[2024] 150+ Trade Show Stats That Reveal All — Trade Show Labs (2024)

Written By William Griggs

Trade shows have a long and storied history that dates back to the medieval times, when merchants used to congregate in marketplaces and promote their goods and services.

These events evolved into what we know as modern trade shows during the Industrial Revolution. With advancements such as better transportation and communication, it became easier for companies from far and wide to gather to present their wares to a wider audience.

In 1851, The Great Exhibition was held in London and marked the first ever international trade show. Since then, trade shows have become an integral part of the global economy, offering businesses opportunities to reach out to potential customers, build relationships with other industry players, and exhibit their products and services.

As time moves on, so too do trade shows, adapting to the needs of today's changing business world with digital events and virtual expos becoming more commonplace. Below are the latest stats on the trade shows. We will update this page as the industry continues to develop.

Table Of Contents

  • Trade Show Planning Stats

  • Trade Shows Attendee Statistics

  • Trade Show ROI Statistics

  • Sales Related Trade Show Stats

  • Trade Show Costs Statistics

  • COVID / Pandemic Trade Show Stats

  • Trade Show Environmental Impact Stats

  • Ten Largest Trade Show Convention Centers In The US

Trade Show Planning Stats

Trade show planning and preparation is a key component of any successful exhibition. Whether you’re planning on attending or exhibiting at the trade show, there are certain statistics that speak to the importance of proper planning.

With this in mind, here are some facts about what goes into effective trade show planning.

  • When it comes to exhibition venues, 72% of businesses are concerned about charges for floorspace and utilities.

  • For 64% of exhibitors, the quality of attendees is the most important factor when deciding to participate in a trade show.

  • 46% of attendees only visit one trade show per year.

  • 28% of trade show exhibitors start planning their marketing strategy for the event 1-2 months before the show.

  • According to 92% of trade show attendees, their main reason for attending is to see new products being showcased.

  • The perception of a brand that is not represented at an event falls by 5%, even for global brands.

  • 76% of exhibitors integrate their event with other marketing campaigns.

  • Exhibitors find exhibitions highly valuable for achieving business sector promotions, with 87% of them rating it as such.

  • Attending major trade shows may lead to disappointment for marketers, with 36% of them feeling that they only got low-value leads.

  • Marketers attending major trade shows sometimes feel overshadowed by bigger players, with 27% of them experiencing this

  • Trade shows help increase brand recognition by 76%.

  • 81% of attendees can recall at least one exhibitor they visited at a trade show, even six months later.

  • 85% of exhibitors say that their primary reason for exhibiting at a trade show is to generate leads and sales.

  • 61% of businesses use social media to advertise their participation in an upcoming trade show.

  • According to 42% of exhibitors, email marketing before the trade show is an effective way to draw attention to their displays.

  • Roughly 27% of B2C companies utilize press releases to promote their appearance at trade shows.

  • Almost 88% of businesses participate in trade shows to enhance brand awareness.

  • The primary objective for about 83% of businesses attending trade shows is to increase sales.

  • Approximately 72% of exhibitors attend trade shows to gain new leads.

  • 54% of businesses attend trade shows solely because their competitors are present.

  • Only a mere 3% of small businesses in the United States rely on trade shows to grow their business.

  • US companies plan to attend an average of 7.8 international trade shows each year.

  • An estimated 13,000 trade shows take place annually in the United States.

  • Over half of the largest trade shows in the United States are held in Las Vegas, Chicago, and Orlando.

  • 53% of exhibitors believe smaller, regional trade shows are more successful than larger, national shows.

  • A whopping 78% of exhibitors consider social media a powerful channel to showcase their trade show activities.

  • Personable sales representatives are regarded as the best booth staffers by 59% of exhibitors because it is crucial to have the right people in charge of a display.

  • The performance of the staff brought to the trade show significantly influences the success of an exhibitor, according to 85% of them.

  • 57% of businesses believe their trade show staff acquire new skills from attending these events.

  • About 75% of exhibitors have a positive outlook on the future of trade shows.

  • 58% of companies reported an increase in their employees' product knowledge from exhibiting at trade shows.

  • The average time a trade show attendee spends at a live event, like a trade show, is 5.5 hours.

  • According to a survey, 65% of attendees feel that attending trade shows and events help them gain a better understanding of products and services.

Sources: Display Wizard, Freeman, CEIR, Facetime.org, EventTrack, TSNN, Brandon Gaille, Design Shop, Hubspot, Spingo, Certain, Sage World, Statista, Nimlok, Hill & Partners, Quick Tap Survey

Trade Shows Attendee Statistics

Trade shows bring in a wide variety of attendees from all over the world, making for a unique opportunity to interact with your target audience. Attendees come from various industries, from established companies to new startups and from industry experts to potential customers.

Here's an overview of some key stats about who is likely to attend trade shows.

  • The primary reason for 92% of attendees to visit a trade show is to explore new and exciting products and services.

  • Nearly half (46%) of the attendees at a trade show are in senior management positions.

  • More than half (over 50%) of the attendees are first-timers to a trade show.

  • A significant number (56%) of visitors are willing to travel over 400 miles to attend a trade show.

  • 45% of trade show visitors attend only one exhibition every year.

  • Over half (64%) of the attendees at a trade show are not current customers of the businesses exhibiting.

  • More than half (52%) of the attendees are attracted to exhibits that offer giveaways or freebies.

  • A vast majority (82%) of the trade show attendees have the authority to make purchasing decisions.

  • According to 74% of trade show attendees, engaging with exhibitors increases their likelihood of buying the products/services on display.

  • Attending trade shows is believed to be helpful by 79% of the attendees in making purchase decisions.

  • As many as 77% of executive attendees discover at least one new supplier at a trade show.

  • 74% of consumers are more likely to buy a product later after seeing it at a trade show.

  • Trade show attendees tend to share their experience with more than six people.

  • 38% of attendees visit a company's website after visiting their booth or display at a trade show.

  • 30% of attendees wear or use the swag item they received at a trade show.

  • 34% of trade show attendees in the United States express high satisfaction (i.e., "very satisfied") with their experience.

Sources: Spingo, Lincoln West, Excalibur Exhibits, Display Wizard, Princeton Marketing, Hill & Partners, Graphicolor Exhibits, Sage World, Highway 85 Creative, Event Marketer.

Trade Show ROI Statistics

Trade shows are an investment, but they can offer great returns if done well. As an exhibitor, it's important to look at the potential ROI of a trade show before committing your time and resources.

Here’s an overview of some key stats about the ROI that trade shows have to offer.

  • Regrettably, a mere 6% of exhibitors are confident in their ability to effectively convert leads at a trade show.

  • 40% of exhibitors wait between three to five days after a trade show to follow up with their leads.

  • 81% of exhibitors use email to follow up with leads collected at a trade show.

  • On average, it takes approximately 3.5 sales calls to close a lead generated at a trade show.

  • Converting a trade show lead is 38% less expensive than relying on sales calls alone.

  • For those who put in the effort and follow up, 5 to 10% of trade show leads can convert.

  • Among Fortune 500 companies, 14% reported a 5:1 return on investment (ROI) from their trade show exhibitions, meaning they earned $5 for every $1 spent.

  • 52% of business leaders believe that trade shows and events provide the greatest ROI compared to other marketing channels.

  • Companies can see a 4:1 return on investment (ROI) for their trade show expenditures.

Sources: Design Shop, Jobs In Marketing, Display Wizard, Quick Tap Survey, Statista, Lead Liason

Sales Related Trade Show Stats

Understanding sales trends at trade shows is essential for exhibitors to ensure they are able to convert attendees into paying customers. To do this, you must have access to insightful sales data that helps guide strategic decisions.

Here's an overview of some key stats about sales for trade shows.

  • On average, it takes 4.5 sales calls to close a sale without an exhibition lead, and only 3.5 sales calls to close a lead from an exhibition.

  • 81% of exhibitors use email to follow up their trade show leads.

  • According to 57% of exhibitors, their trade show staff gained sales skills from exhibiting.

  • 71% of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) won business using face-to-face networking at trade shows.

  • Meeting potential customers was considered the most positive aspect of exhibiting at a trade show by 83% of exhibitors.

  • The top 3 sales-related objectives at trade shows are related to relationship management and engagement.

  • 51% of trade show attendees requested that a sales representative visit their company after the show.

  • 90% of expo attendees have not met face-to-face with any companies exhibiting at the show in the 12 months prior to the event.

  • 67% of all attendees represent a new prospect and potential customer for exhibiting companies.

  • 46% of attendees are in the final stages of their buying decision.

  • Trade shows generate $15.6 billion in revenue for exhibitors.

  • Trade show attendees are 72% more likely to buy from an exhibitor they have met at a trade show than from a competitor they have not met.

  • Trade shows help companies generate an average of 33% of their new business each year.

  • 91% of trade show attendees say they get the most useful buying info from trade shows.

  • 93% of trade show attendees consider trade shows to be an essential part of their buying process.

  • Trade shows are the second most effective marketing tactic for generating leads, after company websites.

Sources: CEIR, Display Wizard, Exhibit Surveys, CEIR, Statista, Marketing Charts

Trade Show Costs Statistics

Exhibiting at a trade show can be a costly endeavor, so it’s important to understand the associated costs before committing resources. Knowing what you are getting into can help exhibitors make smart decisions that will ultimately lead to maximum ROI.

Here’s an overview of some key stats about the costs associated with exhibiting at trade shows.

  • Attending trade shows typically accounts for around 31.6% of a company's marketing budget on average.

  • About 14% of a trade show budget is used for covering travel and lodging expenses for employees.

  • Exhibitors can spend between $600 and $1,500 on their trade show displays.

  • Nearly 40% of businesses in the US plan to increase their trade show budget in the coming year.

  • A significant 84% of exhibitors would upgrade to a larger exhibit space if there are a considerable number of high-quality attendees.

  • Meeting with a prospect at a trade show costs around $142, which is $117 less expensive than meeting them at their office, where the cost is $259 on average.

  • The average cost to exhibit at a trade show is $10,000 to $30,000 per show.

  • The total spending on trade show events in the U.S. was $15.6 billion in 2019.

  • The average cost to attend a trade show is $600 to $1,000 per person.

  • The cost per lead generated at trade shows is $112 on average.

  • Companies spend an average of 31.6% of their marketing budgets on events, which includes trade shows.

  • Trade shows account for 40% of B2B marketing budgets.

  • The average cost to ship booth materials and products to a trade show is $2,000 to $5,000.

  • The average cost of a 20x20 exhibit space at a trade show is $15,000 to $20,000.

  • The average cost to rent audio-visual equipment for a trade show booth is $500 to $1,000 per day.

  • The average cost to hire a trade show model is $150 to $250 per hour.

  • The average cost to print promotional materials for a trade show is $500 to $1,000.

  • The average cost to design a trade show booth is $5,000 to $15,000.

  • The average cost to staff a trade show booth is $2,500 to $5,000 per show.

  • The cost of electricity for a trade show booth is typically $500 to $1,000.

  • The average cost to rent a trade show display is $3,000 to $5,000.

  • The average cost to rent a lead retrieval system for a trade show is $200 to $500 per day.

  • The average cost to purchase a lead retrieval system for a trade show is $500 to $1,500.

  • The average cost to rent furniture for a trade show booth is $500 to $1,000.

  • The average cost to purchase furniture for a trade show booth is $1,000 to $3,000.

  • The average cost to hire a photographer or videographer for a trade show is $1,000 to $2,500 per day.

Sources: Quick Tap Survey, Jobs In Marketing, Display Wizard, Statista, TSSN, Design Shop, Exhibitor Magazine, Business.com, Bizzabo, Forrester Research, Thumbtack, CostOwl, Exhibit Concepts, Trade Show Logistics, Event Manager Blog, Nimlock

COVID / Pandemic Trade Show Stats

The pandemic has caused significant disruption to the trade show industry, as restrictions on travel and public gatherings have made it difficult for many exhibitors to participate. The pandemic has also changed consumer behavior and forced some attendees to rethink their approach to commerce.

Here’s an overview of some key stats about the impact of COVID-19 on the trade show industry.

  • The vast majority (95%) of exhibitors favor "in-person" events over virtual ones.

  • Over 60% of exhibitors plan to participate in more trade shows in 2023.

  • In 2022, 70% of businesses generated new leads and increased brand awareness through trade shows.

  • Brands that attend live events are 28% more innovative when interacting face-to-face with attendees.

  • In-person trade shows were deemed invaluable to the marketing strategy of 65% of businesses.

  • Nearly all (97%) event marketers anticipate more hybrid events in the future.

  • 75% of exhibitors have a positive outlook for the future of trade shows.

  • 65% of attendees go to trade shows to meet with current clients, as it can be challenging to have face-to-face time with them otherwise.

  • The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in a 55% reduction in new business for event marketers due to the pausing of trade shows.

  • In 2020, the global exhibition industry experienced a significant contraction of 68%.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic caused the cancellation of over 10,000 trade shows globally in 2020.

  • The trade show industry is expected to lose $23 billion due to COVID-19 in 2020.

  • 81% of trade show organizers postponed or cancelled their events due to COVID-19 in 2020.

  • 76% of B2B marketers believe virtual events will continue to play a role in their marketing strategy post-COVID-19.

  • 70% of trade show exhibitors plan to participate in virtual events in 2021 due to COVID-19.

  • The global virtual events market is expected to grow from $78 billion in 2019 to $774 billion by 2030 due to COVID-19.

  • The majority of event organizers believe hybrid events (a combination of in-person and virtual elements) will be the future of trade shows post-COVID-19. Source:

  • 64% of trade show organizers are exploring hybrid event options due to COVID-19.

  • The use of AI-powered matchmaking tools to connect attendees at virtual events increased by 900% due to COVID-19.

  • The use of virtual reality and augmented reality at virtual events increased by 67% due to COVID-19.

  • The use of live streaming and webcasting at virtual events increased by 42% due to COVID-19.

  • 48% of trade show exhibitors had to cancel their exhibit due to COVID-19.

  • 61% of B2B marketers had to cancel or postpone a live event due to COVID-19.

  • The use of virtual booths and exhibits at virtual events increased by 42% due to COVID-19.

  • The global exhibition industry saw a decline of 68.9% in revenues in 2020 due to COVID-19.

Sources: Display Wizard, Facetime.org, Bizzabo, UFI, Statista, TSNN, BCG, Marketing Dive, Event Manager Blog, Exhibitor Online, Globe Newswire, eMarketer

Trade Show Environmental Impact Stats

The environmental impact of trade shows should not be overlooked, as they involve the high-consumption of energy and resources in order to create a large event. Increasingly, exhibitors are becoming more conscious of their own carbon footprint, while organizers are making efforts to reduce their events’ overall impact on the environment.

Here’s an overview of some key stats about the environmental impact of trade shows.

  • When exhibiting at trade shows, 92% of businesses plan to be more sustainable.

  • Around 43% of exhibitors spend between $500 and $2000 on their trade show displays per year.

  • More than half (56%) of trade show attendees travel more than 400 miles to attend an exhibition.

  • Trade shows generate an estimated 600,000 tons of trash per year in the US alone.

  • The average trade show attendee generates 4.5 pounds of waste per day, which is higher than the average American.

  • An estimated 60% of the materials used in trade show booths end up in a landfill.

  • Shipping and transporting exhibits to and from shows generates significant greenhouse gas emissions.

  • The production of trade show banners, signage, and promotional materials can have a significant carbon footprint.

  • Exhibitions and events are responsible for 1.3 million tons of CO2 emissions annually in the US alone.

  • The food and beverage waste generated by trade shows is significant, with an estimated 20-30% of food going to waste.

  • Trade shows often require the use of single-use plastics, such as water bottles and utensils.

  • Exhibitors often use unsustainable materials for their booths, such as PVC and foam board.

  • The printing of promotional materials and brochures can have a significant environmental impact, with an estimated 1 billion trees being cut down annually for paper production.

  • The energy consumption of the lighting and AV equipment used at trade shows can be significant, leading to higher energy bills and increased carbon emissions.

  • Trade show flooring is often made of materials that cannot be recycled or reused, such as carpet tiles.

  • The use of diesel generators at outdoor trade shows can lead to significant air pollution.

  • The transportation of attendees to and from trade shows contributes to carbon emissions, especially if air travel is involved.

  • The use of water for landscaping and other purposes at trade shows can contribute to water scarcity and waste.

  • Trade shows can have a significant impact on local ecosystems and wildlife, especially if held in natural areas.

  • The shipping and transportation of trade show materials can contribute to deforestation and habitat loss.

  • Trade shows often generate significant noise pollution, which can disrupt local wildlife and cause health problems for attendees and nearby residents.

  • The use of fireworks and pyrotechnics at outdoor trade shows can contribute to air and noise pollution, as well as pose a fire risk.

Sources: Display Wizard, Exhibitor Online, Zero Waste Management, TSNN, Green Peace, Inhabit, ClimateCare, Green Meeting Ninjas, The Paperless Projects, Clean Air London, The Guardian, WaterSense, EarthShare, Rainforest Trust, National Park Service, EPA

Ten Largest Trade Show Convention Centers In The US

The US is home to some of the largest and most impressive convention centers in the world—both in terms of size and event capacity.

Here’s a look at the 10 biggest trade show convention centers across the US.

  1. McCormick Place, Chicago, IL - Opened in 1960, with a total of 2.6 million square feet of exhibit space, meeting rooms, and ballrooms.

  2. Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV - Opened in 1959, with 2.5 million square feet of exhibit space.

  3. Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL - Opened in 1983, with over 2.1 million square feet of exhibition space.

  4. Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA - Opened in 1976, with 1.5 million square feet of exhibit space.

  5. Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, LA - Opened in 1985, with over 1.1 million square feet of exhibit space.

  6. International Exposition Center, Cleveland, OH - Opened In 1985, with over 1 million square feet of exhibit space

  7. Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, Dallas, TX - Opened in 1957, with over 1 million square feet of exhibit space.

  8. Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA - Opened in 1993, with 1 million square feet of exhibit space.

  9. Sands Expo and Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV - Opened in 1990, with 900k+ square feet of exhibit space.

  10. Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV - Opened in 2003, with 850k+ square feet of exhibit space.

Sources: McCormick Center, OCCC, LVCVA, GWCCA, Dallas Convention Center, MCCNO, PA Convention, Visit San Diego, Moscone, Mass Convention, Wikipedia


Despite the growth of digital marketing, trade shows remain a valuable way for businesses to engage with customers and build relationships in person.

While trade shows can range from small local events to large international exhibitions, they require a significant investment of time and money. That being said, the potential return on investment can be substantial if companies leverage the stats provided above to better plan and execute their trade show strategies effectively.

Additional Resources:

[Ultimate Guide] Trade Show Traffic Builders

[2024] Trade Show Traffic Ideas: The Ultimate Guide

[2024] Mastering Trade Show Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide

[2024] 40+ Trade Show Booth Ideas To Attract A Sea of Eager Attendees!

[2024] 40+ Creative Trade Show Booth Ideas To Stand Out From The Crowd

[2024] 40+ 10x10 Booth Ideas to Rock Your Trade Show

William Griggs

[2024] 150+ Trade Show Stats That Reveal All — Trade Show Labs (2024)


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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.