[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (2024)

A column celebrating the birthdays and achievements of everyone's favorite ninja!
Today we'll be reminiscing about the son of the Seventh Hokage who bears the ninja world's future on his shoulders: Boruto Uzumaki!

■Boruto Uzumaki
・Birthday: March 27th (Aries)
・Favorite Foods: Hamburgers, French fries, cola, very spicy food

Son of the Seventh Hokage

Boruto is born as the son of Naruto, who achieved his dreams by becoming the Seventh Hokage, and Hinata, who was there supporting him from the beginning.

The Hidden Leaf Village is peaceful, but Naruto is kept so busy by work that he scarcely has time to be home, which spurs an unhappy Boruto into acting out repeatedly.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (1)

Though he acts rebellious, secretly Boruto craves his father's attention, and struggles with loneliness.

While dealing with these feelings, a chance to show off his abilities approaches...

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (2)

A hurdle faced by Naruto and his friends in the past: the Chunin Exam!
Boruto and his fellow Team Seven Members Sarada and Mitsuki are eager to take on the challenge.

At around the same time, Boruto encounters a man who will go on to profoundly impact his growth as a ninja:

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (3)

Sarada's father and Naruto's rival, Sasuke Uchiha.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (4)

Wanting to get back at Naruto, Boruto asks Sasuke to take him on as a student.
Sasuke agrees after Boruto proves himself by learning Rasengan from Konohamaru in a surprisingly short time period.
Boruto utilizes his natural talent and continues to hone his ninjutsu skills until finally, the Chunin Exam begins!

Team Seven easily passes the first and second rounds, showing off their teamwork.

The third round consists of one-on-one combat that tests each ninja individually.
Boruto wins his first match against Yurui from the Hidden Cloud, and faces off against Shikadai in the second round!
Struggling to hold his own against the Nara clan's Shadow Paralysis Jutsu, Boruto makes a decision.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (5)

Desperate to win and be acknowledged as a son and a ninja by his father, Boruto cheats, using a scientific ninja tool despite them being forbidden by the rules of the exam.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (6)

Forced to pass judgement on his son, Naruto strips Boruto of his headband, saying he's "not worthy of being a ninja."
As the audience is thrown into an uproar by the disqualification of the Hokage's son, something even more unthinkable happens!

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (7)
[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (8)

Aiming for the Nine Tails' chakra Naruto possesses, Momoshiki and Kinshiki Otsutsuki attack!

Konoha's ninja struggle against the overwhelming power of the Otsutsuki duo.
Naruto faces off against them in Kurama Mode to protect the village, but is heavily injured and taken away by the enemy...

Boruto Uzumaki's Story

Naruto has been captured, and Hinata is injured.
Having been helpless to protect either of his parents, Boruto feels his own inexperience keenly, and regrets not training more diligently.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (9)

Owning up to his past mistakes and receiving a headband from Sasuke, Boruto hardens his resolve as a shinobi and decides to confront the Otsutsuki.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (10)
[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (11)
[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (12)

Boruto goes into battle along with the Kage of the other villages, and charges in fearlessly to help the team rescue Naruto!

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (13)

Father and son come to an agreement, and fight as part of the Five Kage's counterattack against the two Otsutsuki!

However, Momoshiki eats Kinshiki and transforms!
Unable to contend with Momoshiki's fierce attacks and incredible abilities, the Kage eventually find themselves bound in place.

In this grim situation, the one who catches Momoshiki off guard is Boruto, with the Vanishing Rasengan he developed while training under Konohamaru!

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (14)

Momoshiki uses chakra fruit pills to boost his strength, intending to settle things once and for all, but Boruto and the others refuse to give in!
Following Naruto's directions, Boruto creates another Rasengan.

Naruto adds his own strength to his son's and the Rasengan spirals larger and larger.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (15)

Boruto feels the weight of the enormous Rasengan.
And along with it, he sees for the first time the truth of the path his father walked as a shinobi.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (16)

With the attack entrusted to him by his father, and all the memories it contains, Boruto clinches the victory by bringing down Momoshiki!

The battle is finally over, but Boruto realizes something is wrong. The passage of time has stopped for everyone but him, and the enemy he defeated mere moments ago appears before his eyes.

After leaving Boruto with ominous words and a mysterious mark on the palm of his hand, Momoshiki fades away.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (17)

Boruto saves the village from the threat of the Otsutsuki, and becomes the man of the hour.
Having faced down his weaknesses, he strikes out on his own ninja way.




[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (18)

The Ninja World's Dark Side

The Otsutsuki threat has passed, but a new challenge appears before Boruto: a mission to guard Tento, the son of the Land of Fire's daimyo.

Boruto is annoyed by his charge's spoiled attitude, but the two gradually grow closer through ninjutsu lessons.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (19)

While Boruto is busy with this solo mission, a shadowy organization is on the move.
Known as the "Mujina Robbery Ring", this group kidnaps Tento as part of a nefarious plan!

Boruto is determined to rescue him, and goes alone to infiltrate their hideout. There, he challenges the ringleader Shojoji, user of the Corpse Doppelganger jutsu!

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (20)

Boruto struggles against the cunning Shojoji.
But Tento bravely comes to his aid, showing off the fruits of their training together!

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (21)

They succeed in catching Shojoji off guard and the two boys manage to apprehend the criminals!

However, an even deeper darkness lies in wait for Boruto and his peers.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (22)

Team Seven undertakes a mission to safely deliver a scientific ninja tool.
On their journey to the research lab the group runs into Ao, a former Kirigakure ninja.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (23)

Unfortunately, the ex-ninja now works as an outside collaborator for a mysterious underground organization called "Kara".

Not long after, they find themselves on opposite sides when the young ninja are tasked with finding Konohamaru and another shinobi, who've gone missing.
Ao's years of fighting experience and scientific ninja tools give him a distinct advantage over Team Seven.

Despite facing an enemy utilizing technology far beyond anything Konoha has, Boruto doesn't give in.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (24)

Drawing on what he learned about being a ninja from sparring with his father, Boruto creates an opening and destroys Ao's scientific ninja tools!

The Power of "Karma" Awakens

Moments after the battle with Ao ends, a member of Kara named Koji Kashin appears before the team!

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (25)

Koji Kashin can somehow use jutsu taught only in Konoha—toad summons, and even Rasengan!
Konohamaru is lit ablaze by one of the enemy's techniques, when suddenly...

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (26)

The "Karma" that appeared on Boruto's hand after his fight with Momoshiki reveals its power!

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (27)
[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (28)

This allows him to absorb Koji's "flames of purgatory" and sealing jutsu the same way Momoshiki absorbed jutsu during his attack on Konoha!
Exhausted from using this new power, Boruto collapses on the spot.
While confusion remains in the wake of Koji Kashin's sudden retreat, the team heads back toward the village.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (29)

Encountering His "Brother"

While heading back to Konoha, Team Seven discovers Kawaki collapsed on the ground amidst destroyed puppet weapons.
On the palm of his hand is a mark that matches Boruto's—a Karma.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (30)

Kawaki uses his power in an attempt to escape, and his Karma resonates with Boruto's!
It comes to light that Kawaki is on the run from Kara, whose members refer to him as "the vessel". Due to this, the Hidden Leaf offers its protection, with the Hokage himself agreeing to house and watch over the boy.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (31)

And so the two bearers of Karma begin a strange coexistence.
Boruto hears the tragic story behind Kawaki's Karma, and Kawaki learns how to forge connections with other people.

When Delta attacks, Kawaki throws himself in the line of fire to protect Boruto's sister Himawari.
This greatly improves Boruto's opinion of the older boy, who he begins to see as a sibling.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (32)
[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (33)

Boruto decides to face the leader of Kara, Jigen, both to understand and erase his own Karma, and for the sake of his newfound brother Kawaki.
With the Will of Fire in his heart, Boruto is prepared to take on yet another powerful foe!



[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (34)

The Creeping Shadow of the Otsutsuki

In order to reclaim his "vessel", Kawaki, Jigen attacks Konoha and proceeds to abduct Naruto when the Hokage stands in his way.

Kawaki and Team Seven go to rescue him, but are stopped by another member of Kara, Boro.

Boro uses an unfamiliar, invisible jutsu that drives Boruto and his friends into a corner...

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (35)

But the "revamped Team Seven" uses each member's strengths to great effect and pushes back!

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (36)
[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (37)

Sarada manages to destroy the "core" within Boro's body!
But with its loss, the Otsutsuki's body grows enormous and he rampages!

Boruto takes a series of hits protecting Sarada.
It seems like the end for Team Seven...but then something strange begins happening to Boruto's body!

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (38)

His Karma spirals out of control, and Momoshiki's consciousness manifests!
Taking over Boruto's body temporarily, Momoshiki destroys Boro in an instant.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (39)

Boruto loses consciousness immediately afterwards, but in the end the team rescues Naruto and returns to the Hidden Leaf.

As the mystery surrounding Boruto's Karma deepens, a Kara scientist named Amado seeks to defect to Konoha.
He rebels against Jigen along with Koji Kashin, forcing Isshiki Otsutsuki to reanimate into Jigen despite him being an incomplete vessel.
Isshiki immediately heads to Konoha in order to implant Kawaki with a new Karma, but Naruto is there to confront him.

As Sasuke heads to Naruto's aid, Boruto pulls him aside, and opens up to him about what happened during the battle against Boro.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (40)

Afraid of losing control due to his Karma, but still wanting to utilize its power, Boruto's heart wavers.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (41)

His teacher's promise to stop him by any means necessary if he loses himself to Momoshiki bolsters Boruto's resolve to fight.
Exchanging a promise to live so Boruto can return Sasuke's headband in person, the two rush off to face Isshiki.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (42)

Thanks to Naruto and Kurama using the life-stealing Baryon Mode, and Kawaki's refusal to give up, Isshiki is defeated!
But then, what Boruto feared most comes to pass.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (43)
[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (44)

Momoshiki completely possesses Boruto once again, and renders Sasuke unable to use his Rinnegan.
The Karma's progression within Boruto continues, hastening his Otsutsuki-fication.

Kawaki and Sasuke desperately attempt to wake up Boruto.


[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (45)

Boruto himself succeeds in fighting Momoshiki off mentally and regaining control of his body, halting the Otsutsuki-fication!
Using his Karma's power, he returns the group to Konoha.
Despite his worries, Boruto is determined to resist the Karma's progression.


Returning to the village after Isshiki's defeat, Boruto is once again the talk of the town.

Elsewhere, Code—who bears a white Karma and inherited Isshiki's will after his death—is secretly on the move. He awakens the cyborg siblings Eida and Daemon, and begins working together with them.

Kawaki leaves Konoha, wanting to protect Naruto from the danger presented by Code.
The only one able to sense Kawaki is Boruto, so the young ninja quickly pursues him.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (46)

Boruto arrives just in time to prevent Kawaki being taken away, and three young men whose lives have been brought together by Karma face off in a clash of wills.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (47)

Boruto is hard-pressed by Code, whose combat experience far outweighs his own, and unleashes his Karma!
Thanks to the medicine he received from Amado, he's able to stop the Karma's progression and control its power!

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (48)

However, this "control" turns out to be temporary, and Boruto's body is taken over by Momoshiki once more.
In order to stop Momoshiki, Kawaki uses his Karma, which has been remade into a new form that's purely a weapon.
As the battle between the two continues, Boruto is able to wrest back control, but...

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (49)

...both boys have come to the painful realization that Momoshiki's power cannot ever be truly controlled.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (50)
[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (51)

To protect his family, and the Village Hidden in the Leaves...
Boruto carries out his plan to die at Kawaki's hands so Momoshiki will die with him.
But then, the unexpected happens...

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (52)
[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (53)

Momoshiki uses part of the Karma to revive him, turning Boruto into a complete Otsutsuki...

Twisting Fates

Boruto and Kawaki have both survived.
But back in the Hidden Leaf, Code appears, and manages to get the limiter placed on his abilities removed.
Shikamaru's fast thinking during the encounter drives a wedge between Code and the cyborg siblings, bringing Eida and Daemon over to Konoha's side.

Since Boruto and Kawaki are the only ones unaffected by Eida's ability to beguile, the Revamped Team Seven is assigned to live with and surveil the two newcomers.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (54)

During this mission, Kawaki catches on to Momoshiki's presence within Boruto, and decides he must kill Boruto again to successfully wipe out the Otsutsuki.
Kawaki seals Naruto and Hinata in an alternate dimension to keep them from interfering, before going to kill the boy he sees as a brother.

Boruto is rushing home in the wake of his parents' disappearance when he runs into Kawaki. His attempts to talk the older boy down fail, and the two come to blows.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (55)

The powers of two Otsutsuki clash, and the Leaf ninja soon arrive to join the fray.
Boruto loses an eye defending Sarada from one of Kawaki's ruthless attacks.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (56)

They succeed in restraining Kawaki, but Momoshiki briefly takes over Boruto's mind to help him escape.
Kawaki is hunted by the ninja of Konoha, who now see him as nothing more than an outsider who betrayed them.

At that moment, a strange light envelops the world.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (57)

As the light fades, the members of Team Seven end up running into each other...

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (58)

...but Mitsuki is seething at Boruto, and even attacks him with murderous intent!
Confused, Boruto evades his friend's assault as Momoshiki fills his host in on the truth of what has happened.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (59)
[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (60)

Eida's shinjutsu, "Omnipotence", has activated against her will.
It turned Kawaki's wish into reality, rewriting the memories of nearly all humanity to replace Kawaki with Boruto and vice versa.

Boruto is now seen as the Otsutsuki traitor who betrayed the village and killed the Seventh Hokage!

With his former friends after his life, Boruto has lost everything—just as Momoshiki predicted.
But one thing yet remains: the Will of Fire burning in his soul.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (61)

The "guts to never give up" he inherited from Naruto and his shinobi resolve to protect others shine bright in his blue eye.
He is determined to gain the strength necessary to confront Kawaki as his brother once more.
Leaving the village along with Sasuke, his training journey begins!



[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (62)

A Tale of Opposing Destiny

Roughly three years have passed since Boruto left the village.
Code has sworn vengeance against Konoha, and attacks along with Claw Grimes that wield the Ten Tails' power.
The Hidden Leaf is thrown into chaos as the monsters attack civilians and shinobi alike.

Surrounded by these unfamiliar foes, things are looking grim for Sarada.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (63)
[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (64)

At that moment, Boruto returns to the village to save his former teammate!
Using the sword skills he honed through his years of training, he makes quick work of the Claw Grimes.

When Code still refuses to retreat, Boruto reveals an overwhelming ability.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (65)
[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (66)

Faced with this new form of Rasengan—Rasengan: Uzuhiko—that uses the rotation of the planet itself, Code is forced to flee.

...And Boruto quickly finds himself confronted by the ninja of Konoha.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (67)

After a brief conversation between brothers, Boruto uses the Flying Raijin Jutsu to follow Code to his base.

But what he finds there is not the Ten Tails, but Divine Trees who have evolved and become self-aware thanks to the chakra absorbed from people enveloped by Claw Grimes.

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (68)

Boruto has no choice but to retreat in the face of the Divine Trees' fierce attacks.

Refusing to accept the hand dealt by destiny, Boruto has worked hard to gain the strength he has now.
As the threat of the Divine Trees looms large over the world, he prepares to face both them...and his brother.

The story of Boruto Uzumaki enters its second stage!

[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (69)
[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire! | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (70)
[Birthday Column] Celebrating Boruto's Birthday on 3/27! Looking Back on the Blue-Eyed Ninja Who Fights Against Fate and Carries On the Will of Fire!  | NARUTO OFFICIAL SITE (NARUTO & BORUTO) (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.