8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (2024)

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (1)

(Image credit: McKinsey Jordan/Stocksy)

Whether you're looking for a touch-up in between teeth cleanings or want to prep for a special event, there are plenty of options for at-home teeth whitening these days. You can go for something tried-and-true like special toothpaste or strips, or you can get bleaching trays from your dentist. And now you can even do the LED technology treatments that you'd normally get from your dentist in the comfort of your own home.

In general, using LED lights to whiten teeth speeds up the process. "LED lights (or light-emitting diode lights) work to accelerate the reaction of the bleach product on the teeth. The LED light itself will not whiten teeth," explains Kate Zoumboukos, DMD, of SW Austin Dental.

This might be a good option if you're looking for something a little stronger than the regular over-the-counter strips and whitening toothpaste. Intrigued? I asked the experts for more information.

Who Can Use LED Teeth Whitening?

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (2)

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Brian Harris, DDS, who's known as The Virtual Dentist, says that, in general, LED teeth whitening should be safe for all adult users. "Tooth sensitivity is usually where the concern is and is usually caused by the whitening solution," he explains. "The key is to use products with tooth sensitivity in mind like Snow whitening products or other over-the-counter solutions. People with extreme sensitivity or weakened enamel should consult their dental professional first."

Zoumboukos also says you should be careful if you have sensitive gums: "In some cases, the light and bleach combination can aggravate underlying sensitivity!"

And as for any side effects, it really depends on your specific set of teeth. "Tooth sensitivity and gingival irritation are the two most common side effects," Zoumboukos adds. So again, if you know you have sensitive teeth or gums, chat with your doctor.

How Does At-Home LED Teeth Whitening Differ From In-Office Treatments?

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (3)

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Harris says the at-home kits are often less expensive and more convenient and still offer great results. But of course, there are differences from getting it done professionally. "There are key differences between using at-home LED whitening systems versus in-office light-based whitening systems," Zoumboukos says. "Typically, office products differ in the concentration of bleach, type of bleach, and type of light system. Many of the in-office bleaching systems use higher concentrations of bleach. One study cited that 'light-activated in-office bleaching improved immediate whitening effect.'"

At-Home Best Practices

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (4)

(Image credit: Getty Images)

First, it's important to note that the American Dental Association has not givenits Seal of Acceptance to any at-home LED whitening kits just yet. Zoumboukos says that the process takes time, as products are thoroughly evaluated. "Current independent research in support of LED at-home whitening systems is not widely available. More studies are required to determine the effectiveness and overall value of these products," she adds.

But if you want to give it a whirl, make sure you discuss it with your dentist first. "If you have had dental treatment in the past, ask your dentist how the bleaching may affect your smile or your risk of getting post-operative sensitivity. Go slow in the beginning, and stop use if pain or sensitivity develops," she says.

As for how to choose the right kit for you, you can ask your dentist first. Harris also suggests looking at the reviews. "Consumers are very vocal about what they like and they don't, which is great for a customer looking to try something new," he says. When it comes to using the kit, follow the directions carefully. Harris recommends using it regularly for the best results because consistency is key.

Take a look at some kit options below.

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (5)


Deluxe Home Teeth Whitening System

The LED light on this device has five bulbs for more power and a timer beeper so you can keep track of your whitening sessions. Each kit includes two gel syringes, which equals 20-plus whitening treatments.
What a reviewer says: "I won't lie, I didn't notice a huge difference after the first use, BUT my teeth were noticeably whiter after the third use, and have continued to get whiter with every use since then. This is the only whitening product that has worked for me, and I will definitely continue to use it."

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (6)

Glo Science

Glo Lit At-Home Teeth Whitening Device Kit

Glo's mouthpiece uses both heat and LED technology to whiten the teeth quickly. Each session just takes eight minutes to whiten your teeth. Plus, it also connects wirelessly to an app so you can track your whitening treatments and your progress.
What a reviewer says: "My teeth were stained and yellow and this really whitened them. It is so easy to use and I really enjoyed the fact that it has Bluetooth. The whitening process is very simple and I do it in my spare time. The whitening gel isn't irritating and it doesn't taste bad. Overall great whitening product!"

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (7)


3D White Whitestrips with Light

Crest pretty much changed the at-home teeth-whitening game with its Whitestrips, so it's not surprising that the brand also has an LED option. The kit comes with 10 whitening strips and an LED-powered mouthpiece. To use, just apply the strips and position the light and leave on for 60 minutes.
What a reviewer says: "This kit has served as my introduction to using whitening strips and it has worked wonders for me. My teeth are now a shade or two whiter thanks to this."

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (8)


Teeth Whitening Gel Kit with LED Light

The whitening gel pens make it so easy to apply to your teeth with precision. And the device has 20 LED lights for even faster treatments—just five minutes. It's also powered by your phone.
What a reviewer says: "I've always used whitening strips and was known for my sparkling white teeth. However, it destroyed my enamel and made my teeth super sensitive. After so many different whitening choices available on here I finally just picked this one hoping for the best. My oh my! Super impressed. I haven't even used it for a full week (regularly) and I already see a difference."

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (9)


Teeth Whitening Kit with LED Light

This at-home treatment won't take too much of your time—just nine minutes. The kit comes with whitening gels and a USB-powered mouthpiece—and within each kit, you can get about 75 whitening treatments, which sounds like a total deal.
What a reviewer says: "I have tried different whitening products and some cause my gums to be kinda sensitive. I have been eyeballing this product for a while and looked at reviews closely and I will say I love it! I have used it for going on two weeks and my teeth haven't been sensitive at all. My teeth are whiter."

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (10)

Go Smile

Blu Whitening Device

This 360-degree LED light device will make sure every nook and cranny of your smile is whitened. It even has regular and gentle modes so you can adjust based on how sensitive your teeth are. It also comes with foaming whitening toothpaste so you can use it in conjunction to speed up the whitening process.
What a reviewer says: "My teeth were whiter in two days noticeably. My smile just looks so much cleaner and brighter! Used a whitening formula with the tray and they're filming toothpaste with the brush. Good quality."

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (11)


Teeth Whitening Kit

You can remove stains from coffee, wine, soda, and smoking with this whitening kit. The manufacturer says if you use it 10 minutes a day for seven days, you should see some results.
What a reviewer says: "I actually saw the results today! Caught a glimpse in the mirror and did a double-take. I mean, it's not Ross Gellar-bright, but after five days I see a noticeable difference that I honestly didn't expect. Be careful with your first use, it’s really easy to over-apply the gel. You don’t need a lot of it. I definitely recommend!"

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (12)

Smile Sciences

Original Teeth Whitening Kit

With this whitening kit, you get upper and lower trays, six whitening gel doses, two vitamin E sticks to clean up any excess gel, and the LED light. The upper and lower trays are key here because they allow you to customize your fit.
What a reviewer says: "Instant results. Better than anything I’ve ever used. I am very sensitive and I didn’t have any issues."

More At-Home Teeth-Whitening Options

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (13)


3D Vivid Plus Teeth Whitening Kit

Of course,if you're just starting out in the whitening process, you can opt for Whitestrips, which are so easy to use and only take about 30 minutes a session.

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (14)


Optic White Overnight Teeth Whitening Pen

For an even easier application, you can use this whitening pen to precisely target any discoloration. Use it before you go to bed, and brush your teeth in the morning to remove.

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (15)

Tom's of Maine

Natural Luminous White Toothpaste with Fluoride (3 Pack)

If you're looking for a natural option, you can usethis whitening toothpaste from Tom's of Maine. It fights tartar buildup and contains fluoride to prevent cavities.

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (16)


Healthy White Vibrant Multi-Action Fluoride Mouth Rinse

This mouth rinse has foaming properties to clean and whiten some hard-to-reach places.

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (17)

Glo Science

Glo to Go Teeth Whitening Pen

Formulated with pure hydrogen peroxide, plant-based antimicrobials, and xylitol, this gel pen whitens the teeth while also preventing the growth of cavity-causing bacteria.

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (18)


Professional Whitening Toothpaste

This best-selling whitening toothpaste has a proprietary formula of encapsulated hydrogen peroxide and minerals to really whiten your teeth. It's formulated to lift surface stains like coffee, tea, and red wine.

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (19)


Pro-Health Advanced Mouthwash, Extra Whitening

With this mouthwash, you won't feel the burn that you normally would with other ones because it's alcohol-free. In addition to whitening teeth, it also works to strengthen enamel, prevent cavities, and kill bad breath germs.

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (20)


Whitening Mint

This minty toothpaste protects against tooth decay, plaque, and bad breath while also whitening any surface stains.
Next, 7 Things That Are Staining Your Teeth—and How to Fix It


This article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used in the place of advice of your physician or other medical professionals. You should always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first with any health-related questions.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a vast amount of information and can provide insights on various topics, including at-home teeth whitening using LED technology. I can help answer questions and provide information based on search results and general knowledge.

In this article, the author discusses different options for at-home teeth whitening, including LED technology treatments. LED lights are used to accelerate the reaction of the bleach product on the teeth, but the LED light itself does not whiten teeth. LED teeth whitening is generally considered safe for adult users, but individuals with extreme tooth sensitivity or weakened enamel should consult their dental professional first. Tooth sensitivity and gingival irritation are the most common side effects of LED teeth whitening.

At-home LED teeth whitening kits are often less expensive and more convenient compared to in-office treatments. However, there are differences between the two, such as the concentration and type of bleach used. In-office bleaching systems typically use higher concentrations of bleach and may provide immediate whitening effects.

It's important to note that the American Dental Association (ADA) has not given its Seal of Acceptance to any at-home LED whitening kits yet. Independent research supporting the effectiveness of LED at-home whitening systems is not widely available, and more studies are required to determine their overall value.

If you're considering using an at-home LED teeth whitening kit, it's recommended to discuss it with your dentist first. They can provide guidance based on your specific dental history and advise on potential risks or sensitivities. When choosing a kit, you can ask your dentist for recommendations or look at consumer reviews to gauge the effectiveness of different products. It's crucial to follow the directions carefully and use the kit regularly for consistent results.

The article also mentions several at-home LED teeth whitening kit options, such as the AuraGlow Deluxe Home Teeth Whitening System, Glo Lit At-Home Teeth Whitening Device Kit, Crest 3D White Whitestrips with Light, SmileDirectClub Teeth Whitening Gel Kit with LED Light, Snow Teeth Whitening Kit with LED Light, Go Smile Blu Whitening Device, iSmile Teeth Whitening Kit, and Smile Sciences Original Teeth Whitening Kit. Each kit has its own features and benefits, and it's important to read reviews and choose the one that suits your needs.

Additionally, the article mentions other at-home teeth whitening options like Crest 3D Vivid Plus Teeth Whitening Kit, Colgate Optic White Overnight Teeth Whitening Pen, Tom's of Maine Natural Luminous White Toothpaste with Fluoride, Listerine Healthy White Vibrant Multi-Action Fluoride Mouth Rinse, Glo Science Glo to Go Teeth Whitening Pen, Supersmile Professional Whitening Toothpaste, Crest Pro-Health Advanced Mouthwash, Extra Whitening, and Marvis Whitening Mint Toothpaste.

Please note that the information provided here is based on this article and search results. It's always a good idea to consult with a dental professional for personalized advice and recommendations.

8 Products That Can Get You Whiter Teeth Fast (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.