Choosing an Ultrasonic Cleaner (2024)

When choosing an ultrasonic cleaner bath for cleaning metal and plastic components, there are several factors you should consider to ensure you select the most suitable unit for your needs. Ultrasonic cleaners use sound waves to create high-frequency vibrations that remove dirt, grime, and contaminants from surfaces. Here are some essential considerations:

Size and Capacity

Consider the size and capacity of the ultrasonic cleaner bath. The size should be large enough to accommodate the components you intend to clean. If you have various component sizes or large parts, choose a bath with sufficient interior dimensions. Be mindful of the bath's depth, as it impacts the height of components that can be cleaned.

Frequency and Power

The frequency and power of the ultrasonic Bath affect its cleaning efficiency. Higher frequencies, such as 40 kHz, are ideal for delicate components, while lower frequencies, like 25 kHz, are better suited for heavy-duty cleaning tasks. Choose a unit with appropriate power for your intended applications.

Cleaning Solution Compatibility

Ensure that the bath is compatible with the cleaning solutions you plan to use. Different cleaning solutions work best with specific materials and contaminants. Some baths have limitations on the types of cleaning reagents they can handle.

Choosing an Ultrasonic Cleaner (1)

Material and Construction

The material and build quality are essential for durability and longevity. Stainless steel tanks are common in commercial-grade units as they resist corrosion and are easy to clean. High-quality construction ensures that the bath can withstand continuous use without developing leaks or other issues.

Heating Function

Some come with a heating function that raises the temperature of the cleaning solution. This feature can enhance cleaning effectiveness, especially for removing tough contaminants or for specific cleaning applications that require elevated temperatures.

Digital Controls and Timer

Look for a unit with user-friendly digital controls that allow you to adjust settings easily. A built-in timer can be useful for setting precise cleaning durations, ensuring consistent results.

Safety Features

Safety features are crucial, especially if you plan to use the ultrasonic cleaner bath regularly. Look for features like auto shut-off and overheat protection to prevent accidents and prolong the life of the unit.

Brand Reputation and Reviews

Do some research on the brand and read customer reviews to get an idea of the product's reliability and performance. Choosing a reputable brand with positive reviews can increase the likelihood of purchasing a reliable and effective

Price and Warranty

Compare prices and consider your budget while keeping in mind that cheaper units might lack certain features or durability. Additionally, check the warranty terms to ensure you are covered in case of any defects or issues.


They often come equipped with additional functions like degas, pulse, and sweep, which enhance their cleaning capabilities and versatility. Here's what each function does and when it's beneficial to use them:

Degas Function

The degas function is designed to remove dissolved gases from the cleaning solution before starting the ultrasonic cleaning process. When a new cleaning solution is prepared or added to the bath, it may contain trapped air or gases. These air bubbles can interfere with the effectiveness of the ultrasonic cleaning action.
By activating the degas function, the ultrasonic cleaner generates continuous ultrasonic waves at full power for a set period (usually a few minutes). This process causes the air bubbles to rise to the surface and dissipate, ensuring the cleaning solution is thoroughly degassed and ready for optimal cleaning performance.

When to Use the Degas Function

The degas function is typically used when you prepare a fresh cleaning solution or when you add a new batch of cleaning solution to the bath. By degassing the solution, you ensure that the ultrasonic waves can penetrate efficiently and clean the components effectively without interference from air bubbles.
Choosing an Ultrasonic Cleaner (2)

Pulse Function

The pulse function introduces intermittent bursts of ultrasonic energy, alternating between periods of activity and inactivity. This pulsating action helps to prevent the formation of "standing waves," which can create nodes and antinodes in the cleaning solution.
Standing waves can lead to uneven cleaning and areas of reduced cleaning effectiveness within the bath. The pulse function helps distribute the ultrasonic energy more evenly throughout the cleaning solution, resulting in consistent and uniform cleaning of the components.

When to Use the Pulse Function

Use the pulse function when cleaning delicate or intricate components that may be sensitive to the intense and continuous ultrasonic vibrations. The pulsating action provides a gentler cleaning process while maintaining efficient cleaning results.

Sweep Function

The sweep function, also known as "frequency sweep" or "sweep mode," varies the ultrasonic frequency slightly during the cleaning process. Instead of operating at a fixed frequency, the ultrasonic waves sweep through a small range of frequencies. This sweeping action prevents the formation of resonant frequencies that could cause localized hot spots in the cleaning solution.

When to Use the Sweep Function:

The sweep function is suitable for general cleaning applications when you want to avoid concentration of energy at specific frequencies. It is particularly beneficial for cleaning parts with complex shapes or blind holes, where the sweeping action helps ensure thorough cleaning across the entire surface.

How to use

To ensure longevity and optimal performance, it's essential to avoid certain incorrect uses that could potentially cause damage. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

Overfilling the Bath:

Avoid filling the ultrasonic cleaner bath beyond its recommended capacity. Overfilling can lead to spillage, which may damage the unit's electronics or create safety hazards. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for the maximum fill level.

Using Incompatible Cleaning Solutions:

Always use cleaning solutions that are compatible with the ultrasonic cleaner bath and the materials being cleaned. Using harsh or corrosive chemicals can damage the bath's stainless steel tank or other components. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions or consult a specialist to select the appropriate cleaning solution.

Ignoring the Degas Function

The degas function is essential to remove air bubbles from the cleaning solution, ensuring optimal cleaning performance. Neglecting to degas the solution may result in reduced cleaning effectiveness and may lead to premature wear and tear of the unit.

Running the Unit Without Liquid:

Never run without the appropriate amount of liquid in the tank. Operating the unit without liquid, known as running "dry," can damage the transducers and other internal components.

Placing Components Directly on the Tank Bottom:

Avoid placing components directly on the bottom of the tank, as this may cause direct contact with the transducers, leading to damage. Always use a basket or a suitable accessory to keep components suspended in the liquid during cleaning.

Allowing the Unit to Overheat

Continuous operation without breaks can cause the ultrasonic cleaner to overheat. Always follow the manufacturer's recommended duty cycle, which specifies the maximum time the unit should be used continuously before allowing it to cool down.

Using Excessive Ultrasonic Power

While ultrasonic cleaners are powerful, using excessive power for delicate or sensitive components may lead to damage the components.
Adjust the power settings to suit the cleaning requirements of the specific components being cleaned.

Ignoring Maintenance

Regular maintenance is crucial in top condition. Clean the tank and components after each use, clean dirt from the bottom of the bath, and follow any other maintenance procedures specified in the user manual.

Operating the Unit Outdoors

They baths are designed for indoor use only. Operating the unit outdoors or in a humid environment can expose it to moisture and elements that may cause damage.

Modifying the Unit

Avoid modifying or tampering with the ultrasonic cleaner bath, as this may void the warranty and compromise the safety and performance of the unit.

By following these guidelines and using the ultrasonic cleaner bath according to the manufacturer's instructions, you can help prevent damage and ensure the longevity of the equipment for effective and reliable cleaning of your metal and plastic components.


To ensure safety and prevent fire or explosion hazards, consider the following guidelines:

Use the Correct Cleaning Solution:
Ensure you are using the appropriate cleaning solution that is recommended by the ultrasonic cleaner's manufacturer. Using the wrong solution or mixing incompatible chemicals can lead to chemical reactions that may cause fires or explosions.

Avoid Flammable Liquids:
Do not use flammable or combustible liquids as a cleaning solution. Flammable liquids can ignite when exposed to the high-frequency vibrations and heat generated during the cleaning process.

Follow Dilution Ratios:
If you are diluting a cleaning solution, strictly adhere to the manufacturer's recommended dilution ratios. Using concentrated solutions without proper dilution can increase the risk of fire or explosion.

Ventilate the Area:
Operate the bath in a well-ventilated area. Adequate ventilation helps disperse any fumes or vapors released during the cleaning process, reducing the risk of ignitable concentrations building up in the air.

Avoid Overheating:
Follow the recommended duty cycle provided by the manufacturer. Continuous operation without breaks can cause the unit to overheat, increasing the risk of fire.

Proper Power Connection:
Ensure that the power cord is not damaged, and the power outlet is correctly grounded. Faulty electrical connections can lead to electrical fires or short circuits.

Monitor Temperature:
If the ultrasonic cleaner bath has a heating function, monitor the temperature during operation. Avoid excessively high temperatures that could ignite flammable materials.

Do Not Run Dry:
Always ensure that the ultrasonic cleaner bath contains an adequate amount of liquid. Running the unit without sufficient liquid can cause the transducers to overheat and potentially lead to a fire.

Regular Maintenance:
Perform regular maintenance to check for any potential issues that could lead to fires or explosions. Keep the unit clean and inspect all components as recommended by the manufacturer.

Keep Flammable Materials Away:
Keep flammable materials, such as paper, cloth, or solvents, away from the ultrasonic cleaner bath during operation to avoid accidental ignition.

Proper Storage of Cleaning Solutions:
Store cleaning solutions in appropriate containers and away from sources of heat or ignition.

If you ever encounter a fire or explosion, immediately switch off the unit and disconnect it from the power source. Use appropriate fire extinguishing equipment, such as a fire extinguisher, to control the fire. In case of a significant fire or explosion, evacuate the area and call the emergency services.

Adhering to these safety guidelines and following the manufacturer's instructions will help you minimize the risk of fire or explosion and ensure safe operation.

There are baths with different functions:degas,pulse and sweep,what are this functions do and when need to use this functions
They often come equipped with additional functions like degas, pulse, and sweep, which enhance their cleaning capabilities and versatility. Here's what each function does and when it's beneficial to use them:

Degas Function:
The degas function is designed to remove dissolved gases from the cleaning solution before starting the ultrasonic cleaning process. When a new cleaning solution is prepared or added to the bath, it may contain trapped air or gases. These air bubbles can interfere with the effectiveness of the ultrasonic cleaning action.
By activating the degas function, the ultrasonic cleaner generates continuous ultrasonic waves at full power for a set period (usually a few minutes). This process causes the air bubbles to rise to the surface and dissipate, ensuring the cleaning solution is thoroughly degassed and ready for optimal cleaning performance.

When to Use the Degas Function:
The degas function is typically used when you prepare a fresh cleaning solution or when you add a new batch of cleaning solution to the bath. By degassing the solution, you ensure that the ultrasonic waves can penetrate efficiently and clean the components effectively without interference from air bubbles.

Pulse Function:
The pulse function introduces intermittent bursts of ultrasonic energy, alternating between periods of activity and inactivity. This pulsating action helps to prevent the formation of "standing waves," which can create nodes and antinodes in the cleaning solution.
Standing waves can lead to uneven cleaning and areas of reduced cleaning effectiveness within the bath. The pulse function helps distribute the ultrasonic energy more evenly throughout the cleaning solution, resulting in consistent and uniform cleaning of the components.

When to Use the Pulse Function:
Use the pulse function when cleaning delicate or intricate components that may be sensitive to the intense and continuous ultrasonic vibrations. The pulsating action provides a gentler cleaning process while maintaining efficient cleaning results.

Sweep Function:
The sweep function, also known as "frequency sweep" or "sweep mode," varies the ultrasonic frequency slightly during the cleaning process. Instead of operating at a fixed frequency, the ultrasonic waves sweep through a small range of frequencies. This sweeping action prevents the formation of resonant frequencies that could cause localized hot spots in the cleaning solution.
When to Use the Sweep Function:
The sweep function is suitable for general cleaning applications when you want to avoid concentration of energy at specific frequencies. It is particularly beneficial for cleaning parts with complex shapes or blind holes, where the sweeping action helps ensure thorough cleaning across the entire surface.

Choosing an Ultrasonic Cleaner (2024)


How big of an ultrasonic cleaner do I need? ›

For cleaning small tools an ultrasonic cleaner 5 liters is sufficient, but if you are using larger instruments then you might want to choose a ultrasonic cleaner 10 liters. Is it not about cleaning instruments, but for example engine parts such as carburetors? Then look at ultrasonic cleaners 15 liters and larger.

What is the best cleaner to use in an ultrasonic? ›

We recommend UP 132-B, a mild phosphoric acid solution designed to safely clean at low temperatures. This environmentally-friendly detergent is commonly used on brass instruments but is suitable for many other applications. It's compatible with copper, aluminum, stainless steel, bronze, plastics, glass, and ceramics.

How many Hz is a good ultrasonic cleaner? ›

In ultrasonic cleaning, the frequencies used can range from 15 kHz to 400 kHz. It is rare, though, to find parts that need frequencies at such extreme highs and lows in order to be cleaned. The typical frequency used for ultrasonic cleaning applications lands near 40 kHz.

What not to put in an ultrasonic cleaner? ›

The Don'ts

On a similar note, don't spray down the outside of the tank, control box, or electrical box with water or other liquids. If the outside gets dirty, unplug the unit and wipe it down with a clean rag. Never fill the tank of an ultrasonic cleaner with alcohol, gasoline, or any other flammable liquids.

Should you use distilled water in an ultrasonic cleaner? ›

Lastly, it should be known that you can use normal tap water in your ultrasonic cleaner if you wish. Distilled water will provide the same results as tap water, but deionised water may prevent streaking.

Should I put soap in an ultrasonic cleaner? ›

For example, deionized water is suitable for some mild cleaning applications, but an ultrasonic soap is preferable in most cases. There are several different types to choose from, such as alkaline detergents for general cleaning and caustic solutions for removing more stubborn contaminants.

What is the lifespan of an ultrasonic cleaner? ›

If you take care of the machine properly, using best practices to clean the different parts, this piece of equipment can last for decades.

How often should you change the water in an ultrasonic cleaner? ›

Change the solution every day. Sometimes this may need to be done multiple times a day, but at a minimum, it needs to occur every single day. If you open the lid to the ultrasonic bath and the water is murky, or you can't even see the bottom of the tank, it is time to change the water.

Is it worth buying an ultrasonic cleaner? ›

An ultrasonic cleaner can clean more thoroughly than any other method. As previously mentioned, the way that the cleaner works with ultrasonic cavitation means that this way of cleaning can get into tiny crevices and places that would be virtually impossible to clean manually.

What fluid do you put in an ultrasonic cleaner? ›

I use standard RO water in the ultrasonic. Then I have jars that I use to place parts inside with all different solvents. Makes cleanup quick and you don't have to use a bunch of solvent. Solvents used include: dawn soap/water mix, acetone, 99%IPA, oxyclean mix, etc.

How do I choose an ultrasonic cleaner? ›

By considering factors like frequency, power level, tank size, cleaning solution type, and potential use of heat, you can ensure you find an ultrasonic cleaning system tailored specifically to meet your cleaning requirements.

Do ultrasonic cleaners use a lot of electricity? ›

Uses less energy to run

In addition, ultrasonic cleaners are extremely energy efficient as they rely only on electricity rather than powerful industrial power pumps and sometimes even gas generators. In addition, ultrasonic cleaners provide a much faster cleaning which results in less energy and water being used.

Is there a difference between ultrasonic cleaners? ›

There are different kinds of ultrasonic cleaners available in the market. They mostly differ according to the type of part or material they are designed to clean. Each is tuned for a specific application.

Does wattage matter in ultrasonic cleaner? ›

The power of an ultrasonic cleaner is measured by watts per gallon. The correct wattage for our tank capacity is important (Watts/Gallon) for efficient ultrasonic cleaning. When cleaning with ultrasonics, always use a higher power level for heavy contamination.

What is the best kHz for cleaning jewelry? ›

40-80 kHz - General cleaning, very good at removing small particles. 80-200 kHz - Ultra fine gentle cleaning.

What makes an ultrasonic cleaner good? ›

The ultrasonic energy produced by high frequency sound waves helps to loosen deposits that are difficult to remove with traditional cleaning methods. As a result, ultrasonic cleaners can be used for a wide variety of cleaning applications.

What are the disadvantages of ultrasonic cleaners? ›

Ultrasonic cleaning can cause damage to some items. The high-frequency sound waves can cause vibrations that may dislodge stones, loosen or damage solder, or even cause the item to crack. Therefore, it is essential to use caution when cleaning items with an ultrasonic cleaner.


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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.