Days of our Lives Daily Recaps (Friday, June 28, 2024) (2024)

At the hospital, Paulina was pacing the waiting area when Abe arrived. "What happened?" Abe asked. Paulina told Abe that Chanel had suffered severe cramps and needed to be rushed to the hospital. "How is she? Is the baby okay?" Abe asked. After a moment, Paulina said, "No. The baby is not okay at all."

Johnny sat by Chanel's bedside in her hospital room. Chanel admitted, "I didn't know how much I loved having a little life growing inside me. A life that we made. I didn't realize until now how much [they] meant to me." Johnny held Chanel's hand. "I am so sorry," Johnny said. Johnny asked Chanel if she was in any pain, and she said she felt fine. "If it were up to me, I'd carry you out of here right now," Johnny said. Chanel smiled sadly. Since Chanel needed to stay overnight, Johnny offered to go pick up some items from home.

"If you see my mom on the way out, don't let her in here. I don't want to talk to her," Chanel said. With a nod yes, Johnny asked Chanel if he should pick up food at the pub. Chanel sighed. "No more cravings," Chanel whispered. Chanel clutched Felicity's stuffed cat close as Johnny walked out. After Chanel sniffled back tears, she pulled the ultrasound picture out of her purse and stared at it.

In the waiting area, Paulina told Abe everything that had happened with Chanel. "Chanel said the miscarriage was all my fault because I'd exposed her to radiation," Paulina said. Paulina cried on Abe's shoulder. Abe spotted Johnny across the hall, and he excused himself. "I'm so sorry," Abe told Johnny. Johnny explained that he was headed home to pick up items for Chanel's overnight stay.

"Maybe I should go and sit with her, you know, while you're gone," Paulina suggested. "That's not necessary," Johnny said. When Paulina argued that Chanel should not be alone, Johnny firmly announced that Chanel did not want to see Paulina. Paulina started to protest, but Johnny interrupted to ask Paulina to respect Chanel's wishes.

After Johnny left, Paulina lamented that Chanel was alone in a cold hospital room. "Johnny made her wishes quite clear," Abe said. Abe asked Paulina if the doctor had blamed the radiation as the cause of the miscarriage. "[Dr. Greene] said it wasn't likely," Paulina snapped. "Then you weren't to blame," Abe said. Paulina added that the doctor had also admitted that he could not rule out the radiation exposure as the cause.

"Whatever happened with the baby, you can't blame yourself, you know?" Abe said. Abe reminded Paulina that Chanel had plenty of time to start a family. "That's true, but that is not what she is thinking. Right now, all she's thinking is that if not for her impulsive, reckless mother, all would be well with that little one she was carrying. All she is thinking is that I am the reason she lost that baby," Paulina said. Paulina sobbed in Abe's arms.

In Chanel's room, she was staring at the ultrasound picture when there was a knock on the door. "Go away! I don't want to talk to you!" Chanel yelled. Abe walked into the room. "May I come in? Just for a few minutes," Abe said. Chanel apologized, and she invited Abe in. Abe put a comforting hand on Chanel's shoulder. "I heard about the baby. And my heart, it just breaks for you and Johnny," Abe said. Chanel broke down in tears, and Abe put his arm around her. When Chanel's sobs subsided, Abe asked her if she needed anything. Chanel said no.

"You know, your mom, she feels terrible about what happened," Abe said. "And she should," Chanel growled. With a nod, Abe noted that radiation might not have been the cause, and Chanel snapped. "Would you please just stop? Okay? I never want to hear the word radiation again. And I definitely don't want to talk about my mother!" Chanel yelled. Chanel pulled her hand away from Abe. "Okay. Let's just sit here. Okay then?" Abe said. Chanel nodded yes.

At the Spectator, Eric visited Nicole at the office. "I thought you weren't coming in today," Nicole said. Eric informed Nicole that he intended to leave Salem. "Why?" Nicole asked. "The truth is, I'm leaving for my own personal reasons," Eric said. Nicole asked Eric about his plans, and he said he was waiting to hear back from some job submissions. Nicole asked Eric if he was leaving town because of Jude. Eric stressed that he loved to see Jude.

"That's why I need some time apart. To accept that he's not my son. That I'm not Jude's father," Eric said. Jude started to cry. Eric asked if he could help, and Nicole nodded yes. Eric sang to Jude, who quieted down. "He's smiling," Nicole said. With Eric leaned over next to Nicole, she looked into his eyes. "That song usually does the trick," Eric whispered as he held Nicole's gaze. "I'm sure he misses you so much," Nicole said. Eric noted that Jude was lucky to have Nicole in his life. Nicole thanked Eric for his help with Jude.

"I don't want you to leave town. But I understand if you do. It doesn't mean I won't miss you," Nicole said. Eric reminded Nicole that he still did not have a job yet. "I'll let you know what happens," Eric said. With a nod, Eric left.

When Eric arrived at the Brady Pub, Paulina was sitting at a table alone. "Is everything okay?" Eric asked. "Not really," Paulina said. Eric asked if he could help. Paulina told Eric that Chanel had miscarried. "I'm so sorry," Eric said. Paulina gasped when she remembered Eric's history, and she apologized. Eric shook his head to tell Paulina not to worry.

"Chanel and Johnny, they must be heartbroken. "They are. Both. Chanel, well, she blames me. And I can't even be there to comfort her because she doesn't want me anywhere near her," Paulina said.

In the DiMera living room, E.J. called Rafe and informed him that he had talked to the judge, but they had refused to review Gabi's case without the black book. E.J. ordered Rafe to track down Melinda and recover the evidence. Rafe argued that the problem was that Melinda would not turn over the book until she secured an immunity deal. E.J. yelled in frustration.

"The judge has all but agreed to overturn Gabi's conviction, but only when he sees the new evidence and he holds it in his hot little hands," E.J. said. After E.J. ended the call, he turned to Stefano's portrait and muttered that he wished he was an only child. E.J. texted Stefan to let him know that Rafe was recovering the black book for the judge.

A visibly distraught Johnny returned home, and E.J. asked why Johnny was not at the airport. "Chanel lost the baby," Johnny said. E.J. poured Johnny a drink, and he expressed his sympathies for the loss. "Tell me about Chanel. How is she doing?" E.J. asked. "As well as can be expected," Johnny said. E.J. started to offer assistance, and Johnny bristled. "Why are you being so nice about this?" Johnny said. Johnny asked E.J. if his sympathy was real or if he was just relieved.

"Because from what I recall, you didn't think Chanel should even have this baby," Johnny yelled. "But you did. Johnny, you're my son. And I Iove you. Yes, this is real, my love for you, for Chanel. Because in the end, I want what you want," E.J. said. E.J. noted that when Johnny was in pain, E.J. was in pain. E.J. pulled Johnny into a hug.

When Johnny returned to the hospital, he was surprised to see Abe. "Abe was just keeping me company," Chanel said. Abe smiled at Chanel. "Now that you're here, I will leave the two of you alone," Abe said as he ceded his chair to Johnny. Abe kissed Chanel goodbye, and he offered Johnny an ear if needed. "I just saw my father. I talked to him. It helped," Johnny said. Chanel thanked Abe for having sat with her. "My heart goes out to both of you," Abe said.

After Abe left, Johnny asked Chanel if Abe had attempted to convince her to forgive Paulina. "He started to, but he backed off when I asked him to. Of course he's going to try to defend her. She's his wife. He's always gonna be on her side," Chanel said. "And I am always gonna be on yours," Johnny said. Chanel urged Johnny to go to the airport and catch his flight.

"This is your dream," Chanel said. "Chanel, you are my dream, okay?" Johnny said. Johnny told Chanel that she was his life. "The only place that I want to be is here with you," Johnny said. Johnny rested his head on Chanel's shoulder.

At the pub, Abe joined Paulina. "[Chanel] is going to be fine. Johnny's with her," Abe said. Paulina said she was relieved that Chanel was not alone. When Paulina went to the bathroom, Eric approached Abe to offer his condolences. "How are you doing? I hear you're suffering through a loss, as well," Abe countered. Eric said he was fine. Abe recounted the time he and Lexie had given up baby Isaac. "In time, I had to accept that he wasn't my child. In time," Abe said. Eric nodded knowingly.

Stefan went to Statesville to visit Gabi. "I'm so happy to see you," Gabi said as she rushed into her husband's arms. "How I've missed you," Stefan whispered. A guard stepped into the visitor's room to warn Stefan not to touch Gabi, or he would be thrown out. Stefan and Gabi moved to opposite sides of the table. Gabi noted that she was relieved to be out of solitary.

"Honestly, you'd think Clyde was still around, the way I've been getting beaten up. But I'm okay. They broke it up pretty fast this time," Gabi said. Worried, Stefan promised repercussions, but Gabi asked Stefan not to bother. "I just want to make the most of our visit. We only have an hour," Gabi said. Stefan smiled.

"We have a lot more time than that, because today, my sweet wife, is the day you go free," Stefan said. Gabi admitted that she was hesitant to believe Stefan. Stefan told Gabi that E.J. was working to secure an immunity deal for Melinda so that she would hand over the evidence to secure Gabi's release. Worried, Gabi asked Stefan why he trusted E.J. to help them.

"You have to trust me, Gabi. This plan to free you is well on its way to coming together," Stefan said. "But we screwed E.J. out of DiMera. And then he went after me with both barrels when I first got arrested. He did everything in his power to put me in prison for a crime I didn't commit," Gabi yelled. Stefan noted that it was E.J.'s opportunity to rectify his mistake. "He's on our side now," Stefan stressed. Suspicious, Gabi asked why.

"I managed to persuade E.J. to see the light," Stefan said. "You didn't brainwash him, did you?" Gabi joked. Stefan noted that E.J.'s brain was intact. "What about a double cross?" Gabi asked. "There won't be. And as to how I did it, let's just say I reminded E.J. how DiMeras value family loyalty," Stefan said. Stefan added that Gabi was part of the family. Gabi smirked.

"There's more. I know there is," Gabi said. Stefan's phone beeped with the text from E.J. Stefan assured Gabi that Rafe would not let E.J. double-cross them. Stefan promised to whisk Gabi away to a shower and then to Phoenix to see Ariana.

"It sounds like a dream. Which is honestly why it's hard to believe. What if it doesn't come true?" Gabi asked. "It will. You'll see," Stefan assured Gabi. Stefan talked to the warden, and he secured permission to stay past visiting hours while they waited to hear from the judge.

At the police station, Rafe dragged Melinda into the interrogation room. "Well, that wasn't humiliating or anything, having those cops pick me up off the street like I'm some common criminal," Melinda complained. Rafe asked for the black book, and he reminded Melinda that it was stolen evidence. "I already told you, I'm not turning anything over until I have immunity for that mess with E.J. and Nicole's kid," Melinda countered. Rafe told Melinda that she had her deal. Melinda scoffed.

"E.J. has already signed off on the deal," Rafe said. Incredulous, Melinda asked why E.J. would agree. Rafe shrugged. "But E.J. hates me for what I did. Allegedly did," Melinda said. Rafe noted that Stefan had persuaded E.J. "[E.J.] hates Gabi even more than he hates me," Melinda countered. Impatient, Rafe asked Melinda to accept the deal and give him the book. Melinda agreed, but not until the deal was signed.

Rafe walked into the bullpen area, and he called E.J. to update him. "I'll send [the immunity agreement] over to you now. Just get her to give you that book, and get it to the judge STAT," E.J. said. At the DiMera mansion, E.J. ended the phone call as Nicole returned home with Jude. "I am so lucky to be your father," E.J. said to Jude. Concerned, Nicole asked E.J. if he was okay. E.J. told Nicole about Chanel's miscarriage. Nicole gasped.

"She's all right. Physically that is," E.J. said. "Chanel was so looking forward to this baby. I mean, they both were. I'm just sorry they won't have the same happy ending as we did," Nicole said. E.J. looked over at Jude, and he agreed that they were lucky.

After Nicole went upstairs to put Jude to bed, Melinda walked into the DiMera living room. "I just wanted to thank you for that immunity deal," Melinda said. "That immunity deal you didn't deserve, you mean? Don't mention it," E.J. muttered. Melinda told E.J. that he had no leverage to prevent her from telling Nicole that Eric was Jude's father.

"Why would you do something like that?" E.J. asked. "Spite," Melinda said. Melinda argued that E.J. had blown up her life. "So now, I'm gonna blow up yours," Melinda said. Nicole walked into the room. "What is going on here?" Nicole asked.

At the prison, Rafe entered the visitors' room, and he smiled at Gabi. "You know, if you're not out of here before checkout time, they charge you for another day," Rafe joked. Gabi rushed into her brother's arms. Rafe told Gabi to grab her things so they could leave. "Thank you," Gabi said. The guard reminded Rafe not to touch the prisoner. "I'll show you touching," Stefan said. Stefan marched around the table and kissed Gabi passionately.

Days of our Lives Daily Recaps (Friday, June 28, 2024) (2024)


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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.