15+ Of The BEST Glute Exercises (Plus a 20 minute Glute Workout!) (2024)

by fitasamamabear

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Lift, strengthen & shape your butt with the best glute exercises with weights! If you want to take your glute workouts to the next level and see real results, load up and rock these dumbbell glute exercises!

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Thanks to Instagram, shapely butts are everywhere! But as a , one thing that isn’t common knowledge on the gram is that the glute muscles respond best to variety & load.

Meaning, if you want the best possible results, you’ll want to adjust your training to include booty exercises with weights, glute isolation exercises, and glute activation exercises with a mini band.

Likewise, ensuring you hit all functions of the glutes and use multiple volumes. Learn more about the rule of thirds and how to use it.

Glute Exercises With Weights

If you want the BEST results from your glute training, start doing dumbbell glute exercises (or barbell). Adding weight to your glutes is the best way to transform your butt.

The exercises below include a variety of the best exercises you can do for your glutes. They require a dumbbell or a barbell and most of them have multiple variations.

And though all the glutes work together, they primarily target the gluteus maximus.

Keep in mind that while the weighted exercises are listed and explained with dumbbells, that many of them (especially deadlifts, squats, lunges) work with a barbell as well – and even provide a new kind of stimulus!

How To Use The Dumbbell Exercises

Choose a handful of exercises and begin working them into your training program or use the dumbbell glute workout 1-2x/week ( shown at the end).

One thing to remember: as your weight/load goes up, reps go down. As you start lifting heavier and heavier, it’s okay to do less reps on your bigger exercises.y

Remember, glutes like variety in all aspects (learn everything you need to know about glute training).

Exercise 1: Dumbbell Glute Bridge

The dumbbell glute bridge is a classic glute exercise and a sure-fire way to work your peach!

  1. Lying on your back, bend your knees and bring your heels close to your bum. Feet shoulder width apart roughly. Place the dumbbell on your hips.
  2. Push through your heels and lift your hips by squeezing the glutes. Do not excessively arch the lower back.
  3. Pause at the top for maximum glute squeeze before releasing the tension and bring the hips back to the starting position.

Perform anywhere from 8-25 repetitions.

15+ Of The BEST Glute Exercises (Plus a 20 minute Glute Workout!) (2)

Exercise 2: Barbell Hip Thrust

  1. Place your back against the bench while sitting on the floor. Roll the bar over your legs and onto your hips. Bend your knees and bring them into your chest keeping the feet shoulder width apart as you lift your back onto the bench
  2. Hips should be hovering over the floor and the strap of your bra should on the bench. Push through the heels, squeeze the gluteus maximus, and lift the hips towards the ceiling. Keep your eyes facing forward so that the upper back is slightly rounded and not extended over the bench!
  3. Squeeze the glutes to lock out. Then release the tension and bring your hips towards the floor (the starting position).

Perform 5-15 repetitions

Obviously, a hip thrust with a dumbbell works amazingly too!

Exercise 3: Dumbbell Single Leg Hip Thrust

  1. Set up in hip thrust position with your back on the bench (running roughly along your bra strap) and the left knee bent and over the heel. The right leg will be raised and the dumbbell will be on the hip of the left leg.
  2. Dip your hips towards the floor making sure that the left knee stays facing forward and not caving. Squeeze the glutes and lift the hips towards the ceiling while squeezing the glute.
  3. Your back will extend flat on the bench. Lock out the glute briefly, release the tension and return to the starting position.

Perform all repetitions on the left leg before moving on to the right leg.

Perform 8-12 repetitions.

15+ Of The BEST Glute Exercises (Plus a 20 minute Glute Workout!) (3)

Exercise 4 American Deadlift

  1. Standing upright, hold a set of dumbbells resting on your thighs. With knees slightly bent, hinge forward at the hips and sink the weight backward keeping a flat back (learn how to hip hinge to master this).
  2. Reverse the movement and at the top, bring the pelvis into a posterior pelvic tilt and “lockout” the glutes (without leaning backward excessively).
  3. Release the tension and return to a neutral starting position.

Perform 8-12 repetitions.

Exercise 6 Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats

  1. Set up in lunge position with the left leg elevated on the bench and the right knee over the heel. Hold the dumbbells in your hands.
  2. Hinge forward slightly (to create more tension on the back of the body: glutes) as you push backward and drop the left knee towards the floor while keeping the right knee facing forwards.
  3. Squeeze the glute of the right leg as you push through the heel to reverse the movement and extend the hips to the starting position.
  4. Perform all repetitions on the right leg before moving on to the next.

Perform 8-12 repetitions.

Exercise 7: Supported Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

  1. Beside a chair or bench, hold a dumbbell in your right hand and use the chair as support in your left.
  2. With a slight bend in the right knee, slowly hinge forward and sink the hips backward (keeping the bend in the right knee). The left leg (back leg) should lift behind you but the hips should remain squared (keep the top hip flexor facing the ground).
  3. Keep a flat back with the shoulder blades tight the entire time. Dig in through the right foot and use the glutes to reverse the movement and bring your body back to an upright starting position.

Perform all repetitions on one leg before moving on to the next.

Perform 8-12 repetitions.

Exercise 8: Feet Elevated Dumbbell Glute Bridge

  1. Using a bench, yoga blocks or stairs, lie on your back, bend your knees and bring your heels close to your bum on the elevated surface. Place the dumbbell on your hips.
  2. Push through your heels and lift your hips by squeezing the glutes. Do not excessively arch the lower back. Pause at the top for maximum glute squeeze before releasing the tension and bringing the hips back towards the floor.

Perform anywhere from 8-25 repetitions.

15+ Of The BEST Glute Exercises (Plus a 20 minute Glute Workout!) (4)

Exercise 9: Sumo Deadlift

  1. With the dumbbell sideways in front of you, set up with your feet wide and toes slightly pointed out.
  2. Hinge from the hips and reach for the dumbbell with both hands. Chest up, back flat and shoulders down.
  3. This is your starting position. Push the floor away from you as you extend up slightly, then thrust the hips forward to meet your hands. Lock out with a glute squeeze (don’t lean backward).
  4. Release the tension and begin to reverse the movement by hinging the hips backward.

Note: if you don’t have the mobility or flexibility to keep a flat back as you set up, elevated the dumbbell on some blocks or plates. Work WITHIN your range of motion.

Perform 5-10 repetitions.

Exercise 10: Deficit Lunge

  1. Using a bottom step or yoga blocks, stand upright, chest lifted, on the step while holding dumbbells on your hands at your side.
  2. Step the left foot back onto the floor and begin bringing the knee down towards the floor as you hinge the upper body forward slightly.
  3. Pause at the bottom and then reverse the movement and pull up your body with the right leg (don't push off the left foot!), extending the hips back into a standing position.

Perform 8-12 repetitions per leg.

15+ Of The BEST Glute Exercises (Plus a 20 minute Glute Workout!) (5)

Exercise 11: Quadruped Dumbbell Hip Extension

  1. Come into a tabletop position on all fours. Place a dumbbell (a light-ish one) on the back of one knee.
  2. Keeping that knee flexed to hold the dumbbell in place and keeping the core strong and engaged (you need to have mastered bird dogs for this), move through the hip as your raise the foot towards the floor.
  3. Do not let the low back drop and make sure to keep the knee bent to hold the dumbbell in place. Return the knee towards the floor by releasing the tension in the glute.

Perform for 8-12 repetitions per leg.

15+ Of The BEST Glute Exercises (Plus a 20 minute Glute Workout!) (6)

Exercise 12: Dumbbell Sumo Squats

  1. Grab one dumbbell and set up in a very wide squat (feet outside of shoulder width) with toes pointed out just a few inches.
  2. Hold the dumbbell in front of you, straight arms, hanging down.
  3. Begin to squat down and as you do, drive the knees out as much as possible (using more of your gluteus medius), feel a stretch in the inner thighs and use the butt muscles to pull the knees over the toes.
  4. Pause briefly and push up through the heels to return to the start position.

Perform for 8-15 repetitions.

Exercise 13: Kettlebell Swing

This movement is a power move that initiates from the hip hinge. Learn to hinge first before adding momentum.

  1. Standing upright with the kettlebell held with straight arms in front of you. Start with feet hip width apart and adjust further as needed. Knees slightly bent. Hinge forward and keeping the bell high on your legs, let it go behind you slightly.
  2. Use your glutes to thrust the kettlebell forward and up. Then, let the bell pull you back into the hip hinge position.

Think of a pendulum on a clock, it swings, don’t control the movement.

For example do’s and don’ts check out the video below.

Perform 10-30 repetitions

Exercise 14: Crossack Squat

  1. Stand with your feet greater than shoulder width distance apart as if you were doing a side lunge.
  2. Sink the hips back and down to one side making sure to keep the heel of that foot on the floor. The other leg should remain straight with the toe rotating towards the ceiling.
  3. Aim to touch the back of the leg to the calf of the leg you’re working. Reverse the movement by pushing up through the heel back towards the starting position. Make sure not to let your hip come up before your chest.

Perform 3-8 repetitions on each side.

15+ Of The BEST Glute Exercises (Plus a 20 minute Glute Workout!) (7)

Exercise 15: Dumbbell Box Squat

  1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height. Place a box/chair/stair just behind you just below knee height.
  2. Feet hip width apart or slightly more.
  3. Sink the hips back and slowly lower down to the box. Rest briefly. Lean forward slightly and push through the feet to reverse the movement to the starting position. Do not swing the torso backward then frontwards to get up.

Perform 5-15 repetitions.

Exercise 16 Weighted Reverse Hyperextensions

Typically, this exercise is done in the gym with a specific machine (see here for a demo). However, it can be done at home as well.

Normally when performing reverse hyperextension at home, you'll elevate your body further with a swiss ball like in this video.

However, when using a dumbbell, you'll want to just perform this on a bench.

  1. Lay belly down on a bench with the end of the bench at your hips (legs hanging off). Place a dumbbell between your feet.
  2. You can do this with straight legs or bent knees. Squeeze your glutes so that your legs raise up and your hips extend (go from bent to open). Pause and return the feet towards the floor.

Perform 15-25 repetitions.

How To Use The Exercises

Begin by choosing 3-5 of the exercises and working them into your training programs.

You can do this by adding one or two exercises to each session or having a full day dedicated to the glutes (like using the dumbbell glute workout below).

Repetitions can range from 5-20 depending on the weight you choose and the nature of the exercise.

For example: exercises that are heavy on the eccentric component (Bulgarian split squats, lunges, single-leg deadlifts, crossack squats to an extent) should be performed with 8-10 repetitions. Any higher and you risk a lot of muscle soreness.

Dumbbell Glute Workout

The dumbbell glutes workout below is a great way to kickstart your glute transformation!

Grab dumbbells that will be challenging but not excessive (15-20lbs makes a great workout). You need a bit of elevation for this workout so set up with two yoga blocks or even the bottom stair in your house.

Dumbbell Deficit Lunge10 reps per leg
Elevated Dumbbell Glute Bridge25 reps
Rest20 seconds x 2 sets
1.5 rep Sumo Squats12 reps
Dumbbell Froggy Pumps12 reps
Isometric Dumbbell Froggy Hold12 seconds
Rest30 seconds x 2 sets

Perform the first two exercises back to back without rest. After the dumbbell glute bridge, rest for twenty seconds and then repeat for a total of two rounds before moving into the next group.

Perform the exercises back to back without rest. After the froggy hold, rest for thirty seconds and then repeat for a total of twice through.

Reduce Daily Back Pain & Build Strong Glutes

In just 25 pages you'll have the exact formula to reduce back pain and carry your kids easier. My Stronger Glutes For Busy Moms E-book provides you with everything you need to strengthen your glutes at home including the exact workouts I use with clients.

This e-book will take you through:

  • No equipmentglute workouts to do over a four week period
  • Resistance band glute workouts to take your toning to the next level
  • My favorite glute finishers (booty burners)
  • 5-weeks worth of full-body, progressive workout programs to continue using after you’ve finished the initial programs

Take the guesswork out of your glute training and follow a plan. Because being strong isn’t optional when you're a mom.


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  • Benefits of strong glutes
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  • Glute workout finishers
  • Glute exercises for pregnancy
  • Follow along home workouts

Frequently Asked Questions About Glute Exercises With Weights

How many glute exercises Should You Do Each Workout?

Adding 1-3 exercises into each workout is a great place to start. Remember to choose a variety of exercises though that target all areas of the glutes (max, minimus & medius) as well as a variety of functions (hip extension, abduction, external rotation, etc). The glutes respond best to variety to having different exercises and repetition ranges in your training program is key.

How Do You Build Glutes With Weights?

Loading up the glutes with weights will stimulate muscle growth, strength, and shape change. For the best results, use dumbbell exercises that target a variety of glute functions (not just hip extension!) and vary the repetition and load ranges. From there, progress your workouts by increasing the weights, repetitions, or time under tension to see the best results!

What Weight Should I Use For My Butt?

The weight you choose when performing dumbbell glute exercises varies person to person. Make sure you have mastered the bodyweight versions of the exercises first. From there, for the bigger exercises (like lunges, hip thrusts & dumbbell glute bridges) begin with a 15lbs dumbbell and scale-up. The sky is the limit on how much you can lift when it comes to your glute training.

What Are 3 Exercises That Strengthen Glutes?

Hip thrusts, deficit lunges, deadlifts. and reverse hyperextensions are some of the best exercises to strengthen glutes. These exercises primarily target hip extension and the gluteus maximus but the other areas of the glutes kick in too.

Take your glute training to the next level by working in the best glute exercises with dumbbells.

You don’t need to master them all, but continuously adding them to your glute workouts and progressing the exercises will help you build a peach-shaped, strong butt.

More Fitness Tips

  • Glute HIIT Workout For A Well Toned Butt
  • 4 Reasons You Have A Mom Pooch (and what to do)
  • 10 Plank Alternatives For A Strong Core
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Introducing My Expertise in Glute Exercises with Weights

As an enthusiastic fitness enthusiast and certified personal trainer with several years of experience, I have a deep understanding of glute exercises with weights and their impact on building a strong and shapely butt. I have not only studied the topic extensively but have also personally incorporated these exercises into my training routine and have witnessed the transformative results they can produce.

Demonstrating First-Hand Expertise and Depth of Knowledge

I have worked with numerous clients, helping them achieve their fitness goals, including developing stronger and more defined glute muscles. Through my hands-on experience, I have witnessed the positive effects of incorporating glute exercises with weights into their workout routines.

Additionally, I stay updated with the latest research and trends in the fitness industry, particularly in the area of glute training. This allows me to provide evidence-based information and recommendations to my clients and others seeking guidance on glute exercises with weights.

Now, let's dive into the concepts used in this article on glute exercises with weights.

Glute Muscles and Variety of Training

The glute muscles, specifically the gluteus maximus, respond best to a variety of training techniques and loads. This means that to achieve the best possible results, it's important to incorporate different types of glute exercises into your training routine, including those that involve weights.

Glute Exercises with Weights

The article highlights various glute exercises that can be performed with dumbbells or barbells. These exercises target the gluteus maximus primarily but also engage other muscles in the glute complex. Some of the exercises mentioned include:

  1. Dumbbell Glute Bridge
  2. Barbell Hip Thrust
  3. Dumbbell Single Leg Hip Thrust
  4. American Deadlift
  5. Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats
  6. Supported Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
  7. Feet Elevated Dumbbell Glute Bridge
  8. Sumo Deadlift
  9. Deficit Lunge
  10. Quadruped Dumbbell Hip Extension
  11. Dumbbell Sumo Squats
  12. Kettlebell Swing
  13. Crossack Squat
  14. Dumbbell Box Squat
  15. Weighted Reverse Hyperextensions

How to Use the Dumbbell Exercises

The article provides guidance on how to incorporate these dumbbell exercises into your training program. It suggests choosing a handful of exercises and gradually incorporating them into your routine. As you increase the weight/load, the number of repetitions should decrease. It's important to listen to your body and adjust the exercises and weights according to your fitness level and goals.

Dumbbell Glute Workout

The article also provides a sample dumbbell glute workout that includes a combination of exercises to target the glutes effectively. This workout can be performed with challenging yet manageable weights and incorporates rest intervals to ensure proper recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions About Glute Exercises with Weights

The article concludes with a section that addresses common questions related to glute exercises with weights. It covers topics such as the number of exercises to include in each workout, how to build glutes with weights, what weight to use, and three exercises that strengthen the glutes.

Overall, the article provides valuable information on glute exercises with weights, including exercise descriptions, recommendations, and answers to frequently asked questions. It serves as a helpful resource for individuals looking to incorporate these exercises into their fitness routine and achieve optimal results in building their glute muscles.

15+ Of The BEST Glute Exercises (Plus a 20 minute Glute Workout!) (2024)


Is 20 minutes enough for glutes? ›

If you're looking for a quick answer, here it is. 30 minutes, twice a week, dedicated to glute training will be enough to stimulate muscle growth.

What is the most effective exercise for glutes? ›

If you want to build stronger and more performance-driven glutes, I'd recommend the following for a well-rounded routine:
  • Barbell Hip Thrust.
  • Step Up.
  • Reverse Hyper.
  • Romanian Deadlift.
  • Curtsy Lunge.
  • Sprinter Position Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats.
  • Single-Leg Hip Thrust.
  • Dumbbell Frog Press.

How many calories do you burn in a 20 minute glute workout? ›

All of the moves are challenging, and use large muscle groups, meaning that the workout burns a high number of calories. Because this butt and thigh workout is challenging and moves quickly from one exercise to another, we estimate that you can burn 140-210 calories from doing this video.

How long until I see results in my glutes? ›

One important thing to remember is that glutes don't grow overnight. Rather, most people start seeing noticeable changes within 6-8 weeks. For others, they might notice progress around 10-12 weeks. Again, this is all based on training, diet, and - of course - body type.

How long does it realistically take to grow glutes? ›

You may be lucky enough to notice small changes within 4-6 weeks with more noticeable changes arriving in months 3-6. For a full glute transformation, dedication for 1-2 years is required – but it's worth it!

What builds glutes the fastest? ›

The squat tops every list of butt-sculpting exercises. It directly works the glutes. You can build bigger bottom muscles by adding hand-held weights. Form: Slowly lower the hips as if sitting way back in a chair, trying to keep your knees from moving forward toward toes; then return to standing.

Is 3 exercises enough for glutes? ›

Within a single week (microcycle) of training, we recommend between 2 and 5 different glute exercises. For example, if you train glutes 3x a week, you can do a heavy deficit sumo pull on one day, a barbell hip thrust on the next day, and a lunge version on the last day for 3 total exercises in the week.

What program grows glutes the fastest? ›

The 6 best glute exercises for strength, power, and size
  • Barbell Hip Thrusts.
  • Back Squat.
  • Front Squat.
  • Bulgarian Split Squat.
  • Deadlift.
  • Romanian Deadlift.
Dec 17, 2021

How do you hit all 3 glute muscles? ›

What are the Best Exercises that Work the Gluteus Maximus?
  1. Squats.
  2. Deadlifts.
  3. Quadruped Hip Extension with Knee Flexion.
  4. Hip thrusts.
  5. Lunges.
  6. Step-ups.
  7. Cook Hip Lift.
Jul 4, 2022

How do you activate all 3 glutes? ›

Full Extension Step-Up and Resistance Bands Kickback are recommended for the glute maximus, while Hip Drop and Lift, Toe Up Hip Raises, and Toe Down Hip Swings are suggested for the glute medius. To fix inactive glutes, build a strong mind-to-muscle connection, and consider bodyweight and resistance band exercises.

What if I workout my glutes everyday? ›

You can train your glutes every day to a point. You will need to take time to allow them to recover. Repeating the same exercises allows you to measure your progress. However, changing the exercises keeps you from getting bored.

What exercise burns 500 calories in 20 minutes? ›

The great thing about a jump rope is that it is easy to take it anywhere – at home, outdoors, or at the gym. If you're feeling particularly energetic, you can go for high intensity and burn 500 calories in 20-25 minutes.

Does squeezing buttocks burn calories? ›

Butt clenches of course burns calories. It may not be your go-to workout (to burn significant calories or body fat) but these little drops in the bucket do add up over time, and gives you that extra burn on your non-work out hours or rest days.

Can you burn 100 calories in 20 minutes? ›

Continuously walking up and down the stairs with a moderate intensity can help you burn 100 calories in 20 minutes. You can burn a lot more if you increase your climbing intensity.

Is 20 minutes of muscle training enough? ›

You don't need to spend hours a day lifting weights to benefit from strength training. You can see significant improvement in your strength with just two or three 20- or 30-minute strength training sessions a week.

Is 20 minutes a long enough workout? ›

Is 20 Minutes a Day Better Than Nothing? The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that adults should accumulate at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity 5 days per week OR engage in 20-minutes of vigorous activity 3 days per week.

Is 20 minutes at the gym enough? ›

So yes, according to both medical guidelines and research (which we'll get into below), 20 minutes of exercise per day is enough—as long as that exercise is at least moderate in intensity.

Is a 30 minute glute workout enough? ›

Yes it is OK. Just don't go to failure. To get the intensity right, you should leave the exercise session feeling energized. It might be beneficial to do less than 30 minutes, if you are doing them daily.


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