipe. You know Amrita and I aren't bullsh*tters so we really mean it when we say your recipes are looking better and better. AMAZING STUFF and so happy for you! This Easy Vegan Chili recipe looks fantastic (and hey, free keyword search +1 in this comment, haha!).

    I've been FULLY vegan the past week or so - finally had the spine to make the full transition, and I must say, it's been great!! With creations like yours and Amrita's, it's all the more easier.

    Thanks for sharing this! And, heck, your photos are awesome as always!



    • Vanessa says

      Thanks Levan,

      I'm so excited for you that you are taking the plunge into going fully vegan! It can definitely seem tough but I'm sure Amrita is a big help :)


  5. Vivian t. says

    I have just recently gone vegetarian and currently thinking about going vegan. I tried this recipe to show myself and others that just because it doesn't have meat or dairy doesn't mean it can't be delicious. Anyways the recipe turned out great. I even added parsley during the last simmer to add flavor. Definitely try adding a handful!


    • Vanessa Croessmann says

      Thanks Vivian, I'm so happy you liked it. I love how simple this vegan chili recipe is and it's perfect to change it around and make it your own. I sometimes like adding mushrooms, quinoa and other types of veggies I still have left in the fridge to it.

      I was vegetarian for nearly 10 years before I went vegan. It can seem really intimidating at first but the more you cook and play around with ingredients the easier it gets.


  6. Melissa says

    Could u make it in a crock pot?


    • Vanessa Croessmann says

      Hi Melissa, I don't see a reason why you couldn't make it in a crock pot :)


  7. Wanda says

    I am new to vegan cooking. This Vegan Chili recipe turned out great! I added
    one sweet potato and used fire roasted diced canned tomato instead of fresh tomato.
    Thank you for sharing!
    Aloha from Hawaii


  8. Bethany Ruzic says

    This is my go to chili...Im obsessed with it and its so easy to make. I always have tons left over. Thank you for creating it!!! Its seriously delishhhhhhhhh : )


    • Vanessa Croessmann says

      Thanks, Bethany! I'm so happy to hear you like it! We make this easy chili a lot too. The leftovers are the best part :)


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Easy Vegan Chili - Vegan Family Recipes (2024)


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