30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge - A Complete Guide to Carnivore Diet (2024)

I am so excited to share that my new ebook “30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge” is now available. I wanted to write the 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge because I found so much healing on this diet. I have experienced great health improvements after trying a carnivore diet. I am thrilled with my progress and decided to write the book to share this out of the box method of healing with others.

This book is an ultimate guide for those who want to implement and succeed on carnivore diet for 30 days and beyond. So, if you’re considering trying it, now is the time to take back control of your health with this healing plan (buy here. This 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge is really good for anyone who wants to achieve optimal health including losing weight, having better digestion, increasing energy, improving mood, and reducing inflammation.

30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge - A Complete Guide to Carnivore Diet (1)

Does the idea of eating all meat or meat based diet seem absurd to you? You are not alone. I was also afraid to join in when I first heard about it on the internet several years ago and thought that people who did it were crazy. Carnivore diet has become more popular in recent months due to enormous number of the success stories. It got my attention when my sister started following a carnivore diet in mid 2018 and she lost 35 pounds after her second baby, seemingly overnight, without working out or restricting portions. It was inspiring for me but it seemed a little tough at first because of lack of variety. I was reluctant to give it a try because I was hesitant to give up my favorite foods but I was lured in by the idea of eating to satiety and not counting macros. so I thought I could give it a go for 30 days because I had her support and guidance.

I also had a holistic nutritionist who recommended I try removing plants help my 10 years of constipation. I have tried literally every natural remedy and eating tons of fiber but nothing helped at all.

Healing Benefits of Carnivore Diet I Experienced:

After trying the carnivore way of eating I am inspired with life changing healing. Just after 2 weeks of eating a meat based diet, I had lost 10 lbs and I was never hungry. The food was so filling and my inflammation literally disappeared. I was also sleeping like a rock, much less tired, and the constant bloating I had been suffering with for years, suddenly vanished. In a few months later I I started to go to the bathroom again without effort once I sorted out my electrolyte balance which was so important.

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I went from a size 14 to a size 10. I never thought I would be a size 10 again! My digestion has also improved so much. I have struggled with slow digestion due to having Hashimotos, an autoimmune thyroid disease. Another thing I noticed after a few weeks on the plan, was that my energy and mood were more stable and upbeat. My skin also became brighter and more glowing making me seem younger even without makeup.

I found carnivore diet to be very helpful and effective for Hashimotos and thyroid health. My thyroid antibodies dropped 50 points in the first 3 months of going carnivore, which according to many doctors is impossible. When I first was diagnosed my TPO thyroid antibodies were 600 then they dropped to 100 for the past several years by following a low carb/ keto and paleo diet. But then when I started a carnivore way of eating I saw a 51 TPO reading on my test for the first time and my thyroid medication reduced by my holistic doctor. For someone with Hashimoto’s diagnosis, below 30 is often considered to be in remission. Carnivore diet is an ultimate elimination diet and something worth exploring if you want success using it for 30 days to allow for gut healing or reduction in thyroid inflammation.

I did a stool test for parasites and microbiome status with my functional medicine doctor; it was clear and I had a very diverse microbiome, even after eating only animal based for 30-days, which is surprising. At this point after following this diet for about an year, I am continuing on as long as I keep feeling great and my lab results are good. I have lost 20 lbs total but it feels like more. I think everyone should try this way of eating for at least 30 days to feel the awesome results I have. You can read more about my progress on carnivore diet here.

My belief is that these health improvements and incredible results are possible for all of us and even you! There are millions of people like me and my sister Ellen. Whether people are coming from paleo or low carb ketogenic diets or from standard American diet, seeing the stories of carnivore success and transformations has become a daily occurrence for me. Start experimenting the healing benefits of The 30 Day CarnivoreDiet challenge to look and feel your best and get extraordinary results like these carnivore transformations. Join The30 Day CarnivoreDiet challenge here.

How Carnivore Diet Helped My Sister, Ellen Weeks:

Why My Sister, Ellen Weeks, started Eating Carnivore Diet and How It Helped Her:

My little sister Ellen alwayscounted calories or carbs and weighed her food to make sure she didn’t gain weight. She would gain weight, almost guaranteed if she didn’t track her food somehow. She had a hard time losing weight in the past, even after trying paleo and keto diets for many years. All of that changed when she started the carnivore way of eating. She found that being in ketosis and following a ketogenic diet made her body feel good and strong but there was little to no weight loss. She loves to bake and cook so she made lots of keto recipes. She unfortunately easily gained weight with all the promotion of keto cakes, fat bombs, fatty coffees and cheesy keto recipes.

While she liked following a keto diet, it seemed that her digestion was getting worse and worse. She started having issues digesting all of the dairy, greens, and cruciferous vegetables that are promoted on the keto diet. It was frustrating that every time Ellen ate cheese or broccoli she would have digestive upset, including bloating and stabbing stomach cramps. These issues were not allowing her to fully enjoy some of her favorite keto-friendly vegetables, like cabbage, brussels sprouts, and broccoli without pain and bloating. She had eliminated most irritants from her diet such as dairy, grains, and fruit, but the issues continued.

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She was having limited results on keto and her lingering digestive challenges led her to keep searching for answers. Soon she found some answers and success with her health when she found the carnivore way of eating and things started improving in a big way. Twelve weeks after the birth of her second son, she started eating a meat based diet as she wanted to feel like her pre-pregnancy self again as fast as possible.

Her husband had been doing carnivore for about a month and enjoying an uplifted mood, better sleep, improved digestion, less belly fat and less aches and pains. He was feeling more energetic while not limiting his intake of meat. She started reading articles and watching videos from health conferences about people’s reduction of digestive issues and inflammation/pain from eliminating plants from their diet and eating carnivore. She was intrigued by the idea that less vegetables could help her digestion so she decided to give it a try.

After a few days of eating a meat only diet, her digestive issues and post-veggie bloat vanished. Once she no longer had vegetables on the menu, she felt like a new person that was free of bloating, stomach cramps, and gas. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted and she felt naive for not listening to her body and not trying this sooner.

She was more satiated, happy, and even started to easily go longer without eating between meals. She was full of energy even while nursing a newborn 2-3 times per night. She didn’t have to restrict her portions the way she had been in the past. She ate as much meat as she needed to feel satiated and all the while was shedding weight. In a few months, she lost over 35 pounds almost effortlessly with no exercise.

One cool thing that happened was after eight weeks of following a carnivore diet, she was able to introduce hard cheeses, without the issues she had before. She believes she experienced gut healing that helped her reintroduce one of her favorite foods. On this plan, dairy will be minimized but now she use cheese as a condiment occasionally. It is great to know that, later, someone may be able to reintroduce certain nutrient dense foods without digestive issues. So, if you feel like your body is still reacting to many seemingly healthy foods such as nuts/seeds, green vegetables, fruits and dark chocolate, you must give this diet challenge a try.

Now Ellen suggests this way of eating to everybody who is having unexplained digestive issues. This challenge will eliminate every possible irritant from diet for better digestion and absorption of nutrients to facilitate gut healing. We believe that this 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge can also be used as a reset or cleanse to feel better after eating junk food or holidays or as a way to ramp on or off to ketogenic diet.If you have tried keto or paleo with limited results or you never get the results or health improvements you were looking for with other popular low-carb approaches, our 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge is perfect for you.

Are You Fed Up with Trying to Lose Weight or Hitting a Stall?

  • Have you tried keto or paleo with limited results?
  • Do you still have gas, bloating, constipation and other unexplained digestive issues?
  • Do you often get moody and “hangry” all the time but don’t really know why?
  • If your body is still reacting to many seemingly healthy foods such as nuts/seeds, green vegetables, fruits and dark chocolate?
  • Did you never get the results or health improvements you were looking for with other popular low-carb approaches?
  • Are you fed up of those frustrating calorie counting and tracking macros approaches prevalent in the popular diet plans and just ended up with “all pain and no gain?”
  • Do you gain weight again every time you stop counting calories, carbs or tracking macros somehow?
  • Do you want to achieve achieve wellness without becoming obsessed with scales and calculations?
  • Do you want to have more energy and productivity?

If you can relate, The 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge is perfect for you…..

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Wondering if The 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge is safe ?

  • Are you worried about the effects of an all meatand zero carb diet?
  • Is it really healthy to eat only meat and no plants?
  • Are you worried about nutritional deficiencies while eating ameat based diet?
  • Do you have a hunch that conventional wisdom about nutrition is leading you down the wrong path?

30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge - A Complete Guide to Carnivore Diet (5)

Here is the reality:

  • Following a carbohydrate rich diet, such as the standard American diet, is actually what may deplete essential vitamins, such as Vitamin C.
  • The carnivore diet has every nutrient you need without the anti-nutrients and inflammatory factors from consuming many plants.
  • Many Arctic tribes subsisted on an animal based diet for thousands of years and showed no signs of nutritionaldeficiencies.
  • The Carnivore way of eating provides many more nutrients in a more bioavailable form than the standard American diet.
  • Common nutrients lacking in a standard American diet are plentiful on a carnivore diet including Omega-3s, Vitamin D, Zinc, and Iron..
  • Vitamin C, contained in fresh meat and beef liver, is nature’s multivitamin and can help people stay energetic and balanced.

An ancestral meat-based diet has been eaten for millions of years and can make us lean, strong, and healthy…

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Trying this plan for 30 days will help you understand how healing meat can be. You owe it to yourself to improve your digestion, sleep, and physique without being hungry.

Join 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge Here

30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge - A Complete Guide to Carnivore Diet (7)

Who should Give This 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge A Try?

People with the following issues may benefit from The 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge:

  • Weight Loss plateau
  • Insulin resistance
  • Obesity
  • Unable to gain weight
  • Frequent aches and pains
  • Hormonal challenges
  • Headache sufferers
  • Thyroid issues
  • Autoimmune problems
  • Low energy
  • Bad moods
  • Slow or Fast digestion
  • Bloating
  • Leaky gut
  • Poor Immunity

Ditch your measuring cups, calorie counters and scales away and experience the vitality the Carnivore diet offers!

30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge - A Complete Guide to Carnivore Diet (8)

Why is the Carnivore Way of Eating Healthy?

  • Includes healthy fats
  • Improves insulin sensitivity
  • Helps balance blood sugar
  • Increases nutrient density
  • Improves digestion
  • Reduces bloating
  • Uplifts mood and supports mental health
  • Improves skin tone and lessens skin irritations
  • Calms autoimmune issues
  • Reduces sugar cravings
  • Satiation focused
  • Ketogenic benefits
  • Authophagy (cell cleanup)
  • Less inflammation
  • Improves sleep
  • Ultimate elimination diet

30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge - A Complete Guide to Carnivore Diet (9)

Join in Here To Change Your Diet and Take Back Health

30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge - A Complete Guide to Carnivore Diet (10)

What You Get When You Buy This Book

  • About the Authors and Their Carnivore Journey
  • What is the Carnivore Way of Eating?
  • What Does the Science Tell Us About Carnivore Diets?
  • About The 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge
  • Focus on Satiety
  • Similarities Between The 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge, Keto, and Paleo
  • Who Can Benefit from Doing The 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge
  • The 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge Rules
  • Getting Started and Planning for Success
  • 7 Common Carnivore Diet Mistakes
  • Nutrition Comparison of Carnivore Day of Eating vs. Standard American Diet (SAD) Day of Eating
  • Practical Implementation
  • What are Carnivore Compliant Foods?
  • Addressing Electrolytes
  • Meal Planning Tips
  • Sample Meal Day
  • Animal Superfoods
  • Grey Area Foods
  • Foods to Avoid
  • Carnivore Swaps
  • Grocery Store Navigation Tips
  • Budgeting Tips
  • Best Foods for Carnivore Success
  • Pointers for Eating Out
  • Grab & Go Food Ideas
  • Travel Tips
  • Dealing with Special Occasions/Holidays
  • Tips for Sugar Cravings
  • Helpful Carnivore Cooking Tips
  • Best Kitchen Gadgets
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • 25+ Carnivore Keto Recipes
  • Healthy Lifestyle Tips
  • Stress Relief
  • Exercise Tips
  • Sleep Tips
  • Digestion Connection
  • Steps to Detox the Home
  • Personal Care Makeover
  • Special Considerations for Women
  • Concerning Nursing Mother’s
  • Hormone Help
  • Testimonials
  • Real Food Shopping Resources
  • Best Grocery Store Options
  • Important Supplements
  • Suggested Reading/Listening
  • Printables Included:
  • The 30-Day Carnivore Diet Challenge Rules
  • General Carnivore Shopping List
  • Measurement Tracker
  • 7-Day Cook at Home Meal Plan and Shopping List
  • 7-Day On-the-Go/Travel Meal Plan
  • 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge Daily Journal

This Book Answers All of YOUR Common Carnivore Questions…

Common Carnivore FAQs:

  1. Does this diet cause vitamin deficiencies?
  2. Should I take supplements?
  3. What if I don’t want to lose weight and need to gain weight?
  4. Is a carnivore diet for children?
  5. Will this way of eating cause constipation?
  6. Don’t I need fiber from grains or vegetables?
  7. What if I have fast digestion/diarrhea?
  8. Should I monitor portion sizes?
  9. Will I experience the keto flu?
  10. Can I eat cheese/heavy cream?
  11. How many carbs should I eat per day?
  12. Should I track protein intake/macros?
  13. What if my weight loss stalls?
  14. Should I try intermittent fasting?
  15. Can I drink alcohol?
  16. Should I be in ketosis all the time?
  17. What is the difference between keto and carnivore?
  18. What is the difference between carnivore and zero carb?
  19. Can I do this program if I don’t have a gallbladder or if I have gallbladder issues?
  20. Do I need carbs for hormonal balance?
  21. Can I use non-caloric sweeteners?
  22. How will I feel when starting an all meat diet?
  23. How to deal with sugar cravings?
  24. Don’t you get sick of eating meat, is lack of variety an issue?
  25. What if I cheat, what do I do next?
  26. What is the ideal ratio of fat to protein?
  27. How to make The 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge work with a family?
  28. How to deal with negative influences from family and friends?
  29. Don’t you crave vegetables?
  30. Will excess protein cause kidney damage?
  31. Does eating an all meat diet cause gout?
  32. How to talk to my doctor about The 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge?
  33. What about thyroid testing?
  34. How to transition off the The 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge and do reintroductions?

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About The 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge

This program is really good for anyone who wants to achieve optimal health including losing weight, having better digestion, increasing energy, improving mood, and reducing inflammation.

This plan has everything you need for optimal success on The 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge and your healing journey.Try this program and see how it affects your health and weight loss. After 30 days, the results will speak for themselves and you won’t want to go back what you were eating before.

Start experimenting with the healing benefits of The 30 Day CarnivoreDiet challenge to look and feel your best!

30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge - A Complete Guide to Carnivore Diet (12)

30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge - A Complete Guide to Carnivore Diet (13)

If you have tried keto or paleo diets with limited results this plancould be a missing piece in your wellness puzzle.

30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge - A Complete Guide to Carnivore Diet (14)

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30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge - A Complete Guide to Carnivore Diet (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.