Coldstone Peppermint Fudge Recipe - Gwen's Nest (2024)

Coldstone Peppermint Fudge Recipe - Gwen's Nest (1)This peppermint fudge recipe will blow your mind. It doesn’t taste healthy…it tastes like it came out of one of those overpriced vacation fudge shops. BUT, it’s actually sugar free, full of healthy fats, and it’s raw/uncooked, so it’s very, very easy to make. It’s a twist on an older coconut oil fudge recipe that I used to make with honey, but this one is totally sugar free.

And, I need it. I need this recipe in my life. Here’s why…

The NaughtyFudge Tradition

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Our family had a tradition every holiday that includes lots of candy making. My husband always, always makes the real, yummy fudge: the kind that’s filled condensed milk, a whole tub of marshmallow cream, cups of sugar, and a bag of chocolate chips. And then tradition says that we eat it all within 3 weeks, and are filled with regret and self loathing.Coldstone Peppermint Fudge Recipe - Gwen's Nest (2)

We do it pretty much every year, even when we’re supposed to be eating healthy. [Oops.]

And this year, I really, really do NOT need that. And now, thanks to this awesome fudge, I don’t even want it.

Peppermint Fudge Recipe to the Rescue!

We’ve already decided that we won’t NEED to make the naughty fudge. Because this: PEPPERMINT FUDGE RECIPE is the best thing in the history of ever. I won’t disclose how many batches we’ve put down in the past few weeks, but there has been no regrets and no self loathing. And I have an instant boost of healthy fats, and delicious decadence at my fingertips when I have a batch of this in the fridge.

And I’m not just talking kicking back any old fat filled snack. No.

If you’re familiar with the deliciousness and science behind bulletproof coffee, you’ll find that many of the same healthy fats show up in this recipe. Plus, protein. So if you’re a fan of lovely, dreamy healthy fats, be sure to load up on some grassfed butter, and your favorite organic coconut oil. But this peppermint fudge recipe will work and be just as tasty with any brand of coconut oil or butter. 🙂 What you WON’T find here is sugar, marshmallow cream, and chocolate chips. But you won’t miss them!Coldstone Peppermint Fudge Recipe - Gwen's Nest (3)

And speaking of the fridge…there is a reason I call this “Coldstone” fudge. It likes to be pretty chill or it starts to get melty. It’s nearly fall here in the south, and that means lower temperatures in the 80’s. 🙂 I literally froze my marble cutting board to take the photos. If you live in a hot climate like I do, where coconut oil is liquid for most of the year, you’ll want to store your peppermint fudge in the fridge, as it gets too soft at room temperature.

You really have GOT to try this one! My 8 year old even loves it. She says the slight crisp on the white mint topping reminds her of an Andes Candy.

Let’s make it together!

Here’s a pin to save the recipe link.

Coldstone Peppermint Fudge Recipe - Gwen's Nest (4)

3.7 from 3 reviews

Healthy Peppermint Fudge Recipe

Prep time

Total time

This sugar free, no cook, healthy fat filled peppermint fudge is so decadent and delicious that you'll swear it came from a high end candy shop.

Author: Gwen

Serves: about 48, 1" cubes


  • ¾ cup butter, softened
  • ¾ cup coconut oil, warmed to liquid state (I prefer the refined)
  • ½-2/3 cup gentle sweet, or equivalent of your favorite sweetener (see chart here)
  • 6-8 drops or to taste purepeppermint essential oil- your favorite brand, or 1-2 drops peppermint candy oil, OR 1 teaspoon peppermint extract (a distant third choice that I don't recommend for best results)
  • ⅓ cup cocoa powder, this is my favorite brand
  • ½ cup almond butter- a creamy brand. I like Aldi's


  1. In a small mixing bowl, combine softened butter, liquid coconut oil, sweetener, and 6 drops of a good food grade peppermint essential oil (or 1 tsp peppermint extract, but I by FAR recommend the oil).
  2. Stir well until fully blended.
  3. Set ⅓ of this mixture aside in another bowl.
  4. To the rest of the mixture, add cocoa and almond butter. Stir until well combined.
  5. Pour & spread into a pie plate or a square glass dish. I use an 8x6 pyrex glass storage container with the lid. 8x8 or smaller works best.
  6. Gently spoon the white peppermint fudge over the chocolate fudge mixture, and swirl the two together with a fork or knife.
  7. Refrigerate to set. When fully chilled, cut with a knife, and enjoy!

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Coldstone Peppermint Fudge Recipe - Gwen's Nest (2024)


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