Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ... · BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (2024)

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (1)


Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) Quality Assurance (QA) Report

for Baccalaureate/Graduate Degree Programs

Current as of August 2014

Overview (O) 1. Complete all information requested. Submit your report as an attachment to [emailprotected] on or before February 15th or September 15th. This report should be limited to maximum of 50 pages. The average length of most good reports is 30 pages. To help reduce the page numbers you can remove the ACBSP examples used in this report template to help you complete the report. O 2. Institution Name: University of Saint Francis (IL) Date: September 15, 2014 Address: 500 Wilcox St., Joliet, IL 60435 O 3. Year Accredited/Reaffirmed: 2007 /N/A This Report Covers Years: 2012 - 2014 O 4. List All Accredited Programs (as they appear in your catalog): Note: Listing new programs here does not confer accreditation. New degree programs, majors or emphases must be in effect for at least two years and have graduates and follow the guidance in the process book before accreditation will be granted BBA (Bachelors of Business Administration) - Accounting BBA – Finance BBA – Management BBA – Marketing BS (Bachelors of Science) – Business Administration MBA (Masters of Business Administration) MSM (Masters of Science) - Management

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (2)


O 5. List all programs that are in your business unit that are not accredited by ACBSP and how you distinguish accurately to the public between programs that have achieved accredited status and those that have not. BS – Computer Science. This is a program that was in a different college within the university and now has been folded into the School of Business within the College of Business & Health Administration. Any public information put forth by the college will clearly identify only the programs that are accredited. In the future we are planning on having this program also ACBSP accredited. The following four programs have been instituted in the past two years, but have not had any graduates yet. They are not currently accredited, but will be asked to be accredited once the requirements for accreditation are met. Any public information put forth by the college will clearly identify only the programs that are accredited. BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics O 6. List all campuses that a student can earn a business degree from your institution: Only at our main campus in Joliet, IL. Although students may take certain transportation and logistics classes at our Saint Bonaventure Center. O 7. Person completing report Name: David Gordon Phone: 815-740-3698 E-mail address: [emailprotected] ACBSP Champion name: David Gordon - ACBSP Co-Champion name: Anthony Zordan O 8. Conditions or Notes to be Addressed: You do not need to address Opportunity for Improvement (OFI). Please explain and provide the necessary documentation/evidence for addressing each condition or note since your last report.

Are you requesting the Board of Commissioners to remove notes or conditions (if the justification for removal is lengthy consider attaching an appendix to QA report): We do not have any pending notes or conditions.

O 9. The business unit must routinely provide reliable information to the public on their performance, including student achievement. Describe how you routinely provide reliable information to the public on your performance, including student achievement.

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (3)


We have a link to our most recent Quality Assurance Report on the college website which is available to the public at: Standard #1 Leadership

Organization a. List any organizational or administrative personnel changes within the business unit since your last report.

Dr. Shannon Brown joined the faculty as a full time visiting instructor in August of 2013. Dr. Brown teaches undergraduate and graduate management courses. She replaced Mr. Stan Klatka left the university. Dr. Brown has since been promoted to an assistant professor position within the college. Mr. Joseph Ferrallo joined the faculty as a full time visiting instructor in August of 2013 and is now a full time instructor. He replaced Dr. James Haefner who retired from the university. Dr. Margaret Neumann was added as a full time visiting professor starting in August of 2013. Dr. Neumann teaches information technology classes as well as management courses. In August 2014 Dr. Deborah Mullen joined the faculty as visiting professor in health administration. Dr. Sudipta Roy was added as an adjunct faculty member in August of 2013. She teaches finance and economics courses for the college. Mr. Brian Thompson was also added as an adjunct faculty member in January of 2013. He teaches finance and economics courses for the college.

b. List all new sites where students can earn an accredited business degree (international campus, off-campus or on campus,

on-line) that have been added since your last report? In August 2014 the University opened the St. Bonaventure Center in downtown Joliet about 1 mile from the main campus. Some Transportation & Logistics classes are being offered at this site.

Standard #2 Strategic Planning (this standard not typically addressed in the QA report) This is used as a place holder to allow all the other standards to be addressed in the QA report and keep the numbering system consistent with self-studies and QA reports.

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (4)


Standard #3 Student and Stakeholder Focus Complete the following table. Provide three or four examples, reporting what you consider to be the most important data. It is not necessary to provide results for every process. Standard 3 - Student and Stakeholder-Focused Results

Student- and Stakeholder-Focused Results

Student- and stakeholder-focused results examine how well your organization satisfies students and stakeholders key needs and expectations. Performance measures may include: satisfaction and dissatisfaction of current and past students and key stakeholders, perceived value, loyalty, persistence, or other aspects of relationship building, end of course surveys, alumni surveys, Internship feedback, etc. Measurement instrument or processes may include end of course surveys, alumni surveys, Internship feedback, etc. Each academic unit must demonstrate linkages to business practitioners and organizations, which are current and significant, including an advisory board. Periodic surveys should be made of graduates, transfer institutions, and/or employers of graduates to obtain data on the success of business programs in preparing students to compete successfully for entry-level positions.

Analysis of Results

Performance Measure Measurable goal What is your goal?

What is your measurement instrument or process? (Indicate length of cycle)

Current Results

What are

your current results?

Analysis of Results What did you learn from the results?

Action Taken or Improvement made What did you improve or what is your next step?

Insert Graphs or Tables of Resulting Trends

(3-5 data points preferred)

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (5)


Survey results should show at least 80% of MBA students agreeing or strongly agreeing that their critical and analytical skills improved while in the program.

Annual alumni survey (Survey included in Appendix A)

Four years of positive trend data exceeding goal in all years

The results indicate that the MBA program is successful at improving the analytical and critical thinking skills of students. The trend is positive.

Instructors will continue to be encouraged by administration to develop classes in a manner that helps students improve their critical and analytical skills.

Survey results should show at least 80% of MBA students agreeing or strongly agreeing that their MBA program met their education expectations.

Annual alumni survey (Survey included in Appendix A)

Four years of relatively consistent data. Most years above the stated goal. Only one year was below the stated goal.

The college does seem to be meeting goals for education expectations.

Instructors will continue to be encouraged by administration to develop classes in a manner that meet the education expectations of students.











2010 2011 2012 2013

Education Met Expectations

Education Met


Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (6)


Survey results should show at least 80% of MBA students agreeing or strongly agreeing that their MBA program led to an improvement in their written communication and research skills.

Annual alumni survey (Survey included in Appendix A)

Four years of relatively consistent data. All years above the stated goal.

The college does seem to be meeting goals for written communication and research skills.

Although the data show the goal being met there is a slightly downward trend present. Faculty will be encouraged to utilize more assignments that can improve these skills.

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (7)


Survey results should show at least 80% of undergraduate management and marketing majors agreeing or strongly agreeing that their undergraduate education successfully developed their leadership preparedness.

Annual alumni survey (Survey included in Appendix B)

There has been a noticeable upward trend. We have met this goal over the past two years.

The college does seem to be meeting goals for leadership preparedness as of late although 2010 and 2011 did not meet the stated goal.

Although the data show the goal being met the last two years there is still room for improvement. An upward trend is apparent. Faculty will be encouraged to utilize more assignments that can improve their leadership skills.

Survey results should show at least 80% of undergraduate management and marketing majors agreeing or strongly agreeing that their undergraduate education successfully prepared them for a position in the job market in their selected major.

Annual alumni survey (Survey included in Appendix B)

We have consist-ently equaled or exceeded our goals over the past four years.

The college does seem to be meeting goals for job market preparation.

Continue what we are doing for this attribute.

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (8)


Standard #4 Measurement and Analysis of Student Learning and Performance

a. Program Outcomes

List outcomes, by accredited program. Many of the program outcomes should be used as part of a student learning assessment plan and be measurable.

State the learning objectives for each program (MBA, Ph.D., BBA, AA, etc.) accredited. A program is defined as follows: a plan of study is considered a program when it requires a minimum of 12 credit hours of coursework beyond the CPC and/or is recorded on a student’s transcript (ex. Business Administration: major/concentration/option/specialization in Accounting, Finance, Marketing, etc.)

Accounting Program Outcomes 1. Decision Modeling -Students will demonstrate strategic and critical approaches to decision-making.

Use financial statements to analyze business performance (225 & 226 Intermediate Accounting).

Use cost accounting data to analyze make or buy decisions (230 Cost). 2. Risk Analysis - Students will develop a practical approach to formulating, solving and then critically evaluating the theories and

methods of risk analysis.

Analyze risk by understanding, testing, and evaluating controls in business processes (327 Accounting Information Systems, 330 Auditing).

3. Communication: Measurement and Reporting - Students will communicate clearly and objectively using appropriate and

relevant measurement and reporting techniques.

Complete the accounting cycle (225 & 226 Inter, 336 Advanced).

Prepare adjusting entries and all financial statements (225 & 226 Inter).

Prepare closing entries (225 & 226 Inter, 336 Adv).

Understand the effect of transactions and errors on accounts and financial statements (225 & 226 Inter).

Prepare an individual tax return (325 Taxes). 4. Research - Students will be able to access, understand and apply research relevant to the accounting profession.

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (9)


Use the Accounting Codification System (ACS) to access, understand and apply research relevant to the accounting profession (225 & 226 Inter, 336 Adv).

Present accounting research results orally and in writing (330 Audit). 5. Technology - Students will demonstrate ability to use technology tools effectively and efficiently as related to the accounting


Use technology effectively, especially Excel and Access (230 Cost, 327 AIS, 336 Adv). Finance Program Outcomes 1: Demonstrate the ability to perform a capital budgeting analysis including cash flow projections, valuation/quantitative analysis (NPV, IRR, etc.) using a robust Excel model and qualitative analysis including risk assessment, sensitivity analysis and the ability to prepare a well-supported recommendation.

2: Demonstrate the ability to analyze and recommend a proper capital structure for a firm including the proper amount of leverage (mix of debt and equity), analyze the types of debt capital and types of equity capital sources including a robust Excel model to provide pro forma financials (balance sheet, income statement, ratio analysis), and prepare and present a well-supported recommendation. 3: Demonstrate proficiency in the concepts of valuation theory, portfolio theory, financial planning/investment policy, financial instruments (stocks, bonds, options, derivatives, etc.), and financial markets. 4: Improve student communication skills and proficiency in understanding key concepts in Investments using online presentation software. 5: Demonstrate proficiency in advanced modeling skills including Excel function such as Solve- It . Management Program Outcomes 1. Management Concepts- Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge in management theories and to apply management

concepts in today’s corporate environment. 2. Communication- Students will be able to demonstrate effective oral and written communication and presentation skills.

3. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking- Students will develop analytical and critical thinking skills in order to create appropriate

strategic business decisions.

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4. Global Business Knowledge- Students will develop a clear understanding of the ethical, economic, multicultural, political, social, and regulatory context of a global economy.

Marketing Program Outcomes 1. To develop an interdisciplinary understanding of marketing.

2. To develop effective strategic thinking skills.

3. To demonstrate knowledge of the marketing and promotion mixes, nonprofit and service marketing, and analytic marketing.

4. To demonstrate critical thinking skills.

5. To improve oral communication skills.

6. To improve written communication skills. MBA Program Outcomes 1. To demonstrate a breadth of knowledge in various aspects of business.

2. To develop strategic thinking skills. 3. To develop analytical and critical thinking skills. 4. To improve effective oral and written communication skills. 5. To understand a global economy and organization efforts in the same context. 6. To understand and appreciate ethical decision making from a stakeholders perspective. MSM Program Outcomes 1. Students will be able to demonstrate a wide breath of knowledge in management theory and practices and to apply management

concepts to today’s business environment.

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (11)


2. To develop effective critical thinking, problem solving and life long learning skills to meet the demands of the rapidly changing business environment.

3. To understand and apply organizational behavior skills with regard to the human side of enterprise (team building, change management, continuous improvement, motivation and performance evaluation).

4. Development of personal and organizational leadership skills appropriate to communicate and lead an increasingly diverse workforce with integrity and a sense of ethics.

5. Students will develop a clear understanding of the impact and demands created by increasing globalization and technology on the business landscape.

6. To understand and apply the concepts used by firms to measure financial performances and professional development in financial skills.

b. Performance Results

Complete Table Standard 4 - Student Learning Results found under the Evidence File tab above. Provide three or four examples, reporting what you consider to be the most important data. It is not necessary to provide results for every process.

Student Learning Results (Required for each accredited program, doctorate, masters, and baccalaureate)

Performance Indicator Definition

1. Student Learning Results

A student learning outcome is one that measures a specific competency attainment. Examples of a direct assessment (evidence) of student learning attainment that might be used include: capstone performance, third-party examination, faculty-designed examination, professional performance, licensure examination). Add these to the description of the measurement instrument in column two: Direct - Assessing student performance by examining samples of student work Indirect - Assessing indicators other than student work such as getting feedback from the student or other persons who may provide relevant information. Formative – An assessment conducted during the student’s education. Summative – An assessment conducted at the end of the student’s education. Internal – An assessment instrument that was developed within the business unit. External – An assessment instrument that was developed outside the business unit. Comparative – Compare results between classes, between online and on ground classes, Between professors, between programs, between campuses, or compare to external results such as results from

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (12)


the U.S. Department of Education Research and Statistics, or results from a vendor providing comparable data.

Analysis of Results

Performance Measure Measurable goal What is your goal?

What is your measurement instrument or process? Do not use grades. (Indicate type of instrument) direct formative internal, comparative

Current Results

What are your current results?

Analysis of Results What did you learn from the results?

Action Taken or Improvement made What did you improve or what is your next step?

Insert Graphs or Tables of Resulting


(3-5 data points


ALL Undergrad (UG) – MFT (major field test) – show steadily increasing scores

Capstone course-External, summative

Mean of class scores ranged from 147 to 152

Reviewed by Assessment Cmte, shared with faculty. It appears that overall, scores are steady showing neither a significant increase or decrease. .

Note: The college has decided to switch from the MFT to Peregrine CPC pre & post test beginning Fall 2014.

See table 4.b.1 below

ALL UG – Improve performance on capstone simulation

Capstone course-External, summative

On average, USF groups outperform other US teams.

Reviewed by Assessment Cmte, shared with faculty. Noticed group dynamic skills were weak.

Began S13 to address group dynamic skill development. Will add bonding exercise F14.

See table 4.b.2 below

ALL UG – improve “would higher” % from “BOD” at capstone final presentations

Capstone course-External, summative

Board of Directors (alumni, professors) rated favorably, i.e., “would hire”.

Bus Advisory Bd. Noted advantage of using more outside judges.

Plan to invite more outside judges.

See table 4.b.3 below

BBA Accounting - Improve pass rate

CPA exam pass rates

USF pass rates are above Illinois except

Reviewed by acctg faculty. USF rate is

Faculty will carefully monitor – expect

See table 4.b.4 below

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (13)


on CPA exam

2013. higher than most schools (except 2013) but number of USF students is small.

2014 to exceed Illinois average.

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Table 4.b.2 Percentile of USF student team performance compared to approximately 2000 other teams in the U.S. For example, the overall (blue) data points indicate that in Spring 2014, USF teams outperformed 78% of the teams nationally. In Spring 2014, two USF teams outperformed 90% of all other teams nationally.

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Table 4.b.3 Percent of Judges and Professors (Board of Directors) giving Business Policy team members a “Yes, I would hire” rating at capstone final presentations

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (17)


Standard #5 Faculty and Staff Focus

Complete the following table Provide three or four examples, reporting what you consider to be the most important data. It is not necessary to provide results for every process.

Table 5.1 Standard 5 - Faculty- and Staff-Focused Results

Faculty and Staff Focused Results Faculty and staff-focused results examine how well the organization creates and maintains a positive, productive, learning-centered work environment for business faculty and staff. Key indicators may include: professional development, scholarly activities, community service, administrative duties, business and industry interaction, number of advisees, number of committees, number of theses supervised, satisfaction or dissatisfaction of faculty and staff, positive, productive, and learning-centered environment, safety, absenteeism, turnover, or complaints.

Analysis of Results

Performance Measure Measurable goal What is your goal?

What is your measurement instrument or process? (Indicate length of cycle)

Current Results

What are

your current results?

Analysis of Results What did you learn from the results?

Action Taken or Improvement made What did you improve or what is your next step?

Insert Graphs or Tables of Resulting Trends

(3-5 data points preferred)

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (18)


Faculty will increase the amount of scholarly activity within the college by 10% for the next five years.

Number of conferences attended by faculty

We started at a low level, but have shown dramatic improve-ment on a percent-age basis over the past five years.

Faculty interest in attending conference and conducting research has increased. An upward trend over the past five years is apparent.

Administration will continue to stress the importance of scholarly work by faculty. New funding will try to be secured.

(Includes only conf. funded by College – not those funded by Teaching & Professional Growth Cmte)

The administration turnover rate will not exceed an average of 20% per year.

The number of administrators leaving in a year.

We have a very low number of administrators in the college. Slight changes cause substan-tial swings in turnover ratio thus we have seen ratios between 0 and 20%.

The number of individuals leaving each year is low. This tends to point to administra-tors being happy at the college.

Continue to monitor turnover and keep rate low.







2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Adm. Turnover Rate

Adm. Turnover Rate

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (19)


The staff turnover rate will not exceed an average of 20% per year.

The number of staff members leaving in a given year.

We have a very low number of staff members in the college. Slight changes cause substan-tial swings in turnover ratio thus we have seen ratios between 0 and 25%.

The number of individuals leaving each year is low. The average over the past five years is well below 20%. This tends to point to staff members being content in the college.

Continue to monitor turnover and keep rate low.








2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Staff Turnover Rate

Staff Turnover Rate

The faculty turnover rate will not exceed an average of 10% per year.

The number of faculty members leaving in a given year.

We have a low number of full time faculty in the college. Slight changes cause substan-tial swings in turnover ratio thus we have seen ratios between 0 and 20%.

The number of individuals leaving each year is low. The average over the past five years is below 10%. This tends to point to faculty being content in the college.

Continue to monitor turnover and keep rate low.







2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Faculty Turnover Rate

Faculty TurnoverRate

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (20)


Faculty Qualifications Complete Table 5.2 and 5.3 for new full-time and part-time faculty members since last self-study or QA report. Do not include faculty members previously reported.


NAME (List alphabetically by Last Name)


COURSES TAUGHT (during the reporting period)

LIST ALL EARNED DEGREES (as Documented on Transcript, Must Include Major Field)


Five Years Work Experience

Teaching Excellence

Professional Certifications


1. Doctorate 2. Professional 3. Exception

Shannon Brown

Management Organizational Behavior Human Resource Management Corporate Communications Adult Training and Development Developing Personal Leadership Organization Development and

Ph.D. – Values Driven Leadership (Benedictine University) MBA (Dominican University) B.A. – Corporate Communication (Dominican University)


Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (21)



Joseph Ferrallo Marketing/ Management

Principles of Marketing Consumer Behavior Marketing Management

MBA (University of Saint Francis) B.B.A. – Management (University of Saint Francis)


Deborah Mullen

Health Administration

Ph.D. – Health Services Research (University of Minnesota) MS (University of Minnesota) B.A. – Psychology (Western Carolina University)


Margaret Neumann

Management Computer Concepts and Applications Introduction to Information Technology Database Administration Information Technology

Ph.D. – Information Sciences (University of Texas) B.S. – Mathematics (Southern Mississippi University)


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Sudipta Roy Economics Principles of Macroeconomics

Ph.D. – Economics (Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, India) MS – Economics (University of Calcutta, India) MBA – (Governors State University) BS – Economics (University of Calcutta, India)


Brian Thompson

Finance/ Economics

Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of Finance Investments Managerial Finance Derivatives Valuation Financial Concepts and Applications

M.S.- Finance (Illinois Institute of Technology) MBA – (DePaul) B.A. - Business (Governors State University)


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Table 5.3 Standard 5, Criterion 5.8 Scholarly and Professional Activities


Degree Earned

Scholarly Activities

Professional Certification

Papers Presented

Published Articles / Manuscripts / Books

Unpublished Articles / Manuscripts / Books

Professional Activities

Professional Related service

Professional Conferences / Workshops

Professional Meetings

Professional Memberships


Faculty Member

Academic Year


Brown, Shannon

Ph.D. 2013-2014

B=2 B=1 A=4 B=3

C=2 B=3

Ferrallo, Joseph MBA 2013 - 2014

C=1 D=1 D=2 B=1 B=2



Ph. D. 2013 - 2014


Roy, Sudipta Ph. D. 2013 - 2014

B=1 A=1 A=1 A=1


Brian MBA 2013 -


B=1 D=1 A=1 D=1 D=1

Standard #6 Educational and Business Process Management

a. Curriculum

1. List any existing accredited degree programs/curricula that have been substantially revised since your last report and attach a Table - Standard 6, Criterion 6.1.3 – Undergraduate CPC Coverage for each program.

No existing accredited programs have been substantially revised.

2. List any new degree programs that have been developed and attach a Table - Standard 6, Criterion 6.1.3 – Undergraduate

CPC Coverage for each new program since your last report.

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (24)


Note: If you have a new degree at a level currently accredited by ACBSP, then report information on: student enrollment, program objectives, instructional resources, facilities and equipment, admissions requirements, graduation statistics, core professional components (CPCs) and the outcomes assessment process to ACBSP. If the new degree is at a higher level then what is currently accredited, the school must complete a self-study to add the degree. Since the last QA report, one new major in the BBA program was approved in late 2012 - Health Care Management This new major has the same 40 hour business core (30 in the School of Business, 7 in Math and 3 in Philosophy in business ethics) as our other seven BBA majors: Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Finance, International Business, Management, Marketing, and Transportation & Logistics Management. The new major does not require the use of new institutional resources but uses existing classroom and technology resources. Courses are taught by current faculty. An updated CPC for the new and existing BBA majors is provided below in Table 6.1. The outcomes assessment process for the new programs is the same as the existing programs. Enrollment data for all business majors is in Table 6.2 below.

Table 6.1.3 - Standard 6, Criterion 6.1.3 – Undergraduate CPC Coverage

Hour Class Sessions by CPC Topic

BBA Core Courses (40 sem hrs) All 3 sem hrs except MATH 175

1a 1b 1c 1d 2a 2b 2c 2d 3a 3b 4a/b Total


ACCT125 Financial Accounting 2 45 2 5 1 2 57

ACCT126 Managerial Accounting 2 45 8 1 5 61

BSAD201 Business Law 45 6 51

BSAD 250 Business Driven Technology

6 1 4 4 15 45 75

BSAD 495 Business Policy 16 8 4 4 1 2 3 1 2 1 32 74

ECON101 Macroeconomics 1 1 45 1 8 1 57

ECON102 Microeconomics 3 1 2 3 1 45 1 3 1 1 61

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FINC242 Finance 2 40 5 2 1 8 2 3 5 68

MGMT150 Management & Organization Behavior

1 45 2 2 3 3 2 2 60

MKTG175 Marketing 45 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 3 66

MATH121 Finite Math 45 45

MATH175 Statistics (4 sem hrs) 60 60

PHIL 330 Business Ethics 45 45

TOTALS 76 54 106 68 54 105 75 35 54 115 38

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3. List any accredited programs that have been terminated since your last report. None

4. Provide three or four examples of organizational performance results, reporting what you consider to be the most important data, using Table 6.1 Standard 6 - Organizational Performance Results, found under the Evidence File tab above. It is not necessary to provide results for every process

Table 6.1 Standard 6 - Organizational Performance Results

Organizational Effectiveness Results

Organizational effectiveness results examine attainment of organizational goals. Each business unit must have a systematic reporting mechanism for each business program that charts enrollment patterns, student retention, student academic success, and other characteristics reflecting students' performance. Key indicators may include: graduation rates, enrollment, improvement in safety, hiring equity, increased use of web-based technologies, use of facilities by community organizations, contributions to the community, or partnerships, retention rates by program, and what you report to governing boards and administrative units.

Analysis of Results

Performance Measure Measurable goal What is your goal?

What is your measurement instrument or process? (Indicate length of cycle)

Current Results

What are

your current results?

Analysis of Results What did you learn from the results?

Action Taken or Improvement made What did you improve or what is your next step?

Insert Graphs or Tables of Resulting Trends

(3-5 data points preferred)

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (27)


1. Increase enrollment each year DC = degree completion GR = graduate MBA & MSM UG = BBA undergraduate

Enrollment data

DC and UG BBA enroll-ment has been increas-ing.

The MBA is still declining slightly.

All MBA courses now 3 sem hrs. Introduced Entrepreneurship, Trans & Logistics, Int’l Bus and Health Care Mgmt majors; Revised Finance and Acctg majors.

2. Sch of Bus BBA (lines 1, 3, 5, 7 below) to exceed USF (lines 2, 4, 6, 8) and SP (line 9) retention rate

Retention rates as reported by IPEDS* and USF data

Except for fresh, BBA rates are higher than nat’l avg (line 9)

But BBA rates are lower than nat’l avg

Instituted onboarding process for new advisees. Revised advising process for undergrads.

See table 6.2 below – 6 yr column SP – line 9 – Selective Private = group based on comparable ACT scores over time.

3. Sch of Bus BBA to exceed USF graduation rate

Graduation rates as reported by IPEDS* and USF data

Rates are comparable.

Graduate rate is lower.

Evaluations in progress

See table 6.2 below – last column

*IPEDS- Integrated Post-secondary Education Data Systems

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (28)


Table 6.2 – Persistence & Completion Data:

line Student Type Begin as: PERSISTENCE & COMPLETION Grad in

College in 6 Yrs N 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 Yr

1 Freshman BBA 23.2 82% 65% 64% 61% 58% 44%

2 F05-F12 Avg Any Major 196 78% 68% 65% 62% 59% 44%

3 Transfer BBA 23 84% 74% 71% 69% 68% 65%

4 0405-1213 Avg Any Major 264 84% 76% 73% 72% 71% 66%

5 Adult Undergrad

BBA 11 74% 70% 68% 61% 65% 51%

6 0405-1213 Avg Any Major 135 74% 64% 61% 62% 61% 53%

7 Graduate BBA 53 78% 70% 69% 71% 72% 65%

8 0405-1213 Avg Any Major 556 84% 79% 77% 78% 78% 75%

9 Selective Private

Any Major 15,520 78% 68% 46% 58% 61% N/A

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (29)


Appendix A

Annual Alumni Survey MBA (partial)

My MBA courses at USF have: 5. prepared me for, or improved my current role in, a

leadership position. □ □ □ □ □

6. developed my understanding of the nature of conflict in organizations, its causes, and ways to resolve many work place issues.

□ □ □ □ □

7. developed my ability to think critically and analyze issues. □ □ □ □ □ 8. introduced me to different motivational/leadership styles,

traits, and behaviors. □ □ □ □ □

9. helped me to understand the importance of globalization, technology, and the importance of cross-cultural relations. □ □ □ □ □

10. helped me to understand the strategic management process of formulation, implementation, and control. □ □ □ □ □

11. helped develop my understanding and appreciation for quantitative/financial analysis. □ □ □ □ □

12. improved my ability to effectively use financial analysis in the decision making process. □ □ □ □ □

13. improved my written communication and research skills. □ □ □ □ □ 14. helped me develop a breadth of knowledge in various

aspects of business. □ □ □ □ □

In my opinion:

15. My MBA education met my expectations. □ □ □ □ □

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ...· BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (30)


Appendix B Annual Alumni Survey Undergraduate (partial) My Management courses at USF have:

16. prepared me for a position in the workplace. □ □ □ □ □ 17. helped me to understand different motivational theories

and how to apply them. □ □ □ □ □

Strongly Agree

Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

18. developed my ability to think critically and analyze issues. □ □ □ □ □ 19. helped me to understand barriers to communication and

how to overcome these communication barriers. □ □ □ □ □

20. introduced me to different leadership styles, traits, and behaviors. □ □ □ □ □

21. helped me grow in an appreciation of organizational change and development. □ □ □ □ □

22. helped me develop an understanding of total quality management. □ □ □ □ □

23. helped me to understand the importance of international business and the importance of cross-cultural relations. □ □ □ □ □

24. helped me to understand the strategic management process of formulation, implementation, and control. □ □ □ □ □

25. led me to a greater understanding of the role of teamwork in organizations and the applications of teamwork. □ □ □ □ □

26. improved my written skills. □ □ □ □ □

27. improved my presentation skills. □ □ □ □ □

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs ... · BBA – International Business BBA – Health Care Management BBA – Entrepreneurship BBA – Transportation and Logistics - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.