Carnivore Diet Meal Plan for Beginners (2024)

Carnivore Diet Meal Plan for Beginners (1)

There's a new diet in town, and it's meaty.

The Carnivore Diet, popularized by Shawn Baker, has gone somewhat viral since 2018 due to its extreme stance.

It advises an all-meat diet — to heck with vegetables and fruits. What you need is grass-fed meat, like the days of old. By eliminating carbs, we can absolve ourselves of the misfortunes and health issues that have arisen due to a western diet loaded with carbs and inflammatory ingredients.

While there is some truth to that, you'll soon discover that the Carnivore Diet is controversial. Today, we're going to breakdown the carnivore diet so you can make the best decision for your lifestyle.

What Is the Carnivore Diet?

The carnivore diet plan is simple; you only eat animal foods and products. Everything else is restricted. That means no fruits, no vegetables, no bread or grains, and limiting your dairy intake to low-lactose foods. It's almost the complete opposite of a vegan diet.

While this may seem crazy at first, some people theorize that plant foods are not required to live. In fact, carbohydrates — which are abundant in plants — are the only non-essential macronutrient. This means fats and proteins are required for our bodies to survive, but we don't need carbohydrates in the same way[*].

The carnivore diet plan is sort of an evolution of paleo and keto. It stems from the contested belief that our ancestors ate mostly meat and fish, and high-carb diets are why Americans and other western societies are experiencing such high rates of chronic inflammation, disease, and gut issues.

Bottom line: The Carnivore Diet is a controversial evolution of the keto and paleo diet that aims to eliminate carbs entirely from your diet by eating exclusively animal-based foods.

Carnivore Diet Benefits

While the credibility of the carnivore diet meal plan is very much in question, there is no doubt that people credit it for substantial transformations. Common anecdotal stories include results of:

1. Weight Loss

Similar to the ketogenic diet, eating a strict meat diet can help you lose weight faster because you're shifting your main energy source from carbs to fats.

When you're fat-adapted — also known as being in ketosis — your metabolism can use both dietary and stored body fat for fuel. This means you can burn off your own body fat and use that as energy.

In addition, fat and protein are very satiating. You may go for several hours without thinking about food, and studies have also shown that becoming fat-adapted improves your hunger hormones, further regulating your appetite[*][*].

2. Decreased Inflammation

Inflammation can be exacerbated when carbohydrate-rich food groups are consumed. Vegetable oils, processed foods, and even some nutrients in plants have been linked to increased inflammatory responses in the body.

Having less inflammation through a carnivore diet plan may result in fewer aches and pains. The extra collagen from protein sources can also improve cartilage health.

3. Increased Testosterone

Healthy fats are responsible for optimal hormonal function, including testosterone, and diets that are high in healthy fats have been shown to improve testosterone levels[*].

Since most people will be eating more healthy fats and protein on the carnivore diet, you may see an increase in muscle mass, strength, and energy.

And if you're a woman, don't worry. Following a female carnivore diet plan may lead to an increase in muscle mass, strength, and energy due to the consumption of healthy fats and protein while regulating hormone levels.

4. Mental Clarity

Many carnivores have reported increased focus, energy, and mental clarity[*]. This is likely due to the restriction of carbohydrates, becoming fat-adapted, and running on ketones (fats) for energy.

Studies have shown that ketones have neuroprotective properties and the brain actually prefers fats for energy over carbohydrates[*].

What Advocates for the Carnivore Diet Say

The carnivore diet is spearheaded by a man named Shawn Baker. He is the founder of MeatRX, which is the primary community for carnivore dieters. Shawn Baker temporarily lost his medical license but was reinstated in 2018[*].

Baker positions himself as a skeptic but believes his carnivore diet has been the path to fat loss, an improved mind, and relief from chronic illness for both himself and other carnivore dieters.

Specifically, MeatRx states that:

Thousands of people have reduced or even reversed symptoms of diabetes, digestive issues, depression, mental disorders, skin conditions, joint pain, hormonal imbalances, lyme disease, chronic fatigue, candida overgrowth, pain, inflammation, etc.

And it does all of this without timing your food intake, counting calories, and counting your macros. Its simplicity is partly its success — all you have to do is eat meat.

The Carnivore Diet has been rising in popularity in the fast two years and received a bit of viral news when famous intellectual Jordan Peterson and his daughter began to advocate for the benefits of the carnivore diet[*].

Foods You Can Eat on the Carnivore Diet

Eating only animal products makes your weekly grocery haul extremely easy. One of the major selling points of the carnivore diet is how easy it is to follow.

Carnivore Diet Meal Plan for Beginners (2)

Here's is a carnivore diet food list:


Your main calorie source should come from fatty cuts of grass-fed meat like NY strip steak, porterhouse, ribeye, 80/20 ground beef, t-bone, bacon, pork chops, and flank steak. Since you're restricting carbohydrates, meats with more fat content are preferred so your body can use those fats as a source of energy.


Just like meat, aim for the fattiest fish you can purchase. Salmon, sardines, trout, mackerel, and catfish are allowed.


Also known as nature's multivitamin, eggs are the perfect ratio of protein, fats, and essential nutrients to keep your body performing at its best on the carnivore diet.

Bone marrow

Bone broth is carnivore-approved and is a great protein source that helps with gut, skin, and joint health.

Low-lactose dairy

Milk, grass-fed butter, and aged cheese are technically allowed since they come from an animal, but many carnivore dieters try to keep dairy intake at a minimum since a large percentage of the population eventually develops an intolerance.

Lard, grease, and other animal-based fats

Use lard, tallow, and other animal-based fats to cook your food instead of vegetable oil.

Simple spices, seasonings, and condiments

Salt, pepper, herbs, and spices are allowed on the carnivore diet plan. Stick to simple ingredients that don't contain any sugar or carbohydrates. If you want some flavor with your meat, consider adding some zero-calorie hot sauce like Frank's Red Hot.

Foods to Avoid on the Carnivore Diet

Now for the hard part. Eating carnivore is extremely restrictive, so that means most of your usual snacks and meals may be off the table.

Here's what you can't have on carnivore:

All fruits

Apples, bananas, berries, tomatoes — you name it.

All vegetables

That includes vegetable broths and any condiments made from vegetables.

Most dairy products

How much dairy you eat is up to debate in the carnivore community, although people tend to opt for low-lactose dairy products such as aged cheeses and kefir as opposed to creamy cheeses and yogurt.

All sugars

Added sugars across the board are out! That goes for natural sugars as well.

All additives

Processed foods that include nitrates, nitrites, MSG, and any other additives typically found in frozen and canned food.

Low-grade meat

Even though the carnivore diet meal plan is meat-based, that doesn't mean any meat is on the table. In order to avoid the inflammation caused by grain, you need to eat grass-fed and pasture-raised meats.

All grains, bread, pastries, etc

No bread or grains across the board! This means no rice, no pasta, etc.

All nuts, seeds, and legumes

Nuts, seeds, and legumes aren't allowed either. This includes almonds, peanuts, peas, flax seed, chia seeds, etc.

Anything else that isn't meat! That includes candy like taffy, lab-grown meats, and meat alternatives like Beyond burgers.

Carnivore Diet 7-Day Meal Plan

Getting started with the carnivore diet plan is extremely simple. Here's an example of what a full week carnivore diet menu:

Day 1

  • Breakfast: Steak and eggs
  • Lunch: Salmon and fried pork
  • Snack: Cottage cheese
  • Dinner: Ground beef patties

Day 2

  • Breakfast: Feta cheese omelette
  • Lunch: Chicken thighs with cheddar cheese
  • Snack: Chomps!
  • Dinner: Ribeye steak

Day 3

  • Breakfast: Poached eggs with bacon
  • Lunch: Tuna and hard boiled eggs
  • Snack: Sardines
  • Dinner: Bone broth and roasted chicken

Day 4

  • Breakfast: Kefir and two eggs over medium
  • Lunch: Shredded chicken with bacon
  • Snack: Tuna
  • Dinner: Bison burgers

Day 5

  • Breakfast: Chicken livers and scrambled eggs
  • Lunch: Turkey burgers
  • Snack: Hard boiled eggs
  • Dinner: Slow roasted salmon

Day 6

  • Breakfast: Chicken and feta omelette
  • Lunch: Beef liver
  • Snack: Sardines
  • Dinner: Pork chops

Day 7

  • Breakfast: Bacon and eggs
  • Lunch: Grilled chicken tenders
  • Snack: Steak bites
  • Dinner: Prime rib

It doesn't get more straightforward, and there's no need to over-complicate it. In fact, if you love steak you can eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

Getting Through the First Month of an All-Meat Diet

Before you dive right into the carnivore diet plan, it's important to know that the first month (especially the first week) will be the hardest.

Here are a few things you should understand to make the transition easier:

Get your blood tested.

Get your blood work done before you start a carnivore diet meal plan and again after approximately 2 months in. Everyone has different metabolic needs, so it's important to know if the diet is working well with your body. Better yet, work with a physician!

Don't quit when you don't feel good.

You'll likely experience fatigue, headaches, and other flu-like symptoms during the first week of the diet. This is a normal part of the process as your body is getting used to using fats for energy rather than carbs.

Expect your appetite to fluctuate.

You'll have some days where you want to eat non-stop and other days where you won't even think about food. Your appetite will adjust once your body gets used to the diet.

Risks of the Carnivore Diet

Now that you're aware of the purported benefits and structure, let's talk a bit about the risks.

1. Low Vitamin C

Organ meats and eggs are about your only option apart from supplementation to get the Vitamin C you need. Vitamin C is vital for repairing our body's tissues and helps reduce the chance of chronic diseases[*].

2. Lack of Fiber

Fiber is only found in plants, and it contributes to healthy bowel movements and good gut bacteria. A lack of fiber may lead to constipation and eventually contribute to an imbalanced gut — which can contribute to a weakened immunity system and increase your chance of colon cancer[*].

3. Loss of Good Bacteria

Many carnivore evangelists note that intestinal issues are resolved after beginning a carnivore diet plan. This may be true due to the elimination of typical inflammatory foods like sugar, lactose, or anything else your body may be sensitive too. The issue is if good bacteria is eliminated overtime as well, which could cause a variety of digestion issues[*].

4. Excessive Sodium and Saturated Fats

Eating only meat and dairy will almost certainly increase your intake of sodium and saturated fats. Excess sodium can contribute to headaches, swelling, and kidney disease[*], and excess saturated fats can increase your risk of a stroke[*].

What Critics of the Carnivore Diet Say

Considering how restrictive an all-carnivore lifestyle and pursuit of zero carbs can be, it's no surprise that the carnivore diet plan has been the subject of much debate and is widely criticized by nutritionists and doctors, leading to such headlines like "Vegetables are good for you, we promise", among others.

Counter arguments point out that while going low-carb and eliminating sugars, grains, and other typical sources of inflammation can be good for health (much like Whole30), it is not a sustainable diet in the long-term because it lacks critical sources for nutrients like fiber and makes it difficult to have a balanced nutritional profile without supplementation.

Carnivore dieters tend to point toward meat-eating ancient cultures like the Inuit in defense, but these cultures were eating extremely fresh meat (sometimes raw) and almost always ate the organs, which are chock full of important nutrients[*].

And because there are no specific studies that back up the benefits of the carnivore diet plan, dietitians argue that the carnivore diet is established on belief — not scientific fact, and therefore should not be trusted by the public[*].

Frequently Asked Questions About the Carnivore Diet

Here's a list of the most common questions people have about the all-meat diet.

Q: Will it work for athletes?

Yes. Many fitness enthusiasts assume that glucose from carbs is the best source for quick and immediate energy to fuel workouts and competition. On a carnivore diet meal plan, your body will go through a process called gluconeogenesis where some protein is converted into just enough glucose for certain body functions.

Q: Can I eat processed meats?

No. Grass-fed animal products should be the only food source you consume. Processed meats like pepperoni and other lunch meats typically contain harmful ingredients like artificial nitrates to preserve its shelf life which can negatively impact your health.

Q: How long is the adaptation period?

Around 1 month. If you're like most people, you've been eating carbohydrates your whole life, so your body will take some time to adjust.

Q: How much meat should I eat per day on a carnivore diet?

The Carnivore diet is not a calorie-counting diet. It is an elimination diet designed to remove inflammatory foods and other ingredients that modern nutrition has introduced. You should eat until you're full or until your calorie goal (if you have one) is reached. It's ultimately up to you.

Q: Does the carnivore diet put you in ketosis?

While ketosis isn't the direct goal, it often occurs while following the carnivore diet plan. This is because the diet aims for zero-carbs, so by design your body will begin to prioritize burning fat over carbs and sugars.

Q: Can you build muscle on the Carnivore Diet?

While it has to be supplemented with working out, of course! Many stories from MeatRx quote muscle growth as a result of eating carnivore. This is due to an increase in average protein intake.

The Bottom Line on the Carnivore Diet

The fact is, while there may be unique health benefits of following the carnivore diet plan and the downsides may be overblown — we simply don't know. What we do know is that the carnivore diet directly advises people to not eat food we know scientifically is good for you. Studies show the benefits of eating a balanced, natural, and organic diet.

If you're looking to improve your health, we recommend implementing trusted advice before attempting something as drastic as the carnivore diet. For example, if you think inflammation may be an issue, run a more traditional elimination diet that still has room for most conventional foods instead of cutting everything out.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts


As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a wide range of information on various topics, including the Carnivore Diet. While I have personal experiences or opinions, I can provide you with an overview of the concepts mentioned in this article.

The Carnivore Diet

The Carnivore Diet is a dietary approach that gained popularity in recent years, particularly after being popularized by Shawn Baker. It is an extreme diet that advises consuming only animal-based foods and products, eliminating all other food groups such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and carbohydrates. The diet is often seen as an evolution of the paleo and keto diets, with the belief that our ancestors primarily consumed meat and fish, and that high-carb diets contribute to chronic inflammation, disease, and gut issues in modern societies.

Benefits of the Carnivore Diet

While the credibility of the Carnivore Diet is a subject of debate, some people credit it for various transformations. Here are some anecdotal benefits that have been associated with the diet:

  1. Weight Loss: Similar to the ketogenic diet, the Carnivore Diet may promote weight loss by shifting the body's main energy source from carbohydrates to fats. This can lead to the utilization of stored body fat for fuel, and the satiating effects of fat and protein may help regulate appetite.

  2. Decreased Inflammation: The elimination of carbohydrate-rich foods, vegetable oils, and processed foods from the diet may result in reduced inflammation. This can potentially lead to fewer aches and pains, and the collagen from protein sources may improve cartilage health.

  3. Increased Testosterone: Healthy fats, which are abundant in the Carnivore Diet, are essential for optimal hormonal function, including testosterone production. This may lead to increased muscle mass, strength, and energy.

  4. Mental Clarity: Many individuals following the Carnivore Diet have reported increased focus, energy, and mental clarity. This may be attributed to the restriction of carbohydrates, becoming fat-adapted, and the brain's preference for fats as an energy source.

It's important to note that these benefits are largely anecdotal, and scientific studies specifically evaluating the Carnivore Diet are limited.

Foods Allowed and Avoided on the Carnivore Diet

The Carnivore Diet focuses on animal-based foods while excluding most other food groups. Here's a breakdown of the foods allowed and avoided on the diet:

Foods Allowed:

  • Meat: Fatty cuts of grass-fed meat like steak, ground beef, bacon, pork chops, and flank steak.
  • Fish: Fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, trout, mackerel, and catfish.
  • Eggs: A good source of protein, fats, and essential nutrients.
  • Bone Marrow: Carnivore-approved bone broth, which is beneficial for gut, skin, and joint health.
  • Low-lactose Dairy: Milk, grass-fed butter, and aged cheese (though many carnivore dieters limit dairy intake).

Foods to Avoid:

  • Fruits and Vegetables: All fruits and vegetables, including vegetable broths and condiments made from vegetables.
  • Most Dairy Products: Creamy cheeses, yogurt, and other high-lactose dairy products.
  • Sugars: Added sugars and natural sugars.
  • Additives: Processed foods containing nitrates, nitrites, MSG, and other additives.
  • Grains and Bread: Rice, pasta, bread, and other grain-based products.
  • Nuts, Seeds, and Legumes: Almonds, peanuts, peas, flax seeds, chia seeds, etc.
  • Low-Grade Meat: Non-grass-fed and non-pasture-raised meats.
  • Other Non-Meat Foods: Candy, lab-grown meats, and meat alternatives.

Criticisms and Risks of the Carnivore Diet

The Carnivore Diet has faced criticism from nutritionists and doctors due to its restrictive nature and lack of scientific evidence supporting its benefits. Some of the criticisms and potential risks associated with the diet include:

  1. Low Vitamin C: Since the diet excludes fruits and vegetables, which are primary sources of vitamin C, obtaining adequate vitamin C intake may be challenging without supplementation.

  2. Lack of Fiber: Fiber, found in plant-based foods, is essential for healthy bowel movements and gut health. The absence of fiber in the Carnivore Diet may lead to constipation and an imbalanced gut microbiome.

  3. Loss of Good Bacteria: While the elimination of inflammatory foods can improve gut health, there is a concern that the long-term exclusion of plant-based foods may also deplete beneficial gut bacteria.

  4. Excessive Sodium and Saturated Fats: Consuming only meat and dairy products may lead to increased intake of sodium and saturated fats, which can have negative effects on health, such as kidney disease and an increased risk of stroke.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about the Carnivore Diet:

  • Will it work for athletes?: The Carnivore Diet can be adapted for athletes, as the body can convert some protein into glucose for energy. However, individual needs may vary, and it's important to monitor performance and consult with a healthcare professional.

  • Can I eat processed meats?: Processed meats are generally not recommended on the Carnivore Diet due to potentially harmful ingredients like artificial nitrates.

  • How long is the adaptation period?: The adaptation period to the Carnivore Diet can vary, but it typically takes around one month for the body to adjust to the absence of carbohydrates.

  • How much meat should I eat per day on a carnivore diet?: The Carnivore Diet does not require calorie counting. You should eat until you're full or until you reach your desired calorie intake.

  • Does the carnivore diet put you in ketosis?: While ketosis is not the direct goal of the Carnivore Diet, it often occurs due to the absence of carbohydrates. The body starts using fats for energy instead of carbs and sugars.

  • Can you build muscle on the Carnivore Diet?: Building muscle on the Carnivore Diet is possible when combined with exercise. Increased protein intake from meat sources may support muscle growth.


While the Carnivore Diet has gained attention and has its proponents, it is a highly restrictive diet that eliminates entire food groups. The long-term effects and potential risks of the diet are not yet well understood, and it lacks scientific evidence to support its claims. It is generally recommended to follow a balanced and varied diet that includes a wide range of nutrient-rich foods, unless specifically advised otherwise by a healthcare professional.

Carnivore Diet Meal Plan for Beginners (2024)


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