Calisthenics Workout Plan for Beginners - 6 Month Program (with PDF) | Dr Workout (2024)

So, you’ve heard that adopting a calisthenics workout will do wonders for your body. You are so pumped up and excited to make this your new go-to exercise routine. The problem is, you really don’t know where to start.

With so many calisthenics workout routines available online, it can be quite confusing on which one to try first. Many people who try out calisthenics routines find them either too hard or too easy. This can discourage them from continuing with the practice. Because calisthenics is such a flexible exercise that you can practice almost anywhere and anytime, it takes a lot of self-discipline to make sure that you’re constantly working out.

If you are the type of person who needs to follow a set plan while working towards a goal, then this 6-month Calisthenics Beginner Workout Plan is for you. The beauty of this routine is that it incorporates a variety of exercises to keep it interesting, but at the same time, it gives you enough time to progress and become stronger.

What Will I Learn?

Challenge Yourself with This 6-Month Calisthenics Beginner Workout Plan

Calisthenics Workout Plan for Beginners - 6 Month Program (with PDF) | Dr Workout (1)

The equipment you will need are:

  • A pull up bar for the pull ups, chin ups and hanging leg raises
  • A dips station for dips

These are very adaptable pieces of fitness hardware which you can use for many bodyweight exercises. You can find these in gyms and public parks, but if you do not have the luxury of working outside the house, installing these at home is also a great option.

Calisthenics Workout Plan for Beginners - 6 Month Program (with PDF) | Dr Workout (2)

Calisthenics Workout Routine for Beginners

Before You Start

As with any workout routine, you need to learn the basics first. If you’re familiar with bodyweight exercises before then this should be a piece of cake. However, if you’re starting from scratch, that’s also okay. This is a no-pressure stage where you prep yourself for the challenge you are about to undertake.

Starting with Month Zero

If you are a beginner, this phase is going to be Month 0 of the plan. Start by practicing these exercises at least 3 times a week, with a day of rest in between. The focus during this time is to learn how to correctly perform the exercises. Do not pressure yourself with a high number of repetitions or sets. Remember that quality is much more effective than quantity when it comes to bodyweight exercises. The goal at the end of Month 0 is to be able to at least perform 3-5 repetitions correctly and continuously for each exercise.

Learning the Basics

At this stage, you need to familiarize yourselves with these basic exercises:

  • Push ups
  • Dips
  • Squats
  • Pull ups/Chin ups
  • Hanging Leg Raises

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Calisthenics Workout Plan

Calisthenics Workout Plan for Beginners - 6 Month Program (with PDF) | Dr Workout (3)

Month 1 – Full Body Workout

After learning or relearning the basic exercises in Month 0, you are now ready to start the 6-month challenge. Month 1 is designed to give your entire body a workout targeting your Back, Chest, Legs, Abs and Arms.

Full Body Workout

  • 5 Chin Ups
  • 30 sec Wall Sit
  • 10 Chair Dips
  • 8 Squats
  • 8 Push ups
  • 3-4 Pull Ups
  • 4 Leg raises
  • 8 Decline Push Ups

Sets: 3 sets

Rest: 1-minute rest between each exercise, 1-2 minute rest between sets

At this point, you should be able to do the exercises continuously with the number of repetitions, sets and rest required. If you feel that you are not able to do so, increase the rest period for another 15 -30 seconds.


  • Monday: Full Body Workout
  • Tuesday: Rest
  • Wednesday: Full Body Workout
  • Thursday: Rest
  • Friday: Full Body Workout
  • Saturday & Sunday: Rest

Month 2 – Upper Body Workout

This month is all about training your upper body to be stronger. At this stage, you should be noticing that your entire body is much stronger than when you started and it’s time to challenge yourself a bit more by focusing on your upper body.

Upper Body Workout

  • 10 Regular Push Ups
  • 5 Shoulder Width Chin Ups
  • 3 Dips on Straight Bar
  • 5-6 Regular Pull Ups
  • 5 Dips

Sets: 3 sets

Rest: 1-minute rest between each exercise, 1-2-minute rest between sets

During this month, you should alternate the Upper Body Workout with the Full Body Workout. This is to ensure that you’re still giving attention to the rest of your muscles.


  • Monday: Upper Body Workout
  • Tuesday: Rest
  • Wednesday: Full Body Workout
  • Thursday: Rest
  • Friday: Upper Body Workout
  • Saturday & Sunday: Rest

Month 3 – Level Up Month

In Month 3, you will not be introduced to new exercises. Instead, you will have to combine the Full Body and Upper Body workout in one session. What this does is challenge you to perform longer and test your endurance. This month will also allow you to master the exercises and make your muscles stronger.


  • Monday: Full Body Workout + Upper Body Workout
  • Tuesday: Rest
  • Wednesday: Full Body Workout + Upper Body Workout
  • Thursday: Rest
  • Friday: Full Body Workout + Upper Body Workout
  • Saturday & Sunday : Rest

In doing the exercises, always start with the Full Body Workout first because your energy levels may lessen as you progress. It is more important to get your entire body workout completed first in case you run out of fire power. As you get stronger you can do one day a week where you start with the Upper Body Workout.

Month 4 – Muscle Up Hunt

Many people who start with calisthenics share the same goal: to do a muscle up. A muscle up is a pull up followed by a dip. It is a sought-after move by a lot of calisthenics practitioners. However, this is not a beginner exercise that’s why you need to start conditioning your muscles in order to complete this move.

During the last 3 months, the workouts were designed to get your muscles stronger and during Month 4, the exercises are focused into getting you to that muscle up move. If you find some of the exercises such as the typewriter pull up, try to do at least one rep and compensate with 4 regular pull ups so you still do 5 reps.

Muscle Up Hunt

  • 5 Chest High Pull Ups
  • 5 Dips On Straight Bar
  • 5 Clapping Push Ups
  • 5 Head Banger Pull Ups
  • 5 Typewriter Pull Ups
  • 5 Jump Muscle Ups
  • 5 Clapping Pull Ups

Sets: 3 sets

Rest: minimum rest between each exercise, 2-minute rest between sets

While doing the Muscle Up Hunt Workout, you still have to practice the two previous routines you’ve learned. This will ensure that all your muscles are being worked out.


  • Monday : Muscle Up Hunt + Full Body Workout
  • Tuesday: Rest
  • Wednesday: Upper Body Workout + Full Body Workout
  • Thursday: Rest
  • Friday: Muscle Up Hunt + Full Body Workout
  • Saturday & Sunday: Rest

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Calisthenics Workout Plan for Beginners - 6 Month Program (with PDF) | Dr Workout (4)

Month 5 – Muscle Up Time

This month, you should be able to attempt a muscle up. Start by doing some shoulder activation and transition exercises then attempt the muscle up move.

Muscle Up

60 seconds Shoulder Activation

60 seconds Transition

Sets: Perform for 3 Sets then progress to a Muscle Up attempt

If you feel that you are not yet strong enough, proceed to the Muscle Up Hunt or Full Body Workout. On your next session, try again and evaluate yourself on what you may be doing wrong. You can also read up on some techniques on how to clean up your muscle up.


  • Monday: Muscle Up + Muscle Up Hunt
  • Tuesday: Rest
  • Wednesday: Muscle Up + Full Body Workout
  • Thursday: Rest
  • Friday: Muscle Up + Muscle Up Hunt
  • Saturday & Sunday: Rest

Month 6 – Beginner Challenge

If you have been consistent with the workout plan, Month 6 should be an exciting stage for you. This will be the stage where you are able to test your newly developed strength.

Beginner Challenge

Complete all these exercises in 3 minutes

  • 5 Muscle Ups
  • 10 Dips
  • 20 Pushups
  • 10 Jumping Jacks
  • 20 Leg Raises
  • 5 Muscle Ups

You only need to do this challenge twice per week but you would still need to maintain your workouts during the rest of the week. If you feel that you cannot do the challenge in 3 minutes, do not be disheartened and just keep on going until you reach your goal.


  • Monday: Muscle Up+ Muscle Up Hunt
  • Tuesday: Beginner Challenge
  • Wednesday: Muscle Up + Full Body Workout
  • Thursday: Rest
  • Friday: Muscle Up + Muscle Up Hunt
  • Saturday: Beginner Challenge
  • Sunday: Rest

Arming Yourself with a Calisthenics Diet Plan

If you consistently flow this routine, it will definitely bring an impactful change to your body but to get the best results, maintaining a calisthenics diet plan is also equally important. There are many diet plans that promise to make you lose weight, body fat and make your body look amazing in no time. These diets may have different results depending on the individual following them.

The good news is that following a calisthenics diet is not complicated at all. All you need to do is keep in mind four guidelines that can give you that calisthenics body you want. Following these rules may look simple enough, but it can take dedication to really stick to them.

  1. Avoid Junk Food
  2. Eat Produce – Fruits & Vegetables
  3. Eat Protein – Lean Meats
  4. Eat Grains and Dairy

Keep Leveling Up

Calisthenics is an amazing way to make you a much stronger individual and six months is an adequate time to get you to your goal. The key is by being consistent with your workout schedule, following a calisthenics diet plan and not giving up when you hit a plateau.

The 6-month period is not a walk in the park. It is called a challenge because it will definitely test your limits. It will not always be an uphill climb because you will encounter periods where you feel that you’re weaker or not making any progress. This is the best time to keep in mind what’s motivating you to become stronger and better so you can keep leveling up.


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Calisthenics Workout Plan For Beginners PDF

To start your journey towards a healthier and fitter lifestyle, simply click on the button below to download the Calisthenics workout plan PDF file.

This comprehensive 6-month program is specifically designed for beginners, providing step-by-step guidance and exercises to help you build strength, improve flexibility, and enhance overall body control. By following this Calisthenics program, you can embark on an exciting fitness adventure and achieve your fitness goals with confidence.

Don’t wait any longer, take the first step and click to begin your transformation today!

About the Author:

Rebecca Smith started calisthenics at age 26 as a means to lose weight and tone her body. After completing her first successful muscle up, the amazing feeling inspired her to train further and become a full-time calisthenics instructor. Rebecca also holds a Management Degree and a Diploma in Nutrition.

Calisthenics Workout Plan for Beginners - 6 Month Program (with PDF) | Dr Workout (2024)


How long should a beginner calisthenics workout be? ›

How long should a calisthenics workout last? Including a proper warm-up and stretch, a calisthenics workout can last between 30 minutes and one hour. It's the same as other types of training: the benefits could be lost if longer than an hour, and you might not stress your body into adaptation if too short.

Can you get ripped off just calisthenics? ›

That's not to say that you can't or won't build muscle with calisthenics, you absolutely can and will, but working out with weights will make it easier for you to isolate and target specific muscle groups.

Is BetterMe calisthenics free? ›

That's where the BetterMe: Health Coaching App can help. Available to download for free from the App Store or Google Play, users can choose whether they want to purchase the premium features available in-app or stick with the free version.

How to start calisthenics as a beginner? ›

If you're not sure if calisthenics are right for you or are new to bodyweight training, experts recommend beginning with the basics. “Simple calisthenics that can have a big impact on strength, balance and mobility include push-ups, planks, bodyweight lunges and squats, and the grimace-worthy burpee,” says Dr. Wright.

What is the difference between calisthenics and callanetics? ›

Callanetics is a practice involving small, pulse-like movements that require precision and control to teach the muscles how and when to contract to build and hold them tight. Callisthenics aims to use full ranges of movement throughout the body and focuses on developing the body's ability to move holistically.

How long does it take to transform your body with calisthenics? ›

It's not uncommon for it to take several months or more to see significant muscle growth, especially if you are just starting out or are returning to exercise after a long break. However, with consistent training and proper nutrition, you can expect to see progress within a few weeks or months.

What body type is best for calisthenics? ›

Mesomorphs, or individuals with a naturally muscular and athletic build, may have an easier time building muscle and leaning out through calisthenics training (2).

What muscles are most important for calisthenics? ›

You can't put an effective calisthenics workout plan together without the major muscle groups. This includes the back, chest, arms, shoulders, legs and core, according to Carracino. Once the gang's all there, you can practically feel the results roll in.

What is the best split for calisthenics? ›

Push/Pull (Legs)

The most popular and in my regard the most efficient split for training calisthenics. You take your full body workout and divide it in 2 separate sessions. One workout made up of all your pushing exercises and the other for the pulling work.

What is the best free calisthenics app for beginners? ›

BetterMe is the best calisthenics app Android users can find, offering a wide variety of exercises, all requiring no equipment. If you wish to free yourself from all the extra pounds that have been weighting you down for way too long, start using the BetterMe app and overhaul your entire life!

How much does BetterMe cost? ›


Can you use BetterMe for free? ›

Available for free from the App Store or Google Play (with premium features available for purchase), this app encourages healthy mental and physical lifestyle changes in accessible ways.

What is a first skill in calisthenics? ›

The l-sit is one of the first and easiest skills to learn. It's a pushing skill that requires you to lift your body off of the ground using your abs, chest, triceps, and hip flexors. It will help build the pushing muscles of the body.

What are the basic exercises for calisthenics? ›

Basic exercises include push-ups, squats, sit-ups, and more. These movements, performed without equipment, form the foundation of calisthenics.

Is 20 minutes of calisthenics enough? ›

Yes, ask any coach. Not only is it possible to achieve results with 15-20 minute calisthenics session. It might actually be preferable to long, directionless sessions that leave you needing too much recovery.

Is 15 minutes of calisthenics a day enough? ›

If you're a beginner or your goal is simply to maintain a basic level of fitness, then yes, 15 minutes of daily calisthenics can be sufficient. This can include a routine of push-ups, squats, lunges, and planks, and will work various muscle groups while also improving your strength and endurance.

How many hours a day should I do calisthenics? ›

We normally recommend 3-4 days per week 30-60 min each session. In addition to regular movement outside of these scheduled workouts. Most people will be able to accommodate their workouts to this much training, and it's a reasonable amount of time to give you optimal results.

How many days in a row should I do calisthenics? ›

How many days a week should I train calisthenics? This depends on your goals and current fitness level. Advanced fitness levels could dare to start with three to four times per week, or even five to six. Meanwhile, beginners should start slower by working out two to three times per week, maybe even less.


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.